So I went to work today. And I was all grouchy because I haven't been sleeping well (ahem, blackout curtains) and it is still pretty chilly here. I continued to be grouchy because the bus was late, I started my period, my head was hurting, boys are apparently not the least bit interested in me, and work is boring. And then I randomly stumbled across this really amazing story.
And then I cried a little bit and realized I need to get the fuck over myself. Because this girl was totally amazing and her story is awesome. Please go look at it if you get the chance. She didn't make it past 26, which is so sad because she seems like a really cool person. However, she touched a lot of lives with her story and her struggle with Cystic Fibrosis. I can't even imagine what kind of struggle that must have been and it makes me put my life into perspective.
I am a lucky, lucky girl. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I did and I am SO thankful. I realize I like to whine a lot, but I promise, I know what's up. I wish there was a way I could express my thanks. But for now, I'll just share with you how good it feels to be lucky and maybe you can remember what makes your life lucky too.
For starters, I do not have Cystic Fibrosis. So that's awesome. I am generally healthy, with some minor issues here and there. Right now my stomach is making all kinds of scary rumbling noises, but I am not hooked up to any tubes so I'm going to count it as a positive.
I've also got a job, a place to live, a kind of bed, clothes and food. In addition to the basic luxuries, I also get to do really really cool stuff sometimes. I've traveled awesome places and done really cool things. For instance, last night I went to see Chicago in Hollywood and it was totally amazing. Man, I really love musicals. Other than Pantages Theater and their policies being totally lame (seriously, I hate them) and the man in front of me with his enormous head, I loved it. Roxie was the girl from Destiny's Child (Michelle), so that was cool. I mean, it's what the program said anyways, I was a little to far away to confirm this. And the musical in general is just really fun and funny and well written and there was one song with all this sparkly stuff coming down from the ceiling and it was SO cool! Then I had to take the scary night bus home alone and that was NOT cool. Not terrible, but there was a crying Asian man, two drunk Latinos and one weird man taking pictures of the top of his head with his cell phone. Things were awkward.
Anyways, this post has been like, three days in the making and it really isn't getting any better. I really just wanted to share that website I found. So, enjoy, and I will shut up now. You're welcome. My mom is coming tomorrow! HOORAY! ELLEN ON TUESDAY! :) :) :)
Dream big people!
30 April 2010
26 April 2010
There's an app for that
So my weekend was pretty lame. It was actually really lame. I am ok with it though. I did get some stuff done, I went on a walk and did somethings that were mildly entertaining.
Friday night I went to Happy Hour with the roomies, which was the first time we went out in public together and it was really quite lovely. The night ended a littler earlier than expected so I went to bed early. And if going to bed early during the week makes me self-conscious, going to bed early on a weekend really makes me nervous. But the next day I got up and to the Grilled Cheese Festival! was actually really disappointing. I thought there was going to be mountains of grilled cheese just waiting to be consumed by me (who paid $10 to get in). Really, I thought there were going to be cocktail waitress type people running around with platters of all sorts of grilled cheese samples to be eaten up and rivers of cheese and tomato soup flowing through the streets for people to bask in. Instead, there was one line you could stand in for little tiny samples of just regular grilled, another line where you could get tiny cups of tomato soup and yet an even longer line where you could get free fizzy fruit soda. And if you wanted anything else fancier, you had to wait in a ridiculously long line AND you had to pay for it! Plus, they only gave you half the sandwich! It was total crap. There was also a competition going on but apparently you had to sign up ahead of time to be a judge and if you didn't, you got yelled at by an extremely loud and obnoxious woman and weren't allowed into the competition part, even if you just wanted to see what was going on. So yeah, it was disappointing. And expensive. FAIL.
After our sad times at the festival, a friend and I wandered around downtown LA, which also was a big fail since nothing was open and we just wanted something to drink and a little snack. Downtown LA is probably the stupidest downtown I've ever been in. Maybe I was in the wrong part, but there wasn't really anything interesting going on and it was Saturday. Whatever. After extensive wandering we ended up at a hotel with a rooftop bar and it was a cool scene, nice view, it was just freezing with the wind and there were lots of drunk tourists. But it was still alright and we enjoyed ourselves.
The rest of the weekend I literally did nothing. I did some wandering around the neighborhood and that is about as productive as I got. I had all these plans for grocery shopping and room redecorating, but I just couldn't get it together. I did, however, update my ipod touch and got some awesome new apps. The best one, by far, is this top 100 song thing. I thought it was going to just tell you the top 100 songs from each decade, but it's actually a million times cooler than that and PLAYS the songs for you! It's amazing and I love it. I am seriously considering getting an iphone just so I can carry this little rectangular amazement around with me all the time. The touch is only good if you are connected to wireless internet, so it doesn't work for wandering around town. Also, it would be amazing for directions since I never have any idea where I'm going.
But, really, I don't have the money for that. So if anyone wants to buy me one, go for it. I will appreciate the hell out of it. And you. I have other things I need to spend my money on right now. I'll tell you what they are, in case you want to buy something else for me: a bed, computer (one of the small ones, they're pretty cheap!), a car, some new clothes (I am so not cool enough for LA), black shoes (I have none! How did this happen?), and a nightstand. Holla if you need my address to ship something my way. I will also take gift cards, thank you so much.
