It's 9:00 and I am in bed, ready for sleep. And, I'm ok with that. I'm becoming ok with more and more things these days. Maybe I'm growing up or maybe I'm becoming even more emotionally detached, but I'm realizing that I don't really need to over think every little thing. For instance, I used to think I needed some reason to be tired. I got up early, I worked out really hard, I went out the night before. No. Not necessary. I'm just fucking tired, end of story and if I want to go to bed at 9, I'm gonna do it, dammit! Although, I do kind of have an excuse today because I feel like garbage and want to sleep away my sickness before the long weekend.
I'm also listening to my "Take a Chill Pill" play list, which has lots of slow, dramatic songs on it (currently playing: I'll Stand By You by The Pretenders), which always make me more pensive than necessary. So, I'm going to focus and just tell you people the good stuff.
First off, we had our Memorial Day pizza party today instead of Thursday. And, it went surprisingly well. The party planning process is always the same roller coaster of emotions. [FYI: We usually have parties for every holiday we have a day off...we have them the week before and they are kind of like the parties you had in elementary school. For Thanksgiving, I had them make paper hand turkeys. It was beyond fantastic] Join me, won't you:
1. (a few days before)YAY! Party! I love parties! We could order pizza! Decorate cookies! Make gingerbread houses! Fun fun! So many possibilities.
2. (shortly after #1 wears off) Uggghhh, the logistics of making this happen suckkkss. I have to plan everything. Boooo, why is everyone so annoying? Trying to explain the party to the students and what they need to bring to the party is hard
3. (day before party) Exciting! I get to buy decorations and prizes and fun headbands! I love holidays!
4. (still day before) FUCK! We need games to play! They need to be fun and seem like they are still learning English.
5.(day of party) Of course, it's the one day there are 5 million phone calls, 100, 000 emails to answer and 20 bazillion walk-ins. I have a party to attend people! Also, chaos. Why didn't you bring napkins like I asked? Help me move the tables! Yes, you have to stay, I explained this yesterday.
You get the idea. But, after that initial annoyance of trying to get everyone to listen, the whiners usually leave (fuck them) and things get really entertaining. For instance, today, we had them come up with team names (they had to start with B) and one team was "Team Bunnies of South Carolina." How stinking precious is that? And how special did I feel? So special! There was also Team Beer, Team Burger, Team Best, and Team Burrito. We also played a game where we provided the definition of the word and the students had race to the board and whoever guessed the right word, wrote it first (and spelled it correctly), won the point. The definition: the ditch filled with water around a castle. Their answers: "moot", "mouth", "mouths" "mote" We were looking for moat. But, my favorite, by far, was the student that wrote "nana" when we were looking for cradle. I really don't even know, but nonsensical English is seriously the most entertaining thing ever. And, overall, once the students stop whining and start getting into the spirit of the game, they are so cute and so fun. They're all adults but it's sometimes funnier that way. Oh yeah! And the definition was: the slang way to ask someone "how are you doing?" Answer: What's up? Team Best writes: How you doin? LOVE IT.
Anyway. My job is hard to describe and I'm too tired to give the party justice, but it was fun and it was much needed positive spot in a long line of stupid crap lately. Also, today I kind of got a promotion. I am kind of confused about what exactly is happening, but I think it's a step in the right direction. My job can be super frustrating but I think (and I hope) this promotion would take away some of the minor frustrations I have to deal with and give me more room, time and freedom to do what I really want, which is to provide a good time for the students. More later. So tired.
Also, something funny/embarrassing I wanted to share. I love my friends. I love love LOVE when they give me things. And I know I bring it on myself by being a totally ridiculous person, but I realized today that to an outside person, my room looks like it belongs to a total crazy person. Especially if you know the person that lives in it is 25. I have a Team Jacob bag, Spongebob boxers, a Justin Bieber autobiography, a princess crown, and a babydoll with no head. Like, what is wrong with me?
Oh yeah, and remember when I just bought new headphones? I tossed them up on my desk last night to get them off the floor and they broke! Waaaaaaaa! I've only had them 3 days! So depressed. Last but not least, I want a cute, casual blazer so bad it hurts. I found 5 perfect ones at H&M today, but they were $50! Way too expensive. Also, I would never be able to decide between the colors because they were all super cute. God, my life is so hard.
This post is so long and random and stupid. Sorry. Had a lot to get out.
Dream big people!
26 May 2011
24 May 2011
Super Shut It
Things are better today. A little Zumba makes EVERYTHING better! Seriously. I guess it's true about happy people exercising. I am now looking forward to the rest of the week! In addition to the Zumba, it might have something to do with the fact that the STUPIDEST MONDAY EVER is officially over. (I count being in my bed as the day being over). Seriously, this day was so. damn. dumb. Mainly because we got yet another virus on the computer at work, that I once again was blamed for. Never mind the fact that we don't have a real anti-virus because my cheap boss won't pay for it, or because my creeper co-worker looks at creeper type things after work, or the fact that we get all kinds of sketch emails from all over the place. No, it's my fault because I probably looked at some "homepage" (my boss and his stupid ass English) with a "wirus" on it and ruined everything for everyone. It's also my fault, as the company's computer technician, that I let the anti-virus go without scanning since December. I am no Nick Burns, people. Grrrr.
