31 December 2008
Grammar Police
So, I saw this at a bar last night. And I wanted to share. Also, I went to the bathroom in this same bar and there were a pair of boxer briefs and a pregnancy test wrapper in the trash can next to the toilet. Oh my.
Oh yeah, I found out my man Rob smokes. So we might not fall in love as planned. He is going to have to stop that first. If anyone sees him, tell him to quit. Thanks.
Happy New Year friends!
29 December 2008
Buon Natale!
I know it's late, but I was kind of busy reading the Twilight Saga, getting drunk, and driving all over the damn place these last few days. But, I hope everyone's holiday was fabulous and that Santa was good to you. He was not so fabulous to me, but it's cool...I got a few cool things. And it was awesome to have a 4 1/2 day weekend, so I'm good. But here are some pics of my super fabulous decor:
The lovely stockings, that I made. Thank you Dollar Tree
The front of the house. See the tree in the window!
My beautiful tree with it's beautiful colored lights. We had some light discrepancies in the house, but I won out. It's my house. There were also lights in the back, but the picture didn't turn out right.
So anyways, I did finish the Twilight Saga. All four of them. In three days. Wow, impressed? I know, it's more sad than anything. But like I've said before, I get really involved with whatever I'm reading and I have to finish right away. So that is what I did. So I'm not really obsessed anymore. The obsession goes away once I'm done with whatever it is I'm reading or watching. Which is good. I don't want to be one of those crazies that truly believes my future husband could potentially be a vampire and/or a wizard. Or one of those that dresses up to read the book, red contacts and all. But, I did enjoy the rest of the books...even though the main girl was pissing me off a little. But, then I remembered that she's not real, so I got over it. I did however, decide that I'm kind of in love with the guy that plays the main character in the movie, Robert Pattinson. He is easy to look at, has an English accent and seems like a nice person. I saw him on Ellen. I think we would make an excellent couple and I just need to figure out how to introduce myself. Maybe I'll go visit my friend Blakely in LA and I'll spot him and he'll spot me, and then we'll chat and then he'll see how great I am and then he'll ask me out, but I'll play hard to get, but he'll keep trying and I'll eventually give in and we'll fall in love and then I'll get to make a cameo in the next movie. Yes, I think that is what is going to happen. We both have a strong facial structure. I think we would look great together. And Kristen Stewart doesn't seem very nice, so it would be a nice change for him. And apparently he plays piano, which is great. I love piano music! We could play together, I know that viola is around here somewhere. And surely he knows 'Heart and Soul,' it's a classic. I'm pretty awesome at the melody. This is just getting better and better...for him, of course.
Back to reality, I have to go back to work tomorrow and I'm so sad because my co-worker Karla is really gone and she is not coming back :( But, she is going to be a nurse in California and save lives, so I guess that is ok. But I miss her!
We are so cute.
The weather here has been INSANELY nice. It was 75 on Christmas day! Seriously, it was great. I never want it to get cold. If it does, however, I will be prepared since I got two sweaters, two pairs of gloves, and a scarf for Christmas. I will be ready for cold weather, but I would rather it stay warm. Makes me so glad I live in Charleston.
I took those today, DECEMBER 28h while sitting on the beach and reading. Nothing could be finer. Especially since I had just come from hanging out with my fun friends in Columbia the night before. I am lucky that I have such great friends and wish I got to see them more often. I also wish I had taken some pictures while I was with them. Silly me. I get to see more great friends on New Years and I cannot freaking WAIT! Gotta get through 2 1/2 days of work first...boo.
I have lots of other things I could ramble about, but I think I'm going to finish my 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' dvd instead. Song of the post: "I Still Ain't Over You" by Augustana.
Ciao friends.
24 December 2008
First up, Eric Hutchinson. The song "Rock and Roll" is so beyond fabulous, I can't even stand it. It seriously is like, happiness in a song. I get ridiculously happy listening to it. And even more happy when I can dance to it. I bought his CD today and it might be the best purchase I've ever made. I rarely buy CDs, but the few I've bought recently have worked out really well for me, so I thought I'd give it another try. Here is the video for you to enjoy....Feel free to dance and smile excessively.
I mean, he looks like such a goober, but he's still super cute. I'd totally do him. Haha...um, for real.
Next obsession...Twilight. Like, seriously, it's bad. I started reading it today at work and I'm pretty sure I'll be done with it by tonight. I've always had this freakish ability to read extremely fast, but I'm kind of out of control with this. And I was totally one of those haters when the movie came out and was like, what is with these crazy asses? But now I understand. I also need one of those crazy asses to go see it with me...which might be a problem. Fingers crossed. And yes, I've already bought the second one and am saving up for the third.
Not an obsession, but I've decided I really like Pink...the artist. She just rocks my face off and this video is so funny:
And, I know all about dealing with tools, so I can totally relate to this song. I love it. And Pink is just like, a total badass, like myself. So it's nice to have company.
CHRISTMAS IS SO SOON! As soon as I finish reading Twilight, I am going to take pictures of my fabulous Christmas lights so I can share them with you, dear readers. Get excited!
That is really all I wanted to share. I felt like I should get my new obsessions out there since I'm so pleased with them. I was also excited about them because they got my mind off other, less important things that have been sneaking back in lately. Hooray for distractions!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Love to all :)
18 December 2008
She's a Bad Mama Jama
I also just stabbed myself with a pen at work and it hurts pretty bad. No good.
So I just read this book, "The Friday Nigh Knitting Club," and I was freaking obsessed with it. It's almost scary. I tend to get really involved with books and movies, basically anything made up that I can relate to my own life. Which is a lot of stuff. Songs as well..but we've already discussed that. Anyways, even though it was about knitting and I don't even know how to knit, nor do I have any desire too, I just felt like I could relate to the story of the main character...in a very basic way. Basically, she falls in love for the first time, gets pregnant, guy leaves her, but she never really gets over him even though he sucks, then he comes back 12 years later because he realized his stupidity and it goes from there. Hell no, I'm not preggers, but I do think someone is going to regret some of their actions one day. I could be wrong. I also think this idea would be easier to explain in person. And people that don't really know me might not understand. But anyways, just to kind of drive it home, the guy is black and the woman is white..and has curly brown hair. So yeah, kind of weird. However, I certainly hope my story doesn't end like hers does. I won't give it all away...you should read it. But try to control yourself and not get freakishly attached. I found out there is a sequel and I'm like, I MUST read this book to find out what happened to these non-existent people. I MUST.
