Just so you're getting excited...the 100th post is fast approaching this blog. Yep, this one RIGHT here. And I haven't figured out what I'm going to do yet, and I'm not even promising that it's going to be exciting. But it might be, so just be ready.
Anyways, I have some thoughts. First off, I have been on some dates. One was horrible. So horrible. It's unreal how retarded boys are. And going along with that...I don't know how I am still surprised at the ridiculousness of boys, but I am. And I need to remember some things. First off, they are very dense. They (some...not all) don't really take hints very well. See, in my world, if someone didn't answer my seven phone calls and numerous text messages, I would probably stop trying to get in touch with them. Or I would assume they died and send my condolences. That's just me. Another thing I need to keep in mind: what boys say does not always match what they mean or do. Um, duh jacky. I guess I just get so caught up in what they are saying and the potential of what they're saying, that I forget that boys don't always tell the truth. And that's not fun. Regardless, I am having a grand ole time and am really happy with life right now. Kissing makes life so much better. So does fabulous weather, days off, good friends, and DANCING. I don't know how I went so long with no dancing. From here on out, I am dancing as much as possible, whenever possible. I promise. Feel free to come join me.
Oh yeah, and I've had some days off recently. It's AWESOME. It's so weird...I am way more productive on my days off during the week than I am on the weekend, even though I have the same amount of time to do things. It's nice to go out and about and not have to fight the crowd. And, everything is not open on the weekends, so that's nice as well.
Along with being productive during the week, I get to watch Ellen! So exciting. And today, I switched back and forth between Oprah and Ellen. I mainly watched Ellen, but there was some crazy shit on Oprah! She was interviewing the girls from the Mormon ranch in Texas that got raided a while ago. And it's insane! I mean, they say they like their lives and wouldn't have it any other way. Which is so crazy because they all have to wear these extremely unflattering dresses and they all have really bad hair. Oh yeah, and they can't leave the ranch and they get married as teenagers and have to share their husbands. So that's probably not fun either. I wonder if they would actually like the real world...I mean, they've never experienced it, so they wouldn't really know. But on the other hand, I've never experienced their life, so I don't know if I would like that. I'm thinking I wouldn't, but I guess we'll never know.
So that's my life. Kissing, dancing, beach, crazy shit on Oprah, Ellen, loving life. It's pretty nice. OH! And my improv class starts today! I'll let you know how it goes. Oh yeah, the song title is from "WICKED" the musical, which I will be seeing at the end of this month. YESSSSSS. The song is awesome. You should check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6rqbzuOFtA. The video is lame, but the song is good. And it's better live, I swear.
Later skater.
31 March 2009
25 March 2009
People say she's crazy...
...she's got diamonds on the soles of her shoes.
That is what I'm listening to right now, so that is my title. I wanted to keep the song titles going. No real reason. Even though I will share that it's the acoustic version and it's pretty badass. Way cooler than the real one. Ch-ch-check it out. That was my deejay voice. Also, I can never decide how to use capitalization in my title. Every letter caps, just the first, all lowercase? So many decisions. I decided I would make this one look like how it would look when written as a lyric. So there you go.
Anyways, I don't really have a topic for this post. I had a very strange day today. It was this bizarre mixture of good and bad moods. I was in a good mood because our soccer team TIED last night! This NOT a loss, so it is a definite improvement for Team Royal (we have no sponsor). And, the kids played awesome and an overall good time was had. Then my brother and I rocked out in the car and it was super fun. My new song obsession is "Kiss Me Through the Phone" by Soulja boy...even though it's retarded. I freaking love it. Any song with the word "wifey" in it is awesome in my book. I always dance and give it motions. It came on when I was at the club last weekend (that's right, ME, CLUBBING..more later) and I was flipping my drunk ass shit. It was awesome. I'm sure all the people around me, that I was offering kisses and the phone to, thought so as well. Here, it's for you! Answer! It's a kiss!
Right. But then, I was in a bad mood because people were being freaking DUMBASSES today. Why am I surprised!? I don't know, I guess we had a dumbass lull for a bit, so I forgot how stupid people are. I was reminded today. However, it was kind of amusing. Because after I got lunch (Chic-Fil-A...yummm...makes any day better), I was like, um, you people can't phase me. I decided I wasn't taking any crap and was totally bitchy to people. But I found it to be hysterical. Which makes me even more of a bitch, but whatever, I don't care when stupid people don't like me. So I was annoyed...but then laughing. It was weird.
Enough about my dumb day, let's talk about my AWESOME weekend. My sister was in town and we decided that Team Gyp (me, my brother and sister) needed to hit up da club. I had a wine party to go to first, so I got supa drunk there first and then took me and my date (YES, DATE!) out dancing and had myself a good ole time. My brother, who had a sweat rag with him at the club (he's a regular), was not pleased that I was running around, dancing like a crazy person, and trying to steal his sweat rag all night. Apparently I was cramping his style and he was having trouble with the ladies. Whatever, I was having a great time. And that's all that matters, right? I had to keep dancing because whenever I sat down I seriously thought about going to sleep at the bar table. THAT would have been embarrassing. I didn't, thank goodness. I was a trooper and kept on dancing. Such a fun night. Not so much a fun morning, though. I had to get up way to early and go play softball. Which turned out to be really fun, but I seriously thought I was going to throw up after hitting a double and had to run ALL the way to second. It was rough. There was not throwing up involved though. There was, however, some WINNING involved. Hell yes! It was especially nice to win a game after last weeks pathetic loss of 24-0. After three innings. Yes. Ouch. Oh yeah, I'm playing with the SI Fire Station. My dad and brother play too. It's a family affair. It's also a men's league, but no one's said anything, so I'm just going to keep showing up.
Then Sunday, I slept a lot, hung out with my mom, ate a cupcake for lunch (it was the best thing EVER-caramel apple!) and saw "I Love You, Man." Which, in my opinion, was not all that funny. It's one of those movies where they show you all the funny stuff in the previews. Maybe I was just mad because I love Jason Segel and he looks disgusting in the movie and even my love for Paul Rudd could not overshadow his grossness.