But-WHAT THE FUCK EVER! Because, I've decided we are having a pizza party at work on Thursday in honor of Memorial Day. What says, "Thank You Veterans!" better than pizza? Nothing! [In all seriousness, Vets are awesome and I'm grateful. Without them, I would not be able to spout my bullshit on this blog. Thank you to all.]
Speaking of pizza, I have a tiny little bone to pick, just real quick. I have nothing but love for (most) of the international students. However, I am getting a little teeny tiny bit tired of all the US haters that come along and talk shit. Y'all know I am not normally super patriotic, but for real? You CHOSE to come to the great US of A, please stop whining about how much better your country is. In fact, please just go back there and shut up with your stupid [insert any European country] accent. Seriously, I never hear the Asians whining. The main thing that got me today was a caption on someones photo. "Popcorn + butter = obesity = USA." Okkk, fuck you very much. 1. You are putting said butter on YOUR popcorn so shut your damn mouth. 2. Last time I went to the movies in Europe, butter popcorn was not even an option, the only option for snacks was kettlecorn and ice cream. Total fail. Movie theater popcorn is literally, the most fantastic food ever. And not the worst option, health wise. 3. Not everyone in the USA is obese. 4. Butter popcorn does not cause obesity, McDondalds does. Duh. Haven't you seen Supersize Me? 5. I find it especially amusing because both times I went to Europe is when I gained the most weight in the least amount of time. Hungry? Have some chocolate! and last but not least, 6. Congratufuckinglations! Your tiny little country has less fat people that America! Please return to it, celebrate with all your non-fat friends and plan your next holiday elsewhere.
WHEW. Glad I got all that out! Now, to do some damage control. First off, I am well aware about how much I complain about California, when I also chose to be here. So I should also shut my damn mouth because I am quite the hypocrite. But seriously, what kind of grocery stores don't carry Little Debbie cakes?! Nonsense. Also, don't get the wrong idea. I absolutely LOVE Europe. Love it. Want to kiss and marry it. I might love it as much as I love the US. I'm really just tired of the haters and some of these punk ass, whiny butt students complaining about really really REALLY stupid shit. I might be too far removed to remember, but I just remember being so extremely happy to be abroad, I didn't have a lot of time for whining. Oh, and I saw plenty of fatty Europeans walking around, so SHUT IT.
Anyway. I also bought myself some much needed new headphones and an ipod alarm clock! I am really excited because now MUSIC will be playing when I wake up and not my annoying beeping phone. Hopefully some dancing in the morning will put me in a better mood to face the nonsense that is work.
THIRTY-TWO days until the Carolina's!! YAY!!!
Dream big people!
PS-Again, to reiterate, nothing but love for my international friends. Baci per tutti! (probably so wrong, mi dispiace :)
But-WHAT THE FUCK EVER! Because, I've decided we are having a pizza party at work on Thursday in honor of Memorial Day. What says, "Thank You Veterans!" better than pizza? Nothing! [In all seriousness, Vets are awesome and I'm grateful. Without them, I would not be able to spout my bullshit on this blog. Thank you to all.]
Speaking of pizza, I have a tiny little bone to pick, just real quick. I have nothing but love for (most) of the international students. However, I am getting a little teeny tiny bit tired of all the US haters that come along and talk shit. Y'all know I am not normally super patriotic, but for real? You CHOSE to come to the great US of A, please stop whining about how much better your country is. In fact, please just go back there and shut up with your stupid [insert any European country] accent. Seriously, I never hear the Asians whining. The main thing that got me today was a caption on someones photo. "Popcorn + butter = obesity = USA." Okkk, fuck you very much. 1. You are putting said butter on YOUR popcorn so shut your damn mouth. 2. Last time I went to the movies in Europe, butter popcorn was not even an option, the only option for snacks was kettlecorn and ice cream. Total fail. Movie theater popcorn is literally, the most fantastic food ever. And not the worst option, health wise. 3. Not everyone in the USA is obese. 4. Butter popcorn does not cause obesity, McDondalds does. Duh. Haven't you seen Supersize Me? 5. I find it especially amusing because both times I went to Europe is when I gained the most weight in the least amount of time. Hungry? Have some chocolate! and last but not least, 6. Congratufuckinglations! Your tiny little country has less fat people that America! Please return to it, celebrate with all your non-fat friends and plan your next holiday elsewhere.
WHEW. Glad I got all that out! Now, to do some damage control. First off, I am well aware about how much I complain about California, when I also chose to be here. So I should also shut my damn mouth because I am quite the hypocrite. But seriously, what kind of grocery stores don't carry Little Debbie cakes?! Nonsense. Also, don't get the wrong idea. I absolutely LOVE Europe. Love it. Want to kiss and marry it. I might love it as much as I love the US. I'm really just tired of the haters and some of these punk ass, whiny butt students complaining about really really REALLY stupid shit. I might be too far removed to remember, but I just remember being so extremely happy to be abroad, I didn't have a lot of time for whining. Oh, and I saw plenty of fatty Europeans walking around, so SHUT IT.
Anyway. I also bought myself some much needed new headphones and an ipod alarm clock! I am really excited because now MUSIC will be playing when I wake up and not my annoying beeping phone. Hopefully some dancing in the morning will put me in a better mood to face the nonsense that is work.