Speaking of bad mama jama's...Sarah's party was rocking and I had a super fabulous time. Her new car is freakin sweet and it has plenty of places to store a small baby, which I'm jealous of, because my car is kind of lacking in that area. You know, just in case I ever decide to store a premature baby in my glove compartment. Stupid facebook won't let me upload the pics. But I'm working on it. Here is one to hold you over: Go Hose!
It's almost Christmas!!! Yay! I can't believe it's next week! This year flew by crazy fast...borderline scary. But good, I think 2009 is going to be some good things my way. Well, I hope 2008 brings good things first. Like a new iPod. The one I have now is the mini and it is just kind of sad and I really really want a new one so I can be cool and put all my music on it and not just a measly 1000 songs. Plus they don't even make minis anymore so I look like a total lame- o busting that thing out. I'm hoping I'm on Santa's nice list/my mom decides to splurge and actually get me something I want this year. ::Fingers crossed::
I've been doing a lot of babysitting this week and have been reminded why I don't want to have children. A little girl told me today my nose ring was nasty (rings are for your fingers) and the brother told me he liked his new soccer coach better than me. Thank you kids, really. And the kids on Tuesday were horrible and I literally had to scream at them to get them to do anything. Such punks.
OH. New fantastic website ---> http://fuckyoupenguin.blogspot.com/
So. funny. And song of the post: "Clothes Off!" by Gym Class Heroes and the prude version that inspired it-"We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off" by Jermaine Stewart. Both fabulous.
Ta-ta for now people. Enjoy your days off, if you get them. I get 2. I'll see you back here soon. Ciao ciao :)
11 December 2008
Loo Dee Doo
Anyways, other than my Christmas decorating anxiety, things are good. Last weekend was a crazy one. Good, but just a lot of stuff packed into two days. My All Stars soccer team went to the championship in Rock Hill and sadly, we lost both games. They played really well and we had a good time, so it wasn't a total waste. The first games SUCKED though because the ref was horrible and didn't make some pretty important calls. For instance, when my player was going after the ball in the box and the keeper had his armed wrapped around my players legs, severely restricting his range of motion. Yeah, that's not allowed. So, we went into overtime and then had to do PKs and we lost 3-2. PKs are the WORST way to lose. It was sad times. Then we sucked it up big time in the second game and lost 0-1. I think everyone was just like, whatever, 3rd is just as bad as 4th, who cares. But like, I said, it was fun and I had a good time. Except when I was driving there with three kids in my car and I got a speeding ticket. That was super not fun. And embarrassing. On a happy note, please look at my goober team and all their goober faces. They really were a lot of fun:
So soccer was Saturday and after a 6 hour round trip road trip, I was freaking exhausted and went to bed at 9:30. I know, on a Saturday. So sad. But, I did have to get up at 6:30 the next morning and go get my eggs retrieved! So yeah, that was kind of exciting because now I have money (to pay my speeding ticket) AND some lucky lady gets to get pregnant and have a little baby that has my genes and will therefore be awesome.
FYI, putting up Christmas lights is hard as shit. My roommate and I attempted it tonight and they are struggling big time. And we tried so damn hard! Sad times. Whatever, everything will be better when we get the tree.
Oh, oh, oh! Here is my new song: "The Whole World Should Revolve Around Me." And GUESS who it is by....LITTLE JACKIE! I know, I KNOW. So freaking perfect. Seriously, this band and song made my LIFE today. First off, I was known as "little jacky" in Rome because there were 6 Jackie(y)s in my program, so we all had a different adjective. Jew Jackie, Boston Jackie, Goth Jackie, Soccer Mom Jackie, The Other Jackie (no one really knew anything about her), and then me, Little Jacky..or sometimes Southern Jacky. So I'm pretty sure the band heard about the AIFS that had 6 Jackies, decided I was by far the coolest one and named their band after me. Anyways, I was in my car and the radio shows the name of the artist and song and the artist popped up and I was like, heck yes, that's me! Then the name of the song came and I was like, FUCK YES! And the song is fabulous and is officially my new anthem. Because, seriously, the whole world SHOULD revolve around me. I'm awesome and have super great ideas about EVERYTHING. Not to mention I am extremely efficient and organized and IF the world revolved around ME it was be that way as well...not all chaotic and crazy. So there you go. Download and enjoy.
And lastly, boys are so dumb. For real. Sometimes the stuff that comes out of their mouths, I'm just like what? I don't understand how some of them have made it as far as they did. I won't go into details with the latest story but it involves bicycles, crab cakes and talking to my very drunk father. Wtf.
02 December 2008
Keep On Smilin'
So yeah, speaking of my drive to work..it was a crazy one this morning. First off, I was up at 4:45. Yes, AM. It was horrible. We had to drug test a school at 6 this morning. Why we can't test them at 10 or some reasonable time, I don't know. Anywho, after that I had to drive from downtown to James Island, then back to Mt. Pleasant (this probably means nothing to any of you, but its kind of a trek) and then back to North Charleston. I had to go back for an egg appointment (it's getting close!) and then back to work. Point is, I got stuck in crazy traffic on the interstate and it turns out there was an accident involving like, seven cars and a washer and dryer. Obviously, something horrible happened, and for some sick reason I really want to know what. I always want to know what the deal is with accidents I pass. And I especially want to know how a washer and dryer were involved with this particular one. I know, so weird. But anyways, that is when I saw the 'Keep On Smilin' dump truck. I feel like times are really tough when garbage trucks are dishing out encouraging comments. At least it wasn't telling me Jesus loves me or something stupid like that.
So, aside from my ridiculous morning, my Thanksgiving break was fantastic, thanks for asking. My family is completely crazy, but in a completely fabulous way. Almost the entire crew was up in North Carolina and it was a madhouse. I think it was around 25 people, plus two dogs...and a shit ton of food. We went a hayride, did some shopping, ate lots of food, built a bonfire and watched every single college football game that was on TV. And even called the cable company to yell about some games that weren't. I seriously don't understand how boys are SO involved with football. Between all the men that were there, they probably knew every coach and player, plus all their statistics from the last 20 years. For all the teams too, not just their favorite team. I was kind of impressed. But I was also kind of like, get a life. Learn something useful. Like how to be a red power ranger...like my youngest cousin Tate. He taught me some pretty sweet ranger moves that I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate into my every day life. I could have used them today on the freaking bitch ass woman that came to the pee farm. She was so rude to me! But, don't worry..I told her she didn't have to be so rude. So then she told me I shouldn't work with the public if I was going to have such a bad attitude and that she was going to call the manager tomorrow and complain about me. So then I told her, oh really? Because I am the manager. BAM. In your face bitch. She then said surely there was someone over me she could speak to. I said, sure thing, here is his number. Then I told my dad (aka the person over me) about the whole incident and he was like, wtf? Stupid DSS people,shut the hell up. So yeah, she got shut down. I digress. Here are pictures of my family and Power Ranger Tate:
Holy crap, getting at 4:45 makes you TIRED. To bed for me. But here is my song of the post (I've been slacking, I know): "The Promise" by Tracy Chapman. I'm going to go ahead and give more since I've missed a few:
"Sexylove" by Ne-Yo
"Stranded" by Van Morrison
"Black Sheep" by Martin Sexton
Ok, ciao ciao!
