That is Merry Christmas in Italian! Merry Christmas people!
I know it's late, but I was kind of busy reading the Twilight Saga, getting drunk, and driving all over the damn place these last few days. But, I hope everyone's holiday was fabulous and that Santa was good to you. He was not so fabulous to me, but it's cool...I got a few cool things. And it was awesome to have a 4 1/2 day weekend, so I'm good. But here are some pics of my super fabulous decor:

The lovely stockings, that I made. Thank you Dollar Tree

The front of the house. See the tree in the window!

My beautiful tree with it's beautiful colored lights. We had some light discrepancies in the house, but I won out. It's my house. There were also lights in the back, but the picture didn't turn out right.
So anyways, I did finish the Twilight Saga. All four of them. In three days. Wow, impressed? I know, it's more sad than anything. But like I've said before, I get really involved with whatever I'm reading and I have to finish right away. So that is what I did. So I'm not really obsessed anymore. The obsession goes away once I'm done with whatever it is I'm reading or watching. Which is good. I don't want to be one of those crazies that truly believes my future husband could potentially be a vampire and/or a wizard. Or one of those that dresses up to read the book, red contacts and all. But, I did enjoy the rest of the books...even though the main girl was pissing me off a little. But, then I remembered that she's not real, so I got over it. I did however, decide that I'm kind of in love with the guy that plays the main character in the movie,
Robert Pattinson. He is easy to look at, has an English accent and seems like a nice person. I saw him on Ellen. I think we would make an excellent couple and I just need to figure out how to introduce myself. Maybe I'll go visit my friend Blakely in LA and I'll spot him and he'll spot me, and then we'll chat and then he'll see how great I am and then he'll ask me out, but I'll play hard to get, but he'll keep trying and I'll eventually give in and we'll fall in love and then I'll get to make a cameo in the next movie. Yes, I think that is what is going to happen. We both have a strong facial structure. I think we would look great together. And Kristen Stewart doesn't seem very nice, so it would be a nice change for him. And apparently he plays piano, which is great. I love piano music! We could play together, I know that viola is around here somewhere. And surely he knows 'Heart and Soul,' it's a classic. I'm pretty awesome at the melody. This is just getting better and better...for him, of course.
Back to reality, I have to go back to work tomorrow and I'm so sad because my co-worker Karla is really gone and she is not coming back :( But, she is going to be a nurse in California and save lives, so I guess that is ok. But I miss her!

We are so cute.
The weather here has been INSANELY nice. It was 75 on Christmas day! Seriously, it was great. I never want it to get cold. If it does, however, I will be prepared since I got two sweaters, two pairs of gloves, and a scarf for Christmas. I will be ready for cold weather, but I would rather it stay warm. Makes me so glad I live in Charleston.

I took those today, DECEMBER 28h while sitting on the beach and reading. Nothing could be finer. Especially since I had just come from hanging out with my fun friends in Columbia the night before. I am lucky that I have such great friends and wish I got to see them more often. I also wish I had taken some pictures while I was with them. Silly me. I get to see more great friends on New Years and I cannot freaking WAIT! Gotta get through 2 1/2 days of work
I have lots of other things I could ramble about, but I think I'm going to finish my 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' dvd instead. Song of the post: "I Still Ain't Over You" by Augustana.
Ciao friends.