I'm home and LOVING IT. Sorry for the lack of posts, but I've been busy hanging out with friends, sitting on the beach, being with my family and drinking. Lots of drinking. Drinking right now, as a matter of fact.
Watching the Gamecocks about to bring home a Championship. Not something I personally care about, but it's always cool when your friend's teams win big things.
Back to it. More later. Love from the best place in the whole world.
Dream big people!
29 June 2011
21 June 2011
Oh My
Wow. So, once again, I got suckered into watching some really painful TV. We started off with Real Housewives and I just couldn't handle that. Those women are so vile. There are other, less mean, words but that one is what was running through my head while the show was on. It was on when I came home and I didn't want to eat dinner in my room, so there I sat while trying to eat my meal. My goodness, it was so painful. While I would love to have their money, I think my jealousy stops there.
Ok, moving on from there. Not wasting any more of my life with their nonsense. Next up, we watched the Bachelorette. I can't decide if this is better or worse than the Bachelor. I kind of like the fact that it's switched and the boys are on the other side and the girl has the power. However, it is still SO AWKWARD. And oddly enough, I feel this platform would be perfect for me. Obviously, not really because 1. I would never try out. 2. I would never get picked. 3. What, why am I even discussing this? Here's why. Being honest with you people, because that is how I roll and what is the harm in baring your soul to 12 people? I would LOVE the attention. Oh man, all those boys and zero competition around? Amazing. The boys would literally be fighting over me! This happened one time in Greece and whoa, it was super great and made me giggle for like, 2 weeks. Anyway, the girl is completely ridiculous but I can totally identify with her. Especially since she is all about the one guy that is the WORST for her. I actually didn't see any of the previous episodes but my roommate was filling me in on what a dick this guy is. Which sounds just about right for me. Liking the one dickhead that is not the least bit interested in me. I generally don't have a pool of hot, interested guys, vying for my attention, but there have definitely been interested ones that I found ways to avoid.
Again, let me restate that this will (probably) never happen. I really just don't think I could put my pride on the line like that. I just think I would be really good at it, as the queen of awkward with boys. But, it's also my understanding that the Bachelorette is generally picked from the pool of Bachelor losers and that show is my nightmare. I do not like competing with other girls, or in general really. I mean, I don't mind like, sports and board games and stuff, but not when it's based on your person. If that makes any sense. I don't really like having to prove myself as a person. I know I'm awesome and if you can't see that then you need to get your eyes checked.
Well then. I think it is a nice little healthy dose of self promotion...talking the talk as always.
Last thing...has anyone seen that commerical with the spider on the phone on the table? Wow, I hate that commercial a lot. I don't even know what it's for because I always change the channel. I should probably find out so I never buy whatever the hell it is.
Going home in: FOUR DAYSSSS!!!!
Dream big people!
Ok, moving on from there. Not wasting any more of my life with their nonsense. Next up, we watched the Bachelorette. I can't decide if this is better or worse than the Bachelor. I kind of like the fact that it's switched and the boys are on the other side and the girl has the power. However, it is still SO AWKWARD. And oddly enough, I feel this platform would be perfect for me. Obviously, not really because 1. I would never try out. 2. I would never get picked. 3. What, why am I even discussing this? Here's why. Being honest with you people, because that is how I roll and what is the harm in baring your soul to 12 people? I would LOVE the attention. Oh man, all those boys and zero competition around? Amazing. The boys would literally be fighting over me! This happened one time in Greece and whoa, it was super great and made me giggle for like, 2 weeks. Anyway, the girl is completely ridiculous but I can totally identify with her. Especially since she is all about the one guy that is the WORST for her. I actually didn't see any of the previous episodes but my roommate was filling me in on what a dick this guy is. Which sounds just about right for me. Liking the one dickhead that is not the least bit interested in me. I generally don't have a pool of hot, interested guys, vying for my attention, but there have definitely been interested ones that I found ways to avoid.
Again, let me restate that this will (probably) never happen. I really just don't think I could put my pride on the line like that. I just think I would be really good at it, as the queen of awkward with boys. But, it's also my understanding that the Bachelorette is generally picked from the pool of Bachelor losers and that show is my nightmare. I do not like competing with other girls, or in general really. I mean, I don't mind like, sports and board games and stuff, but not when it's based on your person. If that makes any sense. I don't really like having to prove myself as a person. I know I'm awesome and if you can't see that then you need to get your eyes checked.
