Another reason I hate Hollywood and it's nonsense (it's a love/hate relationship). For the "Extra" commercial today, it says: The Royal Wedding! Meet Kate's pole dancing cousin and her party going sister.
FAIL, Extra! Why do you have to do shit like that? It's pathetic really. I mean, I am pretty indifferent about the Royal Wedding. Ok, well I'm more on the pro side, I guess...I'm all for it and I'm happy for the two of them. I think it's always fantastic when people get married. Yay! You guys love each other! Pretty dress! Champagne! Dancing! Yay! Yay! Seriously, there is no sarcasm there at all. I LOOOOVVEEE weddings. I think they are so fun and I love going to them. And this one is going to be huge! COOL!
Just wanted you to know I was being honest. Moving on. I'm happy for them, and will be looking at pictures online the day after, but I will not be staying up late to watch the whole thing go down. Yay, Kate and Will, but I wasn't invited and I like sleeping.
However, I think it's really shitty that Extra has to take this lovely little wedding and find the bad and just exploit the hell out of it. I know, I KNOW that from now on everything Kate does is going to be dissected and judged and her family is going to be dragged through the mud, but I just REALLY don't think it's necessary. Why does Hollywood have to be SO DAMN NEGATIVE all the time? I just don't get it. Jesus, that poor cousin. She's just trying to make that paper, people! Or maybe she just took a class one time and now people sensationalizing it. And the sister! She's the smart one! Partying is way more fun than getting married. Married is boring. On top of that, her sister is about to become a PRINCESS. You know she's jealous. Just leave her alone! I know I'd be kind of mad if my sister got to be a princess and I had to be her lady in waiting or whatever.
Also, did anyone watch "Talking Funny" on HBO? It was not as hilarious as I thought it was going to be. I also don't understand why the differences between British and American humor (humour) wasn't addressed. Ricky Gervais had this argument with the rest of them (Louis CK, Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld) about the irony of something and whether or not it's funny and blah blah blah. And no one said anything about Ricky being different because he's British. Maybe I'm the only one that thinks that matters. Does that make me ...culturlist? I know at least Reader's Digest agrees with me. I read an article in there once about how comedy doesn't always translate well and I think that is really true. From traveling and now working with people from all over the world, there are definitely differences between what different cultures think is funny. Even if you are speaking the same language.
Ok, well this is getting way off base. Another post, perhaps? Last thing-I think they should have had a woman comic in the mix. Would have made for a more interesting dynamic. For me. And I'm all that matters. Real quick, my favorite part of the special:
Chris Rock: I can talk about how much "Livin la Vida Loca" sucks, but blah blah blah
Jerry Seinfeld: (kind of in the background): I like that song.
Made me laugh the hardest out of everything. I love the subtleties of comedy/often I'm the only one laughing.
Last but not least, two things:
1. I have been trying REALLY hard to be positive this week. But dammit if the universe is not trying to bring me down! Had some unexpected and definitely unintentional fb controversy today and it really made me upset. The other person got really nasty and I got unnaturally upset about the whole thing. That, and a picture of my Italian boy and his new [ugly] girlfriend :( I seriously am going to just pretend neither incident happened so moving right along.
2. For some good news, I lost 11.5 pounds! I know I should be happier, but I still have a long ass way to go. Sigh.
Dream big people!
Jelaskan Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Permainan Bulu Tangkis
11 months ago
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