...she's got diamonds on the soles of her shoes.
That is what I'm listening to right now, so that is my title. I wanted to keep the song titles going. No real reason. Even though I will share that it's the acoustic version and it's pretty badass. Way cooler than the real one. Ch-ch-check it out. That was my deejay voice. Also, I can never decide how to use capitalization in my title. Every letter caps, just the first, all lowercase? So many decisions. I decided I would make this one look like how it would look when written as a lyric. So there you go.
Anyways, I don't really have a topic for this post. I had a very strange day today. It was this bizarre mixture of good and bad moods. I was in a good mood because our soccer team TIED last night! This NOT a loss, so it is a definite improvement for Team Royal (we have no sponsor). And, the kids played awesome and an overall good time was had. Then my brother and I rocked out in the car and it was super fun. My new song obsession is "Kiss Me Through the Phone" by Soulja boy...even though it's retarded. I freaking love it. Any song with the word "wifey" in it is awesome in my book. I always dance and give it motions. It came on when I was at the club last weekend (that's right, ME, CLUBBING..more later) and I was flipping my drunk ass shit. It was awesome. I'm sure all the people around me, that I was offering kisses and the phone to, thought so as well. Here, it's for you! Answer! It's a kiss!
Right. But then, I was in a bad mood because people were being freaking DUMBASSES today. Why am I surprised!? I don't know, I guess we had a dumbass lull for a bit, so I forgot how stupid people are. I was reminded today. However, it was kind of amusing. Because after I got lunch (Chic-Fil-A...yummm...makes any day better), I was like, um, you people can't phase me. I decided I wasn't taking any crap and was totally bitchy to people. But I found it to be hysterical. Which makes me even more of a bitch, but whatever, I don't care when stupid people don't like me. So I was annoyed...but then laughing. It was weird.
Enough about my dumb day, let's talk about my AWESOME weekend. My sister was in town and we decided that Team Gyp (me, my brother and sister) needed to hit up da club. I had a wine party to go to first, so I got supa drunk there first and then took me and my date (YES, DATE!) out dancing and had myself a good ole time. My brother, who had a sweat rag with him at the club (he's a regular), was not pleased that I was running around, dancing like a crazy person, and trying to steal his sweat rag all night. Apparently I was cramping his style and he was having trouble with the ladies. Whatever, I was having a great time. And that's all that matters, right? I had to keep dancing because whenever I sat down I seriously thought about going to sleep at the bar table. THAT would have been embarrassing. I didn't, thank goodness. I was a trooper and kept on dancing. Such a fun night. Not so much a fun morning, though. I had to get up way to early and go play softball. Which turned out to be really fun, but I seriously thought I was going to throw up after hitting a double and had to run ALL the way to second. It was rough. There was not throwing up involved though. There was, however, some WINNING involved. Hell yes! It was especially nice to win a game after last weeks pathetic loss of 24-0. After three innings. Yes. Ouch. Oh yeah, I'm playing with the SI Fire Station. My dad and brother play too. It's a family affair. It's also a men's league, but no one's said anything, so I'm just going to keep showing up.
Then Sunday, I slept a lot, hung out with my mom, ate a cupcake for lunch (it was the best thing EVER-caramel apple!) and saw "I Love You, Man." Which, in my opinion, was not all that funny. It's one of those movies where they show you all the funny stuff in the previews. Maybe I was just mad because I love Jason Segel and he looks disgusting in the movie and even my love for Paul Rudd could not overshadow his grossness.
I'm done. Go browse through Go Fug Yourself's March Madness if you have some free time. HYSTERICAL. Fucking hysterical. I literally, lol'ed (omg-did I just say lol?!) multiple times while reading it. The comments are especially entertaining. I think SWINTON is going to reign fug supreme, but you just never know. People say SHE'S crazy. (See how I brought it back around?) OH YEAH! That is what I wanted to post about today. Shoot. Maybe tomorrow.
Ciao people.
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that is my new song obsession too!!