Oh Frank...I love you. And this post is random and so is my life, so hence the title. Life has been good lately and I wanted to let everyone share the goodness with me.
Actually, not everything has been good. For instance, this ridiculous sinus infection I managed to pick up sometime post-strep throat. But whatever, I think the worst is over.
BUT-for some good news: Cody (my step-brother) graduated from the Citadel this weekend! YAY! Good for him! I didn't get to go to the actual ceremony, but I went to the final parade the day before and they have what's called the long gray line...and that's pretty much what it is. A long ass line of all the senior cadets. And they're all wearing gray. I know, creative name, right? But, it was pretty cool looking. They all stand in a line and then hold hands (so precious!) and walk towards the stands. Then they turn around and wave to the underclassmen cadets. Which is just really funny because you know they are thinking, hahahaha! Hey you losers that still have to stay in this hellhole for a few more years. We're leaving..bye bitches! That's just speculation though, I don't know what they're really thinking.
Anyways, his graduation, of course, made me think about my graduation. Which, of course, makes me bitter. So we are not going to dwell on it. Instead, we are going to look at these lovely pictures that showcases me, my super cute dress, and Cody's huge ass Citadel ring. Yes, I know, it really is a lovely sight.

The really good news of the week is that my Improv show was last night! And it was super fun! And funny! Well, I thought it was funny...I don't know how funny I actually was to those watching, but I got some laughs so I am going to count it is a success. And, as you know, I just love being on stage and being the center of attention. Well, I wasn't ever really the center of attention, since we're with someone else on stage...but it was close enough.
Oh yeah, funny story...I had to buy one pair of underwear yesterday at Target. It was awkward. I went to the beach and forgot to bring a pair to change into afterwards. And now, since I'm back out in the boonies of Mt. P with my mom, it was too far to run home and get some. So I just bought a single pair at Target. The lady was like, um, is this all? Yes, cashier lady, that is all. Thank you.
Also, I love Curves. Have I talked about that? Because I totally do. Everyone there is super awesome and nice.
And for the opposite of super awesome and nice, the bitchiest of all bitches came into work today. I don't really know what set it off, but she was NOT happy with me. And she let me know by telling me if she wasn't a christian, she would punch me in the face. So then I told her I wasn't doing her test and walked off. And instead of just leaving, she continued to pee, then threatened the other guy that worked and then THREW HER PEE ON THE FLOOR. Seriously. Threw it on the floor. So that was awesome. But it was so ridiculous it was funny. Who does that? Crazy bitches, that's who.
OH YEAH! Who's Bad was AWESOME. I found some friends and got to go and they rocked my face off! They are playing again in Charleston the 29th. Sadly, I am leaving at 6:00 am on the 30th, so I will not be able to go. :( But, I am really glad I got to see them at all and experience their amazingness.
That's all for now. That's my life. Each time I find myself, flat on my face...I pick myself up and get back in the race! :)
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