I'm done. Go browse through Go Fug Yourself's March Madness if you have some free time. HYSTERICAL. Fucking hysterical. I literally, lol'ed (omg-did I just say lol?!) multiple times while reading it. The comments are especially entertaining. I think SWINTON is going to reign fug supreme, but you just never know. People say SHE'S crazy. (See how I brought it back around?) OH YEAH! That is what I wanted to post about today. Shoot. Maybe tomorrow.
Ciao people.
That is what I'm listening to right now, so that is my title. I wanted to keep the song titles going. No real reason. Even though I will share that it's the acoustic version and it's pretty badass. Way cooler than the real one. Ch-ch-check it out. That was my deejay voice. Also, I can never decide how to use capitalization in my title. Every letter caps, just the first, all lowercase? So many decisions. I decided I would make this one look like how it would look when written as a lyric. So there you go.
Anyways, I don't really have a topic for this post. I had a very strange day today. It was this bizarre mixture of good and bad moods. I was in a good mood because our soccer team TIED last night! This NOT a loss, so it is a definite improvement for Team Royal (we have no sponsor). And, the kids played awesome and an overall good time was had. Then my brother and I rocked out in the car and it was super fun. My new song obsession is "Kiss Me Through the Phone" by Soulja boy...even though it's retarded. I freaking love it. Any song with the word "wifey" in it is awesome in my book. I always dance and give it motions. It came on when I was at the club last weekend (that's right, ME, CLUBBING..more later) and I was flipping my drunk ass shit. It was awesome. I'm sure all the people around me, that I was offering kisses and the phone to, thought so as well. Here, it's for you! Answer! It's a kiss!
Right. But then, I was in a bad mood because people were being freaking DUMBASSES today. Why am I surprised!? I don't know, I guess we had a dumbass lull for a bit, so I forgot how stupid people are. I was reminded today. However, it was kind of amusing. Because after I got lunch (Chic-Fil-A...yummm...makes any day better), I was like, um, you people can't phase me. I decided I wasn't taking any crap and was totally bitchy to people. But I found it to be hysterical. Which makes me even more of a bitch, but whatever, I don't care when stupid people don't like me. So I was annoyed...but then laughing. It was weird.
Enough about my dumb day, let's talk about my AWESOME weekend. My sister was in town and we decided that Team Gyp (me, my brother and sister) needed to hit up da club. I had a wine party to go to first, so I got supa drunk there first and then took me and my date (YES, DATE!) out dancing and had myself a good ole time. My brother, who had a sweat rag with him at the club (he's a regular), was not pleased that I was running around, dancing like a crazy person, and trying to steal his sweat rag all night. Apparently I was cramping his style and he was having trouble with the ladies. Whatever, I was having a great time. And that's all that matters, right? I had to keep dancing because whenever I sat down I seriously thought about going to sleep at the bar table. THAT would have been embarrassing. I didn't, thank goodness. I was a trooper and kept on dancing. Such a fun night. Not so much a fun morning, though. I had to get up way to early and go play softball. Which turned out to be really fun, but I seriously thought I was going to throw up after hitting a double and had to run ALL the way to second. It was rough. There was not throwing up involved though. There was, however, some WINNING involved. Hell yes! It was especially nice to win a game after last weeks pathetic loss of 24-0. After three innings. Yes. Ouch. Oh yeah, I'm playing with the SI Fire Station. My dad and brother play too. It's a family affair. It's also a men's league, but no one's said anything, so I'm just going to keep showing up.
Then Sunday, I slept a lot, hung out with my mom, ate a cupcake for lunch (it was the best thing EVER-caramel apple!) and saw "I Love You, Man." Which, in my opinion, was not all that funny. It's one of those movies where they show you all the funny stuff in the previews. Maybe I was just mad because I love Jason Segel and he looks disgusting in the movie and even my love for Paul Rudd could not overshadow his grossness.
I'm done. Go browse through Go Fug Yourself's March Madness if you have some free time. HYSTERICAL. Fucking hysterical. I literally, lol'ed (omg-did I just say lol?!) multiple times while reading it. The comments are especially entertaining. I think SWINTON is going to reign fug supreme, but you just never know. People say SHE'S crazy. (See how I brought it back around?) OH YEAH! That is what I wanted to post about today. Shoot. Maybe tomorrow.
Ciao people.
21 March 2009
That's What Friends Are For...
...for good times, for bad times, I'll be on your side forever more....
la la. Yay Dione Warwick! I don't feel like typing the rest. But this post is going to be about friends. And how great they can be. And what I've learned about them recently.
So I had a little hiatus where I was pretty much mad at the world. I get really personally offended when people don't return my phone calls, emails, etc. In my opinion, they are being crappy friends and it just pisses me off. I still think there is some merit to me being pissed. I mean, I made it a priority to call/email/write you, you can't do anything back? But, I'm learning to chill out. Not everyone chooses to spend their free time catching up with old friends. Some people choose to live their life and spend it with friends that are already around. Some people really do, just suck at keep in touch and making a phone call is just way too much effort for them to handle. Or, my recent theory, is that it's me. It's quite possible that it's me that sucks and these people are just avoiding me because they don't want to be around me and my sucky self. In which case, it's their loss...because I don't suck, I rock and their perception of sucky is obvoiusly horribly skewed. But, it's still a possibility. Some people are blinded by my awesomeness and can't even function after they've experienced it. I can't help them though, I can't turn off the awesomeness. Maybe they should invest in some anti-awesome sunglasses, I don't know.
Oh man, what a tangent! Focusing now. Ok, point is, I've been feeling super fabulous and extra awesome these last couple of weeks. And I'm learning to chill out a little about people that don't get in touch that often. Especially people that live far away. I'm coming to terms with the fact that people have their own lives are sometimes too busy living them to constantly be talking to me on the phone. And I am ok with me only talking to some people once every couple of weeks or months. For a while, I was bitter and was all, F THEM! I am never talking to them again! And then I reality slapped myself in the face and realized that it's really stupid to think that is going to solve anything. I figured out that a conversation every so often is better than nothing at all and a lot of times, those conversations are so fun and fabulous and well worth the wait. And I usually remember why I am friends with them in the first place and why I wanted to talk to them so badly.
