HAHAHA! I love it! And unrequited love is THE story of my life, so I think this cake...cookie? was made especially for me. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the things boys have put me through. But somehow, I'm still standing. And I'm ok with it. And I definitely don't feel sorry for myself. I feel sorry for those boys. Ya heard?
So yeah, basically I am not bitter about Valentine's Day. I have had two realllly awkward Valentine's (they came at the beginning of relationships...or should I say relationSHITS...bahahah, thanks Dane Cook) and zero good ones and I am doing just fine without having a Valentine this year. The only thing I was kind of sad about was not being able to buy a cute card at Target. I know, I am so selfless...it's ridiculous. But for real, they have such cute stuff! And I am a sucker for cute stuff...I want to buy it for someone else. But in all honesty, boys don't really appreciate cute stuff, so maybe it's best I don't waste my money on things that go unappreciated. And I know Valentine's is a big, stupid, commercial holiday that was created by card companies and as a single woman, I am supposed to be angry and bitter and cry my lonely self to sleep. However, I see it more as an excuse to tell people you love that you love them. They forget sometimes. True story: I was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day the other day and in my pathetic self, the thought that no one cared about me literally crossed my mind (I tend to get overdramatic when I'm hungry and people are mean to me at work...and that was the day I had to give the puppies back). But then I got home and I had gotten two Valentine's Day cards in the mail and it was a lovely reminder that people do, in fact, love me. :)
OH yeah! I saw the Vagina Monologues at the College of Charleston last night. I had mixed feelings. First off, let me just say that I think Vday is one of the greatest organizations ever and I want so badly to work for them. There are so many things that, as a woman, blow my mind. I don't think things are completely equal for us ladies here in the United States, but the atrocities that women suffer in other countries is absolutely appalling. Especially in times of war. Every year they have a spotlight monologue and this year it was for the women of the Congo. And it is absolute insanity what these poor women have to suffer through. I am so so SO grateful to be a woman here in the US, in this day and age. What women are capabale of doing and what they have already done is so amazing. And how women, under the most horrific of circumstances, perserve and manage to make a life for themselves and their families is so incredible. Men underestimate and underappreciate women so very much...it's very disheartening.
Hm, I am kind of rambling. I am having trouble articulating the passion that comes with this cause. But it's big. Humonguous really. Eve Ensler is awesome.
Anyways, as for the actual performance...I have never actually seen it from the audience since I've always been in it. So it was a new perspective. I did enjoy it though, it's so entertaining and it's so fun to watch people that have never seen it react. However, my selfish side came out a little. The Vag Mons have such a special place in my heart from PC and it's hard to seperate MY Vag Mons from other people's. And My Angry Vagina is MY monologue and obviously, I was a pretty harsh critic on the girl that did it. She did a good job though.
Ok, she talked a little too fast and had really bad hair. There. I said what I really feel. I don't really know how I did since I never saw myself, but in my head, I was awesome.
I could probably go on about Vday for ever and ever. So I'll stop myself before I get out of control. In closing, tell people you love that you love them. Tell a women she's awesome. Go see the Vag Mons if you haven't yet. Enlighten yourself. And have a very Happy Valentine's Day.
I love you. You're awesome.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for my card! Happy valentine's day!