30 August 2012


I had a very ARRGHHH, are you fucking kidding me Korea?! moment today. It started yesterday when I got my electric bill. I thought it had gone up a lot last month. Umm, no. It almost doubled from THAT doubling. Basically, my electric bill is about $350. Oh yes, you read that right. THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MOTHERFUCKING DOLLARS. I can buy plane tickets to Japan for less! 9 nights in Thailand split with another person didn't even cost that much!!! SHIT. DAMN. 

I am so beyond frustrated and angry with the whole thing, it's so annoying. I am stunned that electric bills can even be that high. I don't really remember what I was paying at home, but I don't recall ever paying over even $100 dollars. Most of the time it was split between my roommates and I just looked online and apparently people in Texas have the highest electric bills in the US with around $150 a month. Which is HALF of mine. In my ONE BEDROOM apartment. 

I have beat this shit to death, but I'm so pissed for so many reasons. I knew that running the AC ("air con" in Korea) made the bill go up, but I thought it was just running it in general. Apparently, running it at a lower temperature makes it skyrocket. And, I would only run it at night sometimes. Not all day, every day, like at home. That is the problem with all this. Things are SO different at home. The AC is never turned off. Obviously, it's an entirely different system but it never even occurred to me that a lower temperature would make that much a difference. And I didn't even think it was that low! I had it set around 67 F. It's set for 65 (18 C) at school so I didn't think I was being unreasonable. I WAS WRONG. I had since moved it up to 24 C (75 C) and now I'm just not going to turn it on at all. If I need to cool down, I'll just go hang out in the elevator, which is like a freezer. And I told another teacher at school I had it at 24 and she suggested I put it on 26. That is almost 80 degrees! What the hell? What is even the point of running the AC at 80 freaking degrees? 

On top of that, I was gone for TEN straight days in July, where ZERO electricity was being used. I don't even want to think of what the bill would be if I had been there for the entire month. I have asked around the other three teachers that live in my building don't have a bill that high. No one I've talked to has ever heard of such absurdity but I don't know what else to do! I obviously can't fight with the company! I am going to have to suck it up. I hate sucking it up. 

And I just can't understand why on earth it needs to be that high. Where the hell is Korea getting it's energy from? Like, what the fuck is going on? I don't understand how people can function with these kind of bills. Or do they just not EVER turn on the air con? It is SWELTERING here...for the past few weeks, it's been hotter here than at home in South Carolina. I honestly did not think there were summers hotter than SC but I have been proven wrong. 

Arrrhghghhtthfuckfuckityfuckgrrrrr! The worst part is, it's mainly just because of my own ignorance. I mean, I REALLY wish someone had made me privy to the insanity that the bills can be, but I'm really the only one to blame. Stupid me, sleeping in comfort rather than sweating the night away. I just wish I had known better. One very expensive lesson learned. But seriously. DAMMIT.

Dream big people. 

27 August 2012

Good Stuff

Apparently a typhoon is headed towards Korea at the moment. The same warning was sent out a few weeks ago and it didn't even rain, so I'm not too worried about things. Also, it already had landfall in Japan and I heard from a friend there things weren't that bad, just some heavy rain. People lost power, but come talk to me when bridges start falling over, mkay? 

Either way, some schools here have canceled school for tomorrow and it's possible that our school will as well. It's not raining at the moment, but if things get worse over night, they'll cancel. But, in typical nonsense Korean fashion, it would only be canceled for students. Say what?! Total ridiculousness. I mean, I thought it was about safety. And why on earth would you make teachers come in when there are no students and nothing for us to do. Especially if the storm does get bad and we have to risk our lives to get there! Honestly, I wouldn't mind a day to get some stuff done, but walking to school in a typhoon sounds pretty unpleasant. Anyway, we'll see tomorrow I guess. Again, I'm not too worried...hoping I don't have to eat my words. Just in case, I bought some Doritos at the store today. I also have two bottles of wine, a huge bottle of Soju (Korean vodka, but more intense) and some Nutella so I'm set if the power goes out. I should probably go buy some candy as well. Don't want to get caught stranded with a sweet tooth. 