These revalations, that are really not at all revolutionary, are coming along with my renewed sense of happiness these days. I am a true believer in seasonal depression after this past retarded winter. Spring has sprung people, the nice weather is back, and I, for one, could not be more excited. I hate hate HATE cold weather and am so thrilled flip flop weather has returned to the lowcountry. Kissing helps things too...but I think it's more about the weather. That, and the fact that my life has moved back into the busy category. I have soccer, softball, dates and improv class starts next week! AND-I'm going to start getting a day off during the week! So pumped!
Oh yes, I was also supposed to talk about how great my friends are. And they really are. It's amazing how happy people can make you so happy when you're not even expecting it. I've gotten some super great emails, had some fabulous phone conversations and had a kick ass fondue dinner last weekend. And a friend is coming to visit next weekend and I can't freakin' waiiiitttt!!! You're jealous.
The sun is shining and I am ready to enjoy it. Feel free to come on down and enjoy it with me. Much love to all my friends that are reading this (hey the three of you!). Um, sorry if I sounded really cheesy and ridiculous in this post. I'm just happy. Finally :)
la la. Yay Dione Warwick! I don't feel like typing the rest. But this post is going to be about friends. And how great they can be. And what I've learned about them recently.
So I had a little hiatus where I was pretty much mad at the world. I get really personally offended when people don't return my phone calls, emails, etc. In my opinion, they are being crappy friends and it just pisses me off. I still think there is some merit to me being pissed. I mean, I made it a priority to call/email/write you, you can't do anything back? But, I'm learning to chill out. Not everyone chooses to spend their free time catching up with old friends. Some people choose to live their life and spend it with friends that are already around. Some people really do, just suck at keep in touch and making a phone call is just way too much effort for them to handle. Or, my recent theory, is that it's me. It's quite possible that it's me that sucks and these people are just avoiding me because they don't want to be around me and my sucky self. In which case, it's their loss...because I don't suck, I rock and their perception of sucky is obvoiusly horribly skewed. But, it's still a possibility. Some people are blinded by my awesomeness and can't even function after they've experienced it. I can't help them though, I can't turn off the awesomeness. Maybe they should invest in some anti-awesome sunglasses, I don't know.
Oh man, what a tangent! Focusing now. Ok, point is, I've been feeling super fabulous and extra awesome these last couple of weeks. And I'm learning to chill out a little about people that don't get in touch that often. Especially people that live far away. I'm coming to terms with the fact that people have their own lives are sometimes too busy living them to constantly be talking to me on the phone. And I am ok with me only talking to some people once every couple of weeks or months. For a while, I was bitter and was all, F THEM! I am never talking to them again! And then I reality slapped myself in the face and realized that it's really stupid to think that is going to solve anything. I figured out that a conversation every so often is better than nothing at all and a lot of times, those conversations are so fun and fabulous and well worth the wait. And I usually remember why I am friends with them in the first place and why I wanted to talk to them so badly.
These revalations, that are really not at all revolutionary, are coming along with my renewed sense of happiness these days. I am a true believer in seasonal depression after this past retarded winter. Spring has sprung people, the nice weather is back, and I, for one, could not be more excited. I hate hate HATE cold weather and am so thrilled flip flop weather has returned to the lowcountry. Kissing helps things too...but I think it's more about the weather. That, and the fact that my life has moved back into the busy category. I have soccer, softball, dates and improv class starts next week! AND-I'm going to start getting a day off during the week! So pumped!
Oh yes, I was also supposed to talk about how great my friends are. And they really are. It's amazing how happy people can make you so happy when you're not even expecting it. I've gotten some super great emails, had some fabulous phone conversations and had a kick ass fondue dinner last weekend. And a friend is coming to visit next weekend and I can't freakin' waiiiitttt!!! You're jealous.
The sun is shining and I am ready to enjoy it. Feel free to come on down and enjoy it with me. Much love to all my friends that are reading this (hey the three of you!). Um, sorry if I sounded really cheesy and ridiculous in this post. I'm just happy. Finally :)
Oh, and this isn't directed at any one person, so no one take offense please! Also, if you need some happy in your life, I would suggest going to Pandora.com, typing in Eric Hutchinson and letting your ears fall in love with every song that plays. You're welcome.
17 March 2009
I kissed a BOY...
...and I LIKED it!
No cherry chapstick though. Which is good, because I hate cherry chapstick...strawberry or the plain kind all the way.
I had to change the lyrics a little, but I wanted to share and stick with my trend of lyrics titles, so I went with Katy Perry. Even though she is super annoying and that Hot and Cold song makes me want to punch babies.
But yeah, I did. It was great. :) So great, that I am still in a good mood, even after I got up at FOUR THIRTY in the freaking morning today. And there is no napping for me because I have a soccer and a softball game tonight.
Anyways, that's all you get. A lady doesn't kiss and tell, so I'm not going into details.
Unless maybe you call me. Then I might share a little.
No cherry chapstick though. Which is good, because I hate cherry chapstick...strawberry or the plain kind all the way.
I had to change the lyrics a little, but I wanted to share and stick with my trend of lyrics titles, so I went with Katy Perry. Even though she is super annoying and that Hot and Cold song makes me want to punch babies.
But yeah, I did. It was great. :) So great, that I am still in a good mood, even after I got up at FOUR THIRTY in the freaking morning today. And there is no napping for me because I have a soccer and a softball game tonight.
Anyways, that's all you get. A lady doesn't kiss and tell, so I'm not going into details.
Unless maybe you call me. Then I might share a little.
13 March 2009
OK is Alright With Me
Some things are just meant to be. My song titles continue....this one is by Eric Hutchinson, my obsession from a few months ago. I still love him.
So I've been trying really hard over the last two days to think of something fun and positive to blog about. I decided that if I at least write about happy things, then that will in turn, force me to actually be happy. I couldn't really think of anything good, so I'm just going to ramble on about random things. Oh, and I'm not necessarily unhappy right now. I just get super grouchy at so many things...but at the end of the day, I'm content. Which is better than depressed.
