16 April 2010

Facebook for Dummies

This was, quite possibly, the longest work day of my life. Which I find interesting because I actually had legitimate work to do almost all day. This is rare, usually I finish up around 10 and find random things to occupy myself with the rest of the day. But today, I was productive and I looked at the clock and it was only 1:30!!! And then the rest of the day drraagggeeeddd by and here I am, what seems like 3 days later.

Anyways, time for part three of the advice series! Hooray! I figure I'll go with that since I don't have anything else to write about. Other than the odd little things that I keep finding out about the apartment. Like, we only have one bowl. And no microwave. Sad times, because I really love me some microwave popcorn. And who only has one bowl? Me, apparently.

Well, anywho, this advice is going to be about facebook. I once was in a group about the rules of facebook but it seems to have disbanded. Plus that was back in the days when facebook was simple and not totally wackadoo. It's kind of out of control now and slightly obtrusive.

I really could go on forever but here are big things:

1. Don't comment on people's statuses if you are saying something that has nothing to do with the status. That is what the wall is for, saying whatever random thing you want.

2. Facebook is kind of a lame place to get on a soapbox, in my opinion. That's what blogs are for!

3. Twitter is for updating your life status every few minutes, not facebook.

4. If your wall is all about your Farmville and what you've recently acquired in it, you are a loser. Sorry. But you are.

5. Don't join dumb groups or be a fan of stupid things.

Annnd, that is all I have for now. Oh, and don't be a friend-whore. I seriously know all of the people I am friends with. I may not chat with them on a regular basis or be total BFFS with them, but I have met them all. And would call them a friend.

Anywho, I've got some good weekends ahead of me, I'm pretty excited. Next weekend is the Grilled Cheese Festival! Stay tuned!

Dream BIG people! Write your Ellen letter!

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