25 November 2008
what does it mean when your puppy has soft poop?
Moving on. Oh man, shit is going DOWN at the pee farm these days! For real, things are getting serious up in this piece. First up, we have shady man. So this mom brings in her kid for a DNA test like, 6 months ago. The "alleged father" never shows. Kid retakes the test 3 months later...AF doesn't show. He FINALLY comes and the test comes back negative. Upset mom comes in...turns out, the REAL AF sent in a decoy! He sent someone else to take the test for him! How crazy is that?! Then, he comes back wanting test results! Uh, no sir! What a sleaze ball! Not sure what's going to happen with that, but people are seriously crazy. And I'm pretty positive that is not legal behavior, so who knows what is going to happen to him. So, for another crazy...woman comes because her work wants her to get tested. She has been acting all wonky (isn't that a great word?!) and they think she's on drugs. She comes in, offers the boss a BRIBE to make the test come out negative! So, obviously bitch is doing something illegal. She says she can give him more money than he can imagine! HAHAHA! For real? You have that much money? Then why do you have a job? Retire and go live in the Bahamas if you have access to that much money! Crazy ASS! So, obviously he does not accept the bribe and apparently the lady (she was a nurse) quits her job and then was demanding that we not send her former employer the results. That's not happening. But here is the best part...crazy bitch came back negative anyways! Bet she feels stupid. Oh, and she brought her mom in with her to try and execute the bribe. I love it. My mom would have slapped my ass to the floor SO fast if I did shit like that. Seriously. Like lightning.
Other exciting news. I sent in a cake wreck and here I am: http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/2008/11/fall-fumbles.html
Jacquelyn G....that's me! I found it when I was visiting Jean at the local Food Lion. I know, good stuff right. So I'm pretty much famous. You all can say you knew me back before I got all big and hotshot...which will be any day now.
Also, my All Star team was second in the tournament we played in, so that means we are going to the state championship! How about Saturday was miserable and FREEZING but we still pulled out the win (9-0, thank you!) and so off we go to Rock Hill. I mean, I don't really know what is going on since we have no schedule and I haven't figured out how we're all getting there or where we're staying and it's in two weeks....but whatever, we're going. My team is the only U17 that made it. And I have to say, it's all in the coaching. That is what my supervisor (who is super cute and I have a crush on his voice...and him..but mainly his voice) tells me. When you win, it's all in the coaching. When you lose, it's the players fault. Sigh. I wish I had game off the field and could score with the supervisor. OHHHHH...how you like those puns? I love them, thanks.
So soccer consumed my Saturday. And then Sunday I did nothing. Literally. Nothing. Driving to my moms for dinner was the most effort I exerted all day. Because then I got there and did nothing. It was a waste of day. In more ways than one.
Lastly, HOORAY for Christmas season! I mean, it's close enough. I don't officially get in the Christmas spirit until after Thanksgiving...it's only right, Thanksgiving deserves some attention too. BUT, it's almost here and that means Christmas music, yay! Christmas lights, YAY! Christmas presents, woo hoo! And best of all, PEPPERMINT ICE CREAM! Omg, my FAVE! It only comes out around Christmas and it is probably my number one favorite thing to eat. But it does also mean cold weather and that gets a big fat BOOOO. I know, always gotta be Debbie Downer. We'll focus on the positive...we're getting a Christmas tree next week! Hip, hip HOORAY!
18 November 2008
11 November 2008
I'm not alone
So, every now and again, I think to myself, self, wtf are you thinking? Because sometimes, I think I'm crazy. I think, I cannot possibly be normal 23 year old and there is no way anyone else is as ridiculous as me. But, then, sometimes, I find out I am, in fact, NOT the only person that thinks a certain way. There are lots of crazies out there! Don't get me wrong, I know I am still unique and valuable (thank you high school health teacher), and there is no one quite like me...but there are people that think similar thoughts as myself. Such as this person's thoughts on having kids, that I found on wwtdd.com:
"Why on earth do people have kids? By all outward appearances, they’re nothing but one endless terrifying drama after another, a constant drain on your wallet, your social life and your peace and quiet. Have a kid and your life just became 100 million times harder. You might as well have chopped off one of your feet. Are they cute? Not really, not to anyone but you, but if that’s all you want get a dog and then fold a pirate hat out of some newspaper. There. Ta-da."
That's what I'm screaming! Couldn't have said it better myself!
And then there's this thought....
…four unmistakable signs that you’re getting old(er)
1. doing absolutely nothing…and loving it
when you’re young, if you happen to spend a weekend night in the crib, you usually spend the whole time wondering and fantasizing to death about all of the marvelous and slutty things other people your age are doing at the time. by the time i turned 26, i’d mutter “i should have stayed my ass at home” at least once during at least 75 percent of my outings.
now, i make up excuses not to go out.
“naw man, i’m good. sportscenter highlights are always better when rece davis is the anchor, and he’s scheduled to appear on tonight's show. i can’t miss that sh*t”
Yessssss. I love it! I make up excuses too! Usually not involving sportscenter highlights, but something along those lines. Honestly, I just really like sleeping more than drinking. It's warmer, less expensive and less hazardous to my health. Also, I get to wear comfier clothes and don't have to ward off sketch balls hitting on me. It's fabulous. However, I did actually dress up and go out on the town this Saturday and had myself a very successful and fun evening. I won't go into details...a lady doesn't kiss and tell. Haha, that's a lie..I tell everything..but I am classy enough to not give it all away online. And I didn't pay for a drink all night! I did have to ward off some sketch balls though. You can't win em all.