Ok. Here's what I want to know. How does facebook come up with what is displayed on your page and in the ads? Do I get all the find your match ads because I'm listed as single? That's nonsense. Like my good friend LaSarah said recently, there is nothing wrong with being single. Not a damn thing. In fact, I would argue that it is almost better than being in a relationship. Of course I would, I'm not in one, but hear me out. I don't have to check in with anyone before I decide what I'm doing for the evening/weekend/whatever. I have friends that have to check in with their significant other before they can go out to dinner/to the beach/to da club/etc. Lame. I can dance/flirt/make eyes at/hook up with whomever I want, whenever I want. I'm sure I will take advantage of this soon. And, I don't have lame arguments over lame things like why you didn't call me back, why you didn't tell me you were taking a shower at 3 instead of 3:30, who is that girl that keeps texting you and why did you put your nasty dirty shoes on my couch? There are other reasons too, but this paragraph is about facebook, not single ladies (throw your hands up!*). So anyways, I always have these "need a lover" ad things on the side of my facebook. And sometimes they are really specific. Like, Catholic Match? How did facebook know I was raised Catholic? Big, Beautiful and Single? Does facebook think I'm fat based on my pictures? :( Looking for a Christian partner? It doesn't say if I'm a Christian anywhere on my profile. What is going on here?
And I wonder about the other features too. Like, how do they pick who gets to show up in your select friends box? Usually it's super random people that you really aren't even friends with. And sometimes, you go stalk people and then you come back to your profile and one of them is the same while everyone else is different. Why is that? And how do they decide who to feature in your news feed? Why do they feel it necessary to show that one random person has done 11 different facebook activities today? If I wanted to know all that about said person, I would stalk them. And that People You May Know feature still annoys me. Half the time I don't know them. I did some investigating and I only had like, one friend in common with a few people. It seems unlikely that I would know them. I don't know that I've ever looked at that and been like, oh yeah! I do know them! Thanks facebook, I'll friend them RIGHT NOW!
In other random news, I've realized I am one of those people that never lets inside jokes die. Quick poll: Is that annoying? Yes or No? Tell me your thoughts. Is it weird and annoying if I re-visit mildly funny situations that happened a long time ago? Does it change things if that is really the only experience I have with someone?
Oh yes, and I would also like for people to shut up about Chris Brown and Rihanna. Not that I think Chris Brown did no wrong, but I would just like everyone to be quiet about. Mainly for Rihanna's sake. Take her advice and "just life your life," instead of worrying about everyone else's.
I just read that Prince William might be marrying his on and off girlfriend, whatever her name is. Which is so sad. For him. I really think he would have more fun with me. Also, I look great in tiaras.
And lastly, my cousin (the engaged one) might move to Paris with her fiancee and I am SO JEALOUS. Maybe I need a husband after all.
*WHY is Beyonce singing about single ladies? She is MARRIED. Shut it BK. And keep your hands down. And that other song, "If I Were a Boy," what is that? Again, married. Real single ladies know whats up...you're a poser. Even though I enjoy both songs.
So I've been trying really hard over the last two days to think of something fun and positive to blog about. I decided that if I at least write about happy things, then that will in turn, force me to actually be happy. I couldn't really think of anything good, so I'm just going to ramble on about random things. Oh, and I'm not necessarily unhappy right now. I just get super grouchy at so many things...but at the end of the day, I'm content. Which is better than depressed.
Ok. Here's what I want to know. How does facebook come up with what is displayed on your page and in the ads? Do I get all the find your match ads because I'm listed as single? That's nonsense. Like my good friend LaSarah said recently, there is nothing wrong with being single. Not a damn thing. In fact, I would argue that it is almost better than being in a relationship. Of course I would, I'm not in one, but hear me out. I don't have to check in with anyone before I decide what I'm doing for the evening/weekend/whatever. I have friends that have to check in with their significant other before they can go out to dinner/to the beach/to da club/etc. Lame. I can dance/flirt/make eyes at/hook up with whomever I want, whenever I want. I'm sure I will take advantage of this soon. And, I don't have lame arguments over lame things like why you didn't call me back, why you didn't tell me you were taking a shower at 3 instead of 3:30, who is that girl that keeps texting you and why did you put your nasty dirty shoes on my couch? There are other reasons too, but this paragraph is about facebook, not single ladies (throw your hands up!*). So anyways, I always have these "need a lover" ad things on the side of my facebook. And sometimes they are really specific. Like, Catholic Match? How did facebook know I was raised Catholic? Big, Beautiful and Single? Does facebook think I'm fat based on my pictures? :( Looking for a Christian partner? It doesn't say if I'm a Christian anywhere on my profile. What is going on here?
And I wonder about the other features too. Like, how do they pick who gets to show up in your select friends box? Usually it's super random people that you really aren't even friends with. And sometimes, you go stalk people and then you come back to your profile and one of them is the same while everyone else is different. Why is that? And how do they decide who to feature in your news feed? Why do they feel it necessary to show that one random person has done 11 different facebook activities today? If I wanted to know all that about said person, I would stalk them. And that People You May Know feature still annoys me. Half the time I don't know them. I did some investigating and I only had like, one friend in common with a few people. It seems unlikely that I would know them. I don't know that I've ever looked at that and been like, oh yeah! I do know them! Thanks facebook, I'll friend them RIGHT NOW!
In other random news, I've realized I am one of those people that never lets inside jokes die. Quick poll: Is that annoying? Yes or No? Tell me your thoughts. Is it weird and annoying if I re-visit mildly funny situations that happened a long time ago? Does it change things if that is really the only experience I have with someone?
Oh yes, and I would also like for people to shut up about Chris Brown and Rihanna. Not that I think Chris Brown did no wrong, but I would just like everyone to be quiet about. Mainly for Rihanna's sake. Take her advice and "just life your life," instead of worrying about everyone else's.
I just read that Prince William might be marrying his on and off girlfriend, whatever her name is. Which is so sad. For him. I really think he would have more fun with me. Also, I look great in tiaras.
And lastly, my cousin (the engaged one) might move to Paris with her fiancee and I am SO JEALOUS. Maybe I need a husband after all.
