....happen when you don't feel like death. Finally getting over my cold (and my hives, yay!) and today I drank Korean coffee at like, 2 in the afternoon! Woo, I have been a productive machine since then. It was probably a terrible idea and I will probably get zero sleep but whatever, I'll just drink more coffee tomorrow.
Lots of good stuff going on! First off, I emailed my new life hero, Rita Golden Geldman, who is a writer. My class is OBSESSED with her children's book, "More Spaghetti, I Say!" It's a super fun book and the kids never ever ever get tired of it. Seriously, they read it every day. Out copy is in tatters, but it doesn't matter because most of them have it memorized. Also, when we have spaghetti day (every 5th Friday), the kids are so excited because they get to yell out, "more spaghetti, I say!" when they want more. It's just a little too precious for words. Anyway, I was doing research on her to teach the kids for Author's Month this month, and I found out she's super awesome. She has been a self proclaimed "female nomad" for the past 20 years or so and literally just travels around the world, writing and being awesome. THAT IS MY DREAM PEOPLE. She is living my dream!!! Anyway, she has an adult book, "Tales of a Female Nomad," which I finished yesterday. Great read, if you need something. I was so inspired that I wrote her an email. AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENED? She wrote me back!!! How awesome is that?? I told her about my kid's love for her book and she offered to send a signed copy to the school! I mean, so fantastic, right? This lady is clearly awesome. Go to www.ritagoldengeldman.com if you would like more information and to see for yourself.
In other news, I recently acquired a bottle of Modge Podge and am getting ready to glitter the hell out of literally, everything, in my apartment. It's going to be a huge glittery mess of awesomeness. I have already done a glass bottle (see fb) and attempted my phone case, but that didn't turn out so great. Never fear! Going to try again soon.
I also recently got some side jobs that are making me some extra money and I am SUPER excited about that. Especially since I'll be flying home in the summer and I looked at ticket prices today and cried a little bit. SO EXPENSIVE. Will focus on that later when my strength is fully restored.
Today at the gym, I made some new friends and actually had a productive workout. Usually I just wander around until my squash lesson starts and just pretend to do stuff. Today, I actually did stuff! Before and after! Crazy! It's a good thing though because I have recently become a hungry monster and ate my weight in candy today. Also ate a quesadilla even though it was straight up disgusting and am still currently starving while typing this post.
Oh, and when I came home from the gym, I made myself study Korean for like, 30 minutes. This is about 20 minutes more than ever before. I know the vowels! And some other consonants Off to a good start, I suppose. Only took a year. Gonna be fluent in no time. Get ready.
So that's that. It really is amazing what some energy does for you. Yesterday and Monday I legit felt like death and now I'm ready for anything! Let's do this!
Dream big people! Yay Korean coffee!!!
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