Ok, my weekend wasn't interesting and neither was this post. And yet, somehow, it is extremely long. Sorry. Things are going to be good next weekend though because my MOM is coming! YAY!!!! And then next week we are going to ELLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOUBLE TRIPLE A MILLION YAY!!!! I can't wait! And then it's Cinco de Mayo! Hooray! An excuse to drink during the week!
Dream big people! :)
Friday night I went to Happy Hour with the roomies, which was the first time we went out in public together and it was really quite lovely. The night ended a littler earlier than expected so I went to bed early. And if going to bed early during the week makes me self-conscious, going to bed early on a weekend really makes me nervous. But the next day I got up and to the Grilled Cheese Festival! was actually really disappointing. I thought there was going to be mountains of grilled cheese just waiting to be consumed by me (who paid $10 to get in). Really, I thought there were going to be cocktail waitress type people running around with platters of all sorts of grilled cheese samples to be eaten up and rivers of cheese and tomato soup flowing through the streets for people to bask in. Instead, there was one line you could stand in for little tiny samples of just regular grilled, another line where you could get tiny cups of tomato soup and yet an even longer line where you could get free fizzy fruit soda. And if you wanted anything else fancier, you had to wait in a ridiculously long line AND you had to pay for it! Plus, they only gave you half the sandwich! It was total crap. There was also a competition going on but apparently you had to sign up ahead of time to be a judge and if you didn't, you got yelled at by an extremely loud and obnoxious woman and weren't allowed into the competition part, even if you just wanted to see what was going on. So yeah, it was disappointing. And expensive. FAIL.
After our sad times at the festival, a friend and I wandered around downtown LA, which also was a big fail since nothing was open and we just wanted something to drink and a little snack. Downtown LA is probably the stupidest downtown I've ever been in. Maybe I was in the wrong part, but there wasn't really anything interesting going on and it was Saturday. Whatever. After extensive wandering we ended up at a hotel with a rooftop bar and it was a cool scene, nice view, it was just freezing with the wind and there were lots of drunk tourists. But it was still alright and we enjoyed ourselves.
The rest of the weekend I literally did nothing. I did some wandering around the neighborhood and that is about as productive as I got. I had all these plans for grocery shopping and room redecorating, but I just couldn't get it together. I did, however, update my ipod touch and got some awesome new apps. The best one, by far, is this top 100 song thing. I thought it was going to just tell you the top 100 songs from each decade, but it's actually a million times cooler than that and PLAYS the songs for you! It's amazing and I love it. I am seriously considering getting an iphone just so I can carry this little rectangular amazement around with me all the time. The touch is only good if you are connected to wireless internet, so it doesn't work for wandering around town. Also, it would be amazing for directions since I never have any idea where I'm going.
But, really, I don't have the money for that. So if anyone wants to buy me one, go for it. I will appreciate the hell out of it. And you. I have other things I need to spend my money on right now. I'll tell you what they are, in case you want to buy something else for me: a bed, computer (one of the small ones, they're pretty cheap!), a car, some new clothes (I am so not cool enough for LA), black shoes (I have none! How did this happen?), and a nightstand. Holla if you need my address to ship something my way. I will also take gift cards, thank you so much.
Ok, my weekend wasn't interesting and neither was this post. And yet, somehow, it is extremely long. Sorry. Things are going to be good next weekend though because my MOM is coming! YAY!!!! And then next week we are going to ELLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOUBLE TRIPLE A MILLION YAY!!!! I can't wait! And then it's Cinco de Mayo! Hooray! An excuse to drink during the week!
Dream big people! :)
23 April 2010
Things I Would Like to Know
I have questions today. Here they are:
1. Does edamame go bad? If yes, when does this happen? Will I die from eating rotten edamame?
2. Is it bad to crack your back?
3. Are there repercussions to eating an avocado before it's ripe?
4. Does anyone else think these things when watching Glee?:
a. Man, I'm sad because I'll never be in a high school show choir.
b. I wish Rachel would stop looking so concerned and upset all the time.
c. I wish Finn would stop looking so confused all the time.
d. Brittany is the funniest character on the entire show.
e. Do they ever go to class? Do they do homework? Where are their parents?
5. Seriously, why is it cold in LA? I'm getting angry.
6. Does anyone really buy tampons based on their commercials?
7. Do those really annoying people on the street that ask if you have a second to end world hunger make a lot of money? Are they proud of what they do? Does it really only take a second to end world hunger, child poverty or legalize gay marriage? When people ask them at parties, "What do you do?," do they tell the truth? Then does the person that asked walk away disgusted?
8. Why does everyone hate on Ke$ha? Yes, she looked like a tard on SNL and yes putting a $ in your name is totally douchey, but her music is so great for dancing! Haters.
Ok, well I think that is it for now. Let me know if you have some answers for me.
Dream big people!
1. Does edamame go bad? If yes, when does this happen? Will I die from eating rotten edamame?
2. Is it bad to crack your back?
3. Are there repercussions to eating an avocado before it's ripe?
4. Does anyone else think these things when watching Glee?:
a. Man, I'm sad because I'll never be in a high school show choir.
b. I wish Rachel would stop looking so concerned and upset all the time.
c. I wish Finn would stop looking so confused all the time.
d. Brittany is the funniest character on the entire show.
e. Do they ever go to class? Do they do homework? Where are their parents?