In other news, my Pinterest thinks I'm fat and it's depressing. Literally every other pin is about how to get rid of cellulite. How does Pinterest know I'm a fatty? I'm going to the gym Pinterest, get off my back! Jeez. Also, I'm pretty sure none of those things work. I haven't looked at any of them, because cellulite is the least of my body problems, but I just can't imagine that any of them actually get rid of it. Seems much too easy. Anyway, I did see this gem on there, so it redeemed itself a little...
Funny Somewhat Topical Ecard: Sometimes I feel sorry for judgmental people and their boring lives. Other times I'm jealous. I wish I had that much time to worry about things that are none of my business.

Hahaha..so funny and so true. I often think that about people who get all up in arms about the stupidest things that don't even really concern them. Unless someone or something is directly affecting my life, I generally don't give a shit. 

For some more fantasticness, watch this video:

This video makes me so damn happy. Gangnam is actually a city near where I live, which makes it even better. I had seen people talk about it on facebook but I only saw the cartoon part, so I wasn't really interested. Then I heard it played in a bar and was all, I gotta watch this. And it has changed my life for the better. I think it is so freaking hilarious, especially since people are now doing the dance in bars and clubs. Oh, and also because all the kids at school are singing it. Oh, AND because they played it at Dodgers Stadium...just makes me smile so much. 

Also rocking my face off at the moment, KPOP. So fabulous. The videos are beyond ridiculous and I'm a sucker for cheesy pop, and this stuff is the cheesiest of them all. I especially love when they throw some English in there. Fantasticness. I am having a real tough time believing some of the boys in these groups are straight, but I have been assured by many a Korean that they are. You can check out some of the groups on YouTube...B1A4, Beast, Super Junior, Mighty Mouth....I know, awesome names, right? 

For a last bit of good stuff, I went bowling Saturday night and KICKED ASS. I am not sure how I got so awesome I bowling, but I stomped everyone with a 132. The other girl we were with got a 19 and the two guys got an 80 and 90. I rule. Then I stomped everyone at darts at the bar. Wasn't even drunk. I've decided to take a drinking hiatus...probably until this weekend, haha. Or tomorrow, if I end up getting rained it. 

Dream big people! 

21 August 2012


Well, damn....my great plan to show Land Before Time has failed. Apparently the kids mentioned to their mommies that they've been watching TV at school and the mommies shut that down pretty quick since their children can "watch DVDs at home." We only got through the first 20 minutes of the film. I am pretty pissed about the whole thing. I've already talked it to death with anyone that will listen, but my main points are as follows:
1. We were only watching it for 10 minutes a day.
2. They can watch this DVD at home, but chances are, they aren't since it's like 20 years old. Also, I am not in their home to pause the video, talk about things that are going on and discuss it in English.
3. All the other resources they have for us to use to teach the kids about dinosaurs are videos...and most of them are waaaaay over their heads in terms of language and content.
4. We have nice, new big screen TVs in every classroom...what is the point if we can't watch some movies sometimes.
5. We were doing other work while watching the video...like coloring and writing sentences.
6. It's 2012...time to use multimedia in the classrooms...even if it's 20 year old animated movies.
7. The kids loved it! I wanted to show it to them because I knew they would love it...not because I am trying to avoid teaching them things. Today they all got excited for the "DINOSAUR MOVIE!" but I couldn't show it because my co-teacher is anti-fun and lame.

And since they really wanted to watch it, I thought maybe we could show some of it during play time but the co-teacher shut that down as well. SO ANNOYED. The whole thing is just really stupid and pisses me off. Especially since it's essentially my co-teacher's decision when it should be mutual...or mine, actually since I'm the one in charge of theme class (dinosaurs) and she's not.