Well then. I think it is a nice little healthy dose of self promotion...talking the talk as always.
Last thing...has anyone seen that commerical with the spider on the phone on the table? Wow, I hate that commercial a lot. I don't even know what it's for because I always change the channel. I should probably find out so I never buy whatever the hell it is.
Going home in: FOUR DAYSSSS!!!!
Dream big people!
20 June 2011
Blast of Your Time
Whoa, what a weekend! I seriously feel like Saturday was like, 2 weeks ago. I went up to Santa Barbara for a wedding and it was just so fantastic.
First off, I love weddings. Secondly, Santa Barbara, while slightly cloudy, is so beautiful. And thirdly, I was with super fun people and had a really really great time.
The couple were friends of a friend that I have hung out with on multiple occasions and they are both hilarious, nice, really good looking people. I got the invite last weekend from the bride...I loved how she sold it to me. I was honored to be invited, but she was like, well if you want to come, there's going to be a buffet. Like I needed convincing! It got better when the groom chimed in with, yeah, and a six hour open bar! Uh, sold. I'll be there, thanks. It's even better if you know these two because food is extremely important to them...as is drinking. But I think eating is first.
Anyway, the whole thing was just great. Most of my friends were in the wedding, so I hung out with the people that weren't which was interesting and we ended up getting to the ceremony crazy early and got to witness a bevy of segway riders cruising through just before the ceremony started. Like, wtf people? Go segway somewhere else! Luckily nothing crazy came through while the ceremony was going on. Everyone, especially the bride, looked so beautiful and she had the coolest little veil. It was right near the beach, so it was so gorgeous and everything was just lovely. Also, they walked out to "Barbara Streisand." Hilarious. Then, of course the buffet and open bar started afterwards and things got really fun. At first, I was a little confused at the ceremony because they only wanted house music played at the reception, so I was like, um, how is this going to work? Wedding dance music is it's own special category and this house music business was blowing my mind. I shouldn't have been surprised with this group of people, but I thought, surely at a wedding they'll have some normal music. But no and it was surprisingly awesome. Fun to dance to and pretty hilarious. And so fitting for the couple and all their friends.
I had so much fun and ate SO much food, I made myself a little sick. Had to sit down and recover for a little while. I was not the only person though. I also took full advantage of the open bar and am kind of surprised I didn't die. Not kidding. I ate and drank an insane amount and was pretty much fine the next morning. I got zero sleep as well since I was in a room with 4 other people, 2 of which were snoring very loudly the entire night. The other 3 of us were laughing at them and one had the nerve to wake up and tell us to be quiet. Rude!
So that was my Saturday. So much fun. And now, just FIVE short days until I am HOME! I seriously cannot freaking WAIT! My party on Sunday is going to be so much fun, a mini high school reunion of sorts, with all kinds of other randoms. (PS-anyone is welcome...come on down!) and then a wedding on the 2nd which will be a mini college reunion. Some people I don't care to see, but the others will cancel them out for sure. Can't waiiiiitttttt!!!! Going to bed super early to recover and also to hurry up and get the week over with! For now, watching Pop Up Video to pass the time.
Dream big people!
First off, I love weddings. Secondly, Santa Barbara, while slightly cloudy, is so beautiful. And thirdly, I was with super fun people and had a really really great time.
The couple were friends of a friend that I have hung out with on multiple occasions and they are both hilarious, nice, really good looking people. I got the invite last weekend from the bride...I loved how she sold it to me. I was honored to be invited, but she was like, well if you want to come, there's going to be a buffet. Like I needed convincing! It got better when the groom chimed in with, yeah, and a six hour open bar! Uh, sold. I'll be there, thanks. It's even better if you know these two because food is extremely important to them...as is drinking. But I think eating is first.
Anyway, the whole thing was just great. Most of my friends were in the wedding, so I hung out with the people that weren't which was interesting and we ended up getting to the ceremony crazy early and got to witness a bevy of segway riders cruising through just before the ceremony started. Like, wtf people? Go segway somewhere else! Luckily nothing crazy came through while the ceremony was going on. Everyone, especially the bride, looked so beautiful and she had the coolest little veil. It was right near the beach, so it was so gorgeous and everything was just lovely. Also, they walked out to "Barbara Streisand." Hilarious. Then, of course the buffet and open bar started afterwards and things got really fun. At first, I was a little confused at the ceremony because they only wanted house music played at the reception, so I was like, um, how is this going to work? Wedding dance music is it's own special category and this house music business was blowing my mind. I shouldn't have been surprised with this group of people, but I thought, surely at a wedding they'll have some normal music. But no and it was surprisingly awesome. Fun to dance to and pretty hilarious. And so fitting for the couple and all their friends.
