After a lovely little 2 mile hike and 45 minute bus ride down Sunset Boulevard today, I got to thinking. I waste A LOT of my life in LA commuting, waiting around on my commute, or walking to my commute. Walking to my commute (bus) is beneficial, but holy crap, I waste so much time doing nothing. I guess a lot of people do, even if they're driving but that's only if there's traffic. Which is a lot of the time, but anyway, I really should learn a language while sitting on the bus or something. Seriously. It's slightly ridiculous.
For instance. I live 3 miles from work and it takes me 30 minutes total to get there. I leave my house at 7:30, walk to the bus stop, ride the bus and get off the bus and to school at around 8:00. THREE miles, thirty minutes! Ridiculousness. I can walk all the way there in like, 45-55. Obviously, I am totally not doing that in the morning, as I would be sweaty and would have to wake up even earlier, but I'm just saying.
Today I agreed to meet a friend in Hollywood for drinks. Immediately regretted that decision, but forged ahead. It's about 10 miles from work to the restaurant. I left work at 4:30 and rolled up at the restaurant at 7 fucking o'clock. Partly my fault for poor planning, but really. REALLY? Yes, really. That happened. Here's what is really silly. With no traffic, it would take 21 minutes by car. On the bus, it takes 54 minutes, which is just a testament to how horrible the LA transit system is. Best part, with traffic, the suggested time is also 50 minutes, which is a total lie. Ooooh, LA traffic. Not having a car suuuckkks, but NOT having to commute to work in that shit is pretty awesome. Even though I do get kind of bitter when I see commercials that say things like, "your car is practically part of your family." Thanks, commercial! Not only do I NOT have a car that is like my family, I also don't have any actual family that lives within 1000 miles of me. Needed that reminder. Bah.
Other realizations: pretty much all the music on the radio is awful. I recently bought a little radio and started listening at night. Not sure why. It's terrible.
Um, I had other things but I forgot them. I've been trying really hard to be positive at work but it's been kind of difficult since my stupid body refuses to go to sleep at a decent hour. Hoping to fix that tonight. Also hoping I can start going in at like, 9 or 10 am next week. Would be SO awesome. Oh, another realization...I am so angry at work because I'm just bitter. So bitter. And I'm bitter because my coworker whines about the stupid shit she has to deal with and I just want to yell: YOU REALIZE I WAS DEALING WITH ALL THAT SHIT PLUS ALL MY SHIT TIMES 100 LAST YEAR? DO YOU REALIZE THIS??? Which is true and all, but I need to get over that. It's a new summer and it's not her fault everything sucked last summer and I should let it go. Who knows how to let things go and can teach me how? I have problems with that. For real. How does letting go work? Should I write it on a piece of paper and throw in the Pacific or what? Do a letting go dance? Stand in the rain with my arms outstretched while the rain washes away my bitterness? Meditate? Tie it to a balloon and watch it float off in the sky? That doesn't seem environmentally friendly. Help please.
If anything, looking forward to this weekend. Going to a wedding in Santa Barbara and I am PUMPED. The I'm going HOME and then to ANOTHER wedding. I just can't even stand it. I might explode. If you are anywhere close to Charleston, Columbia, or Charlotte between June 24-July 4, please come see me! I would love it.
Dream big people!
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i get to be home this summer some too - so wonderful. hope you enjoy your time in good ol' SC. still as hot as ever :]