It's a real song by Joe Purdy. It's a good one. It fits because I left beautiful SC weather last week to spend the weekend in rainy, cold New Jersey and now I'm back in Charleston and guess what-it's raining! Boooo. I don't mind rain, but I want some beach weather before I leave!
So I am back from my New Jersey/New York adventure extravaganza. And it was definitely low on the adventure extravaganza side of things. Kind of a disappointment, I am not going to lie. Part of it was my fault, part of it was my sister's fault, and it was partly the fault of the crappy weather and the side effects of antibiotics. However, good times were had and it was super great to see my AIFS buddies. It was seriously like nothing had changed in three years (holy crap, it's been three years) and instead of hanging out in Rome, we were just hanging out in New York. And I will say that the weather in NJ was terrible, but our day in the city was really quite lovely. And oh my gosh, I LOVE New York! Seriously, I have the shirt to prove it. I think it is just so fun and exciting and I might consider moving there one day. I would want someone to go with me though...any takers? I just love how alive it is ALL the time! If I want sushi at three in the morning, dammit, I can have it! Not so in Charleston. Not that Charleston doesn't have it's perks. I really enjoy being able to drive myself around. And the beach. Have I mentioned before that I love the beach? Because I do. It's fabulous. But I think NYC would just be so super fun to live in for a while. We'll see where life takes me after my great European summer adventure. Should be interesting. And in general, I love traveling. Going different places is so fun. Also, I love the subway. I know it's weird, but I am all about underground transit. It's so exciting! And so fast! And convienent! Other than creepers, there is no end to the fun!
Oh yeah, and two years ago today exactly, I graduated from college. WHOA. Crazy. Two years. Time flies when things are sucking. It also flies when you're having fun, so the moral is: time flies. Period. Might as well have fun because it's going to be flying either way. I know, so profound, right?
Anyways, so now I'm back at my moms, roommates with Stormy again. Oh life. It is so strange sometimes. I am really overwhelmed with the task of unpacking and repacking my entire life. But, I am also super super SUPER excited about Italy and Greece, so I'll use that energy to motivate myself. Also, other super fun things are happening the next couple of weeks, so I have lots to look forward to.
So that's that. I can't wait for this blog to get interesting again with European adventures. America is so lame. Except when you're with friends. Then things are ok :)
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