So that's that. In other news, things have been super busy! I am pretty sad because one of my best friends in Korea leaves tomorrow and Korea is just not going to be as fun without her. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of birthday and going away parties....with lots of drinking. Too much maybe. Mainly because I never sleep that well when I drink, so my sleep schedule gets all thrown off and then I end up being tired all week. I also end up being a useless blob during the day and accomplish nothing with my life. The worst part about that is that by Friday I'm not tired anymore and I'm all ready and raring to go for some more partying. It's a vicious cycle. I am hoping to convince myself to take it easy at least one night this weekend and get a good nights sleep.

Nothing else too interesting going on. The time here is flying by...today is my 6 month anniversary in Korea! I honestly cannot believe I've been here that long already. Time flies when you're having fun, I guess. I am pretty excited about the next 6 months will hold for me. Well, I'm not excited about winter...but everything else...bring it on! Starting with "Pajama Day" on Friday! Nothing better than having to wear long pajama pants to work during summer and monsoon season. And when you're not allowed to watch movies. I love my job, but damn if they dont' have some stupid ass rules. Anyway.

Dream big people!

13 August 2012

Oh My Goodness

One of my favorites, Joshua, says this phrase ALL the time. He uses it when things fall, if I make mistakes on the board, and lately, when he is just floored by things. We started a new unit in Musical English (it's a different teacher, but I'm in the room with them) and it uses Finding Nemo and he was so pumped about the characters and all the pictures. He said it like five times. And if that wasn't cute enough, today we watched some clips from "The Land Before Time" and he LOST his mind. It was soooo funny. Based on his reaction, I decided I am going to show the entire movie over the next few weeks, in like 10 minute increments. I am going to try really hard to get some video because it is so hilarious and cute, I need to share. All the kids are all about dinosaurs and I guess Littlefoot and his friends just sent Joshua over the edge. He sits right in the front and he kept looking at me like, are you seeing this jacky teacher??!!! I was all, I KNOW. Land Before Time is a classic...the kids need to see it. I'm doing them all a favor, really.

Dinosaurs is kind of a difficult unit to teach on because I really don't know that much about them. Usually, I have some knowledge about the things we talk about. I rocked the sea animals unit and did ok with everything else I've done. However, my dinosaur knowledge is pretty limited. Not only that, dinosaur names are hard to pronounce. Luckily, my buddy Ray is a dinosaur expert and he knows most of the names of the dinosaurs so I just ask him when I'm stumped. And before you start thinking I am a terrible teacher, I have been doing some research trying to educate myself more about dinosaurs, but the scope of dinosaur is a little intense and it's kind of difficult to water it down into information 4 year olds with limited English will understand. But I'm trying. And that is where Land Before Time comes in. Littlefoot to the rescue! Plus we're going to make dinosaur masks on Friday and it's going to be awesome.

That was my day. In other news, AT&T sucks. They are a terrible company and I hate them and maybe their creep internet stalker people will find this. So you can just pass this along, AT&T internet stalkers, to whoever matters: You are an awful company, I hate you and you have lost a customer. I will save my entire rant for another day. I have to go to bed now. Big day tomorrow. But yeah, boo on AT&T.

Dream big people!

12 August 2012

Thumbs Up

Today I was on the subway with a male Korean friend and this old man sitting across from us kept giving me the thumbs up. Like, over and over. He kept gesturing and then giving me a weird smile and a thumbs up. I was trying to tell my friend, but he doesn't speak the best English so it took awhile, but he finally saw it as well and then the man kept saying something to him. When we got off, my friend told me the man was just kept saying "nice" in Korean. He doesn't know what exactly was nice, but the whole thing cracked me up. Maybe he thought one of us was good looking...or he just really likes to see international friendships...I don't know, but it was hilarious. Our friendship gets the old Korean man stamp of approval. We were coming back from the Korean version of the dollar store and on our way, we happened upon a ukulele concert in the mall, which was pretty awesome. It was in honor of some Hawaiian festival and it was quite lovely. They played a bunch of songs and did some singing as well, and also played Pachabel's Canon...one of my favorites. Pretty good stuff for a free mall concert.

