30 August 2012


I had a very ARRGHHH, are you fucking kidding me Korea?! moment today. It started yesterday when I got my electric bill. I thought it had gone up a lot last month. Umm, no. It almost doubled from THAT doubling. Basically, my electric bill is about $350. Oh yes, you read that right. THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MOTHERFUCKING DOLLARS. I can buy plane tickets to Japan for less! 9 nights in Thailand split with another person didn't even cost that much!!! SHIT. DAMN. 

I am so beyond frustrated and angry with the whole thing, it's so annoying. I am stunned that electric bills can even be that high. I don't really remember what I was paying at home, but I don't recall ever paying over even $100 dollars. Most of the time it was split between my roommates and I just looked online and apparently people in Texas have the highest electric bills in the US with around $150 a month. Which is HALF of mine. In my ONE BEDROOM apartment. 

I have beat this shit to death, but I'm so pissed for so many reasons. I knew that running the AC ("air con" in Korea) made the bill go up, but I thought it was just running it in general. Apparently, running it at a lower temperature makes it skyrocket. And, I would only run it at night sometimes. Not all day, every day, like at home. That is the problem with all this. Things are SO different at home. The AC is never turned off. Obviously, it's an entirely different system but it never even occurred to me that a lower temperature would make that much a difference. And I didn't even think it was that low! I had it set around 67 F. It's set for 65 (18 C) at school so I didn't think I was being unreasonable. I WAS WRONG. I had since moved it up to 24 C (75 C) and now I'm just not going to turn it on at all. If I need to cool down, I'll just go hang out in the elevator, which is like a freezer. And I told another teacher at school I had it at 24 and she suggested I put it on 26. That is almost 80 degrees! What the hell? What is even the point of running the AC at 80 freaking degrees? 

On top of that, I was gone for TEN straight days in July, where ZERO electricity was being used. I don't even want to think of what the bill would be if I had been there for the entire month. I have asked around the other three teachers that live in my building don't have a bill that high. No one I've talked to has ever heard of such absurdity but I don't know what else to do! I obviously can't fight with the company! I am going to have to suck it up. I hate sucking it up. 

And I just can't understand why on earth it needs to be that high. Where the hell is Korea getting it's energy from? Like, what the fuck is going on? I don't understand how people can function with these kind of bills. Or do they just not EVER turn on the air con? It is SWELTERING here...for the past few weeks, it's been hotter here than at home in South Carolina. I honestly did not think there were summers hotter than SC but I have been proven wrong. 

Arrrhghghhtthfuckfuckityfuckgrrrrr! The worst part is, it's mainly just because of my own ignorance. I mean, I REALLY wish someone had made me privy to the insanity that the bills can be, but I'm really the only one to blame. Stupid me, sleeping in comfort rather than sweating the night away. I just wish I had known better. One very expensive lesson learned. But seriously. DAMMIT.

Dream big people. 

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