5. Seriously, why is it cold in LA? I'm getting angry.
6. Does anyone really buy tampons based on their commercials?
7. Do those really annoying people on the street that ask if you have a second to end world hunger make a lot of money? Are they proud of what they do? Does it really only take a second to end world hunger, child poverty or legalize gay marriage? When people ask them at parties, "What do you do?," do they tell the truth? Then does the person that asked walk away disgusted?
8. Why does everyone hate on Ke$ha? Yes, she looked like a tard on SNL and yes putting a $ in your name is totally douchey, but her music is so great for dancing! Haters.
Ok, well I think that is it for now. Let me know if you have some answers for me.
Dream big people!
21 April 2010
Is this real life?
Please go to YouTube and type in David after dentist, if you feel like laughing today. Apparently I can't share it with you on here because you have to pay for it...or something. I didn't really try that hard.
Anyways, that little David is pretty funny. And to transition, this week has not been funny. This week has, so far, been stupid. I find myself asking, "is this real life?" because it really has just been ridiculous.
First off, it is RAINING and COLD again here in freaking LA. WTF people? "Oh, LA is the best, we have the best weather, it never rains, there is sun 340 days a year, blah blah blah." LIARS! Anyone that has ever said anything along those lines is totally full of crap because it has rained A LOT since I got here and frankly, I'm sick of it. Also, I came here because it is not supposed to be cold and here it is all chilly again and I ALREADY TOOK HOME MY JACKETS. I have nothing to wear and I'm cold dammit! And I refuse to buy another one, so don't even suggest it. So here's some advice: Don't move to LA if you are looking to escape the rain.
Second, the internet went out at work today. Yes, I know this happens but the whole thing was ridiculous. Mainly because only the internet on my computer went out and of course, that is the computer with all the files, emails, etc on it. Basically everything I need to do my work is on there and I can't do much without it. So after a good 2 hour convo with Verizon, nothing was fixed and I had to go around my ass to get to my elbow to get anything done. And I managed to stay cool but I was crazy grouchy inside. This is also because my bus was late and I didn't sleep well again because my "black out" curtains are totally full of shit and don't black out 99% of light, as promised. Why is everyone lying to me???? Is it going to be like this forever?? JEEZ--I hope not.
And lastly, I am going to share something with yall even though I am all kinds of embarrassed about the whole thing. But I also don't like sitting at home and enjoy free dinners. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure all of 2 people read this, so whatever. Anyways, at the suggestion of a friend, I signed up for an online dating site. And seriously, it's killing my self esteem. Someone told me I was chubby, everyone is totally weird, some guys seriously don't know how to have a conversation and OF COURSE the guys that I think are semi-cute and normal that have started up "conversations" don't answer me back. I get a lot of messages with bad grammar and no punctuation and I CAN'T TAKE IT. It's horrible. I said I would give it a week but I think I might have to tap out early. Grouchy-rainy-week is not a good week to add online rejection to things. UGGGHHH.
Sorry for all the caps, friends. It's my way of showing emotion via the limited font styles of the blogger.
I hope everyone else is having a far less stupid week. I, for one, am looking forward to the weekend. Mainly because it's GRILLED CHEESE FESTIVAL WEEKEND! Wooo hoooo! Those caps were caps of joy. Also, after that fantastic weekend, My MOM is coming to visit! More joyous caps! I can hardly stand it! Also, I just got Rick Rolled on Pandora, so things are looking up already.
Dream big people!
Anyways, that little David is pretty funny. And to transition, this week has not been funny. This week has, so far, been stupid. I find myself asking, "is this real life?" because it really has just been ridiculous.
First off, it is RAINING and COLD again here in freaking LA. WTF people? "Oh, LA is the best, we have the best weather, it never rains, there is sun 340 days a year, blah blah blah." LIARS! Anyone that has ever said anything along those lines is totally full of crap because it has rained A LOT since I got here and frankly, I'm sick of it. Also, I came here because it is not supposed to be cold and here it is all chilly again and I ALREADY TOOK HOME MY JACKETS. I have nothing to wear and I'm cold dammit! And I refuse to buy another one, so don't even suggest it. So here's some advice: Don't move to LA if you are looking to escape the rain.
Second, the internet went out at work today. Yes, I know this happens but the whole thing was ridiculous. Mainly because only the internet on my computer went out and of course, that is the computer with all the files, emails, etc on it. Basically everything I need to do my work is on there and I can't do much without it. So after a good 2 hour convo with Verizon, nothing was fixed and I had to go around my ass to get to my elbow to get anything done. And I managed to stay cool but I was crazy grouchy inside. This is also because my bus was late and I didn't sleep well again because my "black out" curtains are totally full of shit and don't black out 99% of light, as promised. Why is everyone lying to me???? Is it going to be like this forever?? JEEZ--I hope not.
And lastly, I am going to share something with yall even though I am all kinds of embarrassed about the whole thing. But I also don't like sitting at home and enjoy free dinners. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure all of 2 people read this, so whatever. Anyways, at the suggestion of a friend, I signed up for an online dating site. And seriously, it's killing my self esteem. Someone told me I was chubby, everyone is totally weird, some guys seriously don't know how to have a conversation and OF COURSE the guys that I think are semi-cute and normal that have started up "conversations" don't answer me back. I get a lot of messages with bad grammar and no punctuation and I CAN'T TAKE IT. It's horrible. I said I would give it a week but I think I might have to tap out early. Grouchy-rainy-week is not a good week to add online rejection to things. UGGGHHH.
Sorry for all the caps, friends. It's my way of showing emotion via the limited font styles of the blogger.