*WHY is Beyonce singing about single ladies? She is MARRIED. Shut it BK. And keep your hands down. And that other song, "If I Were a Boy," what is that? Again, married. Real single ladies know whats up...you're a poser. Even though I enjoy both songs.
09 March 2009
Going to the chapel...
..and my cousin AUSTIN is getting MARRIED! So exciting, right?! I know! I'm excited too! Even though the big day is not until October 18th (mark your calendars people), it is still appropriate to be excited about it now. Right this second.
And, as a side note, I thought that song was "going to the jack-o-lantern" or something that had jack in it..I don't remember exactly. But I didn't know it was chapel until like, fifth grade.
So anyways, and to add to the excitement, I am going to be a bridesmaid!!! Hooray!!! I think I am one of the few people in the world that actually enjoys being a bridesmaid. Seriously, I think it is so fun and so special to be a part of someone's big day. I just see it as this huge honor and I am so so pumped about being in hers. And she didn't even really ask me! She just straight up told me...like it wasn't even an option. Even more special. Though later, when she was trying to save some dough, she did give me the option of being the musical entertainment. Funny story, when she first asked, the way she worded it, I thought she was asking me to be the deejay. And she said I would be playing by myself, so I was picturing me playing music to a room by myself while the wedding was going on. And I was like, that doesn't sound fun at all...I wouldn't get to see anything! I know, why would I think that? I don't know...but then I figured out she was asking me to actually play the music (the viola) by myself. And as awesome as that would be, I had to say no. And truly, that was more for everyone elses benefit. First off, I was not that good at the viola to begin with. When my resume says "Orchestra-Principal Viola" it's actually very deceiving. Our orchestra was not all that great, and the viola section (which consisted of two people) was the worst (by a lot) of all the sections. So really, don't be impressed. Secondly, I haven't played my viola since my senior year, which will be coming up on 2 years (gasp!) in May...2 1/2 in October. And lastly, and most important, I don't actually know where my viola is at the moment. Between all the moving over the last two years, I don't really know where it has ended up. I should probably find it though, and try to sell it. Anyways, it really would not have been a good idea for me to play in the wedding....esp by myself. Even though I really wish I was good enough to do so. So instead, I'll be a bridesmaid and feel super special because my name gets to be on the website and in the program! Even if my name is listed last. No big deal. Someone has to be last.
I'm super pumped in general though. I freaking love weddings and it is going to be even more awesome because it's my #1 Cuz. Even though it's going to be super weird as well. I mean, we are the same age but I feel like she is LIGHT years ahead of me in life. She's got her shit together and is getting MARRIED and I haven't even been on date in...an embarassingly long amount of time. No need to go into details. I think the weirdest thing will be when we get together for family functions, she will get to sleep with her HUSBAND...and I will still be in the racecar bed by myself. Whatever, that thing is comfy. Also, she's getting a new last name and that's always an adjustment. But, excitment and happiness definitely trumps all. No question.
Oh, and another funny story...she asked if I was going to be bringing a date. Bahahahahhaa! Um, I wish. Unless my dating life takes a drastic turn for the better like, tomorrow, I don't think a date is going to be in my future....even if it is seven months away. How sad is it that I've turned into a bitter old hag at such a young age? Oh well.
Well, stay tuned because I will keep you posted on all my bridesmaid glory in the future. You know you're jealous.
I like how my last two posts have had song titles. Maybe I will do that from now on. Let's see if I can be that creative. Also, I don't mind when people have post requests. In fact, I'm thrilled that people are even reading :)
....gee, I really love you and we're gonna get married....going to the chapel of LOVE.
And, as a side note, I thought that song was "going to the jack-o-lantern" or something that had jack in it..I don't remember exactly. But I didn't know it was chapel until like, fifth grade.
So anyways, and to add to the excitement, I am going to be a bridesmaid!!! Hooray!!! I think I am one of the few people in the world that actually enjoys being a bridesmaid. Seriously, I think it is so fun and so special to be a part of someone's big day. I just see it as this huge honor and I am so so pumped about being in hers. And she didn't even really ask me! She just straight up told me...like it wasn't even an option. Even more special. Though later, when she was trying to save some dough, she did give me the option of being the musical entertainment. Funny story, when she first asked, the way she worded it, I thought she was asking me to be the deejay. And she said I would be playing by myself, so I was picturing me playing music to a room by myself while the wedding was going on. And I was like, that doesn't sound fun at all...I wouldn't get to see anything! I know, why would I think that? I don't know...but then I figured out she was asking me to actually play the music (the viola) by myself. And as awesome as that would be, I had to say no. And truly, that was more for everyone elses benefit. First off, I was not that good at the viola to begin with. When my resume says "Orchestra-Principal Viola" it's actually very deceiving. Our orchestra was not all that great, and the viola section (which consisted of two people) was the worst (by a lot) of all the sections. So really, don't be impressed. Secondly, I haven't played my viola since my senior year, which will be coming up on 2 years (gasp!) in May...2 1/2 in October. And lastly, and most important, I don't actually know where my viola is at the moment. Between all the moving over the last two years, I don't really know where it has ended up. I should probably find it though, and try to sell it. Anyways, it really would not have been a good idea for me to play in the wedding....esp by myself. Even though I really wish I was good enough to do so. So instead, I'll be a bridesmaid and feel super special because my name gets to be on the website and in the program! Even if my name is listed last. No big deal. Someone has to be last.
I'm super pumped in general though. I freaking love weddings and it is going to be even more awesome because it's my #1 Cuz. Even though it's going to be super weird as well. I mean, we are the same age but I feel like she is LIGHT years ahead of me in life. She's got her shit together and is getting MARRIED and I haven't even been on date in...an embarassingly long amount of time. No need to go into details. I think the weirdest thing will be when we get together for family functions, she will get to sleep with her HUSBAND...and I will still be in the racecar bed by myself. Whatever, that thing is comfy. Also, she's getting a new last name and that's always an adjustment. But, excitment and happiness definitely trumps all. No question.
Oh, and another funny story...she asked if I was going to be bringing a date. Bahahahahhaa! Um, I wish. Unless my dating life takes a drastic turn for the better like, tomorrow, I don't think a date is going to be in my future....even if it is seven months away. How sad is it that I've turned into a bitter old hag at such a young age? Oh well.
