And I thought it looked like one of the Mr. Men characters. Only, I didn't know what they were called and no one knew what I was talking about. But whatever, I knew and that's all that matters! That, and that this was a freaking watermelon KEG that dispensed a really strong mixed drink known as jacky juice. It was quite delicious.

Anyways, the party was super fun! There were lots of jello shots in syringes, which made them super fun and easy to take. Which meant I took upwards of 10. At least.

There was also cake!

And my brother came.

And other fun people.

And there were all kinds of shenanigans.

Overall, a a great time. And it followed a great day of Habitat for Humanity, which made me very tired, but I persevered, no worries. I love doing Habitat! It makes me feel so productive. And sore. I pretty much hammered all day long and my arm was killing me a few hours afterwards. Nothing a little ibuprofen couldn't fix though. I went with Allison, and she has video of me hammering, in case you don't believe how hard I worked. However, she managed to get my most pathetic hammering of the day captured...I look pretty sad. It does, however, showcase my amazing ambidextrous hammering skills. Which is interesting, because I am not ambidextrous in any other capacity.
So anyways, it was a really good weekend. Now I will spend the rest of the week packing, freaking out, cleaning, shopping, and trying to get my iPod in order. iTunes is SUCH a pain in the ass, btw. But to end on a good note, here is another picture from the party...one of my faves! (Other people have more fun pictures).

glad to hear you had such a great weekend! I thought of you in class today b/c (i think you hate when people do this, but you say gay and I don't like that either :)) someone was talking about the joy of ambiguity and how admirable it is to take time to think about life and what you want out of it b/c most people are afraid of ambiguity. so...yay jackie!