I hope everyone else is having a far less stupid week. I, for one, am looking forward to the weekend. Mainly because it's GRILLED CHEESE FESTIVAL WEEKEND! Wooo hoooo! Those caps were caps of joy. Also, after that fantastic weekend, My MOM is coming to visit! More joyous caps! I can hardly stand it! Also, I just got Rick Rolled on Pandora, so things are looking up already.
Dream big people!
20 April 2010
Too Soon?
Does anyone else ask themselves this question: How soon is too soon to go to bed?
No, no one else? I'm not surprised.
For some reason, I have this hang up about going to bed too early. I'm afraid someone is going to think I'm a loser or something. Not that anyone is even keeping tabs on when I go to bed. Whatever, I'm totally weird. But you all already knew that.
Also, I may or may not be a little tipsy right now. I'll let you decide. But, in the event that I am, it is totally legit. I had the stupidest day EVER and it was really quite frustrating and worthy of a drink...or three. And a free burrito. Among other things, someone told me I was chubby, I got really frustrated at work and had some bus drama that involved sitting next to a SUPER smelly and large man. And I was really ready to punch someone in the face. Seriously, I got off the bus and this dog was all up in my way on the sidewalk and was jumping all over the place like a doofus and I was all, don't mess with me dog! And then it started barking and was scary, so I just crossed the street really quickly. But that dog knew what was up.
Anyways, here I am a few drinks and a free burrito later, and life is a lot better. I still don't have a bed, but I got a sweet ass table from Ikea and some fake flowers, and my room is looking a lot better. I have also decided that I'm NOT chubby and even if I was, I'd be ok with it. And the person that told me that was ugly, so whatever. Like I always say, I may be fat, but you're ugly and I can lose weight, but you are out of luck.
Just kidding, I don't always say that. I think my dad said it once, though, and I agree.
So now it's almost 8:15. I think another hour and a half will be an appropriate bed time. I can't wait.
Dream big people!
No, no one else? I'm not surprised.
For some reason, I have this hang up about going to bed too early. I'm afraid someone is going to think I'm a loser or something. Not that anyone is even keeping tabs on when I go to bed. Whatever, I'm totally weird. But you all already knew that.
Also, I may or may not be a little tipsy right now. I'll let you decide. But, in the event that I am, it is totally legit. I had the stupidest day EVER and it was really quite frustrating and worthy of a drink...or three. And a free burrito. Among other things, someone told me I was chubby, I got really frustrated at work and had some bus drama that involved sitting next to a SUPER smelly and large man. And I was really ready to punch someone in the face. Seriously, I got off the bus and this dog was all up in my way on the sidewalk and was jumping all over the place like a doofus and I was all, don't mess with me dog! And then it started barking and was scary, so I just crossed the street really quickly. But that dog knew what was up.
Anyways, here I am a few drinks and a free burrito later, and life is a lot better. I still don't have a bed, but I got a sweet ass table from Ikea and some fake flowers, and my room is looking a lot better. I have also decided that I'm NOT chubby and even if I was, I'd be ok with it. And the person that told me that was ugly, so whatever. Like I always say, I may be fat, but you're ugly and I can lose weight, but you are out of luck.
Just kidding, I don't always say that. I think my dad said it once, though, and I agree.
So now it's almost 8:15. I think another hour and a half will be an appropriate bed time. I can't wait.
Dream big people!
16 April 2010
Facebook for Dummies
This was, quite possibly, the longest work day of my life. Which I find interesting because I actually had legitimate work to do almost all day. This is rare, usually I finish up around 10 and find random things to occupy myself with the rest of the day. But today, I was productive and I looked at the clock and it was only 1:30!!! And then the rest of the day drraagggeeeddd by and here I am, what seems like 3 days later.
Anyways, time for part three of the advice series! Hooray! I figure I'll go with that since I don't have anything else to write about. Other than the odd little things that I keep finding out about the apartment. Like, we only have one bowl. And no microwave. Sad times, because I really love me some microwave popcorn. And who only has one bowl? Me, apparently.
Well, anywho, this advice is going to be about facebook. I once was in a group about the rules of facebook but it seems to have disbanded. Plus that was back in the days when facebook was simple and not totally wackadoo. It's kind of out of control now and slightly obtrusive.
I really could go on forever but here are big things:
1. Don't comment on people's statuses if you are saying something that has nothing to do with the status. That is what the wall is for, saying whatever random thing you want.
2. Facebook is kind of a lame place to get on a soapbox, in my opinion. That's what blogs are for!
3. Twitter is for updating your life status every few minutes, not facebook.
4. If your wall is all about your Farmville and what you've recently acquired in it, you are a loser. Sorry. But you are.
5. Don't join dumb groups or be a fan of stupid things.
Annnd, that is all I have for now. Oh, and don't be a friend-whore. I seriously know all of the people I am friends with. I may not chat with them on a regular basis or be total BFFS with them, but I have met them all. And would call them a friend.
Anywho, I've got some good weekends ahead of me, I'm pretty excited. Next weekend is the Grilled Cheese Festival! Stay tuned!
Dream BIG people! Write your Ellen letter!
Annnd, that is all I have for now. Oh, and don't be a friend-whore. I seriously know all of the people I am friends with. I may not chat with them on a regular basis or be total BFFS with them, but I have met them all. And would call them a friend.
