Sweet Dee: Don't eat things out of the trash Charlie.
Charlie: I'll eat whatever I want Dee.
Sometimes I forget about It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, then I watch it and I'm like, WHY AM I NOT WATCHING THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY?
But then I watch for a while and I remember why. Because they argue A LOT on that show and listening to/watching people argue makes me extremely uncomfortable and I can't really deal with it for too long. But, the show is pretty damn hilarious.
Also hilarious: Bridesmaids. So fantastic. However, at the beginning, there were some crazy bitches behind us and they were being really loud and disruptive. Then they started arguing with the people around them and that made me uncomfortable so I couldn't really enjoy the first part of the movie. I would go see it again but movies here are retarded expensive and I'm certainly not paying to see the same one twice. My bank account is painfully low and that is also making me quite uncomfortable.
Speaking of uncomfortable. I have to talk about this RIDICULOUS show I got suckered (read: there was nothing else on and I actually kind of was interested to see what happened) into watching. I don't want this blog showing up on google as a search so I'll just say it's on ABC fam and the words secret and teenager are in the title. Ok, so here is my problem. Last season a girl got pregnant and now she has a kid and she's with the baby daddy and her fam helps her out by taking care of the kid. Also, the kid is rarely around and she's all well adjusted and in love and goes to school and la la la, everything is fine. My problem: WHAT kind of message is this sending to teenagers?? I mean, they have PSAs like, yadda yadda, talk about sex, prevent teen pregnancy but then they have the characters on the show living these great lives and all is well and having kids as a teenager doesn't seem that hard! AND-if you have a kid with a guy, he might actually turn out to be a great dad and he's super sensitive (and hot) and will fall in love with you. Doesn't sound so bad, right? Oh, and the other girl that got pregnant, she and her baby daddy got MARRIED and then got a condo..woooo! And then, the baby died. Which is terrible. I have an opinion and I would go straight to hell for even writing it, so I won't. However, I will say that everyone's reaction on the show was painful, and hilarious, to watch. I was laughing but also kind of crying because they were playing a sad song and sad music + montage of people crying is kind of depressing to watch. Also, I am once again asking myself, was this what high school was really supposed to be like? Did I miss something? I don't really like this trend of shows portraying teenage pregnancy as being not that bad. I don't really think that's a good message to send. Am I the only one that feels like this?
Jeez. I'm so embarrassed that I even watched this mess of a show. And sorrier I am sharing it with yall, but I highly doubt I have anyone to discuss it with. I really hope no one I know watches this ridiculous nonsense. Stopping now.
Also, work is nuts, the weather is stupid here and I need more drinking in my life. Oh! And I got a raise. Did I say that already? Go me!
Dream big people!
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