15 April 2010

A Sandwich

Ok! Here's whats up: I read something that I want to share, but it's super negative. So I am making a negative sandwich today, with positive bread. Get excited.

Good news: This is my 200th post! Wooo, how exciting! And, to celebrate, Pandora played "Heaven is a Place on Earth" for me!!!!!! Best Pandora day EVER!!!! Ahhhh, I LOVE IT! Thank you, Pandora, for rocking my face off at work. I wish I could thumbs up it a million times! I also wish someone could have been around to witness my reaction when it came on. I had to laugh at myself. So yay, 200 posts! Surely that is some sort of record.

Holy crap. I'm depressed. I just wrote this whole long thing about these crazy people and this article and blogger went deleted it ALL. Seriously, blogger? SERIOUSLY. I feel dead inside. The paragraphs were so good. And it was part two of my advice series! I'll still tell you the advice: Don't protest at funerals.


I don't have the heart to do it all over again. But I'll sum up. And maybe come back to it later. Those people, that protest at funerals, make me so sad. I was literally tearing up reading about them because it astounds me that someone has enough hate in them to go around making the most difficult day of someone's life even more difficult. Unbelievable. But, it makes me happy for groups like this that are around to attempt to make things right. Jeez, so much to say but I can't do it right now.

And I'm can't even finish my sandwich properly because the link I wanted to post keeps messing up and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm still so sad everything I wrote got erased! I saved it and EVERYTHING. WHERE DID IT GOOOOO?????

Sigh again.

Dream big people.

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