Anywho, I've got some good weekends ahead of me, I'm pretty excited. Next weekend is the Grilled Cheese Festival! Stay tuned!
Dream BIG people! Write your Ellen letter!
15 April 2010
A Sandwich
Ok! Here's whats up: I read something that I want to share, but it's super negative. So I am making a negative sandwich today, with positive bread. Get excited.
Good news: This is my 200th post! Wooo, how exciting! And, to celebrate, Pandora played "Heaven is a Place on Earth" for me!!!!!! Best Pandora day EVER!!!! Ahhhh, I LOVE IT! Thank you, Pandora, for rocking my face off at work. I wish I could thumbs up it a million times! I also wish someone could have been around to witness my reaction when it came on. I had to laugh at myself. So yay, 200 posts! Surely that is some sort of record.
Holy crap. I'm depressed. I just wrote this whole long thing about these crazy people and this article and blogger went deleted it ALL. Seriously, blogger? SERIOUSLY. I feel dead inside. The paragraphs were so good. And it was part two of my advice series! I'll still tell you the advice: Don't protest at funerals.
I don't have the heart to do it all over again. But I'll sum up. And maybe come back to it later. Those people, that protest at funerals, make me so sad. I was literally tearing up reading about them because it astounds me that someone has enough hate in them to go around making the most difficult day of someone's life even more difficult. Unbelievable. But, it makes me happy for groups like this that are around to attempt to make things right. Jeez, so much to say but I can't do it right now.
And I'm can't even finish my sandwich properly because the link I wanted to post keeps messing up and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm still so sad everything I wrote got erased! I saved it and EVERYTHING. WHERE DID IT GOOOOO?????
Sigh again.
Dream big people.
Good news: This is my 200th post! Wooo, how exciting! And, to celebrate, Pandora played "Heaven is a Place on Earth" for me!!!!!! Best Pandora day EVER!!!! Ahhhh, I LOVE IT! Thank you, Pandora, for rocking my face off at work. I wish I could thumbs up it a million times! I also wish someone could have been around to witness my reaction when it came on. I had to laugh at myself. So yay, 200 posts! Surely that is some sort of record.
Holy crap. I'm depressed. I just wrote this whole long thing about these crazy people and this article and blogger went deleted it ALL. Seriously, blogger? SERIOUSLY. I feel dead inside. The paragraphs were so good. And it was part two of my advice series! I'll still tell you the advice: Don't protest at funerals.
I don't have the heart to do it all over again. But I'll sum up. And maybe come back to it later. Those people, that protest at funerals, make me so sad. I was literally tearing up reading about them because it astounds me that someone has enough hate in them to go around making the most difficult day of someone's life even more difficult. Unbelievable. But, it makes me happy for groups like this that are around to attempt to make things right. Jeez, so much to say but I can't do it right now.
And I'm can't even finish my sandwich properly because the link I wanted to post keeps messing up and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm still so sad everything I wrote got erased! I saved it and EVERYTHING. WHERE DID IT GOOOOO?????
Sigh again.
Dream big people.
14 April 2010
Hoo Hoo
First off, let's talk about how amazing it is to ride the bus for 10 minutes to work. It is AMAZING. So fantastic, I could go on forever. Of course, today I get to work on time and guess who forgot her keys, so I ended up standing around for 20 minutes anyways. But whatever, standing around is better than sitting on the bus. I wake up almost a full hour later than before. Glorious.
Anyways, the point of this post is to start a new series* in which I give people advice. Because I'm a wise owl. Hoo hoo, get it? I was inspired by a friend :) Obviously, my life is so put together and lucrative, I am the perfect person to go around telling people how to live. Let's recap, shall we? I have no car, no boyfriend, a low paying job, I need to lose some weight, I am currently sporting a bad haircut and have a twin size futon for a bed. Also, I just gave my address to a grocery store over the phone. Damn. What was I thinking?? On the other hand, I'm happy, healthy, awesome and have been cool places, so maybe I'm not doing so bad after all. Either way, we all know I like to talk and think I know best, so listen up if you too want to be happy, healthy, well-traveled, awesome, broke and single!
Hm. So I guess I'll start with traveling:
1. Don't always book the cheapest flight. Double check and come to terms with multiple layovers, early flight departures, excessively long layovers and ridiculous hours before you decide that saving a few bucks is the priority. Also keep in mind that you'll be paying for checked bags and that sucks.
2. Invest in a neck pillow. It makes life so much better, for serious.
3. Take an empty water bottle with you and fill it up at the airport water fountain after security. Take that TSA and high water prices!
4. Always go to the bathroom when you have the chance. This goes for any type of travel, especially car trips. Waiting for the next rest area is not always the smart thing to do and your bladder may hate you for a while if you wait too long.
5. Always eat when you have the chance. Don't wait until you're ravenous and your options are limited. Take snacks wherever you go. Buying at the airport/on the train is way more expensive than bring them with you from the grocery store.
6. Have a spare set of essentials in your carry-on. You never know when and where you'll be stranded.
7. Always take a jacket or sweater. Being cold sucks.
8. Make sure you are thourough with directions. I have learned my lesson (multiple times) that writing down vague directions doesn't do me any good when I get lost. Especially since I am sans GPS, sans iphone, and sans any type of directional aptitude.
9. Crying doesn't really get you anywhere. I know, sometimes it's unavoidable, but it really doesn't help anythings. And it makes it hard to breathe.
