31 December 2008

Grammar Police

So, I saw this at a bar last night. And I wanted to share. Also, I went to the bathroom in this same bar and there were a pair of boxer briefs and a pregnancy test wrapper in the trash can next to the toilet. Oh my.

Oh yeah, I found out my man Rob smokes. So we might not fall in love as planned. He is going to have to stop that first. If anyone sees him, tell him to quit. Thanks.


Happy New Year friends!

29 December 2008

Buon Natale!

That is Merry Christmas in Italian! Merry Christmas people!

I know it's late, but I was kind of busy reading the Twilight Saga, getting drunk, and driving all over the damn place these last few days. But, I hope everyone's holiday was fabulous and that Santa was good to you. He was not so fabulous to me, but it's cool...I got a few cool things. And it was awesome to have a 4 1/2 day weekend, so I'm good. But here are some pics of my super fabulous decor:

The lovely stockings, that I made. Thank you Dollar Tree

The front of the house. See the tree in the window!

My beautiful tree with it's beautiful colored lights. We had some light discrepancies in the house, but I won out. It's my house. There were also lights in the back, but the picture didn't turn out right.

So anyways, I did finish the Twilight Saga. All four of them. In three days. Wow, impressed? I know, it's more sad than anything. But like I've said before, I get really involved with whatever I'm reading and I have to finish right away. So that is what I did. So I'm not really obsessed anymore. The obsession goes away once I'm done with whatever it is I'm reading or watching. Which is good. I don't want to be one of those crazies that truly believes my future husband could potentially be a vampire and/or a wizard. Or one of those that dresses up to read the book, red contacts and all. But, I did enjoy the rest of the books...even though the main girl was pissing me off a little. But, then I remembered that she's not real, so I got over it. I did however, decide that I'm kind of in love with the guy that plays the main character in the movie, Robert Pattinson. He is easy to look at, has an English accent and seems like a nice person. I saw him on Ellen. I think we would make an excellent couple and I just need to figure out how to introduce myself. Maybe I'll go visit my friend Blakely in LA and I'll spot him and he'll spot me, and then we'll chat and then he'll see how great I am and then he'll ask me out, but I'll play hard to get, but he'll keep trying and I'll eventually give in and we'll fall in love and then I'll get to make a cameo in the next movie. Yes, I think that is what is going to happen. We both have a strong facial structure. I think we would look great together. And Kristen Stewart doesn't seem very nice, so it would be a nice change for him. And apparently he plays piano, which is great. I love piano music! We could play together, I know that viola is around here somewhere. And surely he knows 'Heart and Soul,' it's a classic. I'm pretty awesome at the melody. This is just getting better and better...for him, of course.

Back to reality, I have to go back to work tomorrow and I'm so sad because my co-worker Karla is really gone and she is not coming back :( But, she is going to be a nurse in California and save lives, so I guess that is ok. But I miss her!

We are so cute.

The weather here has been INSANELY nice. It was 75 on Christmas day! Seriously, it was great. I never want it to get cold. If it does, however, I will be prepared since I got two sweaters, two pairs of gloves, and a scarf for Christmas. I will be ready for cold weather, but I would rather it stay warm. Makes me so glad I live in Charleston.

I took those today, DECEMBER 28h while sitting on the beach and reading. Nothing could be finer. Especially since I had just come from hanging out with my fun friends in Columbia the night before. I am lucky that I have such great friends and wish I got to see them more often. I also wish I had taken some pictures while I was with them. Silly me. I get to see more great friends on New Years and I cannot freaking WAIT! Gotta get through 2 1/2 days of work first...boo.

I have lots of other things I could ramble about, but I think I'm going to finish my 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' dvd instead. Song of the post: "I Still Ain't Over You" by Augustana.

Ciao friends.

24 December 2008


Just a quickie to tell you about my new obsessions. And by obsessions, I mean, I cannot get enough of this crap. It's kind of extreme.

First up, Eric Hutchinson. The song "Rock and Roll" is so beyond fabulous, I can't even stand it. It seriously is like, happiness in a song. I get ridiculously happy listening to it. And even more happy when I can dance to it. I bought his CD today and it might be the best purchase I've ever made. I rarely buy CDs, but the few I've bought recently have worked out really well for me, so I thought I'd give it another try. Here is the video for you to enjoy....Feel free to dance and smile excessively.
I mean, he looks like such a goober, but he's still super cute. I'd totally do him. Haha...um, for real.

Next obsession...Twilight. Like, seriously, it's bad. I started reading it today at work and I'm pretty sure I'll be done with it by tonight. I've always had this freakish ability to read extremely fast, but I'm kind of out of control with this. And I was totally one of those haters when the movie came out and was like, what is with these crazy asses? But now I understand. I also need one of those crazy asses to go see it with me...which might be a problem. Fingers crossed. And yes, I've already bought the second one and am saving up for the third.