And going back to me being crazy...I know I'm a little on the strange side..but all I have to do is sign onto facebook or hit up a club...or go to work and I remember there are people FAR crazier than I. First off, what is UP with people putting up "model" photo shoot albums. No one wants to see 40 pictures of just YOU. It's lame when they are "professionally" done (I mean, "professionally" can encompass a wide variety of levels), but it is especially lame when you have taken all the pictures yourself....with your phone. Some people need life coaches. And I am fully aware that I am obsessed with Booger and put up lots of videos and photos...but she is at least SUPER cute. A lot of these people taking model pictures are not cute. At all.
Speaking of Booger. I had to give her back today. :( :( :( :( :( Sooooo sad. Apparently you just foster them until they are big enough to stay in the kennel with the other dogs. So yeah, that was depressing. But kind of good I guess. I ran out of dog food today. Also, she peed in my bed last night and I've had just about enough of that nonsense. But, I am still super sad. This is worse than being dumped...Booger actually loved me back. I will be posting a tribute photo montage later. We can mourn together. Or you can roll your eyes at the excessiveness. Whatever floats your boat.
All Star soccer has officially taken over my life. I had to do something soccer related 5 days out of the week last week, and six this week. Complete ridiculousness. But, I think we are pretty good. So things should at least be exciting once the games start. Did I mention we are playing at the air force base? That means everyone has to be cleared to get on base. As in, I had to submit a list of names of people that are coming to the game so the military could run background checks on everyone coming. CRAZY.
And lastly, you know that commercial for AllState Insurance that has the family in court and they lose and they're all sad and the other guy is like, we'll get all their money! Yes? I looked for it on YouTube, but couldn't find it, so if you don't know, just watch TV until it comes on. Anyways, every time I see that commercial I get irritated because I realllly want to know the story behind it! I mean, what happened??!?! Was the kid drinking and driving? Is he underage? He's not cute, so I am not really all that interested in him, but I do want to know why the other man is so bitter and money hungry. Is he poor? Was a loved one killed by the ugly boy? Was his car totaled? What is going on AllState?!? I don't think I'll ever find out, with it not being real and all. So sad.
Ok, well be ready for the photo montage. I know I'm excited!
07 November 2008
True Life
Right now Liz is making me watching True Life: I'm a compulsive shopper. It's killing me. These people are retarded and I don't feel sorry for them. Especially the retard that is trying to save money so she can get a boob job. Dumb ass. Moving on.
Look how much Booger loves me. And I love her back. However, she has been a crazy mutt lately and has got some serious biting issues. We're working on it. I'll keep you updated. In the meantime, let's look at happier times when Booger was being cute. There are more videos of this and I'll get around to posting them later. I know, I'm out of control with the videos. I can't stop myself. True Life: I'm addicted to my puppy.
I saw Role Models this weekend...SO FUNNY. Go see it. But miss the previews. Normally I love the previews, but they had two for some really scary movies. And I hate scary movies, as well as scary previews. It was some freaky shit. True Life: Scary movie previews give me nightmares.
I think MTV needs to contact me about these True Life ideas. I really think I could provide them with some good material. I mean, they could either actually do a story on me and my super awesome life. Or, I could just give them ideas and they could pay me lots of money. Sounds good to me. Holla, MTV!
By the way, we moved on to True Life: I'm an alcoholic. Seriously? Who cares. Coaching youth soccer, puppies and drug testing is way more interesting. Please.
03 November 2008
Hot Dog!
I really am that obsessive mom. I take a million pictures and then show them to the world, even if they are not interested in seeing them. But whatever, I am going to keep doing it until the blogger police tell me to stop. Anyways, aren't we so cute? I was the phantom drug tester and Booger was obviously a hot dog. She was not a huge fan of it though...as you will see in the video...yay!
And now I'm just going to show more pictures. Because I am that mom and she is that cute. Also, I don't have much else to say other than I am SO ready to vote and get this election OVER with. I am so tired of all the political bullshit. Anyways, enjoy....
Aww, she loves pinky!
Scary face!
Such a booger
Bath time!
Hope you got a good dose of Booger. I'm sure there will be more to come. Get excited! Also, there are more pics and videos on facebook just in case you didn't get your fill.
And lastly, I saw "The Secret Life of Bees" last night and it was super good. The book, of course, is better, but I thought the movie did a good job. Stayed pretty true to the book, which I like. It made me sad for a lot of reasons but it inspired me a little too. I thought of this last night and thought it was so very poetic of me. Here goes:
Sometimes, when you're mending a broken heart, you have to rip out the stitches and start all over again.
Creative, right? It's like when you sew...get it? Like you're mending a dress or something. I know, I don't know where it comes from either. It just bursts out of me. I can't control it.
Song of the post: "Heartbreak World" by Matt Nathanson.
Soccer championships this week! Wish me luck!
28 October 2008
Just Dance
This video doesn't showcase her full cuteness...kind of when she falls. So imagine this cuteness times 100.
Soccer update: U13 is over. We were number 8 and lost to the number 9 time tonight and are therefore out of the playoffs. I will not lie and say I'm not sad. I am ready for soccer to be over. For one thing, it's freezing. Also, I'm tired of running all over the place trying to coach both games by myself. It's exhausting. U18 starts in the playoffs next week and we're tied for first right now, so things could get exciting. We'll see.
Yay Halloween this weekend! Still haven't figured out what I'm going to be. We'll see I guess.
Boo cold weather. Yay fair next week!
The title is my new song for the day. It's by Lady Gaga. She's awesome. It's also what I want to do with my life.
Peace out homeslice.
21 October 2008
Meet Booger
So, in other news...these last couple of days have been a roller coaster. I got the call about Booger on Sunday and I was all, yay! But then later that day the radiator on my car blew and now it's undriveable and that's all, booooooo. But then, today I got a call from the egg place and I got matched again, so I can donate again! YAY! See, roller coaster. But mainly good things. I will be ok without a car for now, but I really wanted to go to Jacksonville this weekend but I don't know if that is going to happen now since my car might not be fixed by Friday. DOUBLE BOOOO. :( :(. I want to go so bad! I've been planning it for awhile. Since right after all my other plans were officially squashed via text message. But, to end on a good note, the U13 team TIED last night! Which means they DIDN'T LOSE! HOORAY! And, we scored THREE goals! That's huge! More than the rest of the season combined, I think. The U18 tied as well, which was disappointing because that is our first not win...but it's not a loss, so we're cool.
Ok, well keep your fingers crossed for Ralph (my car) and maybe when he's fixed I'll come visit YOU! Get excited, whoever you are.