10. Take good music and a good book to help pass the time. Unless you're driving, then only have the music. Don't read and drive. It's dangerous.
Well, that's all I got for now. And go to this website: so funny. Also, if you're feeling sad, YouTube old Ellen stand up and you will feel better. And you can thank me later.
Until we meet again, the best advice:
Dream big people!
Anyways, the point of this post is to start a new series* in which I give people advice. Because I'm a wise owl. Hoo hoo, get it? I was inspired by a friend :) Obviously, my life is so put together and lucrative, I am the perfect person to go around telling people how to live. Let's recap, shall we? I have no car, no boyfriend, a low paying job, I need to lose some weight, I am currently sporting a bad haircut and have a twin size futon for a bed. Also, I just gave my address to a grocery store over the phone. Damn. What was I thinking?? On the other hand, I'm happy, healthy, awesome and have been cool places, so maybe I'm not doing so bad after all. Either way, we all know I like to talk and think I know best, so listen up if you too want to be happy, healthy, well-traveled, awesome, broke and single!
Hm. So I guess I'll start with traveling:
1. Don't always book the cheapest flight. Double check and come to terms with multiple layovers, early flight departures, excessively long layovers and ridiculous hours before you decide that saving a few bucks is the priority. Also keep in mind that you'll be paying for checked bags and that sucks.
2. Invest in a neck pillow. It makes life so much better, for serious.
3. Take an empty water bottle with you and fill it up at the airport water fountain after security. Take that TSA and high water prices!
4. Always go to the bathroom when you have the chance. This goes for any type of travel, especially car trips. Waiting for the next rest area is not always the smart thing to do and your bladder may hate you for a while if you wait too long.
5. Always eat when you have the chance. Don't wait until you're ravenous and your options are limited. Take snacks wherever you go. Buying at the airport/on the train is way more expensive than bring them with you from the grocery store.
6. Have a spare set of essentials in your carry-on. You never know when and where you'll be stranded.
7. Always take a jacket or sweater. Being cold sucks.
8. Make sure you are thourough with directions. I have learned my lesson (multiple times) that writing down vague directions doesn't do me any good when I get lost. Especially since I am sans GPS, sans iphone, and sans any type of directional aptitude.
9. Crying doesn't really get you anywhere. I know, sometimes it's unavoidable, but it really doesn't help anythings. And it makes it hard to breathe.
10. Take good music and a good book to help pass the time. Unless you're driving, then only have the music. Don't read and drive. It's dangerous.
Well, that's all I got for now. And go to this website: so funny. Also, if you're feeling sad, YouTube old Ellen stand up and you will feel better. And you can thank me later.
Until we meet again, the best advice:
Dream big people!
*It may not actually be a series, as I will probably run out of advice pretty quickly. Stay tuned.
12 April 2010
Changes in Latitude
I moved! And now I am sitting in my new room, in my new apartment, on my newly acquired "chair," which is actually part of a sofa that I am just sitting on, pretending it's a chair. Anyways, I am really excited about the move and think good things will come. I am just impatient because I want to have everything set up and put away RIGHT NOW, but I can't. I am still waiting on some boxes I had shipped (thanks Dad!) and need to do some furniture hunting before everything is complete. But, Blakely was nice enough to loan me a bed and a dresser, so I've at least got the essentials. She also helped me move and I will be forever grateful. Sometimes I really wonder what I did to get such wonderful people in my life. I'm really lucky.
Anyways, the new apartment is SO much closer to work, I'm very excited! The bus ride is like, 10 minutes instead of an HOUR and 10 minutes. Hooray! The only thing I really worry about is living with boys (I've done it before, but they can be difficult) and being lonely. Sometimes I get sad when I don't have things to do and people to be around so I need to make some friends around here asap. Also, there is very little storage space in the bathroom and it's annoying. I think I'll live though.
And in other news, my cold is almost gone! I can breathe and that makes me happy. I also want April to be over right now so I will know about Amsterdam and can start making some new life plans. I do like LA, but don't think I want to settle down here for good. Especially since I don't have a car, I cannot tell you how much not having a car sucks. It sucks a lot, times 1000. And then some. Oh yes, and as new pictures of Katrina's wedding have been surfacing, I am getting a little depressed no one told me I looked like a huge fat cow. My arms really, jeez. And my little tiny head just makes things worse. I'm upset the photographer had me turned sideways for EVERY SINGLE PHOTO. It's really quite unflattering. Sad. Good thing it's not about me, it's about beautiful Katrina and Paul. I'll have to keep that in mind.
Ok, well I'm going to work some more on getting my room in order. Which at this point really just means moving things from one space to another. I like keeping busy. Until next time...
....dream big people!
Anyways, the new apartment is SO much closer to work, I'm very excited! The bus ride is like, 10 minutes instead of an HOUR and 10 minutes. Hooray! The only thing I really worry about is living with boys (I've done it before, but they can be difficult) and being lonely. Sometimes I get sad when I don't have things to do and people to be around so I need to make some friends around here asap. Also, there is very little storage space in the bathroom and it's annoying. I think I'll live though.
