Please go to YouTube and type in David after dentist, if you feel like laughing today. Apparently I can't share it with you on here because you have to pay for it...or something. I didn't really try that hard.
Anyways, that little David is pretty funny. And to transition, this week has not been funny. This week has, so far, been stupid. I find myself asking, "is this real life?" because it really has just been ridiculous.
First off, it is RAINING and COLD again here in freaking LA. WTF people? "Oh, LA is the best, we have the best weather, it never rains, there is sun 340 days a year, blah blah blah." LIARS! Anyone that has ever said anything along those lines is totally full of crap because it has rained A LOT since I got here and frankly, I'm sick of it. Also, I came here because it is not supposed to be cold and here it is all chilly again and I ALREADY TOOK HOME MY JACKETS. I have nothing to wear and I'm cold dammit! And I refuse to buy another one, so don't even suggest it. So here's some advice: Don't move to LA if you are looking to escape the rain.
Second, the internet went out at work today. Yes, I know this happens but the whole thing was ridiculous. Mainly because only the internet on my computer went out and of course, that is the computer with all the files, emails, etc on it. Basically everything I need to do my work is on there and I can't do much without it. So after a good 2 hour convo with Verizon, nothing was fixed and I had to go around my ass to get to my elbow to get anything done. And I managed to stay cool but I was crazy grouchy inside. This is also because my bus was late and I didn't sleep well again because my "black out" curtains are totally full of shit and don't black out 99% of light, as promised. Why is everyone lying to me???? Is it going to be like this forever?? JEEZ--I hope not.
And lastly, I am going to share something with yall even though I am all kinds of embarrassed about the whole thing. But I also don't like sitting at home and enjoy free dinners. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure all of 2 people read this, so whatever. Anyways, at the suggestion of a friend, I signed up for an online dating site. And seriously, it's killing my self esteem. Someone told me I was chubby, everyone is totally weird, some guys seriously don't know how to have a conversation and OF COURSE the guys that I think are semi-cute and normal that have started up "conversations" don't answer me back. I get a lot of messages with bad grammar and no punctuation and I CAN'T TAKE IT. It's horrible. I said I would give it a week but I think I might have to tap out early. Grouchy-rainy-week is not a good week to add online rejection to things. UGGGHHH.
Sorry for all the caps, friends. It's my way of showing emotion via the limited font styles of the blogger.
I hope everyone else is having a far less stupid week. I, for one, am looking forward to the weekend. Mainly because it's GRILLED CHEESE FESTIVAL WEEKEND! Wooo hoooo! Those caps were caps of joy. Also, after that fantastic weekend, My MOM is coming to visit! More joyous caps! I can hardly stand it! Also, I just got Rick Rolled on Pandora, so things are looking up already.
Dream big people!
Jelaskan Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Permainan Bulu Tangkis
11 months ago
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