28 October 2009

Wild Thing, I Don't Think I Love You

So tonight I saw "Where the Wild Things Are," and I was not a huge fan. The whole time I was pretty much like, please let this movie be over soon. And it may have been because I was in a hot car with 4 kids with runny noses and stinky feet. And one that would not sit still or stop talking. I really did try to get into it, because I love books, especially childrens books. However, I just wasn't feeling it. The whole thing was just boring and dark and kind of depressing.

It was pretty cool to go to a drive-in though. It was my first one and I would someday like to attend another, perhaps on a date and not with 4 young children. But we did take this super cute picture in the dream:

I know not everyone looks like they are having a good time, but trust me, a good time was had by all.

Also, I would like to mention that I am all about Jimmy Fallon these days. He is on way late and I usually can't stay up late enough to watch him. However, today I didn't get out of bed until 1:00 pm...I know, WHAT?! Lazy! But in my defense, I didn't go to sleep until 4:00 am (I was reading). And I don't have a job, so what else do I have to do? AND-I still managed to have a pretty productive day that included exercising, laundry, packing, job searching and a drive-in movie. So I don't feel totally useless. ANYWAYS-he is such a goober and his show is completely ridiculous, I love it. He plays all these crazy games, like having box-scooting races and is just really funny in general. And so cute. And married :(. Too bad for him.

Well that's it. Ellen still reigns supreme, but watch The Late Show with Jimmy Fallon if you too can stay up super late because you have no job or obligations to be up for the next day.

Night night :)

26 October 2009

At Last

I FINALLY figured out the song that has been stuck in my head for like, a year. I never knew who it was by or even the words, really. I just knew how one line kind of went and by some miracle, I actually managed to figure it out. It's "You Give Me Something" by James Morrison. And it was all thanks to the Sirius Radio in the Dream....where dreams really do come true. And as an added bonus, James Morrison has tons of other fabulous songs, so I downloaded some of those as well and my life has been better because of it. I went on a walk today and had to stop to do a little dance because I was so moved. I almost started running. But I was not that inspired. I don't know what it's going to take for that to start happening, but for now, I'm going to pretend my foot is still holding me back.

I digress. That is really the only exciting thing going on right now. I am going to start making my way back to SC in the next few weeks, so that is kind of exciting, I guess. And I started formulating a tentative life plan, but it's gotten mixed reviews so far, so I'm going to keep it to myself for right now. I just checked my bank account as well and it is suffering, which makes me very sad. So that needs to change. If anyone needs a part time worker, let me know because I am ready and willing.

In other news, I found an AMAZING Halloween costume. You'll have to wait to see pictures because describing it doesn't do it justice. Patience, my friends. I also found out tonight that Dutch people don't do Halloween. Sad, huh? I thought so too.

I also had a revelation. I figured out that I only know how to talk to/flirt with boys I have no romantic interest in. Which is how I've managed to get some very non-interesting, slightly douchey boys interested in me in the last few weeks. So I'm going to work on that and get back to you.

And lastly, I got a free salad from McDonalds today just by filling out a survey. So that was pretty sweet. Thanks McDonalds!

That's it. Going to my first drive-in movie tomorrow...with 5 young children (second cousins) so it should be fun. Or interesting at least.

Ciao people :)

20 October 2009

I do, I do, I do-ooooo

Wedding week!!!

Is over :( But it was so super fun! I'm just sad now because everyone left me and now I don't have anything to look forward to. But let's focus on the positive for now.

So JC got here last Monday and the party got started. Only not really because there is not much to do here as far as bars and clubs go, but it was still fun hanging out. Then Aus and Luke (the bride and groom) and Luke's brother came Tuesday and the Villa got really happening. The rest of the week was spent with me following around Austin, trying to be helpful and remain calm while she spazzed out over various situations. Wednesday and Thursday were mainly spent shopping and trying to tie up some loose ends. We had the bachelorette party on Thursday night and that was super fun. There were a really interesting mix of people there, including my grandmother and a blow up doll, Rico. And lots of booze. And a list of things for Austin to do that included doing the Macarena onstage by herself, wearing a bra over her eyes, collecting 10 pairs of underwear...with her teeth, and lots of other completely ridiculous and hilarious activities. And somehow she managed to do it all. It was really fun, but apparently Thursday night is not the big night to go out in Tampa, because there were very few people out with us. We were pretty much the only in the piano bar we went to and the club we went to was empty until a fraternity showed up with their dates and it turned into a frat party, which made me feel really old.

Friday was more partying, as well as Saturday at the rehearsal dinner. And Sunday was the BIG DAY! And sadly, it was really windy and really cold...no good for a beach wedding. Liz and I hung out with the bride all day, starting things off in the hot tub. Then we laid around for a while and around noon, we were like, oh, Aus is getting married...maybe we should shower or something. So we did and then some serious spazzing started. But, everything worked out and Aus looked absolutely beautfiul. Seriously. Gorgeous. We had the wedding on the beach and other than it being freezing (I was afraid my tears would freeze on my face), nothing went wrong. And then came the reception. And that shit was crazy. And soooo much fun. We ate and then just danced our asses off. Luke's family is Polish so they had this crazy Polish wedding dance where the bride dances in the middle and people pay to dance with her, as well as get a shot. And later, when we were counting the money, I found out it's tradition to tie the money up in knots or some other crazy crumply thing. That turned out to be somewhat annoying as money is kind of difficult to untie. Anyways, after everyone dances with the bride, the groom tries to bust through all the people dancing around her to get to her. It was really really fun and funny to watch.