Peace...and hair grease.
Also, does anyone know how to make things go on both sides of the blog? I want to get some more lists going.
19 October 2008
Best Week Ever
Not much going on this weekend. The weather was bad yesterday, but it is back to being amazing today. I was considering a divorce for a bit, but I think we are going to be able to work things out.
I watched October Sky this weekend. Back in high school, that was my favorite movie. I used to watch it like, everyday. So weird, right? I don't know what it was, but I loved it! I think I was probably the only high schooler that was in love with it, thus probably making me Jake Gyllenhaal's first fan. So he should probably come find me and marry me. I'll be here waiting Jake! Also I love the music in it. We can dance to it at our wedding. It'll be awesome.
I am so irritated with some of the stupid people that I've been talking to about living here. Some people are so rude and retarded and I don't understand how they don't know proper etiquette when it comes to conversing with someone about possibly living in their house. If you say you are going to come by at 2:00, fucking come by at 2:00 or at least call and say you aren't going to be able to make it. It is not that hard assholes.
AH! The Animal Shelter just called me and told me I get to be a foster parent for a puppy for the next two weeks!!! So exciting! This could be disastrous, but I'm thinking it could be super fun as well. Woo hoo, crazy times! We'll see how it goes and I will definitely put up pics sometime next week. Hopefully this will make next week a great week! We'll see...more later. Sorry this post was so ridiculous and random. My life is not that interesting these days. What are you gonna do?
15 October 2008
I've got nothing to do today but smile
I rediscovered my love for blasting really ridiculous dorky music and driving with the windows down on extremely nice days like today. I'm embarrassed to tell you what I was listening, so I'll keep it to myself. Ok, no I won't. No shame! Today's selection included Michael Bolton and pieces from the musical "Wicked." Speaking of "Wicked," I think that may be the main reason I am so sad these days...I will no longer be going to see it at the end of October. So very sad indeed. I was really looking forward to it. :( But, there will be other chances, so I'll go another time. In the meantime, you can find me "defying gravity" at a very high volume around town. I am so cool. Also, yes, I did in fact say Michael Bolton. He has some super fabulous 80s pop music and I feel fellow drivers should appreciate it as well. Lucky them. OH! And on the way home, sometimes there are these crazy guys in blue wigs standing on the side of the road jumping around all crazy advertising for a junk company or something. I don't know, there is this huge dump truck next to them that says www.gotjunk, and that is what their signs say too. I think that would be a horribly embarrassing job, but it's like 3 guys and I think if I was out there with friends, it would be hysterical. Plus they crack me up, so I LOVE seeing them! It totally makes my afternoon. They are young guys and they seem like fun...I think I should stop by sometime and say what's up. And I'll be all, oh yeah, I got junk....in my TRUNK! Check it. I'm sure that will go over well. They look like they would appreciate some good 80s Michael Bolton. I think this could work.
In other news, the search for a third roommate is still on. I have high hopes for this batch of people though. I re-posted it on craigslist and I have gotten a few promising responses. ::Fingers crossed:: I might be looking for another roommate in January because my retard sister is thinking of moving...to New Jersey. Seriously, she is such a tard. She wants to be a full time a nanny and her choices are NJ and Italy. She's going for New Jersey. For reals. I don't know how we are related sometimes. I am hoping to get out of the country in the new future as well, so I might be looking for a permanent replacement for the both of us. We'll see. I sure as hell will not be relocating to New Jersey where it's cold as shit during the winter. I was there for a week last year and was miserable. I could not handle living there.
My foot is getting a little better. It is still disgusting and itchy, but I think it's on it's way out. Jeez, I hope so anyways! At least flip flop season is on it's way out.
We got killed in softball. So sad...but I only played for like, 2 innings so I'm going to say that it was not my fault. I didn't help anything, but I certainly didn't hurt anyone. On the way home I was listening to some random song and one of the lines in it was "we have to remember...god is a baby...and also a diaper." Something along those lines of ridiculousness. I mean, what? Speaking of music, I just downloaded new music and I'm obsessed. I think I'm going to start a new list or something of songs I think everyone needs to hear. The first one is "Shakin" by Eddie Money. Go. Download. Listen. Thank me later.
Ok, well I just read Sarah's 8 post and I want to re-do some of mine because that is how I roll. I copy and steal from people. They inspire me. Sarah inspires me to be better. And, I forgot about kissing because that is also a passion of mine. My favorite is kissing random boys in random places...like alleys, public bathrooms and the parking lot. Bonus points if they don't speak English. Kissing whilst standing up is my favorite. Making out on the couch is fun too, but there is just something romantic about standing and kissing. Even when you're in a bathroom...trust me. She also had good music listed. Good job Sarah! Except Hall and Oates..for real? To each his own. But, I'll keep my post the same. Oh yeah, I'm also jealous of her fun job because I just know I would be so much better off if I had a fun job I liked and actually used my brain for. I need to find one! I also wished I thought being a college grad was fabulous...I think it will be though. I have faith. Oh, and I'm also tagging Kelly and she better do it because she hasn't posted since like, June.
Man! I really wish I could bottle how I feel today and drink it up when I'm feeling lame. I seriously had a fabulous day and just feel super great right now. Don't know what it is...the crepe perhaps. Going to sleep with a smile on my face in hopes tomorrow will be just as fabulous.
Ciao ciao!
13 October 2008
Just call if you need us
First off, I never told about the ridiculous woman I encountered the other day. I have told the story about 10 times this week and the more I tell it, the more I realize that it's not all that funny or interesting, so I'll give the abridged version. Basically I went to do an on-site collection in someone's house and the girl I was testing was a big fat bitch and was giving me a lot of attitude. But she wasn't the biggest problem...her cousin (who was probably 40) was sitting in the room when I walked in and got all pissy with me because I "didn't say good morning" to her or her mother. I mean, I walked into their house so you'd think they would greet me first but they didn't so, I didn't say anything to them. Whatever. But she would NOT drop it! She kept saying something about it! Finally, when I was almost finished, I had as much as I could take and was just like, "Look, I don't need a manners lecture from you!" And then she got REAL mad and started yelling some more and demanded that she call my boss, blah blah. So I gave her the number, walked out and of course, told everyone goodbye and to have a lovely day. She yelled after me to have a blessed day because I obviously needed the lord in my life. Right. That is exactly what I need. I think I need a new job, actually but whatever. Anyways, best part is that she called my boss/dad and he shut her down so fast, haha! He was pretty much like, yeah, it's not her job to say good morning and that since she wasn't even the one being tested, it's really not any of her concern. BURN.
