1. I went [indoor] skydiving! It was pretty cool! My friend got two tickets for FREE so we went and it was pretty amazing. Amazing that it was free because usually it's pretty pricey and amazing because you are pretty much just floating around in a wind tunnel. In my opinion, it wasn't really anything like real skydiving, but the woman that worked there said it's more like when you skydive by yourself. Not tandem skydiving, which is what I did before. Either way, it was super fun and a delightful treat. We got to ride around in luxury vans, got free food (and stale Diet Coke), and got the DVD with our "flight." So if you would ever like to see me in flight, just ask and we can have a viewing. It's really very exciting, I promise.
2. I went to the TOTALLY AWESOME 80s Gala on Saturday. And it really was, TOTALLY AWESOME. Mainly because Blakely and I had the most amazing outfits EVER (see facebook for details) and we were rocking out hardcore in the 80s working woman jumpsuit. It was glorious. We found them at the Salvation Army down the street and mine fit so perfectly, it was almost scary. It was like it was made just for me. Oh man, what if it had been made the year, or even day, I was born back in the 80s! That would be some crazyness. Anyways, the actual event was not too terribly exciting, but we met some nice people, got to groove to some 80s jams (my fave!), and now we get a FREE ticket to Disneyland!!! Exciting!!!! I love me some free stuff. I mean, I am all for volunteering and I am a big fan of helping others...and if I can get some free stuff in the process, I'll take it! So thanks Disney! I can't wait to go! I've heard good things. We also got free food and I took home two BA 80s posters for my new room. Which brings me to my next point...
3. I found an apartment! And it ended up working out really well because it is waaayyyy closer to where I work. I can literally walk to work faster than it takes me to get there on the bus now. And I think I'm going to get a bike, which will make things even faster and better! Also, there are regular grocery stores nearby that have cashiers that know English and the dairy section offers more than one type of cheese. So that's pretty exciting. The only minor problem is that it doesn't come furnished at all, but I'm hoping I can find some Goodwill deals and get my new room looking spiffy. And the best part is I get to have a housewarming party! Fun times.
Well it is time for bed. Big week ahead, flying to Florida on Wednesday! I have some fantastic friends and I am really pumped about seeing them!
Dream big people! [And write your Ellen letter!]

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