THIRTY-TWO days until the Carolina's!! YAY!!!
Dream big people!
PS-Again, to reiterate, nothing but love for my international friends. Baci per tutti! (probably so wrong, mi dispiace :)
23 May 2011
Today for me, tomorrow for you
So here we are, another Sunday. Yet another weekend where I did virtually nothing. Last weekend it was ok. I was all, ooh, I need to relax after my vacation, the weather is dumb, blah blah. But this weekend, I was ready to party. I was all, let's get it started in here, let's get it started in here...and every other stupid party song. But yet, here I am, watching RENT on TV, being depressed because Angel just died and kind of wanting to move to New York and live in a cool loft. Just minus the drugs and AIDS and being a squatter part. And poor Mark, jeez. He gets no love in this movie. Even the crackhead junkie has someone. Anyways, moving to NY seems fun. Something to add to the list of possible options. So many possible's overwhelming. Makes me tired. I think I need a nap. Even though I woke up a mere 4 hours ago.
Ok. Um, Did anyone else see Lady Gaga on SNL? Like, I was all about her in the sketches. Ya'll know what I usually think about her nonsense. But, she was really funny and I was like, maybe she isn't as weird and terrible as I thought. Then her second musical number happened. Maybe it's because I think childbirth is totally gross and something I don't ever like witnessing/hearing about, but her stunt at the end of Born This Way just totally skeeved me out.
Anyway. It's a new week tomorrow. I'm going to try really hard to stay positive, look cute (I really let myself go last week), get drunk at some point and stick to the diet. That is the plan. Next weekend will be better, I just know it.
I had way more to say but I am super tired now. I have no idea how since I did nothing but sleep today, but this post is dumb, and I apologize.
Dream big people!
Ok. Um, Did anyone else see Lady Gaga on SNL? Like, I was all about her in the sketches. Ya'll know what I usually think about her nonsense. But, she was really funny and I was like, maybe she isn't as weird and terrible as I thought. Then her second musical number happened. Maybe it's because I think childbirth is totally gross and something I don't ever like witnessing/hearing about, but her stunt at the end of Born This Way just totally skeeved me out.
Anyway. It's a new week tomorrow. I'm going to try really hard to stay positive, look cute (I really let myself go last week), get drunk at some point and stick to the diet. That is the plan. Next weekend will be better, I just know it.
I had way more to say but I am super tired now. I have no idea how since I did nothing but sleep today, but this post is dumb, and I apologize.
Dream big people!
17 May 2011
Little Too Much
Gotta get some whining out first. Feel free to skip ahead.
Ok. LA is REALLY pretty. So lovely, really. Blue skies, palm trees, blah blah. However, just because the sun is out does not mean it's good weather. Good weather means you can go lay out on the beach. 60 degrees, windy, and wearing a jacket to work in May is NOT good weather. I'm sorry, it's not. It's great that the sun is out and it's not raining, but if I can't lay on the beach, in a bathing suit, without freezing my butt off, I don't think it's really that nice of a spring day outside. Well, that is a little extreme. I don't necessarily have to be in a bathing suit. BUT, I do NOT want to be wearing a jacket! That is nonsense! It's May! Also, I really miss warm spring/summer nights. I hate that it gets super cold here at night. I did, however, find the cutest jacket ever in life at Old Navy today and would buy it to wear at night, but it was $40. Lame! (It's white, 3/4 sleeves, size small, if anyone wants to buy it for me). Mainly, I'm upset because if I lose what little tan I got in Miami, I am not going to be a happy camper. And it's supposed to rain the next few days, waaaaaaaaa.
Done complaining! Now for some good news. is my new favorite website. As a refresher: whenever I'm out and about and hear songs I like, I send a text to myself with the lyrics. Found new songs recently in Old Navy (been spending a lot of time there lately...they have lots of solid colored clothing, my fave), a random club and from commercials. Anyway, Lettsingit is where I put in they lyrics and figure out what song it is. Apparently there is an app for that out there, but I don't think it works an itouch. Plus, sometimes I like doing things the old fashioned way. Just for old time's sake. Thanks to Letssingit, I found the names of 3 songs today and had an awesome one woman dance party in my living room. It made this stupid Monday a million times better. [Update: there is one for the itouch, but you have to have a microphone, which I don't. Also lame.]
Also making Monday's cooking skills! I bought portabello mushroom caps at the store and they actually turned out pretty tasty in the oven. I brushed it with olive oil, and then literally stood in front of the spice cabinet and tried out different spices on different pieces. Paprika was not so good, but we had this random steak pepper something or other that was pretty tasty. Garlic salt, also good. Any other suggestions? I also need book suggestions, so get to suggesting, people! Oh, music suggestions as well. Here is what I recently downloaded (all good for Monday blues):
"Sunny"-Bobby Farrell Boney M Remix (old school meets new school good)
"Friday" -Glee version (overall smiley goodness)
"Little Too Much"-Natasha Bedingfield (good for feeling inspired, imagining movie montages in your head)
"Super Bass"-Nicki Minaj (good for booty dancing)
"We Turn It Up"-Oh Land (good for weirdo dancing)
"Eenie Meenie"-Sean Kingston and Justin Bieber (good for jumping around your living room like a fool)
"Beautiful Trash"-Lanu (free Starbucks download good)
"Together, Anything's Possible"-Darius Rucker (makes me want to go home and dance in the gazebo good)
What you got for me?