I signed up for the TEFL course, so in just a few short hours (40 maybe) I will be certified to teach English abroad! I am proud of myself because I am finally taking a step towards to doing what I really want to do and what I've been saying I'm going to for the last year and a half. So go me.
And lastly, my faith in humanity has been restored by an act of kindness today. I decided I was going to walk to Whole Foods (which I thought was really far, but is only 2 miles) today, even though the weather was not looking so good. But I made up my mind, so off I went. I made it there fine but on the way back it started pouring down rain...of course. So I'm standing on the side of the road, under a business awning and this CARTA bus that is going by just stops in the middle of the road (Coleman Blvd) and starts honking for me to get on! Haha, the driver was holding up traffic and everything, just so I didn't have to stand in the rain. So awesome..made my weekend. And then, she dropped me off right in front of my house. How fabulous is that? I got off and she was just like, ok, just call carta whenever you need us. I love it.
Wow. So I just got really sad. It comes in waves and one just hit me big time. Still having a hard time processing that someone I care about is completly wiped out of my life and is ok with that.
Shake it off.
12 October 2008
Slightly Pathetic
8 things I'm passionate about:
I'm really not that passionate about anything, but here are things I would really like/care about and could possibly lead to passion down the road...
1. Music. I love music. And like I said earlier, I love analyzing songs and applying them to my life. Songs can make me cry, but they can also make me really happy.
2. Dancing. Kind of ties in with music. I freaking love dancing and wish I could do it for a living. I would love nothing more than to be on "Dancing with Normal, Everyday People" (its a new show that needs to be developed.) I also really want to dance with Ellen one day and learn the final dance from Dirty Dancing Havana Nights.
3. Writing. I love writing and really want to find a job one day that is a combination of writing, traveling and helping people. That would be awesome.
4. Traveling. I got a little taste in college and want nothing more than to bust up out of the US and go to every country. Seriously. Every single one. I need to get started.
5. Helping people. I like doing the behind the scenes stuff and not the emotional stuff. Like when I do Habitat stuff, I want to hammer and build...not talk to the people. I know, I'm so cold.
6. Reading. Man, I sound like kind of a loser, but there is really nothing better than reading a really good book. I think I am one of a very small amount of 23 year olds that actually utilizes their library card. Awesome, right?
7. My friends and family. I have some really super awesome ones. For real. I don't know how I got so lucky but sometimes my friends just rock my face off. I just wish they all lived closer and not so damn far away. Thank goodness for the internet and cell phones.
8. Women's rights. Well, people's rights in general I guess. Equality is the way to go. I really want to figure out a way to turn this passion into a career. Any thoughts?
8 things I want to do before I die:
1. Travel to every country. I'm hoping science will advance and I'll live a long time, but still be healthy and able. And if that doesn't work, at least go everywhere cool. And I need a shit ton of money.
2. Have a huge, extravagant, bomb ass party for myself. Or a wedding. The wedding might not happen...so I'm not going to limit myself in the event that I will just have to throw an amazing party for myself.
3. Have something published. (this kind of sounds like my bucket list...)
4. Be on TV, in a movie or a play. I guess I need to get an agent.
5. Live on the beach. Not near it...on it. Somewhere that has ridiculously high house insurance.
6. Have something named after me. A friend of my mom's has a scholarship at Notre Dame in her name. I think PC will someday have a jacky g scholarship of awesomeness. I, of course, will decide the criteria. It will involve being awesome.
7. Give money back to places that are important to me...PC, Camp Cherokee, Camp Greenville, my elementary and high schools (not middle, middle school was awful).
8. Fly first class and get wasted on free champagne.
8 things I say often:
1. And....
2. like,
3. Cuss words...I am such a potty mouth!
4. Ok, love you...bye (when talking on the phone)
5. Seriously
6. I know, right?
7. Are you freaking kidding me?!
8. Hi. Can I help you? Who are you taking a test for? Do you have a picture ID with you? Please sign in. Thank you, it will be just a second. (my standard greeting at the pee farm)
8 artists I never tire of listening to:
1. Matt Nathanson
2. Belinda Carlisle (really just Heaven on Earth)
3. Van Morrison
4. Will Hoge
5. Jack Johnson
6. Counting Crows
7. Classical (more of a genre, really)
8. 80s (also a genre...sorry)
8 TV shows I love:
1. Scrubs
2. The Office
3. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
4. 30 Rock
5. Arrested Development
6. The Colbert Report
7. Til Death
8. I love the 80s & 70s (the Vh1 series)
See a pattern? Not a big TV person...but I love me some comedy
8 Things I learned in 2008:
1. I learned a lot about drugs and how they metabolize in your body. Fascinating, I know. I'll tell you all about it someday.
2. I am not as strong or as smart as I thought I was
3. Being a college graduate is not all that fabulous...and I'm not alone in thinking that.
4. You really have to make things happen for yourself.
5. A LOT of people in Charleston County do drugs. Way more than I thought.
6. Just because you are nice to people, it does not mean they are going to be nice back.
7. The real world is expensive
8. You really have to hold tight onto people and things that matter.
Who am I gonna tag?
Haha, umm...my one blogger friend...Sarah! And anyone else that reads this. Let me know!
10 October 2008
One Step at a Time
Long story short, I'm feeling A LOT better. I am keeping myself busy and happy and I really think stuff really did happen for a reason and everything is going to work out for the best. It's also nice to know that even though some people don't appreciate you and love you for all you're worth...some people do. I have amazing friends and they are being awesome and helping me out even though they have gone through all this mess before. And, in case you were wondering...I am actually talking about more than one person. But we don't need to get into all that.
I also officially decided I am more mad at the other person. Because I didn't do anything wrong and I was actually a fabulous significant other or whatever I was. Or friend in some situations. But I can't change people. Even though I'm smarter and cooler, not every one thinks like me. Which is unfortunate, but I'm learning how to accept the things I cannot change. And I will smile because I deserve to, thank you.
In more normal, less dramatic news...my foot is covered in ant bites and it freaking HURTS. I kind of want to cut my foot off. I feel like that would probably not be best in the long run though. That would probably just add to my problems...esp since I still don't have health insurance. I'm thinking it could be problematic. Thoughts?
And, OH MY GOSH-I dealt with the most RIDICULOUS person this morning. Seriously, such a bitch. Two bitches actually. But, I don't feel like writing about it so I'll do it tomorrow. For now, my burning foot and I are going to bed.
