I had A LOT of fun today because I went to the ELLEN SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it was fantastic. I'm going to be honest with y'all though, I was a little upset. We didn't get into the actual audience because we got there too late (and some of you probably weren't crossing your fingers hard enough..jk) and the Riff Raff room was a little disappointing. I was literally crossing my fingers the entire time we were in line (I probably looked like such an idiot) but it just wasn't in the cards for me today. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time and loved it a lot, but Riff Raffers don't get no love! No shout out or a peek inside or anything! Well that's not true I guess because we got a shirt. But some of the other Raffers were SO LAME! Some sat the entire time and someo of them weren't even smiling! I couldn't stop smiling! There was one lady, though, who was both fabulous and very strange. She was busting some moves pretty hard. Others weren't really though....a lot of people just sat there. And the worst part was they had these big screens up where you could watch the show and they showed the "real" audience dancing before it started and some people were being soooooooo LAME. Seriously, some people were just standing there, not dancing at all! I wanted to ask the staff if they could go pull the lame-os and replace them with awesome people (ie: Blakely and I) who would appreciate the experience better. However, I didn't ask so we stayed put. Blakely and I both got up on the furniture (we had permission!) and were totally breaking it down, so we had a blast. One of the staff guys was a dancing fool too and it was hilarious. We also had a congo line, which I am normally against, but something just came over me! It was good times. However, I'm not going to lie, when Ellen came out and was up on the big screen, I teared up a little. I KNOW-sooo pathetic, but I really really REALLY wanted to be in that audience. BUT-the good news is we got re-booked for guaranteed seats in May and I don't want to get too ahead of myself, but I think it's going to be a REALLY good show.
Our show was good too. We got a sneak preview of the finale of a show (I don't know if I'm legally allowed to say anything about yet...seriously, we had to sign something) that I don't normally watch and it was a little painful. But, it was still cool to get to see it before everyone else. The guests were Lindsey Vonn, who is super pretty and gave everyone (including the Riff Raffers!) a free t-shirt that Blakely and I wore on our afternoon walk. Yes, we were matching and trying to make people think we were Olympic athletes. Lauren Graham was also there and she is really funny and really terrible at Pictionary. There was also a woman who Ellen discovered on YouTube and was PHENOMENAL. She was unbelievable! And super cute. And Ellen talked to the audience at the very end and it was special. On commercial breaks the screens didn't show us what was going on onstage, but I think there were some dance contests or something with the audience members, I don't know. I bought a shirt that is extremely comfy and Blakely won a shirt for dancing like a go-go girl.
Anyways, the whole thing was super fun and it just makes me love Ellen even more. And makes me want to be her international ambassador EVEN MORE. So what I think I'm going to do is start a letter/email writing campaign. I am going to get people from all over the world (and US) to send in something on my behalf saying that I would make a good Ellen diplomat. If you're interested, let me know. And if you know people in other countries that would do it too, let me know! I don't know if this will work, but I'm going to at least try. Should be interesting.
So that was Ellen. Oh yeah! Since we were Riff Raffers, we were the first people to leave and get out of the parking garage and we saw her driving! She was turning right and we were turning left and were like, right behind her! And we were trying to wave at her and then we noticed some security people in the car behind her (next to us) looking sternly at us. Then he rolled down his window so we stopped immediately. I mean, we were just trying to get a wave! Calm down. The security guy was ridiculously hot too, so that just made it more embarrassing. Oh well.
Also, I got to drive to work today and it was soooo great. It took HALF the time on the bus, wasn't sketchy and annoying and there were no funny smells involved. I REALLY wish I had a car. And a non-broken computer. But that is for another day.
Well, I've got two months to get my letter writing campaign up and running. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks to everyone that has been so supportive and interested in my Ellen experience, y'all are awesome.
Dream big people! :)
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