I've been making some more Korean friends lately and I have to say, it is quite nice to have someone that knows what is going on when you're out and about. They can read signs, menus, understand announcements...all the things I have no clue about. It's awesome. Plus, it apparently makes old men happy. Huge plus.

Anyway, my week back at school was kind of rough. I wasn't feeling great and had a fever for a bit. Also, the AC was on the fritz at school so it was unbearably hot in the classroom. It's hotter here than is it at home, in Charleston! I  didn't think summers got hotter than Charleston but I was wrong. This week will cool down some because it's supposed to rain all week..just in time for the AC to be fixed. I'm feeling a lot better as well. That is another benefit to having Korean friends, they know what kind of medicine to buy you at the pharmacy AND can tell you how and when to to take it. Fantastic! I really should learn some Korean. I really think I would benefit from it.

Last week I also saw Wicked for the third time and it was amazing, as always. I just love that play so much....musicals are the best and that one is exceptional. It was all I could do to keep from jumping out of my seat and singing along to every song. Our seats were terrible, but it was still great. And a surprisingly packed house for a Wednesday night.The Koreans were, of course, on a picture taking frenzy in the theater, so that was some added entertainment. I wonder how some of the things get translated...especially since some of the words are just made up nonsense. I'm guessing they don't pick up on all the puns either. Oh well, it's still enjoyable, even if you don't know what they're saying. I guess it's just like when I watch operas or listen to KPop.

Oh, and I finally jumped aboard the "50 Shades of Grey" book. And I'm not at all sure what all the fuss was about. I thought the book was pretty terrible. Pretty much just like any other romance novel with all the gratuitous sex, poorly written and completely unbelievable. A little weirder than most (not that I've read a lot) but I still don't understand the phenomenon. I was pretty disappointed.  If you need a good book recommendation, I read "The House at Tyneford" over vacation and it was fantastic. Depressing, but great. For some humor, Mindy Kaling's "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?" Mindy and I would totally be best friends. "There is no sunset so beautiful that it's worth waking me up over." My thoughts exactly. We're spot on for lots of other things as well. But a lot's happened since I read it so I forgot them all. I also read a book about the real Downton Abbey, which was pretty interesting. I haven't seen the show, but I might start watching. "Porch Lights" was a bust, not surprising, but I didn't have anything else to read. That author writes a lot about Charleston and it's all ridiculous, superfluous, and predictable. In my opinion. Now I need new books...recommendations appreciated!

So that's my life. Things are still going great in Korea. I really like it here. I am tentatively planning a trip to the Philippines for Chu-Suk...the Korean Thanksgiving. I think it's so awesome a trip to another country is just a short flight away. I really want to go to China, but it cost American citizens $200 to get a visa to go..even if it's just for a few days. The flight to Philippines cost only $100 more, so I think I'll wait and go to China when I have more time and can get more bang for my visa buck. Or maybe China and the US will work out their differences and I can go for free one day! Would be nice. I am not doing a great job of saving money here with all these trips but other countries are just too fun to resist.

Dream big people!

02 August 2012

An Opinion

I should probably talk more about Thailand and how awesome it was...and maybe I will one day, but it's kind of hard to put into words. The whole thing was just amazing. Also, I kind of feel like giving my two cents about this whole Chic-Fil-A nonsense.

I find it a bit confusing. I am mainly confused as to why this is just now becoming an issue. I thought it was well known information that the founder was a crazy pants Christian who put his money towards crazy pants Christian projects. I have been eating there for as long as I can remember and I feel like I have always known his views. I mean, they're closed on Sundays, that screams Christian, and they have a bunch of stuff on their walls about the other various Christian things they support. I mean, I was in LA last year when a store opened in Hollywood...which is next to West Hollywood...which is a huge gay community. That opening went off without much controversy and is doing well. How the gays of WeHo could stand it and now all of the sudden no one can, I don't know. Now, am I in support of gay marriage? 110% yes. I am honestly astounded this is still an issue and cannot understand in any way, shape or form why people continue to fight this. People should be allowed to marry whoever they want. I could go on forever, but I'll stick to my points.