Not an obsession, but I've decided I really like Pink...the artist. She just rocks my face off and this video is so funny:
And, I know all about dealing with tools, so I can totally relate to this song. I love it. And Pink is just like, a total badass, like myself. So it's nice to have company.

CHRISTMAS IS SO SOON! As soon as I finish reading Twilight, I am going to take pictures of my fabulous Christmas lights so I can share them with you, dear readers. Get excited!

That is really all I wanted to share. I felt like I should get my new obsessions out there since I'm so pleased with them. I was also excited about them because they got my mind off other, less important things that have been sneaking back in lately. Hooray for distractions!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Love to all :)

18 December 2008

She's a Bad Mama Jama

And by she, I mean me. Cause I am.

I also just stabbed myself with a pen at work and it hurts pretty bad. No good.

So I just read this book, "The Friday Nigh Knitting Club," and I was freaking obsessed with it. It's almost scary. I tend to get really involved with books and movies, basically anything made up that I can relate to my own life. Which is a lot of stuff. Songs as well..but we've already discussed that. Anyways, even though it was about knitting and I don't even know how to knit, nor do I have any desire too, I just felt like I could relate to the story of the main character...in a very basic way. Basically, she falls in love for the first time, gets pregnant, guy leaves her, but she never really gets over him even though he sucks, then he comes back 12 years later because he realized his stupidity and it goes from there. Hell no, I'm not preggers, but I do think someone is going to regret some of their actions one day. I could be wrong. I also think this idea would be easier to explain in person. And people that don't really know me might not understand. But anyways, just to kind of drive it home, the guy is black and the woman is white..and has curly brown hair. So yeah, kind of weird. However, I certainly hope my story doesn't end like hers does. I won't give it all away...you should read it. But try to control yourself and not get freakishly attached. I found out there is a sequel and I'm like, I MUST read this book to find out what happened to these non-existent people. I MUST.

Speaking of bad mama jama's...Sarah's party was rocking and I had a super fabulous time. Her new car is freakin sweet and it has plenty of places to store a small baby, which I'm jealous of, because my car is kind of lacking in that area. You know, just in case I ever decide to store a premature baby in my glove compartment. Stupid facebook won't let me upload the pics. But I'm working on it. Here is one to hold you over: Go Hose!

It's almost Christmas!!! Yay! I can't believe it's next week! This year flew by crazy fast...borderline scary. But good, I think 2009 is going to be some good things my way. Well, I hope 2008 brings good things first. Like a new iPod. The one I have now is the mini and it is just kind of sad and I really really want a new one so I can be cool and put all my music on it and not just a measly 1000 songs. Plus they don't even make minis anymore so I look like a total lame- o busting that thing out. I'm hoping I'm on Santa's nice list/my mom decides to splurge and actually get me something I want this year. ::Fingers crossed::

I've been doing a lot of babysitting this week and have been reminded why I don't want to have children. A little girl told me today my nose ring was nasty (rings are for your fingers) and the brother told me he liked his new soccer coach better than me. Thank you kids, really. And the kids on Tuesday were horrible and I literally had to scream at them to get them to do anything. Such punks.

OH. New fantastic website ---> http://fuckyoupenguin.blogspot.com/
So. funny. And song of the post: "Clothes Off!" by Gym Class Heroes and the prude version that inspired it-"We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off" by Jermaine Stewart. Both fabulous.

Ta-ta for now people. Enjoy your days off, if you get them. I get 2. I'll see you back here soon. Ciao ciao :)

11 December 2008

Loo Dee Doo

Hm, so even though everything that was keeping me super busy is over, I still feel like I have no time to do anything. And by anything, I mean put up Christmas decorations. I don't know what my problem is, but I cannot get them up (that's what she said) and it is making me like, anxious. I don't know...Christmas is soon and I just feel like my house is not festive enough! Right now we have some really pathetic looking front lights and a stocking. It's really sad. We are waiting on a tree stand that my mom has somewhere for us until we actually get a tree. But I want it NOW!

Anyways, other than my Christmas decorating anxiety, things are good. Last weekend was a crazy one. Good, but just a lot of stuff packed into two days. My All Stars soccer team went to the championship in Rock Hill and sadly, we lost both games. They played really well and we had a good time, so it wasn't a total waste. The first games SUCKED though because the ref was horrible and didn't make some pretty important calls. For instance, when my player was going after the ball in the box and the keeper had his armed wrapped around my players legs, severely restricting his range of motion. Yeah, that's not allowed. So, we went into overtime and then had to do PKs and we lost 3-2. PKs are the WORST way to lose. It was sad times. Then we sucked it up big time in the second game and lost 0-1. I think everyone was just like, whatever, 3rd is just as bad as 4th, who cares. But like, I said, it was fun and I had a good time. Except when I was driving there with three kids in my car and I got a speeding ticket. That was super not fun. And embarrassing. On a happy note, please look at my goober team and all their goober faces. They really were a lot of fun:

So soccer was Saturday and after a 6 hour round trip road trip, I was freaking exhausted and went to bed at 9:30. I know, on a Saturday. So sad. But, I did have to get up at 6:30 the next morning and go get my eggs retrieved! So yeah, that was kind of exciting because now I have money (to pay my speeding ticket) AND some lucky lady gets to get pregnant and have a little baby that has my genes and will therefore be awesome.

