Isn't that a fabulous saying? Yes, I thought so too.
So. I was browsing through this morning. And came across this story:
And now I'm confused. And probably going to hell for having this opinion. But I don't really care at the moment because this day has sucked ass so far (it's 10:00 in the morning) and why not just add fuel to the fire? I wish I could figure out how to put the whole article on here..bu I don't feel like getting that fancy right just click on the link and read it.
Ok. So here are my thoughts:
It's terrible that this man died. It's terrible when most people die (I say most because sometimes terrible people need to Hitler), and I'm sure this man was a very nice, lovely person who did not deserve to suffer at the hands of hypothermia.
However. He did not pay his electricity bill. He owed $1,000. I'm pretty sure it's a standard policy if you don't pay your bills, your electricity gets cut off. Same with water, cable, etc. So I don't understand why people are blaming the electricity company for his death and calling it "unforgivable." It's not like they just randomly cut off his heat because they didn't like him and were like, screw you old man. He wasn't discriminated against or treated unfairly...he was treated like everyone else that doesn't pay their bills. And he clearly had enough money to pay since he is allegedly leaving the local hospital $600,000. Surely he could have dipped into his savings to pay his bills. And people's electricity gets cut off all the time. Are all deaths and/or ailments related to cold going to be the fault of companies for not giving people that don't pay power? (Is that a double negative? Hm)
There are some other random things as well. His nephews and neighbors are appalled and shocked that this happened. The man was NINETY-THREE years old. Number one, why is he living by himself and number two, they are now all of the sudden so concerned about him..why was no one checking on him when it was freezing ass cold outside? And furthermore, surely his poor man noticed it was getting a little chilly in his house. He could have called the company or left for somewhere warmer...a neighbor's house..the grocery store..Starbucks..whatever. The nephew is saying the company should have treated this guy differently, they should have noticed he was 93, made note of his previous payment history and made direct contact with him to see what was up. Where on your electic bill does it say your age? And isn't that how most deliquient bill payers start off...they were paying their bills and then they weren't? What would have made his stand out? I think the nephew should have been a little more observant and checked on his uncle. Maybe he was mad because he knew he wasn't getting any of his money. The article says the company stopped the practice of cutting off power to people that don't pay. Because that makes sense. People don't pay their bills..but they still get power. Well, I don't really feel like paying for my groceries, but I should be able to eat. So when I die of starvation, will someone please sue a grocery store in my honor for not giving me free food?
I read a comment from someone that said to protest this man's death, he was not going to pay his bill either. And when they call him to say something, he is going to make sure they know what "jackasses" they are. Good plan dude. And I bet that guy is going to be super pleased when his bill starts going up to cover the cost of people getting free electricity.
Don't get me wrong. I think it's awful that this happened. But is it really the electricity company's fault? I think not. Like most things, it is a combination of unfortunate circumstances and people are just looking for someone to blame.
In general, the news is ridiculous. Other really important headlines on included a Korean woman that failed her driving test 771 times and how Donald Trump thinks we are in a depression. Both very important stories. I also love how Columbia police are now lauching an investigation to see whether or not Michael Phelps inhaled when he was hitting that bong. OMG-WHO CARES!?! Phelps is up on a pedestal because people put him there...give him a break! How are they even going to find that out? Even a drug test can't pin point exactly when and where he smoked. I would know. And since the Richland County police obviously don't have anything better to do with their time, maybe they can come down here and investigate an arson case. Because the Charleston police aren't interested in doing it.
Well, I guess that is enough ranting for today. I think I am ging to stick the Onion for my news from now on.
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