I completely think the founder, and anyone else that is against equal marriage rights, is a total and complete moron, but I also think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can do whatever they want with their money. I also am not sure what the end goal is for people that are going to boycott it. To close down the restaurant? I disagree with that only because that would put a lot of people out of a job...a group that most likely includes gay people, as well as nice, sane people that also support gay marriage. Do they think boycotting is going to change the Truett's minds? Highly unlikely. I might feel different if I were gay, but if I were, I would be more likely to go to a restaurant (or try to find out where Dan and Bubba hang out) and just have a big ole gay party there. Maybe do some making out and buy the cheapest thing on the menu. Or don't even buy anything...just hang out and be gay in everyone's faces. But I might be able to resist not eating anything because the food is super good.

I also think that, for me personally, my consumer options would be extremely limited if I went around boycotting every company whose policies I didn't agree with. I also wouldn't have a job since I don't agree with someone of the policies my school has. I know Forever 21 and In-N-Out burger print Bible verses on their containers and bags...I wonder what their founders think of gay marriage. I mean, does anyone know what Dave Thomas' take was it? What about the guy that founded McDonalds? Or any other restaurant for that matter. Also, isn't it really that silly foundation he supports rather than the actual restaurant that is causing problems? The crazy pants Christian Society or something like that?

Basically, I think the best way to make change is lead by example and keep living a good life and keep fighting the good fight. I guess, if you want to boycott places, just do it and go on with your life. Eat chicken from somewhere else. Spewing hatred at a franchise probably won't do anyone any good. And same for the other way. I mean, if you don't support gay marriage, fine. I still think you're being extremely closed minded and ridiculous, but carry on. Honestly, I am not sure what my stance would be if I were at home. I certainly wouldn't intentionally increase my patronage there to show any support, but I don't know that I could give it up completely. It's just so damn delicious. I would be torn. I also, in general, think boycotting huge companies is pretty useless even though I did once go on a short lived Starbucks strike because the woman that worked at the one near my work was a total bitch and refused to give me my free birthday drink.

I also don't understand where these people find the time to physically boycott (by standing around outside) and/or throw massive amounts of support at the place. Don't people have jobs? Who has time to stand around and yell at companies? I've also never understand the amount of hate and intolerance that comes from "Christians" when it comes to the issue of gay marriage. It seems to me that hating and not accepting others is the complete opposite of what Christians are supposed to be. I realize gay marriage goes against what you believe the "legal" definition of marriage is, but shouldn't treating actual humans with respect, decency and equality trump legality? Not going to go into the whole separation of church and state issues, but lets just remember it for a moment.

Accepting someone and their lifestyle doesn't mean you have to agree with it. And however someone else is living their life doesn't really have that much of an impact on me and my life so I'm not that concerned with other people. Murderers, ok we've got problems, but gay people? Do what you want. Christians? Live your life. In my experience, I've been pestered more often with Christians pushing their agenda than I ever have with gays. Can't even tell you how many times someone has tried to save me. Not once has a gay person tried to get me to switch teams. Just saying. Also, just to be clear, not trying to only target Christians...there are lots of good Christians out there that don't think this way and there are lots of other religions that also practice intolerance towards others' lifestyles but this particular issue involves a Christian organization so here we are.

To sum up, I just feel like there are bigger and more important things to put your energy towards, rather than trying to bring down others and their lifestyle, or shut down businesses for supporting the stupid crap they believe in. I would be an angry, yelling, boycotting machine if that is how I chose to live. It would be an endless cycle of cutting out businesses because I don't agree with the social issues they do or don't support.