I had so much fun and ate SO much food, I made myself a little sick. Had to sit down and recover for a little while. I was not the only person though. I also took full advantage of the open bar and am kind of surprised I didn't die. Not kidding. I ate and drank an insane amount and was pretty much fine the next morning. I got zero sleep as well since I was in a room with 4 other people, 2 of which were snoring very loudly the entire night. The other 3 of us were laughing at them and one had the nerve to wake up and tell us to be quiet. Rude!
So that was my Saturday. So much fun. And now, just FIVE short days until I am HOME! I seriously cannot freaking WAIT! My party on Sunday is going to be so much fun, a mini high school reunion of sorts, with all kinds of other randoms. (PS-anyone is welcome...come on down!) and then a wedding on the 2nd which will be a mini college reunion. Some people I don't care to see, but the others will cancel them out for sure. Can't waiiiiitttttt!!!! Going to bed super early to recover and also to hurry up and get the week over with! For now, watching Pop Up Video to pass the time.
Dream big people!
15 June 2011
After a lovely little 2 mile hike and 45 minute bus ride down Sunset Boulevard today, I got to thinking. I waste A LOT of my life in LA commuting, waiting around on my commute, or walking to my commute. Walking to my commute (bus) is beneficial, but holy crap, I waste so much time doing nothing. I guess a lot of people do, even if they're driving but that's only if there's traffic. Which is a lot of the time, but anyway, I really should learn a language while sitting on the bus or something. Seriously. It's slightly ridiculous.
For instance. I live 3 miles from work and it takes me 30 minutes total to get there. I leave my house at 7:30, walk to the bus stop, ride the bus and get off the bus and to school at around 8:00. THREE miles, thirty minutes! Ridiculousness. I can walk all the way there in like, 45-55. Obviously, I am totally not doing that in the morning, as I would be sweaty and would have to wake up even earlier, but I'm just saying.
Today I agreed to meet a friend in Hollywood for drinks. Immediately regretted that decision, but forged ahead. It's about 10 miles from work to the restaurant. I left work at 4:30 and rolled up at the restaurant at 7 fucking o'clock. Partly my fault for poor planning, but really. REALLY? Yes, really. That happened. Here's what is really silly. With no traffic, it would take 21 minutes by car. On the bus, it takes 54 minutes, which is just a testament to how horrible the LA transit system is. Best part, with traffic, the suggested time is also 50 minutes, which is a total lie. Ooooh, LA traffic. Not having a car suuuckkks, but NOT having to commute to work in that shit is pretty awesome. Even though I do get kind of bitter when I see commercials that say things like, "your car is practically part of your family." Thanks, commercial! Not only do I NOT have a car that is like my family, I also don't have any actual family that lives within 1000 miles of me. Needed that reminder. Bah.
Other realizations: pretty much all the music on the radio is awful. I recently bought a little radio and started listening at night. Not sure why. It's terrible.
Um, I had other things but I forgot them. I've been trying really hard to be positive at work but it's been kind of difficult since my stupid body refuses to go to sleep at a decent hour. Hoping to fix that tonight. Also hoping I can start going in at like, 9 or 10 am next week. Would be SO awesome. Oh, another realization...I am so angry at work because I'm just bitter. So bitter. And I'm bitter because my coworker whines about the stupid shit she has to deal with and I just want to yell: YOU REALIZE I WAS DEALING WITH ALL THAT SHIT PLUS ALL MY SHIT TIMES 100 LAST YEAR? DO YOU REALIZE THIS??? Which is true and all, but I need to get over that. It's a new summer and it's not her fault everything sucked last summer and I should let it go. Who knows how to let things go and can teach me how? I have problems with that. For real. How does letting go work? Should I write it on a piece of paper and throw in the Pacific or what? Do a letting go dance? Stand in the rain with my arms outstretched while the rain washes away my bitterness? Meditate? Tie it to a balloon and watch it float off in the sky? That doesn't seem environmentally friendly. Help please.
If anything, looking forward to this weekend. Going to a wedding in Santa Barbara and I am PUMPED. The I'm going HOME and then to ANOTHER wedding. I just can't even stand it. I might explode. If you are anywhere close to Charleston, Columbia, or Charlotte between June 24-July 4, please come see me! I would love it.
