I also just stabbed myself with a pen at work and it hurts pretty bad. No good.
So I just read this book, "The Friday Nigh Knitting Club," and I was freaking obsessed with it. It's almost scary. I tend to get really involved with books and movies, basically anything made up that I can relate to my own life. Which is a lot of stuff. Songs as well..but we've already discussed that. Anyways, even though it was about knitting and I don't even know how to knit, nor do I have any desire too, I just felt like I could relate to the story of the main character...in a very basic way. Basically, she falls in love for the first time, gets pregnant, guy leaves her, but she never really gets over him even though he sucks, then he comes back 12 years later because he realized his stupidity and it goes from there. Hell no, I'm not preggers, but I do think someone is going to regret some of their actions one day. I could be wrong. I also think this idea would be easier to explain in person. And people that don't really know me might not understand. But anyways, just to kind of drive it home, the guy is black and the woman is white..and has curly brown hair. So yeah, kind of weird. However, I certainly hope my story doesn't end like hers does. I won't give it all away...you should read it. But try to control yourself and not get freakishly attached. I found out there is a sequel and I'm like, I MUST read this book to find out what happened to these non-existent people. I MUST.
Speaking of bad mama jama's...Sarah's party was rocking and I had a super fabulous time. Her new car is freakin sweet and it has plenty of places to store a small baby, which I'm jealous of, because my car is kind of lacking in that area. You know, just in case I ever decide to store a premature baby in my glove compartment. Stupid facebook won't let me upload the pics. But I'm working on it. Here is one to hold you over: Go Hose!
It's almost Christmas!!! Yay! I can't believe it's next week! This year flew by crazy fast...borderline scary. But good, I think 2009 is going to be some good things my way. Well, I hope 2008 brings good things first. Like a new iPod. The one I have now is the mini and it is just kind of sad and I really really want a new one so I can be cool and put all my music on it and not just a measly 1000 songs. Plus they don't even make minis anymore so I look like a total lame- o busting that thing out. I'm hoping I'm on Santa's nice list/my mom decides to splurge and actually get me something I want this year. ::Fingers crossed::
I've been doing a lot of babysitting this week and have been reminded why I don't want to have children. A little girl told me today my nose ring was nasty (rings are for your fingers) and the brother told me he liked his new soccer coach better than me. Thank you kids, really. And the kids on Tuesday were horrible and I literally had to scream at them to get them to do anything. Such punks.
OH. New fantastic website ---> http://fuckyoupenguin.blogspot.com/
So. funny. And song of the post: "Clothes Off!" by Gym Class Heroes and the prude version that inspired it-"We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off" by Jermaine Stewart. Both fabulous.
Ta-ta for now people. Enjoy your days off, if you get them. I get 2. I'll see you back here soon. Ciao ciao :)
It really was an awesome party fo sho. I love your face and I'm pumped about hanging out tonight!