Things are better today. A little Zumba makes EVERYTHING better! Seriously. I guess it's true about happy people exercising. I am now looking forward to the rest of the week! In addition to the Zumba, it might have something to do with the fact that the STUPIDEST MONDAY EVER is officially over. (I count being in my bed as the day being over). Seriously, this day was so. damn. dumb. Mainly because we got yet another virus on the computer at work, that I once again was blamed for. Never mind the fact that we don't have a real anti-virus because my cheap boss won't pay for it, or because my creeper co-worker looks at creeper type things after work, or the fact that we get all kinds of sketch emails from all over the place. No, it's my fault because I probably looked at some "homepage" (my boss and his stupid ass English) with a "wirus" on it and ruined everything for everyone. It's also my fault, as the company's computer technician, that I let the anti-virus go without scanning since December. I am no Nick Burns, people. Grrrr.
But-WHAT THE FUCK EVER! Because, I've decided we are having a pizza party at work on Thursday in honor of Memorial Day. What says, "Thank You Veterans!" better than pizza? Nothing! [In all seriousness, Vets are awesome and I'm grateful. Without them, I would not be able to spout my bullshit on this blog. Thank you to all.]
Speaking of pizza, I have a tiny little bone to pick, just real quick. I have nothing but love for (most) of the international students. However, I am getting a little teeny tiny bit tired of all the US haters that come along and talk shit. Y'all know I am not normally super patriotic, but for real? You CHOSE to come to the great US of A, please stop whining about how much better your country is. In fact, please just go back there and shut up with your stupid [insert any European country] accent. Seriously, I never hear the Asians whining. The main thing that got me today was a caption on someones photo. "Popcorn + butter = obesity = USA." Okkk, fuck you very much. 1. You are putting said butter on YOUR popcorn so shut your damn mouth. 2. Last time I went to the movies in Europe, butter popcorn was not even an option, the only option for snacks was kettlecorn and ice cream. Total fail. Movie theater popcorn is literally, the most fantastic food ever. And not the worst option, health wise. 3. Not everyone in the USA is obese. 4. Butter popcorn does not cause obesity, McDondalds does. Duh. Haven't you seen Supersize Me? 5. I find it especially amusing because both times I went to Europe is when I gained the most weight in the least amount of time. Hungry? Have some chocolate! and last but not least, 6. Congratufuckinglations! Your tiny little country has less fat people that America! Please return to it, celebrate with all your non-fat friends and plan your next holiday elsewhere.
WHEW. Glad I got all that out! Now, to do some damage control. First off, I am well aware about how much I complain about California, when I also chose to be here. So I should also shut my damn mouth because I am quite the hypocrite. But seriously, what kind of grocery stores don't carry Little Debbie cakes?! Nonsense. Also, don't get the wrong idea. I absolutely LOVE Europe. Love it. Want to kiss and marry it. I might love it as much as I love the US. I'm really just tired of the haters and some of these punk ass, whiny butt students complaining about really really REALLY stupid shit. I might be too far removed to remember, but I just remember being so extremely happy to be abroad, I didn't have a lot of time for whining. Oh, and I saw plenty of fatty Europeans walking around, so SHUT IT.
Anyway. I also bought myself some much needed new headphones and an ipod alarm clock! I am really excited because now MUSIC will be playing when I wake up and not my annoying beeping phone. Hopefully some dancing in the morning will put me in a better mood to face the nonsense that is work.
THIRTY-TWO days until the Carolina's!! YAY!!!
Dream big people!
PS-Again, to reiterate, nothing but love for my international friends. Baci per tutti! (probably so wrong, mi dispiace :)
Jelaskan Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Permainan Bulu Tangkis
11 months ago
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