Happy Memorial Day (see title, I started this yesterday)! I keep forgetting it's Monday and then I remember and I'm all, yayyy! Thank you, veterans!
Not the most exciting of three day weekends, but not bad either. Things got off to a shaky start at the Dodgers game Friday night, but improved after that. It was an exciting game, they won, woo hoo, but I had some inner emotional turmoil going on. Stupid stuff, as always...someone was there that seriously gets on my last nerve and I was having a tough time not throwing said person over the railing of the top deck. Especially since I was stuck sitting next to their drunk ass self the entire game. It was a serious struggle. Some more bullshit after the game, but whatever, it's all over and done now. In case I forgot: people suck and are incredibly selfish. Lesson learned. Oh yeah, and I was once again questioned about all kinds of ridiculous statistics from the Swiss. How many people are on the team? How big is the field? How far is it between the bases? How many pitchers are on each team? How fast does the pitcher throw it? OH MY GOD. Who knows and who cares? I've started just making things up. Each time has 4 pitchers. Did you know that? The weird thing is they are not really interested in the actual rules of the game..just numbers.
The game was not a total loss though, I had a rental car for the evening and the next day which meant lots of excessive driving, per usual. Cruised around the highways Friday night, blasting music which helped the anger subside. Then Saturday I drove to Wal-Mart! That made me happy but I seriously had nothing to actually buy there so I just kind of wandered around and took in the glory that is Wally World. Turns out, all Wal-Marts attract complete redneck people, no matter state you are in. And yes, California has red-necks. I also found a Dollar Tree, which I didn't think existed out here and bought myself some bombass shoes at Target. They're seriously awesome and I would wear them every day if they didn't give me blisters. Also, this is where the dollar short portion of the title comes in as I spent way too much money (shit adds up at the Dollar Tree) and my bank account is more than a couple dollars short. Clever, huh?
Anyway, the rest of the weekend was spent stuffing my face with food (my Jenny Craig lady is NOT going to be happy with me), sleeping and drinking. So I was happy. Sunday I went to this really fun pool party at a hotel and got hit on middle school style. The guy sent his friend over to tell me he thought I was pretty and wanted to talk to me. Which I thought was kind of cute until I realized it was because the guy was just super immature...not being cute. Oh well, got a free drink out of it. Today (Monday) was spent recovering. Not from drinking because I sobered up pretty quickly last night, but from Soup Plantation. SP is an amazing buffet that is both the best and worst restaurant you can go to. Best because it's super good, has this amazing thing called "Joan's Broccoli Madness" that is so fantastic, lots of other yummy options and is all you can eat. Worst because it's all you can eat, which for me is all you can't really eat but continue doing anyway because it's delicious and you can have as much as you want. So basically I walk away stuffed to the point of being sick and feeling somewhat angry I can't actually eat more because I feel like I paid for more. It's really quite ridiculous. I'm disgusted with myself but I can't stop. Portions are really the only sensible option for someone like me, with zero self control.
Update: my body must be confused because I actually last a pound this week. I for real ate my weight in pizza and curly fries on Saturday night and my exercise was walking to the bus stop and napping. But, good news..that brings the total weight loss to 15! Yay! Focusing on that, rather than what is left to lose.
My body is also being uncooperative because I've had allergies for the last 2 weeks it seems like and I'm so tired all the time and I would like to be over it, thanks. It's hard to be excited and motivated about things when all you want to do is sleep. But, I am excited about going HOME in just TWENTY FOUR days! I've decided to throw myself a party...hope you all can make it! I've been waiting until now to make an event on fb, but I'm doing it tomorrow because I feel like it's finally an appropriate time away. April was probably a little soon.
More to say, but so tired. Also, I realize my posts have been super boring and lame lately, and I'm really sorry. I'm going to try and think of more interesting things to talk about, I promise. Suggestions welcome.
Dream big people!
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