"Perfect" by Doria Roberts. SUCH a good song.
And SUCH a good weekend. One of the best. Let me recap. Pictures will be involved.
First off, I saw Star Trek. I am not a trekkie, nor have I ever been a trekkie or ever desire to be one. But the new movie was really, really good. Having no prior knowledge of the show or other movies turned out to be ok and I was only lost for a few tiny parts. But it was a pleasant surprise and I am intrigued as to why I think Spock is hot with his creepy ears and eyebrows. Captain Kirk is hot too, in a less disturbing way.
So that was Friday. Then, on Saturday my fabulous college friends came to see me off. My two roommates, Jeannie and Katrina came, as well as a good friend, Kelly. We had a dinner party with other cool PC people and a good time was had by all. It was especially awesome because my mom and stepdad were out of town, so we got to throw a party while the rents were gone, high school style! Only...my mom knew about it, we were all actually of legal drinking age and nothing especially crazy went on. But whatever, it was still throw back. And awesome. The best part was definitely the surprise McFly concert we discovered at Wild Wings in Mt Pleasant. McFly is an 80s cover band and they are AMAZING. None of us had any idea they were playing, but luckily we randomly decided to go to Wild Wings and there they were! It totally made my life. 80s music is the BEST. There were some total creepers there though...they made it kind of entertaining..but also kind of scary. One got a little too close. Anyways, here we are, having fun.

Aren't my friends hot?
Sunday was rainy and low key, but that night was nicer. And, my Curves buddies took me out to dinner! It was really fun and the food was REALLY good. I forgot how much I love Mexican food. Oh, and they were all super sweet and gave me a card and these really pretty bracelets! So thoughtful and nice. I am going to miss working out with them! We also had a little photo shoot....

Then it was Memorial Day and I'm probably the only person in Charleston that was not at the beach or a pool. It was an annoying day, no need for details because the night was fun. Crab legs (my fave!) as a going away dinner at my dads and then beer pong with the super fun, ridiculous boys I used to live down the street from. There was a minor causality when my brother decided to shoulder me in the face when we were both going for the ball. Other than a purple lip, I am recovering nicely.
I have so much more to discuss, but damn, I'm tired! I can't believe I am leaving in FOUR days. CRAZY! And I still haven't packed. I should probably get on that.
hmm... glad i made such an impression on memorial day. homegirl can't even get a shout out.