Dream big people!
Ok. LA is REALLY pretty. So lovely, really. Blue skies, palm trees, blah blah. However, just because the sun is out does not mean it's good weather. Good weather means you can go lay out on the beach. 60 degrees, windy, and wearing a jacket to work in May is NOT good weather. I'm sorry, it's not. It's great that the sun is out and it's not raining, but if I can't lay on the beach, in a bathing suit, without freezing my butt off, I don't think it's really that nice of a spring day outside. Well, that is a little extreme. I don't necessarily have to be in a bathing suit. BUT, I do NOT want to be wearing a jacket! That is nonsense! It's May! Also, I really miss warm spring/summer nights. I hate that it gets super cold here at night. I did, however, find the cutest jacket ever in life at Old Navy today and would buy it to wear at night, but it was $40. Lame! (It's white, 3/4 sleeves, size small, if anyone wants to buy it for me). Mainly, I'm upset because if I lose what little tan I got in Miami, I am not going to be a happy camper. And it's supposed to rain the next few days, waaaaaaaaa.
Done complaining! Now for some good news. is my new favorite website. As a refresher: whenever I'm out and about and hear songs I like, I send a text to myself with the lyrics. Found new songs recently in Old Navy (been spending a lot of time there lately...they have lots of solid colored clothing, my fave), a random club and from commercials. Anyway, Lettsingit is where I put in they lyrics and figure out what song it is. Apparently there is an app for that out there, but I don't think it works an itouch. Plus, sometimes I like doing things the old fashioned way. Just for old time's sake. Thanks to Letssingit, I found the names of 3 songs today and had an awesome one woman dance party in my living room. It made this stupid Monday a million times better. [Update: there is one for the itouch, but you have to have a microphone, which I don't. Also lame.]
Also making Monday's cooking skills! I bought portabello mushroom caps at the store and they actually turned out pretty tasty in the oven. I brushed it with olive oil, and then literally stood in front of the spice cabinet and tried out different spices on different pieces. Paprika was not so good, but we had this random steak pepper something or other that was pretty tasty. Garlic salt, also good. Any other suggestions? I also need book suggestions, so get to suggesting, people! Oh, music suggestions as well. Here is what I recently downloaded (all good for Monday blues):
"Sunny"-Bobby Farrell Boney M Remix (old school meets new school good)
"Friday" -Glee version (overall smiley goodness)
"Little Too Much"-Natasha Bedingfield (good for feeling inspired, imagining movie montages in your head)
"Super Bass"-Nicki Minaj (good for booty dancing)
"We Turn It Up"-Oh Land (good for weirdo dancing)
"Eenie Meenie"-Sean Kingston and Justin Bieber (good for jumping around your living room like a fool)
"Beautiful Trash"-Lanu (free Starbucks download good)
"Together, Anything's Possible"-Darius Rucker (makes me want to go home and dance in the gazebo good)
What you got for me?
Dream big people!
16 May 2011
Even Better
If I thought the last days were good, this Sunday has trumped them ALL. Here was my day:
12:30: Wake up
12:45: Move to couch. Eat two bowls of Crispix (best cereal EVER), watch two episodes of SNL, The Office, Community, and all the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and Ellen episodes I missed over the last week.
4:00ish: Do laundry, take a McDonalds break, continue watching Jimmy Fallon, where it was Bob Marley week, wooo!
6:30: Consider taking a nap but decide against it since I'll never be able to sleep tonight. Keep watching Jimmy. Pondering what to eat for dinner.
And that is where we are now. I have to put away my laundry, but oddly, I enjoy doing that. I know, I'm weird, but I like putting things back where they go. Especially in my newly cleaned, super awesome and organized room and closet.
What a fantastic day. Just wanted to let everyone know how cool and awesome I was being on this lovely windy Sunday.
Dream big people!
12:30: Wake up
12:45: Move to couch. Eat two bowls of Crispix (best cereal EVER), watch two episodes of SNL, The Office, Community, and all the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and Ellen episodes I missed over the last week.
4:00ish: Do laundry, take a McDonalds break, continue watching Jimmy Fallon, where it was Bob Marley week, wooo!
6:30: Consider taking a nap but decide against it since I'll never be able to sleep tonight. Keep watching Jimmy. Pondering what to eat for dinner.
And that is where we are now. I have to put away my laundry, but oddly, I enjoy doing that. I know, I'm weird, but I like putting things back where they go. Especially in my newly cleaned, super awesome and organized room and closet.
What a fantastic day. Just wanted to let everyone know how cool and awesome I was being on this lovely windy Sunday.
Dream big people!
15 May 2011
Wooohooo, feeling much better these days! Lots of reasons why.
First off, boys are dumb. This is a fact. Crying over them every now and again is acceptable, but not too much. So I've stopped being upset over the Italian and if he wants to be with ugly Russians, that is his business. Have fun living in Moscow, where it's cold as shit most of the time (not sure how true this is).