And in other news, my cold is almost gone! I can breathe and that makes me happy. I also want April to be over right now so I will know about Amsterdam and can start making some new life plans. I do like LA, but don't think I want to settle down here for good. Especially since I don't have a car, I cannot tell you how much not having a car sucks. It sucks a lot, times 1000. And then some. Oh yes, and as new pictures of Katrina's wedding have been surfacing, I am getting a little depressed no one told me I looked like a huge fat cow. My arms really, jeez. And my little tiny head just makes things worse. I'm upset the photographer had me turned sideways for EVERY SINGLE PHOTO. It's really quite unflattering. Sad. Good thing it's not about me, it's about beautiful Katrina and Paul. I'll have to keep that in mind.
Ok, well I'm going to work some more on getting my room in order. Which at this point really just means moving things from one space to another. I like keeping busy. Until next time...
....dream big people!
09 April 2010
I love the sun when it shines...
A lot has happened since my last post. Lots of good stuff. First off, KATRINA GOT MARRIED. That's right people, married. As in, Paul liked it and he put a ring on it. Am I a bad friend because I still haven't figured out how to process this reality? I don't know, I haven't decided yet. I haven't figured out how to process a lot of information lately. I think my brain fell out on the layover in Houston. More on that later.
Inability to process aside, The wedding weekend was SUPER fun. It was so great to see my wonderful friends, the entire thing was just really nice overall, the weather was fantastic and I got tons of free food. And cake! Lots of cake. So yummy. I have hot friends. This is not up for discussion, this is a fact and we all looked hot and I was just really impressed with everyone. Additionally, we are smart, fun to be around and know how to work a dance floor. I really just can't say enough good things about the whole weekend, I had such a great time. I was a little skeptical about the silver dresses and pointy shoes combo, but I actually think everything turned out looking really nice. Like I said, we are all hotties, so we were able to pull it off pretty well. Katrina looked beautiful beyond words. Seriously. I could barely even see her (I was behind an extra large groomesman) and I was tearing up the whole time. I am dying for the photographer to put up the pictures. But really, you had to be there. I also found out I have lots of awesome friends that have written letters to Ellen and I LOVE THEM! And now Katrina is married. And that is crazy.
Wow, I am in such a fog right now. I have so many things to say about this wedding and my brain is not functioning properly. Maybe it was the overdose on Chic-Fil-A (4 times in 5 days), or maybe it was because I got punched in the face by pollen while in Charleston. Seriously, the pollen situation there is OUT OF CONTROL. It was everywhere and it knocked me out. I felt like my head was in a cloud the whole time. And then I got on the plane back to Cali and I felt like everything was sucked out, including my brain. But, I did enjoy my flights home. Continental Airlines pleasantly suprised me with a little snack basket. Definintely one-upped the standard preztel bag you normally get. Anyways, now I'm back in LA and things have not gotten better. My brain is not functioning, it hurts when I sneeze and I am beyond exhausted. This morning I got on the wrong bus! I was more embarassed than annoyed because the bus driver was like, what are you doing?? You missed the last stop!!! Oops. Come back to me brain! I need you!
Anyways, I should probably wait until I can think properly before I continue. I need a nap and I need to pack because I am moving to my new apartment THIS weekend! Uggh, horrible timing. I know I'm excited, but am too tired to actually feel excited. If that makes any sense. I'll get back to yall.
Dream big! (That is my plan, for my nap today)
PS-Happy Belated Birthday Kelley! I love you :)
A lot has happened since my last post. Lots of good stuff. First off, KATRINA GOT MARRIED. That's right people, married. As in, Paul liked it and he put a ring on it. Am I a bad friend because I still haven't figured out how to process this reality? I don't know, I haven't decided yet. I haven't figured out how to process a lot of information lately. I think my brain fell out on the layover in Houston. More on that later.
Inability to process aside, The wedding weekend was SUPER fun. It was so great to see my wonderful friends, the entire thing was just really nice overall, the weather was fantastic and I got tons of free food. And cake! Lots of cake. So yummy. I have hot friends. This is not up for discussion, this is a fact and we all looked hot and I was just really impressed with everyone. Additionally, we are smart, fun to be around and know how to work a dance floor. I really just can't say enough good things about the whole weekend, I had such a great time. I was a little skeptical about the silver dresses and pointy shoes combo, but I actually think everything turned out looking really nice. Like I said, we are all hotties, so we were able to pull it off pretty well. Katrina looked beautiful beyond words. Seriously. I could barely even see her (I was behind an extra large groomesman) and I was tearing up the whole time. I am dying for the photographer to put up the pictures. But really, you had to be there. I also found out I have lots of awesome friends that have written letters to Ellen and I LOVE THEM! And now Katrina is married. And that is crazy.
Wow, I am in such a fog right now. I have so many things to say about this wedding and my brain is not functioning properly. Maybe it was the overdose on Chic-Fil-A (4 times in 5 days), or maybe it was because I got punched in the face by pollen while in Charleston. Seriously, the pollen situation there is OUT OF CONTROL. It was everywhere and it knocked me out. I felt like my head was in a cloud the whole time. And then I got on the plane back to Cali and I felt like everything was sucked out, including my brain. But, I did enjoy my flights home. Continental Airlines pleasantly suprised me with a little snack basket. Definintely one-upped the standard preztel bag you normally get. Anyways, now I'm back in LA and things have not gotten better. My brain is not functioning, it hurts when I sneeze and I am beyond exhausted. This morning I got on the wrong bus! I was more embarassed than annoyed because the bus driver was like, what are you doing?? You missed the last stop!!! Oops. Come back to me brain! I need you!
