Anyways, other than my Christmas decorating anxiety, things are good. Last weekend was a crazy one. Good, but just a lot of stuff packed into two days. My All Stars soccer team went to the championship in Rock Hill and sadly, we lost both games. They played really well and we had a good time, so it wasn't a total waste. The first games SUCKED though because the ref was horrible and didn't make some pretty important calls. For instance, when my player was going after the ball in the box and the keeper had his armed wrapped around my players legs, severely restricting his range of motion. Yeah, that's not allowed. So, we went into overtime and then had to do PKs and we lost 3-2. PKs are the WORST way to lose. It was sad times. Then we sucked it up big time in the second game and lost 0-1. I think everyone was just like, whatever, 3rd is just as bad as 4th, who cares. But like, I said, it was fun and I had a good time. Except when I was driving there with three kids in my car and I got a speeding ticket. That was super not fun. And embarrassing. On a happy note, please look at my goober team and all their goober faces. They really were a lot of fun:

So soccer was Saturday and after a 6 hour round trip road trip, I was freaking exhausted and went to bed at 9:30. I know, on a Saturday. So sad. But, I did have to get up at 6:30 the next morning and go get my eggs retrieved! So yeah, that was kind of exciting because now I have money (to pay my speeding ticket) AND some lucky lady gets to get pregnant and have a little baby that has my genes and will therefore be awesome.
FYI, putting up Christmas lights is hard as shit. My roommate and I attempted it tonight and they are struggling big time. And we tried so damn hard! Sad times. Whatever, everything will be better when we get the tree.
Oh, oh, oh! Here is my new song: "The Whole World Should Revolve Around Me." And GUESS who it is by....LITTLE JACKIE! I know, I KNOW. So freaking perfect. Seriously, this band and song made my LIFE today. First off, I was known as "little jacky" in Rome because there were 6 Jackie(y)s in my program, so we all had a different adjective. Jew Jackie, Boston Jackie, Goth Jackie, Soccer Mom Jackie, The Other Jackie (no one really knew anything about her), and then me, Little Jacky..or sometimes Southern Jacky. So I'm pretty sure the band heard about the AIFS that had 6 Jackies, decided I was by far the coolest one and named their band after me. Anyways, I was in my car and the radio shows the name of the artist and song and the artist popped up and I was like, heck yes, that's me! Then the name of the song came and I was like, FUCK YES! And the song is fabulous and is officially my new anthem. Because, seriously, the whole world SHOULD revolve around me. I'm awesome and have super great ideas about EVERYTHING. Not to mention I am extremely efficient and organized and IF the world revolved around ME it was be that way as well...not all chaotic and crazy. So there you go. Download and enjoy.
And lastly, boys are so dumb. For real. Sometimes the stuff that comes out of their mouths, I'm just like what? I don't understand how some of them have made it as far as they did. I won't go into details with the latest story but it involves bicycles, crab cakes and talking to my very drunk father. Wtf.
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