Back! By popular (re: one person) demand, GLLEEEE LLIIVVVEEEE BLOOOGGGINNNGGG.
Let's get it started in here.
Oh wait. Still on commercials. So let me take this time to say THANK YOU to the awesome people in my life. I don't know how people feel about being on the world wide web, but if you bought me cupcakes, sent me my favorite candy, wrote an amazing letter to Ellen for me, sent me a Valentine or are reading this blog, I LOVE YOU. I know I can be grouchy, but I am a very lucky girl. I have fantastic friends and have felt very loved this lovely Valentine's week.
It's time!
I like the re-caps.
Oh my goodness! Actual class! It does exist.
Um, why would Emma grab Will for this? Highly unlikely. And why would they even care? They wouldn't.
The Sue story last episode was a little ridiculous. Here it continues. I like her track suit mannequin.
Color Me Mine...I wanna go on a date like that! "I don't think I have anything else to do." Bitch! Sam, I most definitely don't have anything else to do, so let's get to painting! (This kid is my age in real life, right?)
The Heimlich would get out a gumball, not sucking it out. That story is wack.
Oh, honey, no. You are nowhere near as good. But good try with the hair. And the purple.
Brittany. What is wrong with your parents?
Seriously. Sue is getting way unbelievable. Can Figgins still not fire her because of blackmail thing? She needs to be stopped. Ok, and now Will is unbelievable. And now the counselor woman is. Emma, is it? What is going on with those gloves? They are soooo last CENTURY.
What did Santana say?
Are teachers even allowed to join student clubs? Couldn't she just watch and enjoy the music?
A theme!?! I love themes! Oh. This theme sucks. I was thinking more along the lines of 'Under the Sea.'
QUINN SUCKS! I would LOVE it if my high school boyfriend started a one man Biebs band.
(When I was in high school...not now. That's creepy. OH WAIT-I didn't have a high school boyfriend. SHUT UP QUINN)
Hmmm....I definitely like the dance version better.
Oh snap, here we go. "Girl, quit playing." Best line in music ever. The dancing is sub par. But it's a good try.
Sadness. No one did.
[Um, that commercial with the kiss and the car and the facebook update is sooo lame. First, the guy is not cute. Second, that whole idea is super weird and surely distracting. Third, I'm pretty sure no guy would think an instantaneous fb update was cute. It wasn't even a good kiss! Ok, done. Sorry]
The power of THE BIEBS.
What? Asian girl? Angry birds over abs? These girls ARE LAME. They don't know what they're missing. Man, being single makes me bitter sometimes.
FINN, OH NO YOU DIDN'T. Sorry, Finn, you fail.
hahah, Rachel. You are so sad. Kids R Us.
DUH, Sue is out to sabotage. How did those two goobers not catch on? Nobody's smart but me!
Name-dropping Wilson Philips, nice.
Does Mercedes have weave?
Oh, big surprise, Sue is turning everyone against each other. WHY IS ANYONE BELIEVING HER? PEOPLE, SUE is the one telling you this stuff. Fools!
[I really don't like the Kraft girl. Shut up whiny pants, there are starving kids in Africa! Also, that child does not know good mac and cheese until she has been in GDH on a Sunday morning. Shut it pigtails.]
Truth. I cannot express the love I have for Artie. It never ends. So happy he can walk in real life.
I wish they would do One Time. It's the original and the best. I do like this chalk dust dance though. Or cocaine. I don't know what this white powder is supposed to be.
I'm guessing this was more powerful in person. Because it's not turning me on like it is for the ladies. Something tells me I'm not on the same page as them for a lot of stuff though.
BURN, Finn!
Where did Pucks hair come from? Are we not ever going to find out? Mean.
Santana to the rescue! Sorry, but I'm over Quinn. She sucks even if she is super pretty.
[OMG-'No Strings Attached' is STILL running ads. Get out of my life NSA!]
The horrible Quinn boots are back!
Um, sorry, but big girl would not be wrestling those lightweights. It's not allowed. I know my wrestling.
I'm not really sure I am buying Puck's infatuation with Lauren. For many reasons. Whatev.
Finn better not win back blond loser by straight up copying Sam.
They do know this song is about being in a lesbian relationship, right? I'm not sure they do. Doesn't really fit with the "diva-off" theme...but it's still an awesome song and they are doing a good job.
Can you clap to this song?
Is Quinn wearing a push down sock on her hand?
Aw, yay, they made up. Surely they'll be onto Sue now.
Nope. All these people are stupid as shit.
[Jeez, I just ate a whooollleee bunch of sugar and it's kind of making my head hurt. Valentine's candy is awesome, but I need to spread it out a little. I need some vegetables]
[Beastly? Weirdness. Metro PCS commercials, also weird.]
Let's sing with some kids! Most cliche thing ever. How come he doesn't make the club do this?
Oh, and he brought a tiny guitar. Of course.
Aw, cute kids. They were just on a commercial too! Apparently they are on the 11:00 news.
THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE?!?!? SHUT UP! God, I LOOOVEEEE THIS SONG. Seriously, in my top three favorite camp songs of all time. SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. No one does it better than Raffi (umm, I have it on my iPod, that is how much I love it), but this is a pretty sweet cover.
Aw, look at them bonding. All lies.
Everyone hates Rachel. It's sad. She's lame, but it's kind of pathetic. Girls are HARSH! Jeez. Was I this mean or lame in high school?
Ohhhh no, what is this dress? Lauren. LAUREN. Eesh.
Why wasn't Artie naked? I'm outraged!
I'm not sure how I feel about this song.
Hahahahaha, he shot Martin Luther King. No, he did not.
Aw, he's a dork. It's cute. I wish people knew how cute they were and weren't so concerned about being popular all the time.
Also, where is Curt? Kurt? I forget. But I need to see him and his ridiculousness.
The house of sad. Oh man, she's a new woman! What a surprise.
God, this show is so ridiculous. Why am I watching it? Oh yeah, THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE!
Ok, it's getting better. Am I supposed to know this song? It's a good anthem though. Better than the last one for sure.
YES! Quinn is getting dumped. I'm mean. But I'm glad. That is what you get for being a buttface. THAT'S RIGHT, I SAID BUTTFACE.
Oh, My Chemical Romance. I feel so uncool right now. Downloading it immediately.
Isn't the whole concept of Glee club covering other songs? As in, real Glee club, not this show. I could be wrong. I think bands are for original music.
Shuester, you are so dumb. Can't believe you fell for her comeback facade.
Rachel can write music now? Finn, you're a tease and it's mean. Rachel, you're desperate and it's sad. It's me, with talent. Jeeez.
Yay, next week, Glee with BOOZE! I seriously think that is the best idea Glee has EVER had. Can't wait! See you guys next week!