Anyways, I should probably wait until I can think properly before I continue. I need a nap and I need to pack because I am moving to my new apartment THIS weekend! Uggh, horrible timing. I know I'm excited, but am too tired to actually feel excited. If that makes any sense. I'll get back to yall.
Dream big! (That is my plan, for my nap today)
PS-Happy Belated Birthday Kelley! I love you :)
01 April 2010
Heaven is a Place on Earth
Um, duh. That is my favorite song and since I promised my 9 levels of heaven today, it was obvi the post title of choice. Yes, I know I talk about it a lot and it may be a little overdone, but I don't care and today it's actually relevant.
So anyways, I am flying out of LA TONIGHT!!!! I am so excited, I am flying back east to watch my best friend get married and I really just can't even stand it. But I haven't left yet and I have some free time, so I'll do my list as promised. I just know all you people are dying to hear what I have to say. So calm down, here goes.
1. The Dance Floor. Oh jeez, I just love dancing so much. And it doesn't even have to be on a real dance floor...any ole space will do. In college, my friend and I would have dance parties before we went to class on the carpet in our room and it was fantastic. We weren't allowed to dance off the edges of the carpet. Man, we were idiots, but it still makes me smile.
2. The Airport. 90% of the time. Ahh, what??? I know! But I love it. I love traveling and being an airport means I am going somewhere (or coming back from somewhere, which can be good too). It also means some good people watching and me feeling like a grown up. I also love airplane food, which is so weird, but I love how it all comes in it's own little package. So special.
3. On a Boat. (please clink on that link, so so funny...even if it is the edited version). Nothing better than boating on a nice day. I need more friends with boats. Let me know if you have one, we'll go out. It'll be fun.
4. My Bed. I love sleeping and I love being in my bed. Right now my bed is in a little nook and it's super cozy and I don't like getting out of it at 6:00 in the morning.
5. Driving and Having Your Favorite Song On. Makes it even better when it's nice out and you can have your windows down. Man, I miss having a car!
6. The Beach. Love it, love it, love it. Any beach, anytime.
7. Eating Home Cooked Meals You Didn't Have to Cook. I love eating, but hate cooking. So I really love when people cook something tasty for me. I've actually been cooking more lately, and it's all turned out pretty well...but I still like when someone else does it.
8. Being in a Hammock and/or Porch Swing. Don't really know how I could elaborate on this....
9. Being with Friends. Cheesy, I know. But it's the best. I love laughing and I always have a good time with my friends. It's a win-win.
Um, so this wasn't all that entertaining. Sorry. I feel like I have done something similar to this before. Also, complaining is more my speciality, ya know? Don't get me wrong, I'm a happy person and I am loving life right now, but I find it easier to make comments on stupid things. Things that make you happy can veer easily into cheeseball-ness and I try to stay away from that. But anyways, that's how it is and I'll try to make it better my list more exciting if I can think of a way. Oh yeah, I just found out about a Grilled Cheese Festival in LA that I plan on attending. That could possibly make the list. I'll let you know. For now, I've got a wedding to be in! Later dudes!
Dream big!
So anyways, I am flying out of LA TONIGHT!!!! I am so excited, I am flying back east to watch my best friend get married and I really just can't even stand it. But I haven't left yet and I have some free time, so I'll do my list as promised. I just know all you people are dying to hear what I have to say. So calm down, here goes.
1. The Dance Floor. Oh jeez, I just love dancing so much. And it doesn't even have to be on a real dance floor...any ole space will do. In college, my friend and I would have dance parties before we went to class on the carpet in our room and it was fantastic. We weren't allowed to dance off the edges of the carpet. Man, we were idiots, but it still makes me smile.
2. The Airport. 90% of the time. Ahh, what??? I know! But I love it. I love traveling and being an airport means I am going somewhere (or coming back from somewhere, which can be good too). It also means some good people watching and me feeling like a grown up. I also love airplane food, which is so weird, but I love how it all comes in it's own little package. So special.
3. On a Boat. (please clink on that link, so so funny...even if it is the edited version). Nothing better than boating on a nice day. I need more friends with boats. Let me know if you have one, we'll go out. It'll be fun.
4. My Bed. I love sleeping and I love being in my bed. Right now my bed is in a little nook and it's super cozy and I don't like getting out of it at 6:00 in the morning.
5. Driving and Having Your Favorite Song On. Makes it even better when it's nice out and you can have your windows down. Man, I miss having a car!
6. The Beach. Love it, love it, love it. Any beach, anytime.
7. Eating Home Cooked Meals You Didn't Have to Cook. I love eating, but hate cooking. So I really love when people cook something tasty for me. I've actually been cooking more lately, and it's all turned out pretty well...but I still like when someone else does it.
8. Being in a Hammock and/or Porch Swing. Don't really know how I could elaborate on this....
9. Being with Friends. Cheesy, I know. But it's the best. I love laughing and I always have a good time with my friends. It's a win-win.
Um, so this wasn't all that entertaining. Sorry. I feel like I have done something similar to this before. Also, complaining is more my speciality, ya know? Don't get me wrong, I'm a happy person and I am loving life right now, but I find it easier to make comments on stupid things. Things that make you happy can veer easily into cheeseball-ness and I try to stay away from that. But anyways, that's how it is and I'll try to make it better my list more exciting if I can think of a way. Oh yeah, I just found out about a Grilled Cheese Festival in LA that I plan on attending. That could possibly make the list. I'll let you know. For now, I've got a wedding to be in! Later dudes!
Dream big!
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