Dream big people!
For instance. I live 3 miles from work and it takes me 30 minutes total to get there. I leave my house at 7:30, walk to the bus stop, ride the bus and get off the bus and to school at around 8:00. THREE miles, thirty minutes! Ridiculousness. I can walk all the way there in like, 45-55. Obviously, I am totally not doing that in the morning, as I would be sweaty and would have to wake up even earlier, but I'm just saying.
Today I agreed to meet a friend in Hollywood for drinks. Immediately regretted that decision, but forged ahead. It's about 10 miles from work to the restaurant. I left work at 4:30 and rolled up at the restaurant at 7 fucking o'clock. Partly my fault for poor planning, but really. REALLY? Yes, really. That happened. Here's what is really silly. With no traffic, it would take 21 minutes by car. On the bus, it takes 54 minutes, which is just a testament to how horrible the LA transit system is. Best part, with traffic, the suggested time is also 50 minutes, which is a total lie. Ooooh, LA traffic. Not having a car suuuckkks, but NOT having to commute to work in that shit is pretty awesome. Even though I do get kind of bitter when I see commercials that say things like, "your car is practically part of your family." Thanks, commercial! Not only do I NOT have a car that is like my family, I also don't have any actual family that lives within 1000 miles of me. Needed that reminder. Bah.
Other realizations: pretty much all the music on the radio is awful. I recently bought a little radio and started listening at night. Not sure why. It's terrible.
Um, I had other things but I forgot them. I've been trying really hard to be positive at work but it's been kind of difficult since my stupid body refuses to go to sleep at a decent hour. Hoping to fix that tonight. Also hoping I can start going in at like, 9 or 10 am next week. Would be SO awesome. Oh, another realization...I am so angry at work because I'm just bitter. So bitter. And I'm bitter because my coworker whines about the stupid shit she has to deal with and I just want to yell: YOU REALIZE I WAS DEALING WITH ALL THAT SHIT PLUS ALL MY SHIT TIMES 100 LAST YEAR? DO YOU REALIZE THIS??? Which is true and all, but I need to get over that. It's a new summer and it's not her fault everything sucked last summer and I should let it go. Who knows how to let things go and can teach me how? I have problems with that. For real. How does letting go work? Should I write it on a piece of paper and throw in the Pacific or what? Do a letting go dance? Stand in the rain with my arms outstretched while the rain washes away my bitterness? Meditate? Tie it to a balloon and watch it float off in the sky? That doesn't seem environmentally friendly. Help please.
If anything, looking forward to this weekend. Going to a wedding in Santa Barbara and I am PUMPED. The I'm going HOME and then to ANOTHER wedding. I just can't even stand it. I might explode. If you are anywhere close to Charleston, Columbia, or Charlotte between June 24-July 4, please come see me! I would love it.
Dream big people!
10 June 2011
Looking Forward
I am so happy tomorrow is Friday! In fact, I'm so happy in general. Right now. I wasn't earlier but now I'm on a Zumba high so life is just fantastic. Zumba makes everything better. Even when there is a creepster in the back of the room just standing there watching. I know we're hot and all, but come on. Have some dignity. I also really love the people in the class that take themselves really seriously. Tonight there was a woman with her hair all down and she was just super into it and you just know she thought she was super sexy. I can't anyone that works out with their hair down seriously. It's a really stupid pet peeve, but one nonetheless. Put your hair up! Aren't you sweaty? Jeez. But then I get distracted watching how silly they are and I end up looking dumb because I get lost. I do ok but there are some moves I just cannot get the hang of. Maybe I should drink beforehand because I am an awesome drunk dancer.
ANYWAY. Let's focus on the positive, shall we? Because I go home in TWO WEEKS and now I have a date for my friend's wedding AND I am going to buy a cute dress AND I lost 17 pounds AND I'm throwing myself a party AND I am really looking forward to some Groucho's! Wooooo!