Well, stay tuned because I will keep you posted on all my bridesmaid glory in the future. You know you're jealous.
I like how my last two posts have had song titles. Maybe I will do that from now on. Let's see if I can be that creative. Also, I don't mind when people have post requests. In fact, I'm thrilled that people are even reading :)
....gee, I really love you and we're gonna get married....going to the chapel of LOVE.
05 March 2009
These are a few of my favorite things...
Please tell me you are now singing 'raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens,' with an English accent. I am.
So anyways, after my bitch fest of a post last time, I thought I would share with everyone some things that make me happy. It does happen. I actually used to keep a joy book and I wrote down things that made me happy. I started it in high school and kept it up until my senior year of college. It's random things that make me happy and quotes from various people that made me laugh or smile. I still have it, but it hasn't been written in in awhile. Which makes sense because I'm not really all that happy these days. The last thing is a quote from one of the pee farm crazies from last year. Some things are inside jokes that I know longer understand. For example: "It's called asshole accent." Hm. Who knows? But here's a good one: "I'll slap a bullet to your face!" Oh, pre-cal. Good times. Some of the things I can't even read because my handwriting is terrible. It's funny too, because I can remember some of the things so clearly and they still make me laugh. And, I can remember what guy I was crushing on at the time throughout my joy book, based on things they said that I wrote down. There aren't too many...but a few good quotes of the few nice things boys have said to me. I would love some more to add in, haha.
Ok, well here is the list I know you have just been dying to read. I won't make you wait any longer. This is just a random smattering, not a complete list. That would just be too ridiculously long. Please, enjoy.
-Conversation hearts. I found one once that said "Let's Read." I kept for like a year.
-The 80s arm pump. Every good 80s song has an arm pump moment. If it doesn't, it's not a good song.
-Hammocks and porch swings. I can't wait to have a house so I can buy these two things and alternate between sitting in them.
-Porches. I really wish my house now had one. I feel like it would make my life 10 times more enjoyable.
-The beach. I have discussed my love for this before.
-Bike rides...esp going down hill. I really should buy a bike.
-Boyfriends for one night. Haha, our Italian exchange student once told he had never had a girlfriend for longer than one night and I thought that was so funny. Definitely better than saying random hook-up or one night stand.
-Cute stationary. I cannot control myself at Target! I don't even allow myself to go into stationary stores. I would walk out broke.
-CAMP. I can't even explain my love for camp. It goes beyond all reason.
-Eggnog. It is so tasty.
-Skinny dipping...at night. It's fabulous.
-New shoes. There's even a song about these!
-Acoustic music. Well, music in general.
-Puppies! Like you didn't know this.
-Summer nights. Minus the misquitos.
-Disney movies. I want to own all the DVDs. I've started with "Lady and the Tramp."
-Flowers. I wish someone would send me some. That would be nice. (Tulips)
-Slow dancing. I miss organized dances. So much.
-Things lost in translation
-Cute boys with accents. Or cute boys that don't speak English and want to make out with you. Yes please.
-Random, funny things. Commercials, flyers, people, etc.
-Getting to say what you really mean and having someone be like, YES! And you realize you are not alone.
-Christmas lights! I have them up all year. Don't hate.
-The human knot game. That is my favorite ice breaker and everyone else hates it. Lame.
-My huge ass GDH cups. Reminds me of college, but with more liquid. Everyone wins.
-Holding hands
-Drumlines. Seriously. Once, in high school, we had a pep rally in the gym and the drum played and it literally brought tears to my eyes. I kid you not. It was very Carla circa "The Other Sister"
-1st kisses...real ones...not drunk bar ones.
-Conversations about ridiculous things.
-The continent club. I have four.
-Coordinated dances. Especially along the lines of step and those crazy hip hop clogger people.
-The keyboard demo on Katrina's keyboard. So many good memories with that thing. It's a like a rock/techno version of the Nutcracker song. It's awesome.
-Real mail. Nothing better than having someone take the time to send you something that required a stamp.
-Making like utensils. I know, I'm so stupid for calling it that. Don't care.
-Naps....sleeping in general
-Nice boys (They are rare). Nice single boys (near exctinct)
-DANCING. So fabulous
-Being on a boat. I need a boyfriend with a boat for the summer. Quickly.
-Mini things...anything. I love the travel section and often shop there even if I'm not traveling anywhere.
-New socks and underwear.
-Wearing my fake glasses when I'm doing important things and need to feel smart.
-Nice surprises
-Being with my real friends and getting to be my real self...not my I just met you, please like me self.
-When people make comments on my blog.
And last but not least, these tennis shoes:

Seriously. I don't know what it is, but I am so in love with these shoes. Once, in college, this really cute boy in my English class had them and I was convinced we were meant to be. But then he hooked up with my roommate and now he's married to a girl in my sorority, so I had to let that dream go.
So there ya go. There are a million more. But for now, when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad...I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feeeeeelll sooooo bad. Thank you Freuline Maria.
So anyways, after my bitch fest of a post last time, I thought I would share with everyone some things that make me happy. It does happen. I actually used to keep a joy book and I wrote down things that made me happy. I started it in high school and kept it up until my senior year of college. It's random things that make me happy and quotes from various people that made me laugh or smile. I still have it, but it hasn't been written in in awhile. Which makes sense because I'm not really all that happy these days. The last thing is a quote from one of the pee farm crazies from last year. Some things are inside jokes that I know longer understand. For example: "It's called asshole accent." Hm. Who knows? But here's a good one: "I'll slap a bullet to your face!" Oh, pre-cal. Good times. Some of the things I can't even read because my handwriting is terrible. It's funny too, because I can remember some of the things so clearly and they still make me laugh. And, I can remember what guy I was crushing on at the time throughout my joy book, based on things they said that I wrote down. There aren't too many...but a few good quotes of the few nice things boys have said to me. I would love some more to add in, haha.
Ok, well here is the list I know you have just been dying to read. I won't make you wait any longer. This is just a random smattering, not a complete list. That would just be too ridiculously long. Please, enjoy.