However, the best part was definitely when they played Thriller and everyone had their own moves to show off. And Luke's dad, who the call the Hammer, did the monster and it was freaking hysterical. Especially since I think I had heard him speak maybe two times the entire week. It was super fabulous.

So then it was all over and I spent Monday trying to recover, spent Tuesday playing taxi and cab and today being sad because everyone is really gone.

But, I think I am going to do some traveling in the next two weeks and then head back to Charleston. After that I need to figure out what I'm doing, but I've got some ideas and things are looking up. I'll keep you posted.

Check out the wedding pics on facebook, they are awesome! Later dudes :)

16 October 2009

I'm Dumb

Soooo....the song I was trying to quote and look cool...it actually says, "look outside at the raincoats coming, say OH." So yeah, I'm a moron. Not that anyone cares, but I wanted to clarify in case anyone was actually concerned. I have no idea what the lyric means. Also, I think my lyrics make more sense. Maybe I'll take up songwriting since my real life isn't going anywhere.

12 October 2009

Look outside, the rainbow's gone

I'm grouchy, yet optimistic. Grouchy news first.

First off, I cannot understand how people spell my name wrong in emails. I mean, I try not to get too worked up because my name can be difficult, but seriously, it is RIGHT THERE. I sign the email with the correct spelling, my name is in the byline of the email and yet, people manage to spell it incorrectly in the salutation. What gives people?

There are also these commercials here for some lawyer you need to hire if you get in a car accident and here's my beef: the commercials are of people DRIVING. They are driving and looking at the camera and having a "conversation" with you, the viewer. What the hell?! Seems to me that would be the way you get in accidents in the first place...by being distracted and not doing what you are supposed to be doing while driving, which is watching the road. And one of them is this horrible woman and she does this laugh at the end and it is sooo annoying. These commercials run constantly and I just watched one, so there you go.

I HATE being bored and having no friends down here. And I am really mad in general at the few people I did meet here because they turned out to suck. Grrr.

And for the good news, my brother is flying down here TODAY! Hooray! My sister comes Thursday and the whooollleee family (moms side) will be here this weekend for my cousin's BIG WEDDING!! EXCITING! I am ready for some drinking, dancing and I do's. My dress has some mysterious stain on it, but I'm going to pretend I get it the day of the wedding so no one freaks out on me. Don't tell anyone.

So I have something to look forward to. Leaving the grouchiness behind. I'm going to try and keep it at bay next week when everyone leaves me. Oh and I finally got around to downloading new music my Dutch friend recommended and I really like the bands...The Whitest Boy Alive, Vampire Weekend, The Airborne Toxic Event and The Smiths. My Dutch friends also got my package this week and this is what I got in return:

Kind of hard to explain, but it totally made my life. And made me miss those goobers something awful.

04 October 2009

Alrighty Then

Well here we are again. Sitting at home on a Saturday night. Not having any friends within a 200 mile radius kind of blows. It kind of blows a lot. However, looking on the positive side, I once again get to watch SNL. I am so in love with Andy Samburg right now. He is so darn funny. And, as an added bonus, Ryan Reynolds is hosting and he is so fine. I got super excited because he wasn't wearing his wedding ring while he was doing the monologue and was like, oh hey, maybe he got a divorce and maybe we'll meet sometime and get married. But then his stupid wife made a cameo on the show, so I'm thinking they are probably still together. So that's too bad for me.

Anyways, now that I'm back to not really having a life, I am back to watching a lot of TV. Which I hate because I feel like watching TV makes me get dumber but that's life. With the TV comes lots of questions. Mainly about companies and their advertising tactics. Also celebrities and why people are interested in them. And other random things...

1. Why does the Nasonex bee have a Spanish accent and sound like Antonio Banderas?

2. Why is the lady in the phone commercial for some new touch phone so freaking creepy? I am never going to buy that phone mainly because I don't want to end up like her.

3. Who told Ryan Reynolds cardigans were a good idea?

4. WHY IS LADY GAGA SO FREAKING WEIRD? How does she get away with this shit? Ugh, I so wish I were famous and being weird was cool and trendy. Also, I think she's kind of ugly, but I can't really tell. Oh wait, she kind of redeemed herself at the end of the show.

5. Do events like the ones in the Smirnoff commercials really happen? If so, I want to go there.

I have more, but I keep forgetting to write them down.

In other news, I recently discovered the liquor cabinet at my grandmother's villa contains Southern Comfort, which I think is pretty funny.

And that's about it. Hoping something interesting will happen next week.