This week has been SO busy, it was crazy times! But, really good. Lots of good stuff going on and I somehow managed to make it through. I've been feeling a little run down lately, but this week wasn't bad, even after a rough weekend. Oddly enough, not much drinking involved except for a few glasses of wine with dinner on Friday.
Now it's Friday again! This post has taken me all week to try and write! Things are crazy go nuts here! The year is winding down at school and TONS of other stuff going on!
Saturday I took a Zumba class and it was AWESOME. It was super high intensity and dancey and fun and just awesome. I have been trying to get a Zumba class going in my area (most of them are in Seoul) and we finally found a teacher and a place. But after that, everything turned into a mess. The teacher and I were not on the same page about class content or money and the gym wasn't either and it was just a mess. So frustrating. So anyway, it was great to just go dance and have a good time. Plus the instructor was SUPER nice and invited me to him and his girlfriends place, where I got Krispy Kreme AND A BATH. It was so fantastic. Bathtubs are rare here...I think the last time I had one was at the hotel in Thailand. I'm not a huge bath person, but sometimes you just wanna soak, ya know? And soak I did. It was glorious. Oh, and I signed up to get certified to teach Zumba next month so I can make my own classes! Wooo! Will be so awesome!!
Anyway, the real highlight of last weekend was the First Birthday Party I went to. Ok, so Korean first birthdays are a BIG deal. I'm not sure why, but it's huge and they throw big parties for it. I wasn't aware of just how fancy of an affair this was going to be, so I was not appropriately dressed and I looked like a bum among the fancies. Ok, not that extreme but I was def wearing jeans and Toms. Which was stupid for so many it started snowing and I was wearing TOMS. Damn.Fail. Also, most other people were wearing very nice clothes and I felt silly. Also, my hair looked terrible, pretty much like it always does here in Korea. It wouldn't have been so bad if I could just sit and enjoy the party and go unnoticed, but no. They asked all the foreigners to come on stage and sing "Happy Birthday" to the baby. Why? I have no idea. So, not only did everyone at the party get to see my bum self, but it was also videoed and many a photo was taken. Awesome. But, whatever, it was hilarious plus we got gifts! Again, no idea why, but so lovely.
This party was seriously like a wedding reception. Full food buffet, flowers pictures and decorations everywhere and soooo many people. I don't think anything that fancy has ever been thrown in my honor! The big highlight is the choosing of the future. The baby chooses one of a couple different objects and that decides what he's going to be in life. He can choose from a stethoscope, a microphone, money and some other random things I couldn't see. Baby Westin chose the microphone, which means he will grow up and be a singer or entertainer! Yay! He'll be famous and I'll be all, I WAS THERE WHEN THIS HAPPENED! There is video proof, haha!
So yeah, the party was fun/awesome/awkward/hilarious/sweet. I need to meet some more Korean babies because I want to go to more! And now I know how to dress so I'll be ready!
Also started some side projects this week so I've been having some looong days.
Whew. I am sick of this post because I've been trying to finish it for a week now.
Quick summary:
Last month with my kids! :O
Got packages in the mail!! :D
It's sooooooo fucking cold here! >:,,,(
Other than that, things are great!! :)
Dream big people!
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