Second, I downloaded the Glee version of Friday and it never ceases to make me smile. It's almost as good as the Stephen Colbert version. Almost. I also downloaded some more Bieber and that is making me happy as well. I need some cool underground rock now to make me cool again. Actually, I was never cool in the first place so fuck it.
Third, Ben and Leslie FINALLY kissed on Parks and Recreation. That made me extremely happy. It's about damn time. Best show on TV right now, so hilarious. Thursday night on NBC is amazing.
Oh yeah, and sixth: I got paid Friday (Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday) so my bank account is no longer giving me heart palpitations. It still stresses me out, but now I'm more looking forward to going home than regretting buying the ticket. I think I might throw myself an early birthday party. You're all invited, of course. Presents are encouraged.
First off, boys are dumb. This is a fact. Crying over them every now and again is acceptable, but not too much. So I've stopped being upset over the Italian and if he wants to be with ugly Russians, that is his business. Have fun living in Moscow, where it's cold as shit most of the time (not sure how true this is).
Second, I downloaded the Glee version of Friday and it never ceases to make me smile. It's almost as good as the Stephen Colbert version. Almost. I also downloaded some more Bieber and that is making me happy as well. I need some cool underground rock now to make me cool again. Actually, I was never cool in the first place so fuck it.
Third, Ben and Leslie FINALLY kissed on Parks and Recreation. That made me extremely happy. It's about damn time. Best show on TV right now, so hilarious. Thursday night on NBC is amazing.
Fourth, Universal Studios was SUPER fun. Surprisingly so, actually. Turns out, the less I am looking forward to something, the more fun it turns out to be. I was really excited about Six Flags and it turned out pretty sucky. And I was kind of dreading Universal and it was fantastic! Lesson: Don't look forward to anything and be super pessimistic all the time. Just kidding. Neutral is the way to go. Have no feelings and when things turn out good, woo hoo! I was mainly not looking forward to driving a 15 passenger van around LA, but I rocked it. I'm not sure why I was worried, I am awesome at everything, so I should have known I would rule the 15 P. It was pretty stressful and I was sweating the whole time, but I didn't hit anything so it was a success. Also, going to parks during the week is the way to go, we never waited in line for more than 15 minutes. The weather was great and the girls I wandered around with were super excited about everything, so that made it fun. I love when people are excited. I am usually excited about stupid stuff but no one else is and then I get mad. But, these girls were pumped about EVERYTHING so it made it really fun. The only downside was they want to take pictures of literally, everything we passed so it was a little slow going getting around the park. Minor details.
Fifth, I went with some of the same girls to an LA Galaxy game tonight and they were also super pumped about that, well David Beckham really, and it was really really fun. One of my favorite sporting events I've been to so far. Sadly, I am not a true fan and don't follow the team (or any sports really) so I had zero answers to the million questions people were asking me. I've found Europeans are always very interested in numbers. I am not a fan of them (numbers, not Europeans), really so I never know the answer when they ask how many people can the stadium hold? How many teams are in the league? How many kilometers is it to the stadium? How many people attend games? How many goals has David Beckham scored this season? Sorry people, I have no idea. And honestly, who gives a shit how many people a stadium can hold? Wikipedia that shit and leave me alone. No, just kidding, but I started feeling pretty stupid after I had no answers for them. Oh well, most Swiss already think Americans are retards so whatever. They were impressed, however, with my artistry skills. I'm pretty much a professional poster maker. (see below). OH! And we got on the Jumbo-Tron. So awesome! It was, obviously, because of the amazing sign.
Last but not least, I cleaned my room and organized my closet today, and I feel like a new person. I Swiffered and everything. I just love a good cleaning. And my closet looks awesome. It just needs a clothes/shoes update. Donations welcome.
Anyway, now it's not even midnight on a Saturday and I'm ready for bed. I know I'm a total loser, but I need to catch up on my sleep lost on vacation. I'll be cool again...soon. Last but not least, I cleaned my room and organized my closet today, and I feel like a new person. I Swiffered and everything. I just love a good cleaning. And my closet looks awesome. It just needs a clothes/shoes update. Donations welcome.
Oh yeah, and sixth: I got paid Friday (Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday) so my bank account is no longer giving me heart palpitations. It still stresses me out, but now I'm more looking forward to going home than regretting buying the ticket. I think I might throw myself an early birthday party. You're all invited, of course. Presents are encouraged.
Dream big people!
12 May 2011
Blue Skies
"This is a song for anyone with a broken heart....this is a song for anyone who can't get out of bed."
This is the song (Noah and the Whale) that was playing on my ipod touch as I'm shedding a little tiny tear over my Italian that has decided I am not the one and has taken up with another. Which is pretty standard for me and boys, but it hurts every time.
Luckily, the song continues.
"I'll do anything to be happy. Cause blue skies are coming, but I know that it's hard."
So basically, blue skies are ahead and soon, hopefully tomorrow, I won't be so sad.
But, at least the sad has canceled out my panic attack for the moment. I bought my ticket home for the end of June and had a mini melt down over how expensive it was. Literally. I had a knot in my stomach for a
good 3 hours after it was purchased and am currently having trouble sleeping. I know it will be worth it but money issues trouble me and I know it's my fault I have them and honestly, I'm not even doing that bad, but damn it STRESSES me the fuck out! So much so that I write ridiculous run-on sentences. It would just be super awesome if my hard work paid off and I actually got paid a decent amount of money for the work I put in. But really, when does that ever happen? I need to stop complaining.
