So anyways, after my bitch fest of a post last time, I thought I would share with everyone some things that make me happy. It does happen. I actually used to keep a joy book and I wrote down things that made me happy. I started it in high school and kept it up until my senior year of college. It's random things that make me happy and quotes from various people that made me laugh or smile. I still have it, but it hasn't been written in in awhile. Which makes sense because I'm not really all that happy these days. The last thing is a quote from one of the pee farm crazies from last year. Some things are inside jokes that I know longer understand. For example: "It's called asshole accent." Hm. Who knows? But here's a good one: "I'll slap a bullet to your face!" Oh, pre-cal. Good times. Some of the things I can't even read because my handwriting is terrible. It's funny too, because I can remember some of the things so clearly and they still make me laugh. And, I can remember what guy I was crushing on at the time throughout my joy book, based on things they said that I wrote down. There aren't too many...but a few good quotes of the few nice things boys have said to me. I would love some more to add in, haha.
Ok, well here is the list I know you have just been dying to read. I won't make you wait any longer. This is just a random smattering, not a complete list. That would just be too ridiculously long. Please, enjoy.
-Conversation hearts. I found one once that said "Let's Read." I kept for like a year.
-The 80s arm pump. Every good 80s song has an arm pump moment. If it doesn't, it's not a good song.
-Hammocks and porch swings. I can't wait to have a house so I can buy these two things and alternate between sitting in them.
-Porches. I really wish my house now had one. I feel like it would make my life 10 times more enjoyable.
-The beach. I have discussed my love for this before.
-Bike rides...esp going down hill. I really should buy a bike.
-Boyfriends for one night. Haha, our Italian exchange student once told he had never had a girlfriend for longer than one night and I thought that was so funny. Definitely better than saying random hook-up or one night stand.
-Cute stationary. I cannot control myself at Target! I don't even allow myself to go into stationary stores. I would walk out broke.
-CAMP. I can't even explain my love for camp. It goes beyond all reason.
-Eggnog. It is so tasty.
-Skinny night. It's fabulous.
-New shoes. There's even a song about these!
-Acoustic music. Well, music in general.
-Puppies! Like you didn't know this.
-Summer nights. Minus the misquitos.
-Disney movies. I want to own all the DVDs. I've started with "Lady and the Tramp."
-Flowers. I wish someone would send me some. That would be nice. (Tulips)
-Slow dancing. I miss organized dances. So much.
-Things lost in translation
-Cute boys with accents. Or cute boys that don't speak English and want to make out with you. Yes please.
-Random, funny things. Commercials, flyers, people, etc.
-Getting to say what you really mean and having someone be like, YES! And you realize you are not alone.
-Christmas lights! I have them up all year. Don't hate.
-The human knot game. That is my favorite ice breaker and everyone else hates it. Lame.
-My huge ass GDH cups. Reminds me of college, but with more liquid. Everyone wins.
-Holding hands
-Drumlines. Seriously. Once, in high school, we had a pep rally in the gym and the drum played and it literally brought tears to my eyes. I kid you not. It was very Carla circa "The Other Sister"
-1st kisses...real ones...not drunk bar ones.
-Conversations about ridiculous things.
-The continent club. I have four.
-Coordinated dances. Especially along the lines of step and those crazy hip hop clogger people.
-The keyboard demo on Katrina's keyboard. So many good memories with that thing. It's a like a rock/techno version of the Nutcracker song. It's awesome.
-Real mail. Nothing better than having someone take the time to send you something that required a stamp.
-Making like utensils. I know, I'm so stupid for calling it that. Don't care.
-Naps....sleeping in general
-Nice boys (They are rare). Nice single boys (near exctinct)
-DANCING. So fabulous
-Being on a boat. I need a boyfriend with a boat for the summer. Quickly.
-Mini things...anything. I love the travel section and often shop there even if I'm not traveling anywhere.
-New socks and underwear.
-Wearing my fake glasses when I'm doing important things and need to feel smart.
-Nice surprises
-Being with my real friends and getting to be my real self...not my I just met you, please like me self.
-When people make comments on my blog.
And last but not least, these tennis shoes:
Seriously. I don't know what it is, but I am so in love with these shoes. Once, in college, this really cute boy in my English class had them and I was convinced we were meant to be. But then he hooked up with my roommate and now he's married to a girl in my sorority, so I had to let that dream go.
So there ya go. There are a million more. But for now, when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad...I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feeeeeelll sooooo bad. Thank you Freuline Maria.
it's so nice to read the happy jacky list...she should post more often.
ReplyDeletelet's get together, ok? ok cool. love love
Hahah-I actually was singing outloud when I read the next line and dies laughing... you caught me fool!
ReplyDeletePS-- You never spoke of my wedding damnit and made me feel extremely special! and how freaking excited you are about it and to wear matching dresses with other people.
PPS-Sorry if people demanding a name drop on your blog just to make them feel special is another one of your many pet peeves:)