I should probably talk more about Thailand and how awesome it was...and maybe I will one day, but it's kind of hard to put into words. The whole thing was just amazing. Also, I kind of feel like giving my two cents about this whole Chic-Fil-A nonsense.
I find it a bit confusing. I am mainly confused as to why this is just now becoming an issue. I thought it was well known information that the founder was a crazy pants Christian who put his money towards crazy pants Christian projects. I have been eating there for as long as I can remember and I feel like I have always known his views. I mean, they're closed on Sundays, that screams Christian, and they have a bunch of stuff on their walls about the other various Christian things they support. I mean, I was in LA last year when a store opened in Hollywood...which is next to West Hollywood...which is a huge gay community. That opening went off without much controversy and is doing well. How the gays of WeHo could stand it and now all of the sudden no one can, I don't know. Now, am I in support of gay marriage? 110% yes. I am honestly astounded this is still an issue and cannot understand in any way, shape or form why people continue to fight this. People should be allowed to marry whoever they want. I could go on forever, but I'll stick to my points.
I completely think the founder, and anyone else that is against equal marriage rights, is a total and complete moron, but I also think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can do whatever they want with their money. I also am not sure what the end goal is for people that are going to boycott it. To close down the restaurant? I disagree with that only because that would put a lot of people out of a job...a group that most likely includes gay people, as well as nice, sane people that also support gay marriage. Do they think boycotting is going to change the Truett's minds? Highly unlikely. I might feel different if I were gay, but if I were, I would be more likely to go to a restaurant (or try to find out where Dan and Bubba hang out) and just have a big ole gay party there. Maybe do some making out and buy the cheapest thing on the menu. Or don't even buy anything...just hang out and be gay in everyone's faces. But I might be able to resist not eating anything because the food is super good.
I also think that, for me personally, my consumer options would be extremely limited if I went around boycotting every company whose policies I didn't agree with. I also wouldn't have a job since I don't agree with someone of the policies my school has. I know Forever 21 and In-N-Out burger print Bible verses on their containers and bags...I wonder what their founders think of gay marriage. I mean, does anyone know what Dave Thomas' take was it? What about the guy that founded McDonalds? Or any other restaurant for that matter. Also, isn't it really that silly foundation he supports rather than the actual restaurant that is causing problems? The crazy pants Christian Society or something like that?
Basically, I think the best way to make change is lead by example and keep living a good life and keep fighting the good fight. I guess, if you want to boycott places, just do it and go on with your life. Eat chicken from somewhere else. Spewing hatred at a franchise probably won't do anyone any good. And same for the other way. I mean, if you don't support gay marriage, fine. I still think you're being extremely closed minded and ridiculous, but carry on. Honestly, I am not sure what my stance would be if I were at home. I certainly wouldn't intentionally increase my patronage there to show any support, but I don't know that I could give it up completely. It's just so damn delicious. I would be torn. I also, in general, think boycotting huge companies is pretty useless even though I did once go on a short lived Starbucks strike because the woman that worked at the one near my work was a total bitch and refused to give me my free birthday drink.
I also don't understand where these people find the time to physically boycott (by standing around outside) and/or throw massive amounts of support at the place. Don't people have jobs? Who has time to stand around and yell at companies? I've also never understand the amount of hate and intolerance that comes from "Christians" when it comes to the issue of gay marriage. It seems to me that hating and not accepting others is the complete opposite of what Christians are supposed to be. I realize gay marriage goes against what you believe the "legal" definition of marriage is, but shouldn't treating actual humans with respect, decency and equality trump legality? Not going to go into the whole separation of church and state issues, but lets just remember it for a moment.
Accepting someone and their lifestyle doesn't mean you have to agree with it. And however someone else is living their life doesn't really have that much of an impact on me and my life so I'm not that concerned with other people. Murderers, ok we've got problems, but gay people? Do what you want. Christians? Live your life. In my experience, I've been pestered more often with Christians pushing their agenda than I ever have with gays. Can't even tell you how many times someone has tried to save me. Not once has a gay person tried to get me to switch teams. Just saying. Also, just to be clear, not trying to only target Christians...there are lots of good Christians out there that don't think this way and there are lots of other religions that also practice intolerance towards others' lifestyles but this particular issue involves a Christian organization so here we are.
To sum up, I just feel like there are bigger and more important things to put your energy towards, rather than trying to bring down others and their lifestyle, or shut down businesses for supporting the stupid crap they believe in. I would be an angry, yelling, boycotting machine if that is how I chose to live. It would be an endless cycle of cutting out businesses because I don't agree with the social issues they do or don't support.
Well, hope I haven't offended anyone. Not my intention at all. Just wanted to give my opinion...mainly because I haven't had a chance to have a real conversation with anyone about it yet. Just keep seeing the posts and "news" about it all. Thought I'd weigh in even though it doesn't even matter in the slightest to me because there are no Chic-Fil-As in Korea. There are KFCS, though. I wonder what the Colonel thinks about all this.
Dream big people!
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