Sorry for this debbie downer post. Tomorrow, Universal Studios! For free! Hoping it will cheer me up.
Also, after Blue Skies, my ipod played "Revolution" which clearly means change is coming and it's going to be awesome. My ipod knows me so well.
Dream big people!
This is the song (Noah and the Whale) that was playing on my ipod touch as I'm shedding a little tiny tear over my Italian that has decided I am not the one and has taken up with another. Which is pretty standard for me and boys, but it hurts every time.
Luckily, the song continues.
"I'll do anything to be happy. Cause blue skies are coming, but I know that it's hard."
So basically, blue skies are ahead and soon, hopefully tomorrow, I won't be so sad.
But, at least the sad has canceled out my panic attack for the moment. I bought my ticket home for the end of June and had a mini melt down over how expensive it was. Literally. I had a knot in my stomach for a
good 3 hours after it was purchased and am currently having trouble sleeping. I know it will be worth it but money issues trouble me and I know it's my fault I have them and honestly, I'm not even doing that bad, but damn it STRESSES me the fuck out! So much so that I write ridiculous run-on sentences. It would just be super awesome if my hard work paid off and I actually got paid a decent amount of money for the work I put in. But really, when does that ever happen? I need to stop complaining.
Sorry for this debbie downer post. Tomorrow, Universal Studios! For free! Hoping it will cheer me up.
Also, after Blue Skies, my ipod played "Revolution" which clearly means change is coming and it's going to be awesome. My ipod knows me so well.
Dream big people!
11 May 2011
Party in the city where the heat is on
I had "Welcome to Miami" stuck in my head pretty much all day, every day, for the last five days. Which was perfectly fine because I was in Miami and it was amazing and it was fitting. But now, it's back to work and the song is just making me depressed.
But, let's not dwell on the fact that I'm back at work and it's lame and also a little chilly. INSTEAD-let us remember the good times that were had in Miami, because it was amazing and the weather was perfect.
Seriously, the whole trip was just so fantastic. I have been really lucky with my trips and the weather the last couple of times, so I'm very grateful. Bad weather makes me a super grump. But, the weather was great and it was so awesome to see my friends! Additionally, Miami is such a cool city, I ate lots of good food (and only gained .5 lbs! VERY surprised at that), danced my behind off, and spent most of my time at the beach. The beach is my absolute favorite place ever to be, so I was a very happy girl. And I know it makes me super vain, but I just love being makes me feel like a better version of myself and Miami made me a lovely brown color.
We had a few issues with customer service there...apparently gratuity is already added onto your bill at every restaurant, so they are pretty much just not concerned at providing good service. Which, I understand because being a server sucks and if you don't have to work for a tip, why bother? But it's annoying for the customer that really would just like to be served in a timely fashion. Or at least acknowledge my presence, please. The people wandering around Miami are chill and nice, but people, in general, in the service industry, were not all that friendly. Quite the change from LA, where they hover and clear your plate the second you take your last bite. They're all fake nice but at least you're not constantly asking for a refill.
BUT-these silly people did not take away from the overall fantasticness of the trip. We ended up staying in a hotel the whole time (we had plans to stay with a friend of a friend...that was canceled last minute because of "security issues"...long story, really dumb) but it turned out to be a good thing because we were like, a 2 minute walk to the beach. Also, we were close to my high school friend who was randomly there the same weekend as well so it worked out nicely. We were also within walking distance to good restaurants (good food) and happening nightlife. We went to one slightly lame club, but the next night we went to the coolest club EVER! It had two rooms for dancing, a back room with a salsa band and a bar where people (that worked there) were dancing/pseudo-stripping/singing/playing mariachi music/paying tribute to Michael Jackson. It was beyond amazing. Possibly the best club I've ever been to. I can't express in words my love for salsa music and really, just Latin culture in general, so I was just bursting with happiness. I really need to learn Spanish. One, because I just might want to move to Miami. Two, because lots of cute guys speak Spanish and three, I was embarassed for myself when people would speak to me in Spanish and I had to answer in English.
This post is getting long and I'm not sure that people really care, so I'll wrap it up. Monday we went to the zoo and it was blazing hot. But, it was really fun and there were "cool zones" with mist machines all over the place, which I'm pretty sure were for little kids, but I was having a blast with them. I also got to feed a giraffe and see lots of cool animals. Including this goober, who was catching fruit and impressing the shit out of me. I forgot his name but he weighs 450 pounds!
Overall, the trip was great. I highly recommend Miami to anyone that is thinking of taking an awesome vacation in the near future. I was not happy to come back to LA, where it was raining and freezing when I landed. But, I'm going to Universal Studios on Thursday, instead of going to work, so I should probably stop complaining.
Dream big people!
09 May 2011
Bienviendos a Miami
Just a quick update...I LOVE MIAMI.
Seriously. It's so awesome. Weather is amazing, food is fantastic, beach is awesome, people are hot and there is salsa music playing everywhere! Which, just makes me really happy and want to dance ALL the time. The only downfall is Will Smith's "Miami" is stuck in my head 24/7. Also, the service industry here sucks pretty bad. Pretty much every restaurant we've gone to has had awful service. Probably because they tip is included in the bill so what is the motivation to be nice/accommodating to people when you're guaranteed a tip?