Peace out, yo.
09 October 2008
Just Like J. Lo
See what I mean? What kind of sane person would wear that?
So, in other news:
I won both my softball games last night! Hooray! And I didn't do horrible. I get really nervous playing with the new team because they are more hardcore and better than my other team. But, I did not embarass myself last night other than one missed grounder. And, I batted well, which was a welcome change.
Oh yeah! Homecoming was super fun! I had a great time, which was kind of unexpected. But still, a pleasant surprise. I saw lots of good friends and had a very good, drunk time. Exactly what I wanted. I did get a little upset though, because the stupid ticket lady gave everyone free tickets that had their student ID...and then I tried to use mine and she was all, what is your ID number? You don't still go here do you? UGH! Punk! She caught me. But then I got all sassy and was like, you didn't check everyone elses! She said, yes I did! I said, no you did not because you just gave everyone else that graduated with me a free ticket! Then I ran away so she wouldn't yell at me. I was drunk..but not fearless quite yet. So boo on getting caught and having to spend $15 on a ticket. I don't feel bad though...I mean, there are tons of students that don't go to the game...I was just using one of theirs! And, there are tons of times I didn't use my free ticket, so I think it would have been ok for me to get in for free. But whatever. And, I lost my black fleece. Which really pisses me off. One, because I didn't even use it. Two, because it was expensive. Three, I just bought it last year. And four, I know someone out there has it and they KNOW it's mine because it has my freaking name on the tag. Grrr.
Hm, that's about it for jacky news. Sorry again for the sad rant, but I needed to get it out. I feel better already. Feel free to send distractions my way.
Later dudes.
03 October 2008
We Want the Funk
And, sweet! I figured out how to post videos. Get excited people, because I'm sure lots more are coming your way. I love those kids! I don't have a Mastercard, but I just might get one now. I wonder if they all get free Mastercards for being in that commercial. I also wonder if they are really that cool in person. Probably not. I love funny commercials. They make my life. There are some Katrina and I find hilarious but no one else seems to think so, so I'm not going to share. Maybe I'll put the Jesus videos on here one day...those things are hysterical. Unless you're really into Jesus...then you might not think so.
Other than that, my U13 team lost...again. We have not won a single game and we've only scored one goal the whole season. Sound familiar? Yeah, sounds like the 5 and 6 year old team I had. I don't know if this means I'm a bad coach or if it means that since I'm not a parent, they just give me the crappy team. I don't know. I don't really know what else I can do...these kids do NOT listen! And they are pretty lazy and never want to get after the ball, so that could be a factor in them not scoring any goals. It's a possibility. There is also one child on the team I would really like to see move away and not come back. He sucks so bad. And not just at soccer...at life in general. That's pretty bad when you're only 11 and already sucking at life. He's got a long, sucky life ahead of him.
Anyways, we still need a third roommate. PLEASE let me know if you know anyone that is not sketchy, clean and fun. Very basic requirements to live in pretty much the coolest house ever.
Going to Homecoming this weekend. I'll keep you posted on how that goes. I am neutral about it right now. Could be awesome. Could be terrible. Fingers crossed for awesome.
Later skater.
24 September 2008
So I've been thinking about time a lot lately. And how sometimes I really wish I had a life rewind button and other times a fast forward one. Today is especially interesting to me because today is the day I came home from Wyoming exactly a year ago. It is absolutely INSANE to me how much happens in a year. One year and everything is different. But at the same time, one year later and so much is the same. It's weird. I don't know if anything else is baffled by change, but it throws me every time. I know I should be used to it by now, but I still am just like, wtf is going on here? And by here, I mean my life. My own life baffles me and I would love to figure it out, but I don't think that is happening anytime soon. Like I said, sometimes I wish I could rewind it so I could go back and revisit happy times. Not that I want to go back and re-live the past...I just want to visit and be really happy again. Because I am not super happy right now. But I think I will be in the future sometime and that is why I want a fast-forward button. Just to by pass all this nonsense and get to the good stuff. However, if anything, I am so glad to be out of Wyoming. So yay for a year separating me and that atrocity.
Also crazy how much changes in a week, or even a day. Just this past weekend I was a sad little ball of pathetic-ness and here I am three days later with a new outlook on life. My problem is that when something bad happens, I freak out and let it ruin my life (temporarily), which includes lots of crying and moping and not eating. Then I eat something, actually get off the couch and life is SO much better. I just let myself forget that everything is going to be ok and nothing is really that bad and I need to shut up and get up. So, readers, next time you hear of me being sad, someone please give me a reality slap, tell me to shut up and force me to eat something and take a walk.
Something random: On facebook the other day (I know, I spend way to much time on there, but I'm addicted and extremely bored at work), I sign on to see" __________ ________ [names extracted to not embarrass people] took the which mighty woman of the Bible are you most like? quiz. Seriously. I seriously signed on to facebook and saw this. And then I died laughing. Facebook is out.of.control. Those quizzes are crazy and how in the world I ended up being facebook friends with someone that would even take such a thing, I don't know. So of course, I decided to take it. I am Deborah. I'm not going to lie, I have no idea who that even is. I thought for sure I was going to be the Virgin Mary, but I was wrong. Here is my little description: "You aren't afraid to speak your mind. You know what you want, and go for it. You are motivated, and you revel in personal victories. You are wise in many ways, and you know well, and trust the God you serve. You are courageous, and can look fear in the face. You are a victor."
Kind of accurate? I guess...I don't know. I feel like such a heathen. Plus I couldn't really answer the questions very honestly because they were things like, "What bible verse do you most relate to?" And since I don't really read the bible, I had to just pick randomly. There was another one, "At a milk n' cookies party, what would you be doing?" Now, I have never been to a milk and cookies party, so I just replaced milk and cookies with fraternity and put me down as "laughing and have a great time!" So I guess that works. The answers were almost as ridiculous as the questions. Do yourself a favor and take the quiz. Then let me know which mighty woman you are and we can be cool and have a discussion or something. Or maybe someone out there can tell me who Deborah is and I'll decide how I feel about her.
Now that I have covered all the crazy bases, I'm going to shut up. Work is almost over (yay!..and yes, I write this at work instead of doing productive things) and I have a soccer game tonight. Gotta get in the zone. Go team Hitt. (Still don't know what Hitt is).
Later dudes.