-Conversation hearts. I found one once that said "Let's Read." I kept for like a year.
-The 80s arm pump. Every good 80s song has an arm pump moment. If it doesn't, it's not a good song.
-Hammocks and porch swings. I can't wait to have a house so I can buy these two things and alternate between sitting in them.
-Porches. I really wish my house now had one. I feel like it would make my life 10 times more enjoyable.
-The beach. I have discussed my love for this before.
-Bike rides...esp going down hill. I really should buy a bike.
-Boyfriends for one night. Haha, our Italian exchange student once told he had never had a girlfriend for longer than one night and I thought that was so funny. Definitely better than saying random hook-up or one night stand.
-Cute stationary. I cannot control myself at Target! I don't even allow myself to go into stationary stores. I would walk out broke.
-CAMP. I can't even explain my love for camp. It goes beyond all reason.
-Eggnog. It is so tasty.
-Skinny dipping...at night. It's fabulous.
-New shoes. There's even a song about these!
-Acoustic music. Well, music in general.
-Puppies! Like you didn't know this.
-Summer nights. Minus the misquitos.
-Disney movies. I want to own all the DVDs. I've started with "Lady and the Tramp."
-Flowers. I wish someone would send me some. That would be nice. (Tulips)
-Slow dancing. I miss organized dances. So much.
-Things lost in translation
-Cute boys with accents. Or cute boys that don't speak English and want to make out with you. Yes please.
-Random, funny things. Commercials, flyers, people, etc.
-Getting to say what you really mean and having someone be like, YES! And you realize you are not alone.
-Christmas lights! I have them up all year. Don't hate.
-The human knot game. That is my favorite ice breaker and everyone else hates it. Lame.
-My huge ass GDH cups. Reminds me of college, but with more liquid. Everyone wins.
-Holding hands
-Drumlines. Seriously. Once, in high school, we had a pep rally in the gym and the drum played and it literally brought tears to my eyes. I kid you not. It was very Carla circa "The Other Sister"
-1st kisses...real ones...not drunk bar ones.
-Conversations about ridiculous things.
-The continent club. I have four.
-Coordinated dances. Especially along the lines of step and those crazy hip hop clogger people.
-The keyboard demo on Katrina's keyboard. So many good memories with that thing. It's a like a rock/techno version of the Nutcracker song. It's awesome.
-Real mail. Nothing better than having someone take the time to send you something that required a stamp.
-Making like utensils. I know, I'm so stupid for calling it that. Don't care.
-Naps....sleeping in general
-Nice boys (They are rare). Nice single boys (near exctinct)
-DANCING. So fabulous
-Being on a boat. I need a boyfriend with a boat for the summer. Quickly.
-Mini things...anything. I love the travel section and often shop there even if I'm not traveling anywhere.
-New socks and underwear.
-Wearing my fake glasses when I'm doing important things and need to feel smart.
-Nice surprises
-Being with my real friends and getting to be my real self...not my I just met you, please like me self.
-When people make comments on my blog.
And last but not least, these tennis shoes:
Seriously. I don't know what it is, but I am so in love with these shoes. Once, in college, this really cute boy in my English class had them and I was convinced we were meant to be. But then he hooked up with my roommate and now he's married to a girl in my sorority, so I had to let that dream go.
So there ya go. There are a million more. But for now, when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad...I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feeeeeelll sooooo bad. Thank you Freuline Maria.
03 March 2009
Airing Some Grievances
I have a lot of pet peeves. Tons. And people think I'm crazy and horrible, but I bet that if you stopped and thought about it, there are lots and lots of things that bother you. And jeez, it's not like I go off on people that bother me (to their face) or go on a killing rampage because the person in front of me at the Publix has decided they are going to pay for the their cigarettes, processed cheese, frozen chicken, Snickers bar and six pack of Diet Coke with two different credit cards. Oh wait, one of the cards was declined, she has to put the processed cheese back and pay the remaining $4.54 with a check. And even though she's in a well chair and clearly has some breathing issues, she is keeping her cigs. No. I would never kill someone over something silly like that. Or even say something to them. I will however, add "people who pay with checks" to my list of pet peeves. And the rest of this post will be a random list of things that bother me. Please, don't read if you are one of those people who are above having pet peeves. You're actually on the list.
Now, according to my lovely brother, I don't like anyone. But that's not really true. It is a fact that many, many people get on my nerves. However, it's more things people do that bother me and causes me to temporarily not like them. On occasion, people do a combination of things that annoy me and I write them off completely. I know, that's terrible..but I usually give them another chance, should they want it. And, on the flip side, I have lots of friends that do stupid annoying things and I still like them.
So whatever. This blabbering is just another example of my constant need to explain myself. So I'll just get on with the list. But I would like to say that I really am a nice person. I just get a little grouchy sometimes. And I have very little tolerance for ignorance. A lot of these are things I deal with at work.
Here we go.
1. This is the only one I'm going to number because it is my number ONE pet peeve. When people don't do what they say they are going to do. OH MY GOSH, that is the most aggravating thing ever. And so rude and disrespectful, in my opinion. I mean, if there is even a small chance that you are not going to be able to do whatever it is, just keep it at a maybe until things are definite. And forgetting to do something and then being like, oh yeah! I'll do it right now, is not the same thing. I'm talking about things like, I'll call you back at 8 and I hear from you in two weeks. Not cool. Keep your word people, it's not that hard.
-Grown ass people that don't know how to act. We've had a few adults in the office the last couple of days that think it's appropriate to 1. Smack their gum, 2. Not say please or thank you and 3. Play games on their phone with the sound on extremely loud so the entire office can hear. Please. Show some respect.
-Bad grammar. He done did it is not how you express past tense.
-People in fast cars that are driving slow. Why did you buy a corvette if you are only going to go 55 on the Interstate? At least get out of the fast lane if that's how it's going to be.
-Rudeness. I really only condone rudeness if it's been provoked. Otherwise, some manners will get you a long, long way. I hate especially when people call the office for directions or with questions and just say ok and hang up instead of THANK YOU. It would've taken, what, five more seconds?