Whatever, more on that later. Time for bed now. Just wanted to share really quick so you fine people knew I was alive and loving life in Miami. Back to LA tomorrow. :(
Dream big people!
Seriously. It's so awesome. Weather is amazing, food is fantastic, beach is awesome, people are hot and there is salsa music playing everywhere! Which, just makes me really happy and want to dance ALL the time. The only downfall is Will Smith's "Miami" is stuck in my head 24/7. Also, the service industry here sucks pretty bad. Pretty much every restaurant we've gone to has had awful service. Probably because they tip is included in the bill so what is the motivation to be nice/accommodating to people when you're guaranteed a tip?
Whatever, more on that later. Time for bed now. Just wanted to share really quick so you fine people knew I was alive and loving life in Miami. Back to LA tomorrow. :(
Dream big people!
05 May 2011
So many anniversaries today!!!
I graduated from college FOUR years ago! Goodness, I'm old Happy four years Hose! To commemorate:
On, on PC, to victory! Garnet and blue, we're here for you in everything you do (Presbyterian!)
Spirits are high, never say die! For if we win, or if we lose, we will love you PC Blue
Go Hose, Gooooo Blllluuueeee, HOSE!
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Not sure how long that's been around for, but probably awhile. So, yay!
I was so excited about this post, I wrote it two days ago, and scheduled it for May 5 so I could be historically accurate, even though I really really didn't want to wait. Also, I didn't want to not have time since I'll BE ON A PLANE TO MIAMI!!!!!!!!!! So I might be in the air as you are reading this! Fun!
(CAPS = real excitement. I'm usually against them. Just so you know)
I graduated from college FOUR years ago! Goodness, I'm old Happy four years Hose! To commemorate:
On, on PC, to victory! Garnet and blue, we're here for you in everything you do (Presbyterian!)
Spirits are high, never say die! For if we win, or if we lose, we will love you PC Blue
Go Hose, Gooooo Blllluuueeee, HOSE!
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Not sure how long that's been around for, but probably awhile. So, yay!
I was so excited about this post, I wrote it two days ago, and scheduled it for May 5 so I could be historically accurate, even though I really really didn't want to wait. Also, I didn't want to not have time since I'll BE ON A PLANE TO MIAMI!!!!!!!!!! So I might be in the air as you are reading this! Fun!
(CAPS = real excitement. I'm usually against them. Just so you know)
04 May 2011
Zumba with Judas
So I just got around to watching Lady Gaga on Ellen last week (I'm behind, I know) but it seriously is cracking me up! First of all, Lady Gaga is beyond ridiculous. I have a whole arsenal of opinions on Lady Gaga, but watching her on Ellen makes me want to like her. BUT- she takes herself so damn seriously, I can't deal with it. She seems nice, and kind of funny, but she's my age and I just have a hard time believing that she is really and truly that ridiculous. Ok, whatever, I'll stop. But seriously. Anyway, her dance on Ellen reminds me so much of Zumba and it's just very funny. Especially since she had on some sort of pleather disco grandma outfit.
Ok, enough talk about LG. I really love Zumba. It's totally awesome and you should try if it you like having fun and being awesome.
MY VACATION STARTS TOMORROW!!!! I have lots of scattered thoughts. Let's go....
First, I never talked about the Royal Wedding. OMG-I fucking LOVED it. I didn't think I would be so into it and I wasn't all that excited, but Friday night, after Six Flags, I came home and literally watched like, 3 hours of news dedicated only to the wedding. I know what you're thinking. But I don't care. I was so enthralled and cried like, half the time. I just think Kate is SO pretty and the whole thing was just perfect. I mean, come on! The story is literally every girl's dream. Ok, excluding lesbians, losers and non-dreamers. But seriously! She's a commoner, they meet at school, fall in love, and now she's a PRINCESS. It really can happen! I'm just saying, Prince Harry is still available. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
Next up: Osama. He's dead. People have lots of opinions about it. Facebook got a little out of control but things seem to be back to normal now. I would just like to say, that people with their "I don't rejoice in the death of the wicked" and all that mess...are just a little bit on the presumptuous side for me. But thanks for sharing anyway. On the other side of that, some people are a little over zealous and just as ridiculous. I think it's great people have closure about 9/11. I also like when big things happen and people come together, like at Ground Zero. But then I'm sad when they talk to idiot college kids, that were like, 5 when 9/11 happened and they're like, "This is so awesome! It's like, a total party down here!" Jesus, these were seriously the only people you could find to give an opinion on this really important historic moment? But also, I was just as dumb in college so moving on.
Random list:
-My 99 cents store shaving cream RULES. I bought it like, literally, the first week I was here (January 2010) and it is STILL GOING STRONG. For real! Best 99 cents I have ever spent. Still making my legs silky smooth, 16 months later.
-I do not think the New York Times Best Seller List is indicative of quality writing. I don't have too much regard for what the rest of America thinks is good. That is for another post.
-I love when Ellen helps people and gives them cars and stuff. It makes me want to help people. I can't give away cars but I was really nice to this really annoying woman on the phone today so I think that's a step in the right direction.