19 September 2008
Smile, though your heart is aching
Moving on, I don't think I shared, but I pretty much got the best sponsor ever for me and JC's U18 soccer team. Ready for it??? Drummmmrooollll......CHIC-FIL-A! YAY! Seriously, how awesome is that? That means we get free food AND a spot on the wall by the bathroom. Bascially, I'm going to be famous, via Chic-Fil-A. Also, our shirts are red, which is my fave color. Only problem is that they give the coaches XL shirts, so it's pretty much a dress on me and I look like an idiot wearing it. And that's irritating because now I have three, nonwearable t-shirts. Our U13 team is Hitt and I have no idea what or who that even is. I know there is a website on our shirts, but I have yet to check it out. And who really cares anyways, because our other team is Chic-Fil-A and that is awesome. Also, our poor little U13 team lost 9-0 at our first game on Monday and it was a diaster. One kid was crying. He played goalie first half and got about 7 goals scored on him. And, as a retired keeper, I know how much that shit sucks. So I feel for him. We switched keepers in the second half and only 2 goals were scored, so that just added insult to injury.
More good news...we got cable! YAY! And don't worry, I took full advantage of it yesterday by watching TV for like, 5 hours straight. Whoa, I know, sad, but I have to make up for lost time. We also got internet, but I couldn't get it to work on my computer. Hopefully we'll get the wireless up and running sometime soon. One step at a time. Isn't that right Jordin?
Hmmm...other good news. There is a possibility I will be getting health benefits here at the pee farm in the near future. Promises have been made before, but fingers crossed that something actually happens this time.
Well, that is about it. I am going to spend the rest of the day smiling really hard. Because maybe tomorrow the sun will come shining through for me.
17 September 2008
You Got Tagged
A - Attached or Single? Single. Unrequited love is such a bitch
B - Best friend(s): I have a lot. The real ones are who read this thing.
C - Cake or pie? Hm, depends on what kind. But once I had this dessert in Italy that was one of the best things I've ever had and I'm pretty sure it was pie...so I would have to go with that.
D - Drink of choice? Water...cream soda if I'm feeling special
E - Essential item: the internet, my car
F - Favorite color: Big fan of red
G - Gummi bears or worms? They taste the same.
H - Hometown: Charleston, SC (even though I was born in Jacksonville, FL)
I - Indulgence: TV and food
J - January or February? January. Valentine's Day is stupid
K - Kids: ...are dumb
L - Life, for me, is incomplete without: Dancing, laughing, and randomness....I agree with Sarah. Add sleeping
M - Marriage date: Sept. 21st. But not this coming up one. Or any one in the near future...that is just the day so I can play the song at my wedding and then celebrate with it every year.
N - Number of siblings: 1 brother, 1 sister, 1 step-brother and 2 step-sisters.
O - Oranges or Apples? Apples, red delicious...the crispy ones. Mushy apples are gross.
P - Phobia/Fears: becoming extremely fat...like to the point of not being able move around. Also getting sad and never being able to get happy again.
Q - Favorite quote: "Keep laughing, even when you are under stress." Jerman Disasa
R - Reasons to smile: Going to the beach after work, my friends, new shoes
S - Season: spring and fall.
T - Tag Ten: hahaha. like 10 people read this blog. I'm tagging anyone that does...get back to me.
U - Unknown fact about me: I really want to be famous
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? HAHAHA. Is that the best you could come up with for V? Who made this? Biased much? Opressor of animals and I'm not ashamed.
W - Worst habit: overthinking everything, crying, and being super critical
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds: I had an ultrasound once and it was not fun, so probably X-rays
Y - Your favorite foods: Oh my. Sushi, crepes, french fries, the list goes on forever.
Z - Zodiac: Leo. And sometimes I think that stuff is really on point. Scary.
Also, people, just a heads up. This girl is down in the dumps. Feel free to send some love my way. More later.
11 September 2008
shiny happy jacky
I mainly just wanted everyone to see this new website I found because it is awesome and hilarious. More ways to entertain myself at work! YAY! Here is the link: http://www.wwtdd.com/
And here is an exerpt from one of my favorite posts, from the Jessica Simpson site:
"If you’re reading this somewhere other than the United States today, you should know that today is our birthday. The US has been awesome for 232 years now, and so today all of us bad ass motherfuckin Americans will celebrate by putting our hot chicks in bikinis and shooting fireworks at each other. The point being, things will probably be kind of slow today, so my condolences if you’re bored. Also, my condolences if you're not American. I read in the bible that if god didn’t make you American, it’s because he hates you, so you’re kind of screwed."
hahahahaha! That last line is the best. Another fave is when he is talking about Britney Spears (who is a big fucking moron, btw) and says, "She's a modern day Solomon, people often say." OH MY. So funny. I just love me some sarcasm. And my VERY favorite line (Hm, maybe you should just look at the site instead of me re posting everything on here. Whatev, here it is...)..."What Would Tyler Durden Do" is a blog focused on bringing you the latest gossip and news about rich and famous celebrities. And then making fun of them. Why? Because fuck them, that's why."
Because fuck them, that's why. I LOVE IT. Mainly because I freakin HATE celebrities and how fucking retarded they are and how they are a huge waste of space and especially a HUGE waste of money. But no more ranting about them. I am shiny happy jacky today.
I am especially happy because I'm going to Atlanta this weekend and I am super pumped! I am also pumped because it is currently almost 5:00 which means I get to GO HOME! YAY! And we have soccer practice today, which gives me something to do, also making happy. Even though I will probably get a thousand more bug bites to add to my million current bug bites on my legs...oh well.
And we still haven't found a third roommate, but we're also not dwelling on it because shiny happy jacky does not do things like that. Even though that girl can still suck it. The US department of immigration can also suck it...but that's a whole new story.
I would also like to say that the new facebook is the stupidest thing ever. It makes it a lot harder to follow and it really just looks stupid. Who is making these decisions at fb? We need to have a chat.
And lastly, did I ever share that a woman at work threatened to slap me? It was pretty funny. She didn't want to give up her hair because it was "all natural." Which was a lie because she was most obviously wearing a wig. And then after she got kicked out for threatening physical violence, she asked if her eyebrows would be enough hair to send out. Seriously? You are willing to shave off your EYEBROWS but not willing to give up a tiny bit of hair? WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE?! Crazy crazy.
Oh, and if anyone was wondering, I gave up on reading Catch-22. Unless anyone can make a compelling argument for me to finish it, I won't be picking it back up.
Thank you. That is all. Godspeed.