-Writing u instead of you, 2 instead of too, two, or to, 4 instead of four, for, etc, etc. I hate shorthand for texting! I know everyone does it, but it's so annoying to me! And it's even worse in emails or something you're typing.
-People who claim nothing bothers them. Liar.
-Not doing simple things that could make a big difference. For example: turning off the damn lights. I came home the other night and every light in the house was on. And no one was home. Necessary? I think not. In other words, being wasteful. I don't like it.
-Unnecessarily expensive things and the people who buy them. $100 for sunglasses is ridiculous, you know you are just going to lose them or sit on them in your car. $10 is my limit.
-Talking during movies or other things where you are supposed to be quiet. No one wants to hear your comments. You are not as funny as you think you are. And chances are, everyone else noticed whatever it is you're commenting on.
-People who have their phone on speaker...esp those crazy Nextel people. I am not interested in what you are having for dinner, nor do I want to hear that constant beep beep. Also, people who are on their phone while they are trying to do business. Tell them you'll call back and then order your lunch. So rude on so many levels.
-The fax machine at work. OH man, it drives me crazy! I'm sure it hates me back.
-Facebook idiots. People who: change their status every few hours, send you stupid requests like "What is your Vampire Name?", and/or use facebook as their personal soap box to express their religious and political beliefs/moral convictions.
-People that make comments and discuss celebrities like they know what is going on. Shut up losers. Celebrities are ridiculous and you are making things worse.
-Smoking. So disgusting. Most disgusting thing ever, actually.
-Dumb ass reality TV. I can't deal with it. It makes me so angry.
-Liars. I get these a LOT at work and it makes me mad every time. Did you think I wouldn't find you out?! I am on to you, drug addicts!
-People who get hung up on extremely stupid things, decide their way is the right/only way and won't shut up about it. Christianity is not the only religion, gays people are still people, stem cell research is useful and Obama is a natural born citizen. Find some joy in your life! Focus on that instead!
And with that, I should probably take my own advice. I'm just bored at work. How about this...my next post will be a list of things that make me happy. I know, you can hardly wait. Calm down, I'll do it soon. There are tons of those things as well and yes, I do try to focus more on those than these. I promise.
Now, according to my lovely brother, I don't like anyone. But that's not really true. It is a fact that many, many people get on my nerves. However, it's more things people do that bother me and causes me to temporarily not like them. On occasion, people do a combination of things that annoy me and I write them off completely. I know, that's terrible..but I usually give them another chance, should they want it. And, on the flip side, I have lots of friends that do stupid annoying things and I still like them.
So whatever. This blabbering is just another example of my constant need to explain myself. So I'll just get on with the list. But I would like to say that I really am a nice person. I just get a little grouchy sometimes. And I have very little tolerance for ignorance. A lot of these are things I deal with at work.
Here we go.
1. This is the only one I'm going to number because it is my number ONE pet peeve. When people don't do what they say they are going to do. OH MY GOSH, that is the most aggravating thing ever. And so rude and disrespectful, in my opinion. I mean, if there is even a small chance that you are not going to be able to do whatever it is, just keep it at a maybe until things are definite. And forgetting to do something and then being like, oh yeah! I'll do it right now, is not the same thing. I'm talking about things like, I'll call you back at 8 and I hear from you in two weeks. Not cool. Keep your word people, it's not that hard.
-Grown ass people that don't know how to act. We've had a few adults in the office the last couple of days that think it's appropriate to 1. Smack their gum, 2. Not say please or thank you and 3. Play games on their phone with the sound on extremely loud so the entire office can hear. Please. Show some respect.
-Bad grammar. He done did it is not how you express past tense.
-People in fast cars that are driving slow. Why did you buy a corvette if you are only going to go 55 on the Interstate? At least get out of the fast lane if that's how it's going to be.
-Rudeness. I really only condone rudeness if it's been provoked. Otherwise, some manners will get you a long, long way. I hate especially when people call the office for directions or with questions and just say ok and hang up instead of THANK YOU. It would've taken, what, five more seconds?
-Writing u instead of you, 2 instead of too, two, or to, 4 instead of four, for, etc, etc. I hate shorthand for texting! I know everyone does it, but it's so annoying to me! And it's even worse in emails or something you're typing.
-People who claim nothing bothers them. Liar.
-Not doing simple things that could make a big difference. For example: turning off the damn lights. I came home the other night and every light in the house was on. And no one was home. Necessary? I think not. In other words, being wasteful. I don't like it.
-Unnecessarily expensive things and the people who buy them. $100 for sunglasses is ridiculous, you know you are just going to lose them or sit on them in your car. $10 is my limit.
-Talking during movies or other things where you are supposed to be quiet. No one wants to hear your comments. You are not as funny as you think you are. And chances are, everyone else noticed whatever it is you're commenting on.
-People who have their phone on speaker...esp those crazy Nextel people. I am not interested in what you are having for dinner, nor do I want to hear that constant beep beep. Also, people who are on their phone while they are trying to do business. Tell them you'll call back and then order your lunch. So rude on so many levels.
-The fax machine at work. OH man, it drives me crazy! I'm sure it hates me back.
-Facebook idiots. People who: change their status every few hours, send you stupid requests like "What is your Vampire Name?", and/or use facebook as their personal soap box to express their religious and political beliefs/moral convictions.
-People that make comments and discuss celebrities like they know what is going on. Shut up losers. Celebrities are ridiculous and you are making things worse.
-Smoking. So disgusting. Most disgusting thing ever, actually.
-Dumb ass reality TV. I can't deal with it. It makes me so angry.
-Liars. I get these a LOT at work and it makes me mad every time. Did you think I wouldn't find you out?! I am on to you, drug addicts!
-People who get hung up on extremely stupid things, decide their way is the right/only way and won't shut up about it. Christianity is not the only religion, gays people are still people, stem cell research is useful and Obama is a natural born citizen. Find some joy in your life! Focus on that instead!
And with that, I should probably take my own advice. I'm just bored at work. How about this...my next post will be a list of things that make me happy. I know, you can hardly wait. Calm down, I'll do it soon. There are tons of those things as well and yes, I do try to focus more on those than these. I promise.
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