Well, hope I haven't offended anyone. Not my intention at all. Just wanted to give my opinion...mainly because I haven't had a chance to have a real conversation with anyone about it yet. Just keep seeing the posts and "news" about it all. Thought I'd weigh in even though it doesn't even matter in the slightest to me because there are no Chic-Fil-As in Korea. There are KFCS, though. I wonder what the Colonel thinks about all this.

Dream big people!

01 August 2012

Back to Reality

I should definitely be asleep right now, but since I literally slept all day, I can't fall asleep at an appropriate time. Seriously, I got out of bed at 3:00 pm. Then I went to the bank, the grocery store and came home and took a nap. Then I got some dinner, took a walk and here I am. Thailand apparently wore me out. But in a good way. Once I finally stopped telling myself I needed to be productive, I enjoyed my excessive napping and laziness. Now I just have to remember how to function like a normal, working adult tomorrow and everything will be fine. Luckily it's just a teacher workday, so I have at least another day to pull myself together and get some energy for my 16 babies. I am actually really looking forward to seeing them! I missed them on vacation! And I got them Thailand presents so I'm excited to give them out.

Anyway, Thailand was pretty awesome! For a quick recap, because I can feel my sleep meds kicking in...

I started off the week a little skeptical. Bangkok was a good kind of crazy, and I really enjoyed sightseeing there. I was getting a little put out, though, because it's obvious people are out to scam you and take as much money as they can get. Our first Tuk Tuk driver (FYI-Tuk Tuks are like motorcycles with a carrying basket on the back..an awesome form of transportation) was so nice and friendly and took us around the whole city for the ENTIRE day for 50 Thai Baht (which is like, $1.50). His name was Mr. Sing and we only understood about half of what each other was saying most of the time, but he was so nice and friendly. Then, for dinner that night, another driver wanted 200 Baht ($6) to take us on a ten minute ride. Umm, no...by that time we were street smart but still. Also, Bangkok is crazy polluted, so we rode around just feeling totally gross. Still, a lot of fun. And really good food!

After Bangkok, we had a bunch of rude people on our flight to Phuket and were bombarded with people wanting to drive us and/or sell us things when we got off the plane, so I was a bit overwhelmed. Korean vendors are usually not (places I've been anyway) throwing their wares at you, asking you to buy things, but it's pretty different in Thailand. I was getting a little put out with someone asking me to buy things, literally, every 5 seconds. No, I do not want any DVDS and I'm almost positive you heard me say that to the guy that asked me just before you did. It took some getting used to, but I had a hard time with some of the vendors. Not only can they be annoying, but just casual looking is not an option. If you even glance at their stuff, they are all over you. What are you looking for madame? What do you want? I make special price for you madame. And if you don't buy anything, it's like you just ruined their life. It was rough. But I learned to just keep walking...or don't walk down the street where all the sellers are, haha.

Kata beach was really beautiful. We had a great view from out hotel, with an awesome balcony and sea view. My mom and I mainly just hung out on the beach, ate good food, read on the balcony and usually went to bed by 9 or 10 pm. I loved it. Then we met up with my friend at Patong beach, where our hotel was also amazing, and right across the street from the beach. We got more beach time and made a day trip to Phi Phi island, which is sooo beautiful and way more chill than where we were. We also managed to find a street with more chill vendors and spent a lot of our time there instead of the main street with the merchandise madness.

We also went ELEPHANT RIDING on my BIRTHDAY!! It was fucking awesome. I mean, a birthday elephant ride? Pretty amazing. My mom and I rode together on Patsa and I even got to ride on her head for a while. She had some pretty prickly hair but I didn't fall off or anything, so I consider it a success. It was seriously the coolest thing ever.

Anyway, more on all of it later. I should try to get some sleep. The cicadas have come to Korea, which everyone knows means it's hot as shit. Gonna be hard to function tomorrow, regardless of how much sleep I get.

Dream big people!