-I lost 12.4 pounds so far! But, I have also developed a recent obsession with Twizzler Nibs (that's their real name) and am worried this, along with the upcoming vacation, is going to set me back a few pounds. So, feel free to send inspiring messages over the next few days. Things like, Don't be a fatty!, Stop! Put those Nibs down!, Eat some veggies fool!, Do you really want to eat that? Probably not!, You have 28 pounds to go, go on a walk! Or, whatever you think will help.
-I think it's time for a career change in the near future. Like, maybe September. I am feeling the need to do something productive and meaningful. We'll see how that goes. I'll keep you posted.
This is enough. Sorry for the nonsense. Vacation starts tomorrow! I have to call back the Santa Monica police (long story, I'm not in trouble, no worries), then I'm going to the beach, then Chelsea Lately, then packing FOR MIAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dream big people! (I wish I knew how to say that in Cuban)
Ok, enough talk about LG. I really love Zumba. It's totally awesome and you should try if it you like having fun and being awesome.
MY VACATION STARTS TOMORROW!!!! I have lots of scattered thoughts. Let's go....
First, I never talked about the Royal Wedding. OMG-I fucking LOVED it. I didn't think I would be so into it and I wasn't all that excited, but Friday night, after Six Flags, I came home and literally watched like, 3 hours of news dedicated only to the wedding. I know what you're thinking. But I don't care. I was so enthralled and cried like, half the time. I just think Kate is SO pretty and the whole thing was just perfect. I mean, come on! The story is literally every girl's dream. Ok, excluding lesbians, losers and non-dreamers. But seriously! She's a commoner, they meet at school, fall in love, and now she's a PRINCESS. It really can happen! I'm just saying, Prince Harry is still available. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
Next up: Osama. He's dead. People have lots of opinions about it. Facebook got a little out of control but things seem to be back to normal now. I would just like to say, that people with their "I don't rejoice in the death of the wicked" and all that mess...are just a little bit on the presumptuous side for me. But thanks for sharing anyway. On the other side of that, some people are a little over zealous and just as ridiculous. I think it's great people have closure about 9/11. I also like when big things happen and people come together, like at Ground Zero. But then I'm sad when they talk to idiot college kids, that were like, 5 when 9/11 happened and they're like, "This is so awesome! It's like, a total party down here!" Jesus, these were seriously the only people you could find to give an opinion on this really important historic moment? But also, I was just as dumb in college so moving on.
Random list:
-My 99 cents store shaving cream RULES. I bought it like, literally, the first week I was here (January 2010) and it is STILL GOING STRONG. For real! Best 99 cents I have ever spent. Still making my legs silky smooth, 16 months later.
-I do not think the New York Times Best Seller List is indicative of quality writing. I don't have too much regard for what the rest of America thinks is good. That is for another post.
-I love when Ellen helps people and gives them cars and stuff. It makes me want to help people. I can't give away cars but I was really nice to this really annoying woman on the phone today so I think that's a step in the right direction.
-I lost 12.4 pounds so far! But, I have also developed a recent obsession with Twizzler Nibs (that's their real name) and am worried this, along with the upcoming vacation, is going to set me back a few pounds. So, feel free to send inspiring messages over the next few days. Things like, Don't be a fatty!, Stop! Put those Nibs down!, Eat some veggies fool!, Do you really want to eat that? Probably not!, You have 28 pounds to go, go on a walk! Or, whatever you think will help.
-I think it's time for a career change in the near future. Like, maybe September. I am feeling the need to do something productive and meaningful. We'll see how that goes. I'll keep you posted.
This is enough. Sorry for the nonsense. Vacation starts tomorrow! I have to call back the Santa Monica police (long story, I'm not in trouble, no worries), then I'm going to the beach, then Chelsea Lately, then packing FOR MIAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dream big people! (I wish I knew how to say that in Cuban)
02 May 2011
Oh My
Wow, people.
Quite the exciting news weekend! Not in my tiny world, as I did nothing but lay on the beach, sleep and shop this weekend, but in the bigger world, lots of stuff going on. And I have lots of stuff to say about it all. another time. I am so tired right now and am not really able to process it all. Between the Royal Wedding, the tornadoes down South and the recent death of Osama bin Laden, I am on news overload.
On top of that, tomorrow we have 15 new students coming, which is a lot to deal with on a Monday morning. Last week there were 3 new students, just to put things into perspective. Not sure when I'll get around to posting, but just wanted to let everyone know I am aware of the monumental things going on in the world.
For now, (sweet) dream(s) big people!
Quite the exciting news weekend! Not in my tiny world, as I did nothing but lay on the beach, sleep and shop this weekend, but in the bigger world, lots of stuff going on. And I have lots of stuff to say about it all. another time. I am so tired right now and am not really able to process it all. Between the Royal Wedding, the tornadoes down South and the recent death of Osama bin Laden, I am on news overload.
On top of that, tomorrow we have 15 new students coming, which is a lot to deal with on a Monday morning. Last week there were 3 new students, just to put things into perspective. Not sure when I'll get around to posting, but just wanted to let everyone know I am aware of the monumental things going on in the world.
For now, (sweet) dream(s) big people!
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