Also, we just hired someone new at work and I am so so excited! First off, she now gets to do all the crappy stuff I'm really tired of doing! YAY! Don't worry, we're going to share it so it won't be so bad for her. Additionally, we are moving into the crazy summer months which means the days go by faster, even though it's total madness. However, there are going to be THREE people now doing the job that ONE person (me) was doing last year and I just think things are going to be so so so much better. If anything, the students will no longer be yelling at me when things go wrong, they will have other people to yell at! Hooray! There are still lots of problems with the school and it is going to be a total shit show, but I'm doing a lot better about chilling out, letting things go and just going with the flow. Let's see how long into the summer that lasts. If anything I'll just be all, sorry whiny person, gotta go to Disneyland now, ciaoooooo! It'll be awesome. Oh, and now hopefully no one will be calling me the secretary because I FUCKING HATE being called the secretary. I am not a damn secretary! Humph.
Oh yeah, one negative thing. I just finished this book and I was SO ANGRY when I finished. "Breathing Lessons." First off, most of it was people arguing and I've discussed my hatred of arguing before. Watching/listening to it is bad but ugh, reading it is SO terrible too! All the characters were so fucking annoying and stupid. I kept reading because I thought it was going to get better but then it just ended and I literally was like, FUCK YOU BOOK! Really. I said it out loud. Then I had to go to sleep angry and I woke up still pissed. I think this just goes to show how sad my real life is. Or, it's a good thing. I don't have anything real to be emotional about....I get that involved in books. Hm. Point is, don't ever read it. Next point, I need a good new book to read to move past this atrocity.
I have been having trouble sleeping lately and have been having some really whacked out dreams. I just took a sleeping pill and am now having trouble typing, so I think that is all for me.
Dream big (and not whacked out) people!
PS-Am I the only person that thinks Drake is the worst rapper ever? I know that's mean, but I really just can't stand listening to him. Also, is it just me or are songs on the radio SO terrible these days? I mean, I like some of them because they're fun to dance to but oh man, they send the worst messages and are soo dirty. Does this mean I'm getting old and prudy? But, alien sex? See I abducted you, I tell you what to do? Is that about rape? Seems a little inappropriate.
ANYWAY. Let's focus on the positive, shall we? Because I go home in TWO WEEKS and now I have a date for my friend's wedding AND I am going to buy a cute dress AND I lost 17 pounds AND I'm throwing myself a party AND I am really looking forward to some Groucho's! Wooooo!
Also, we just hired someone new at work and I am so so excited! First off, she now gets to do all the crappy stuff I'm really tired of doing! YAY! Don't worry, we're going to share it so it won't be so bad for her. Additionally, we are moving into the crazy summer months which means the days go by faster, even though it's total madness. However, there are going to be THREE people now doing the job that ONE person (me) was doing last year and I just think things are going to be so so so much better. If anything, the students will no longer be yelling at me when things go wrong, they will have other people to yell at! Hooray! There are still lots of problems with the school and it is going to be a total shit show, but I'm doing a lot better about chilling out, letting things go and just going with the flow. Let's see how long into the summer that lasts. If anything I'll just be all, sorry whiny person, gotta go to Disneyland now, ciaoooooo! It'll be awesome. Oh, and now hopefully no one will be calling me the secretary because I FUCKING HATE being called the secretary. I am not a damn secretary! Humph.
Oh yeah, one negative thing. I just finished this book and I was SO ANGRY when I finished. "Breathing Lessons." First off, most of it was people arguing and I've discussed my hatred of arguing before. Watching/listening to it is bad but ugh, reading it is SO terrible too! All the characters were so fucking annoying and stupid. I kept reading because I thought it was going to get better but then it just ended and I literally was like, FUCK YOU BOOK! Really. I said it out loud. Then I had to go to sleep angry and I woke up still pissed. I think this just goes to show how sad my real life is. Or, it's a good thing. I don't have anything real to be emotional about....I get that involved in books. Hm. Point is, don't ever read it. Next point, I need a good new book to read to move past this atrocity.
I have been having trouble sleeping lately and have been having some really whacked out dreams. I just took a sleeping pill and am now having trouble typing, so I think that is all for me.
Dream big (and not whacked out) people!
PS-Am I the only person that thinks Drake is the worst rapper ever? I know that's mean, but I really just can't stand listening to him. Also, is it just me or are songs on the radio SO terrible these days? I mean, I like some of them because they're fun to dance to but oh man, they send the worst messages and are soo dirty. Does this mean I'm getting old and prudy? But, alien sex? See I abducted you, I tell you what to do? Is that about rape? Seems a little inappropriate.
07 June 2011
10:00 pm. On a Monday.
Sweet Dee: Don't eat things out of the trash Charlie.
Charlie: I'll eat whatever I want Dee.
Sometimes I forget about It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, then I watch it and I'm like, WHY AM I NOT WATCHING THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY?
