It's 9:00 and I am in bed, ready for sleep. And, I'm ok with that. I'm becoming ok with more and more things these days. Maybe I'm growing up or maybe I'm becoming even more emotionally detached, but I'm realizing that I don't really need to over think every little thing. For instance, I used to think I needed some reason to be tired. I got up early, I worked out really hard, I went out the night before. No. Not necessary. I'm just fucking tired, end of story and if I want to go to bed at 9, I'm gonna do it, dammit! Although, I do kind of have an excuse today because I feel like garbage and want to sleep away my sickness before the long weekend.
I'm also listening to my "Take a Chill Pill" play list, which has lots of slow, dramatic songs on it (currently playing: I'll Stand By You by The Pretenders), which always make me more pensive than necessary. So, I'm going to focus and just tell you people the good stuff.
First off, we had our Memorial Day pizza party today instead of Thursday. And, it went surprisingly well. The party planning process is always the same roller coaster of emotions. [FYI: We usually have parties for every holiday we have a day off...we have them the week before and they are kind of like the parties you had in elementary school. For Thanksgiving, I had them make paper hand turkeys. It was beyond fantastic] Join me, won't you:
1. (a few days before)YAY! Party! I love parties! We could order pizza! Decorate cookies! Make gingerbread houses! Fun fun! So many possibilities.
2. (shortly after #1 wears off) Uggghhh, the logistics of making this happen suckkkss. I have to plan everything. Boooo, why is everyone so annoying? Trying to explain the party to the students and what they need to bring to the party is hard
3. (day before party) Exciting! I get to buy decorations and prizes and fun headbands! I love holidays!
4. (still day before) FUCK! We need games to play! They need to be fun and seem like they are still learning English.
5.(day of party) Of course, it's the one day there are 5 million phone calls, 100, 000 emails to answer and 20 bazillion walk-ins. I have a party to attend people! Also, chaos. Why didn't you bring napkins like I asked? Help me move the tables! Yes, you have to stay, I explained this yesterday.
You get the idea. But, after that initial annoyance of trying to get everyone to listen, the whiners usually leave (fuck them) and things get really entertaining. For instance, today, we had them come up with team names (they had to start with B) and one team was "Team Bunnies of South Carolina." How stinking precious is that? And how special did I feel? So special! There was also Team Beer, Team Burger, Team Best, and Team Burrito. We also played a game where we provided the definition of the word and the students had race to the board and whoever guessed the right word, wrote it first (and spelled it correctly), won the point. The definition: the ditch filled with water around a castle. Their answers: "moot", "mouth", "mouths" "mote" We were looking for moat. But, my favorite, by far, was the student that wrote "nana" when we were looking for cradle. I really don't even know, but nonsensical English is seriously the most entertaining thing ever. And, overall, once the students stop whining and start getting into the spirit of the game, they are so cute and so fun. They're all adults but it's sometimes funnier that way. Oh yeah! And the definition was: the slang way to ask someone "how are you doing?" Answer: What's up? Team Best writes: How you doin? LOVE IT.
Anyway. My job is hard to describe and I'm too tired to give the party justice, but it was fun and it was much needed positive spot in a long line of stupid crap lately. Also, today I kind of got a promotion. I am kind of confused about what exactly is happening, but I think it's a step in the right direction. My job can be super frustrating but I think (and I hope) this promotion would take away some of the minor frustrations I have to deal with and give me more room, time and freedom to do what I really want, which is to provide a good time for the students. More later. So tired.
Also, something funny/embarrassing I wanted to share. I love my friends. I love love LOVE when they give me things. And I know I bring it on myself by being a totally ridiculous person, but I realized today that to an outside person, my room looks like it belongs to a total crazy person. Especially if you know the person that lives in it is 25. I have a Team Jacob bag, Spongebob boxers, a Justin Bieber autobiography, a princess crown, and a babydoll with no head. Like, what is wrong with me?
Oh yeah, and remember when I just bought new headphones? I tossed them up on my desk last night to get them off the floor and they broke! Waaaaaaaa! I've only had them 3 days! So depressed. Last but not least, I want a cute, casual blazer so bad it hurts. I found 5 perfect ones at H&M today, but they were $50! Way too expensive. Also, I would never be able to decide between the colors because they were all super cute. God, my life is so hard.
This post is so long and random and stupid. Sorry. Had a lot to get out.
Dream big people!
Jelaskan Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Permainan Bulu Tangkis
11 months ago
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