FYI, putting up Christmas lights is hard as shit. My roommate and I attempted it tonight and they are struggling big time. And we tried so damn hard! Sad times. Whatever, everything will be better when we get the tree.

Oh, oh, oh! Here is my new song: "The Whole World Should Revolve Around Me." And GUESS who it is by....LITTLE JACKIE! I know, I KNOW. So freaking perfect. Seriously, this band and song made my LIFE today. First off, I was known as "little jacky" in Rome because there were 6 Jackie(y)s in my program, so we all had a different adjective. Jew Jackie, Boston Jackie, Goth Jackie, Soccer Mom Jackie, The Other Jackie (no one really knew anything about her), and then me, Little Jacky..or sometimes Southern Jacky. So I'm pretty sure the band heard about the AIFS that had 6 Jackies, decided I was by far the coolest one and named their band after me. Anyways, I was in my car and the radio shows the name of the artist and song and the artist popped up and I was like, heck yes, that's me! Then the name of the song came and I was like, FUCK YES! And the song is fabulous and is officially my new anthem. Because, seriously, the whole world SHOULD revolve around me. I'm awesome and have super great ideas about EVERYTHING. Not to mention I am extremely efficient and organized and IF the world revolved around ME it was be that way as well...not all chaotic and crazy. So there you go. Download and enjoy.

And lastly, boys are so dumb. For real. Sometimes the stuff that comes out of their mouths, I'm just like what? I don't understand how some of them have made it as far as they did. I won't go into details with the latest story but it involves bicycles, crab cakes and talking to my very drunk father. Wtf.

02 December 2008

Keep On Smilin'

That is what was on the back of a dump truck this morning as I drove to work. I enjoyed it, and thought I would pass it on to you, my loyal readers. Even though I'm beginning to think no one actually reads this because I never get any feedback. No matter, I still entertain myself so all is well. Hey self! You're awesome!

So yeah, speaking of my drive to work..it was a crazy one this morning. First off, I was up at 4:45. Yes, AM. It was horrible. We had to drug test a school at 6 this morning. Why we can't test them at 10 or some reasonable time, I don't know. Anywho, after that I had to drive from downtown to James Island, then back to Mt. Pleasant (this probably means nothing to any of you, but its kind of a trek) and then back to North Charleston. I had to go back for an egg appointment (it's getting close!) and then back to work. Point is, I got stuck in crazy traffic on the interstate and it turns out there was an accident involving like, seven cars and a washer and dryer. Obviously, something horrible happened, and for some sick reason I really want to know what. I always want to know what the deal is with accidents I pass. And I especially want to know how a washer and dryer were involved with this particular one. I know, so weird. But anyways, that is when I saw the 'Keep On Smilin' dump truck. I feel like times are really tough when garbage trucks are dishing out encouraging comments. At least it wasn't telling me Jesus loves me or something stupid like that.

So, aside from my ridiculous morning, my Thanksgiving break was fantastic, thanks for asking. My family is completely crazy, but in a completely fabulous way. Almost the entire crew was up in North Carolina and it was a madhouse. I think it was around 25 people, plus two dogs...and a shit ton of food. We went a hayride, did some shopping, ate lots of food, built a bonfire and watched every single college football game that was on TV. And even called the cable company to yell about some games that weren't. I seriously don't understand how boys are SO involved with football. Between all the men that were there, they probably knew every coach and player, plus all their statistics from the last 20 years. For all the teams too, not just their favorite team. I was kind of impressed. But I was also kind of like, get a life. Learn something useful. Like how to be a red power ranger...like my youngest cousin Tate. He taught me some pretty sweet ranger moves that I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate into my every day life. I could have used them today on the freaking bitch ass woman that came to the pee farm. She was so rude to me! But, don't worry..I told her she didn't have to be so rude. So then she told me I shouldn't work with the public if I was going to have such a bad attitude and that she was going to call the manager tomorrow and complain about me. So then I told her, oh really? Because I am the manager. BAM. In your face bitch. She then said surely there was someone over me she could speak to. I said, sure thing, here is his number. Then I told my dad (aka the person over me) about the whole incident and he was like, wtf? Stupid DSS people,shut the hell up. So yeah, she got shut down. I digress. Here are pictures of my family and Power Ranger Tate:

Holy crap, getting at 4:45 makes you TIRED. To bed for me. But here is my song of the post (I've been slacking, I know): "The Promise" by Tracy Chapman. I'm going to go ahead and give more since I've missed a few:
"Sexylove" by Ne-Yo
"Stranded" by Van Morrison
"Black Sheep" by Martin Sexton

Ok, ciao ciao!