But then I watch for a while and I remember why. Because they argue A LOT on that show and listening to/watching people argue makes me extremely uncomfortable and I can't really deal with it for too long. But, the show is pretty damn hilarious.
Also hilarious: Bridesmaids. So fantastic. However, at the beginning, there were some crazy bitches behind us and they were being really loud and disruptive. Then they started arguing with the people around them and that made me uncomfortable so I couldn't really enjoy the first part of the movie. I would go see it again but movies here are retarded expensive and I'm certainly not paying to see the same one twice. My bank account is painfully low and that is also making me quite uncomfortable.
Speaking of uncomfortable. I have to talk about this RIDICULOUS show I got suckered (read: there was nothing else on and I actually kind of was interested to see what happened) into watching. I don't want this blog showing up on google as a search so I'll just say it's on ABC fam and the words secret and teenager are in the title. Ok, so here is my problem. Last season a girl got pregnant and now she has a kid and she's with the baby daddy and her fam helps her out by taking care of the kid. Also, the kid is rarely around and she's all well adjusted and in love and goes to school and la la la, everything is fine. My problem: WHAT kind of message is this sending to teenagers?? I mean, they have PSAs like, yadda yadda, talk about sex, prevent teen pregnancy but then they have the characters on the show living these great lives and all is well and having kids as a teenager doesn't seem that hard! AND-if you have a kid with a guy, he might actually turn out to be a great dad and he's super sensitive (and hot) and will fall in love with you. Doesn't sound so bad, right? Oh, and the other girl that got pregnant, she and her baby daddy got MARRIED and then got a condo..woooo! And then, the baby died. Which is terrible. I have an opinion and I would go straight to hell for even writing it, so I won't. However, I will say that everyone's reaction on the show was painful, and hilarious, to watch. I was laughing but also kind of crying because they were playing a sad song and sad music + montage of people crying is kind of depressing to watch. Also, I am once again asking myself, was this what high school was really supposed to be like? Did I miss something? I don't really like this trend of shows portraying teenage pregnancy as being not that bad. I don't really think that's a good message to send. Am I the only one that feels like this?
Jeez. I'm so embarrassed that I even watched this mess of a show. And sorrier I am sharing it with yall, but I highly doubt I have anyone to discuss it with. I really hope no one I know watches this ridiculous nonsense. Stopping now.
Also, work is nuts, the weather is stupid here and I need more drinking in my life. Oh! And I got a raise. Did I say that already? Go me!
Dream big people!
Charlie: I'll eat whatever I want Dee.
Sometimes I forget about It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, then I watch it and I'm like, WHY AM I NOT WATCHING THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY?
But then I watch for a while and I remember why. Because they argue A LOT on that show and listening to/watching people argue makes me extremely uncomfortable and I can't really deal with it for too long. But, the show is pretty damn hilarious.
Also hilarious: Bridesmaids. So fantastic. However, at the beginning, there were some crazy bitches behind us and they were being really loud and disruptive. Then they started arguing with the people around them and that made me uncomfortable so I couldn't really enjoy the first part of the movie. I would go see it again but movies here are retarded expensive and I'm certainly not paying to see the same one twice. My bank account is painfully low and that is also making me quite uncomfortable.
Speaking of uncomfortable. I have to talk about this RIDICULOUS show I got suckered (read: there was nothing else on and I actually kind of was interested to see what happened) into watching. I don't want this blog showing up on google as a search so I'll just say it's on ABC fam and the words secret and teenager are in the title. Ok, so here is my problem. Last season a girl got pregnant and now she has a kid and she's with the baby daddy and her fam helps her out by taking care of the kid. Also, the kid is rarely around and she's all well adjusted and in love and goes to school and la la la, everything is fine. My problem: WHAT kind of message is this sending to teenagers?? I mean, they have PSAs like, yadda yadda, talk about sex, prevent teen pregnancy but then they have the characters on the show living these great lives and all is well and having kids as a teenager doesn't seem that hard! AND-if you have a kid with a guy, he might actually turn out to be a great dad and he's super sensitive (and hot) and will fall in love with you. Doesn't sound so bad, right? Oh, and the other girl that got pregnant, she and her baby daddy got MARRIED and then got a condo..woooo! And then, the baby died. Which is terrible. I have an opinion and I would go straight to hell for even writing it, so I won't. However, I will say that everyone's reaction on the show was painful, and hilarious, to watch. I was laughing but also kind of crying because they were playing a sad song and sad music + montage of people crying is kind of depressing to watch. Also, I am once again asking myself, was this what high school was really supposed to be like? Did I miss something? I don't really like this trend of shows portraying teenage pregnancy as being not that bad. I don't really think that's a good message to send. Am I the only one that feels like this?
