05 February 2009
But I am le tired.
I am ALWAYS le tired. Have I talked about this before? I think I have. I'm too tired to remember. It's really very annoying. I would like some energy. When I'm not tired, I am much happier. I think happy thoughts and feel like I can accomplish things. When I'm tired, all I want to do is get in my bed. Which accomplishes nothing other than getting some use out of my sheets. They were pretty cheap sheets, so I'm sure I've gotten my money's worth by now.
Alright, well moving on. I BAKED last weekend. That's right, me. Baking. It was pretty fabulous. Actually, it was the end product that was so fabulous. I made mille-feuille, which is a french dessert that I once had in Italy. So maybe it's Italian as well. I didn't get details. I just remember that it was SO TASTY. One of the tastiest things I have ever tasted. My roommates and I were at some rando restaurant in Italy and we randomly picked this dessert and I've been dreaming about it ever since. One of my roommates asked the owner to write down the name of the name of it...I was embarrassed for her at the time, but now I'm really glad she did. I was pretty terrible at remembering the names of places and food when I was in Italy. Probably because everything was in Italian and that was just a little too much for me to handle. Restaurants were referred to by a nickname or adjective that went along with the experience. The balls restaurant (that referred to dessert balls..not actual balls), the waiters with tight pants restaurant, the crazy man restaurant...you get the idea. Anyways, I made the dessert and it turned out to be really good. Not as good as the original..but nothing ever is, right? Oh, and by made, I mean helped a lot while my friend did most of the work and told me what to do. Still...I bought all the ingredients.
So that's my baking story. Nothing else really exciting is happening in these parts. Besides the puppies. They are so fabulous. And annoying at the same time. Lots of pooping in the house going on. Not cool. I am going to put up their photo montage if I can remember how. It might have to be later.
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