I have a lot of pet peeves. Tons. And people think I'm crazy and horrible, but I bet that if you stopped and thought about it, there are lots and lots of things that bother you. And jeez, it's not like I go off on people that bother me (to their face) or go on a killing rampage because the person in front of me at the Publix has decided they are going to pay for the their cigarettes, processed cheese, frozen chicken, Snickers bar and six pack of Diet Coke with two different credit cards. Oh wait, one of the cards was declined, she has to put the processed cheese back and pay the remaining $4.54 with a check. And even though she's in a well chair and clearly has some breathing issues, she is keeping her cigs. No. I would never kill someone over something silly like that. Or even say something to them. I will however, add "people who pay with checks" to my list of pet peeves. And the rest of this post will be a random list of things that bother me. Please, don't read if you are one of those people who are above having pet peeves. You're actually on the list.
Now, according to my lovely brother, I don't like anyone. But that's not really true. It is a fact that many, many people get on my nerves. However, it's more things people do that bother me and causes me to temporarily not like them. On occasion, people do a combination of things that annoy me and I write them off completely. I know, that's terrible..but I usually give them another chance, should they want it. And, on the flip side, I have lots of friends that do stupid annoying things and I still like them.
So whatever. This blabbering is just another example of my constant need to explain myself. So I'll just get on with the list. But I would like to say that I really am a nice person. I just get a little grouchy sometimes. And I have very little tolerance for ignorance. A lot of these are things I deal with at work.
Here we go.
1. This is the only one I'm going to number because it is my number ONE pet peeve. When people don't do what they say they are going to do. OH MY GOSH, that is the most aggravating thing ever. And so rude and disrespectful, in my opinion. I mean, if there is even a small chance that you are not going to be able to do whatever it is, just keep it at a maybe until things are definite. And forgetting to do something and then being like, oh yeah! I'll do it right now, is not the same thing. I'm talking about things like, I'll call you back at 8 and I hear from you in two weeks. Not cool. Keep your word people, it's not that hard.
-Grown ass people that don't know how to act. We've had a few adults in the office the last couple of days that think it's appropriate to 1. Smack their gum, 2. Not say please or thank you and 3. Play games on their phone with the sound on extremely loud so the entire office can hear. Please. Show some respect.
-Bad grammar. He done did it is not how you express past tense.
-People in fast cars that are driving slow. Why did you buy a corvette if you are only going to go 55 on the Interstate? At least get out of the fast lane if that's how it's going to be.
-Rudeness. I really only condone rudeness if it's been provoked. Otherwise, some manners will get you a long, long way. I hate especially when people call the office for directions or with questions and just say ok and hang up instead of THANK YOU. It would've taken, what, five more seconds?
-Writing u instead of you, 2 instead of too, two, or to, 4 instead of four, for, etc, etc. I hate shorthand for texting! I know everyone does it, but it's so annoying to me! And it's even worse in emails or something you're typing.
-People who claim nothing bothers them. Liar.
-Not doing simple things that could make a big difference. For example: turning off the damn lights. I came home the other night and every light in the house was on. And no one was home. Necessary? I think not. In other words, being wasteful. I don't like it.
-Unnecessarily expensive things and the people who buy them. $100 for sunglasses is ridiculous, you know you are just going to lose them or sit on them in your car. $10 is my limit.
-Talking during movies or other things where you are supposed to be quiet. No one wants to hear your comments. You are not as funny as you think you are. And chances are, everyone else noticed whatever it is you're commenting on.
-People who have their phone on speaker...esp those crazy Nextel people. I am not interested in what you are having for dinner, nor do I want to hear that constant beep beep. Also, people who are on their phone while they are trying to do business. Tell them you'll call back and then order your lunch. So rude on so many levels.
-The fax machine at work. OH man, it drives me crazy! I'm sure it hates me back.
-Facebook idiots. People who: change their status every few hours, send you stupid requests like "What is your Vampire Name?", and/or use facebook as their personal soap box to express their religious and political beliefs/moral convictions.
-People that make comments and discuss celebrities like they know what is going on. Shut up losers. Celebrities are ridiculous and you are making things worse.
-Smoking. So disgusting. Most disgusting thing ever, actually.
-Dumb ass reality TV. I can't deal with it. It makes me so angry.
-Liars. I get these a LOT at work and it makes me mad every time. Did you think I wouldn't find you out?! I am on to you, drug addicts!
-People who get hung up on extremely stupid things, decide their way is the right/only way and won't shut up about it. Christianity is not the only religion, gays people are still people, stem cell research is useful and Obama is a natural born citizen. Find some joy in your life! Focus on that instead!
And with that, I should probably take my own advice. I'm just bored at work. How about this...my next post will be a list of things that make me happy. I know, you can hardly wait. Calm down, I'll do it soon. There are tons of those things as well and yes, I do try to focus more on those than these. I promise.
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do you also hate people that spend a lot of time doing awesome facebook quizes like "which awesome woman of the bible are you?" because in which case you hate me!