Jeez. I'm so embarrassed that I even watched this mess of a show. And sorrier I am sharing it with yall, but I highly doubt I have anyone to discuss it with. I really hope no one I know watches this ridiculous nonsense. Stopping now.
Also, work is nuts, the weather is stupid here and I need more drinking in my life. Oh! And I got a raise. Did I say that already? Go me!
Dream big people!
04 June 2011
Pretty Things
Hi, friends! Just wanted to share this awesome website my Italian friend has. She makes and sells her own jewelry and if you want to be hip and cool and say you have Italian jewelry, you can find some here:
And you can buy it here:
And then you will be stylish and awesome, just like me, because I have some and that is exactly what I am. You're welcome.
Happy Friday to all!
Dream big people.
And you can buy it here:
And then you will be stylish and awesome, just like me, because I have some and that is exactly what I am. You're welcome.
Happy Friday to all!
Dream big people.
01 June 2011
A Day Late, A Dollar Short
Happy Memorial Day (see title, I started this yesterday)! I keep forgetting it's Monday and then I remember and I'm all, yayyy! Thank you, veterans!
Not the most exciting of three day weekends, but not bad either. Things got off to a shaky start at the Dodgers game Friday night, but improved after that. It was an exciting game, they won, woo hoo, but I had some inner emotional turmoil going on. Stupid stuff, as always...someone was there that seriously gets on my last nerve and I was having a tough time not throwing said person over the railing of the top deck. Especially since I was stuck sitting next to their drunk ass self the entire game. It was a serious struggle. Some more bullshit after the game, but whatever, it's all over and done now. In case I forgot: people suck and are incredibly selfish. Lesson learned. Oh yeah, and I was once again questioned about all kinds of ridiculous statistics from the Swiss. How many people are on the team? How big is the field? How far is it between the bases? How many pitchers are on each team? How fast does the pitcher throw it? OH MY GOD. Who knows and who cares? I've started just making things up. Each time has 4 pitchers. Did you know that? The weird thing is they are not really interested in the actual rules of the game..just numbers.
The game was not a total loss though, I had a rental car for the evening and the next day which meant lots of excessive driving, per usual. Cruised around the highways Friday night, blasting music which helped the anger subside. Then Saturday I drove to Wal-Mart! That made me happy but I seriously had nothing to actually buy there so I just kind of wandered around and took in the glory that is Wally World. Turns out, all Wal-Marts attract complete redneck people, no matter state you are in. And yes, California has red-necks. I also found a Dollar Tree, which I didn't think existed out here and bought myself some bombass shoes at Target. They're seriously awesome and I would wear them every day if they didn't give me blisters. Also, this is where the dollar short portion of the title comes in as I spent way too much money (shit adds up at the Dollar Tree) and my bank account is more than a couple dollars short. Clever, huh?
Anyway, the rest of the weekend was spent stuffing my face with food (my Jenny Craig lady is NOT going to be happy with me), sleeping and drinking. So I was happy. Sunday I went to this really fun pool party at a hotel and got hit on middle school style. The guy sent his friend over to tell me he thought I was pretty and wanted to talk to me. Which I thought was kind of cute until I realized it was because the guy was just super immature...not being cute. Oh well, got a free drink out of it. Today (Monday) was spent recovering. Not from drinking because I sobered up pretty quickly last night, but from Soup Plantation. SP is an amazing buffet that is both the best and worst restaurant you can go to. Best because it's super good, has this amazing thing called "Joan's Broccoli Madness" that is so fantastic, lots of other yummy options and is all you can eat. Worst because it's all you can eat, which for me is all you can't really eat but continue doing anyway because it's delicious and you can have as much as you want. So basically I walk away stuffed to the point of being sick and feeling somewhat angry I can't actually eat more because I feel like I paid for more. It's really quite ridiculous. I'm disgusted with myself but I can't stop. Portions are really the only sensible option for someone like me, with zero self control.
Update: my body must be confused because I actually last a pound this week. I for real ate my weight in pizza and curly fries on Saturday night and my exercise was walking to the bus stop and napping. But, good news..that brings the total weight loss to 15! Yay! Focusing on that, rather than what is left to lose.
