17 January 2016

2016...Same As It Ever Was

Only not really. The total opposite, actually.

Ummm, whaatt? Well how did I get here?

No idea. And it's so far gone I can't even begin to explain. I started to explain in another post, but there were so many twists and turns, it would probably be more like a novel by now. Maybe I'll write one of those one day.

Oh, Happy New Year! I celebrated with PSY. Hope your start to the year was awesome as well.

Anyway, since I'm so far gone and I don't feel like catching everyone up, I'll just pretend I've been posting all along and write about current things. Which has been my home make-over! And by make-over, I mean we moved here in January with literally nothing and now I have a lovely, cozy, super cute little house with SY. It's seriously so precious, everyone come visit me now and see it for yourself. And it has been hard work. Trying to decorate in this country has been difficult. Korea, obviously, has different (and somewhat singular tastes) when it comes to home decor, from what I've seen. I won't get into all that, but let's just say without a Ross, TJs or Target to visit, getting my place looking cute on a budget has been a challenge. But I'm awesome and slightly crazy, in an impatient and driven kind of way, so I have risen to the challenge.

In some ways, I'm motivated and determined, and in other ways I'm the laziest goober ever. Or maybe not lazy, but suuuper impatient? For example, I made hummus today, along with preparing all my lunches for the week. But, I was so lazy/impatient that I didn't drain the water from the can of chick peas even though I knew I should. I literally was just like, no, I want to start blending these bad boys RIGHT THIS SECOND. So I did and now my hummus is crazy watery. Stupid.

I'm going to pretend for a second this is a DIY blog and share with yall how I made some new awesome wall treatments. I am seriously so proud of these and they cost around 5,000 won ($4.50) to make. and this is the laziest of all laziest DIYs, if you are ever looking for a way to jazz up some walls. Oh, and the laziness extends to photo taking, so these pictures kind of suck and are also the only project I had the patience to take step-by-step photos for.

Here we got!

I got these pillow cases on clearance from H&M:

I loved them so much and wanted them in my house somehow. I really wanted some gold AND they are a nice, subtle nod to South Carolina. I didn't really want them as pillows because we already had enough of those, but I knew I could figure out something. 

I ripped out all the stitches with scissors and and a razor blade...

...and now had two sets of fabric. (You could also do this with any old piece of fabric, but fabric shopping in Korea is NOT an easy task, with or with Korean skills)

I original plan was to cover two pieces of canvas, but after going to the art store and seeing how expensive it was, I decided to buy this thick piece of foam board instead: 

Forgot to take a pic of the original board, those are them cut to the size of the fabric. Well, about 1/2 inch smaller on all sides. Sawed through it with my tiny razor blade and used a box for a ruler, but it could probably be done faster and more efficiently with a legit box cutter and ruler. 

Didn't take any pictures of the process, because it's hard to hold fabric, staple and take pictures with only two hands, but here is the back after I stapled the fabric on. This was the ultimate in lazy. I literally just used my regular, dollar store stapler. I feel like a staple gun and/or glue would have been smarter but I didn't have the patience for that nonsense. You kind of have to finagle the corners, but it's kind like wrapping a present. Sometimes the staples wouldn't take because it's foam, but when I slammed on it, it seemed to work better. Sorry if that's not helpful, but if you can't figure out how to wrap corners and staple, you should probably just give up on DIY and go buy art for your walls. 

And here are the final results: 

Ta-da! So freaking proud of myself. Crazy cheap and crazy cute. 

BONUS plus to these lazy ass pieces of art...

...they are so light, you can just hang them up with a teeny tiny stick-on hook! Easy freakin peasy. 

And, they look pretty fab in our room, not going to lie...

This picture sucks, but just come see them for yourself, ok? 

Yes, yes, thank you, I am the cheap decoration master. They should make a TV show about me. Mainly because I watched a Korean home make-over show the other day and it was THE WORST. I could do way better. Won't get into all that now, but 2 teams of men redesigning a woman's room is stupid and an excellent example of how sexist and ridiculous TV (and the rest of the world) is here. 

And I didn't do any more step-by-step projects, but have put together lots of other projects. Of course I'm too lazy to take proper pictures, but maybe one day I'll share. It took me 3 weeks to even write this post, so don't get your hopes up. 

Like I said, just come see it in person! Cheers to 2016!

Dream big, people!