So yeah, speaking of my drive to was a crazy one this morning. First off, I was up at 4:45. Yes, AM. It was horrible. We had to drug test a school at 6 this morning. Why we can't test them at 10 or some reasonable time, I don't know. Anywho, after that I had to drive from downtown to James Island, then back to Mt. Pleasant (this probably means nothing to any of you, but its kind of a trek) and then back to North Charleston. I had to go back for an egg appointment (it's getting close!) and then back to work. Point is, I got stuck in crazy traffic on the interstate and it turns out there was an accident involving like, seven cars and a washer and dryer. Obviously, something horrible happened, and for some sick reason I really want to know what. I always want to know what the deal is with accidents I pass. And I especially want to know how a washer and dryer were involved with this particular one. I know, so weird. But anyways, that is when I saw the 'Keep On Smilin' dump truck. I feel like times are really tough when garbage trucks are dishing out encouraging comments. At least it wasn't telling me Jesus loves me or something stupid like that.
So, aside from my ridiculous morning, my Thanksgiving break was fantastic, thanks for asking. My family is completely crazy, but in a completely fabulous way. Almost the entire crew was up in North Carolina and it was a madhouse. I think it was around 25 people, plus two dogs...and a shit ton of food. We went a hayride, did some shopping, ate lots of food, built a bonfire and watched every single college football game that was on TV. And even called the cable company to yell about some games that weren't. I seriously don't understand how boys are SO involved with football. Between all the men that were there, they probably knew every coach and player, plus all their statistics from the last 20 years. For all the teams too, not just their favorite team. I was kind of impressed. But I was also kind of like, get a life. Learn something useful. Like how to be a red power my youngest cousin Tate. He taught me some pretty sweet ranger moves that I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate into my every day life. I could have used them today on the freaking bitch ass woman that came to the pee farm. She was so rude to me! But, don't worry..I told her she didn't have to be so rude. So then she told me I shouldn't work with the public if I was going to have such a bad attitude and that she was going to call the manager tomorrow and complain about me. So then I told her, oh really? Because I am the manager. BAM. In your face bitch. She then said surely there was someone over me she could speak to. I said, sure thing, here is his number. Then I told my dad (aka the person over me) about the whole incident and he was like, wtf? Stupid DSS people,shut the hell up. So yeah, she got shut down. I digress. Here are pictures of my family and Power Ranger Tate:
Holy crap, getting at 4:45 makes you TIRED. To bed for me. But here is my song of the post (I've been slacking, I know): "The Promise" by Tracy Chapman. I'm going to go ahead and give more since I've missed a few:
"Sexylove" by Ne-Yo
"Stranded" by Van Morrison
"Black Sheep" by Martin Sexton
Ok, ciao ciao!
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