My body is also being uncooperative because I've had allergies for the last 2 weeks it seems like and I'm so tired all the time and I would like to be over it, thanks. It's hard to be excited and motivated about things when all you want to do is sleep. But, I am excited about going HOME in just TWENTY FOUR days! I've decided to throw myself a party...hope you all can make it! I've been waiting until now to make an event on fb, but I'm doing it tomorrow because I feel like it's finally an appropriate time away. April was probably a little soon.
More to say, but so tired. Also, I realize my posts have been super boring and lame lately, and I'm really sorry. I'm going to try and think of more interesting things to talk about, I promise. Suggestions welcome.
Dream big people!
Not the most exciting of three day weekends, but not bad either. Things got off to a shaky start at the Dodgers game Friday night, but improved after that. It was an exciting game, they won, woo hoo, but I had some inner emotional turmoil going on. Stupid stuff, as always...someone was there that seriously gets on my last nerve and I was having a tough time not throwing said person over the railing of the top deck. Especially since I was stuck sitting next to their drunk ass self the entire game. It was a serious struggle. Some more bullshit after the game, but whatever, it's all over and done now. In case I forgot: people suck and are incredibly selfish. Lesson learned. Oh yeah, and I was once again questioned about all kinds of ridiculous statistics from the Swiss. How many people are on the team? How big is the field? How far is it between the bases? How many pitchers are on each team? How fast does the pitcher throw it? OH MY GOD. Who knows and who cares? I've started just making things up. Each time has 4 pitchers. Did you know that? The weird thing is they are not really interested in the actual rules of the game..just numbers.
The game was not a total loss though, I had a rental car for the evening and the next day which meant lots of excessive driving, per usual. Cruised around the highways Friday night, blasting music which helped the anger subside. Then Saturday I drove to Wal-Mart! That made me happy but I seriously had nothing to actually buy there so I just kind of wandered around and took in the glory that is Wally World. Turns out, all Wal-Marts attract complete redneck people, no matter state you are in. And yes, California has red-necks. I also found a Dollar Tree, which I didn't think existed out here and bought myself some bombass shoes at Target. They're seriously awesome and I would wear them every day if they didn't give me blisters. Also, this is where the dollar short portion of the title comes in as I spent way too much money (shit adds up at the Dollar Tree) and my bank account is more than a couple dollars short. Clever, huh?
Anyway, the rest of the weekend was spent stuffing my face with food (my Jenny Craig lady is NOT going to be happy with me), sleeping and drinking. So I was happy. Sunday I went to this really fun pool party at a hotel and got hit on middle school style. The guy sent his friend over to tell me he thought I was pretty and wanted to talk to me. Which I thought was kind of cute until I realized it was because the guy was just super immature...not being cute. Oh well, got a free drink out of it. Today (Monday) was spent recovering. Not from drinking because I sobered up pretty quickly last night, but from Soup Plantation. SP is an amazing buffet that is both the best and worst restaurant you can go to. Best because it's super good, has this amazing thing called "Joan's Broccoli Madness" that is so fantastic, lots of other yummy options and is all you can eat. Worst because it's all you can eat, which for me is all you can't really eat but continue doing anyway because it's delicious and you can have as much as you want. So basically I walk away stuffed to the point of being sick and feeling somewhat angry I can't actually eat more because I feel like I paid for more. It's really quite ridiculous. I'm disgusted with myself but I can't stop. Portions are really the only sensible option for someone like me, with zero self control.
Update: my body must be confused because I actually last a pound this week. I for real ate my weight in pizza and curly fries on Saturday night and my exercise was walking to the bus stop and napping. But, good news..that brings the total weight loss to 15! Yay! Focusing on that, rather than what is left to lose.
My body is also being uncooperative because I've had allergies for the last 2 weeks it seems like and I'm so tired all the time and I would like to be over it, thanks. It's hard to be excited and motivated about things when all you want to do is sleep. But, I am excited about going HOME in just TWENTY FOUR days! I've decided to throw myself a party...hope you all can make it! I've been waiting until now to make an event on fb, but I'm doing it tomorrow because I feel like it's finally an appropriate time away. April was probably a little soon.
More to say, but so tired. Also, I realize my posts have been super boring and lame lately, and I'm really sorry. I'm going to try and think of more interesting things to talk about, I promise. Suggestions welcome.
Dream big people!
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