31 December 2011

Did you say lawn care?

This year is almost over...total insanity. I really can't believe it. But, I also haven't put a whole lost of thought into it. I mean, years go by, blah blah. It is strange to think about how much things have changed over the last year and how different things were this time last year.

But I'm not complaining. 2011 was a fantastic year and I'm pretty sure 2012 is going to be EVEN BETTER.

Damn straight.

Anyway, I don't really feel like expanding on my inner thoughts and feelings on that subject, so moving right along. I think I might give my baking career another go. I mean, I got a new pan for Christmas as well as a super cute baking-esque ornament so I might as well, right? We'll see how this adventure goes tonight and I'll get back to you. I might attempt bread again next week when I have some time. We'll see. So far, things smell pretty good so I think I'll be ok. Although I did get a good bit of the ingredients on my clean shirt. Boo.

I've also been extremely crafty this week and I am quite proud of what I made. There is really nothing I love more than painting random things. Nothing is safe. I've been eyeballing my moms wooden cooking equipment but I learned my lesson about that sort of thing in middle school, so I'm going to control myself for now.

I am currently watching 'Home Improvement' and damn, it is just so good. Totally underrated in my opinion. You know who else is underrated? JIMMY FALLON! He's freaking hilarious and I don't care who knows it. Watch this and tell me otherwise:

Love love love.
Anyway. Last day at the ham store tomorrow. It's been lovely, but I've had just about all I can take. Also, it's making me fat. Can't have that.
I know I used to be interesting and funny, so I apologize for the horrible posts as of late. I am always so damn tired! I don't know what the problem is. Probably the ham.
Dream big people!

26 December 2011

Merry Christmas to All,

And to all, a Good Night. :)

Had a great Christmas. It was missing someone, but everything was good. Got some good gifts, ate some fantastic food and the best part...it's not even over! Two Christmas dinners down, and I get another one tomorrow!

And finally, I get to watch Elf! Our DVD of it wouldn't work, bu now it's on TV so life is good.

I have been house/cat sitting for a woman the last few days and I have to say...cats are weird. Out of the five cats here, one has warmed up to me and I think we're best friends now. Although she has been a little aloof since I yelled at her for chewing on my computer cord. Sorry kitty, that is not food.

That's all that's interesting in my life. I have been super tired lately so if there was something better to write about, I can't summon the energy to piece together the words for sentences. I have to start exercising again...I think it will help things. Also, less bread. I went on a binge working at the ham store. No good.

The cats are being eerily quiet. I think it's time to check on them.

Dream big people!

19 December 2011

Massive Fail

I figured out the secret to baking. It's patience.  Therefore, my career as a baker has come to an end. Sad, but true. I think it was just beginners luck with the first bread because since then, I have ruined 8 loaves of bread. So, so sad. I just can't recreate the magic of those first two perfect loaves. Booooo. I am going to try to read up on some bread making tips and see what I can do. Until then, I'm going to wallow in self-pity. I mean, the whole reason I like to baking it is to bask in the glory of praise when I make it beautiful. Now it's all ugly and I feel like a total failure.

In some more baking news, I've found that cookie decorating is not quite as easy or as fun as I always think it's going to be. Again, with the patience problems. It's super aggravating to roll them out and cut, I can't ever seem to get them shaped properly,  I don't want to wait on them to cool, and the frosting doesn't ever do what I want it to. It's a big huge stupid mess and someone needs to remind me of that next time I get to thinking holiday baking is a good idea. I also wanted to attempt a caramel cake, but that has been put on hold until my baking confidence has come back up.

Other than my failures in the kitchen, things are going pretty well. I am enjoying my time at the ham store, my car is cruising right along and I freaking love the holidays. Watched 'Love Actually' tonight and my love for it has been renewed. I never stopped loving it, it has just been awhile. We hate Uncle Jaime!

Ok, nothing else interesting to report. I'm tired, later dudes.

Dream big people!

13 December 2011

Carrying Your Love With Me

That's the song I'm listening to at the moment. George Strait. I love me some old school country music. Also, I am all out of creative juices and can't think of clever titlyes any more. Especially since I don't have anything remotely clever to write about anymore.

Anyway, learned some things this weekend. 1. People are not really interested in taking shots at grown up Christmas parties. Which, really, is such a shame. I went to my first ugly Christmas sweater party and while it was a good time, my peppermint patty shots were largely ignored and I could only talk 2 people into taking one. Losers. 2. I am not as good with kids as I orginally thought. Rethincking my stint in Korea. 3. Converse do not keep your feet warm. I went to the Christmas parade and litereally could not feel my feet for a good hour. The parade was fantastic, with fireworks and all kinds of goodies, but that was a teensy bit miserable. But lesson learned. 4. More people dislike Jimmy Fallon than I thought. Too bad for them. I don't know why everyone has to hate but I am super stoked about him hosting Saturday Night Live this weekend. I do not care if he laughs the whole way through.

I'm sure there were other things but I don't remember them at this moment. I am currently getting ready to leave for my holiday stint at the ham store and am very impressed that I had the time to shower, eat and write this post all before even going to work! I RULE!

And now I have to sell the ham to the people. I love the holidays!

Dream big people!

06 December 2011

Hey Baby Jesus, you wanna do pilates?

I don't care what anyone says, I think SNL is funny these days. I also think Jimmy Fallon is hilarious and anyone that doesn't agree can shut up. I love at the end of SNL when everyone hugs...I want to be a part of that someday. That is the real reason I want to be famous, so I can host SNL. I don't think they generally let nonfamous goobers like myself host for no reason. Who knows, maybe things will change in the future.

Anyway, I don't really have anything to say other than YAY, IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!!! I had a very fantastically Christmasy weekend. Went to a bonfire, decorated the house, went to a Christmas party and listened to a shit ton of Christmas music. I literally never tire of listening to Christmas music.

For other music news, I am currently obsessed with Beyonce's "Countdown." I am becoming a bigger Beyonce fan that I thought. I have also been jamming out to "Ni***a's in Paris." Guess I'm a big Kanye fan as well because I'm also still obsessed with "All of the Lights." That shit cray. I love my new car, but it doesn't currently have a way for me to play music from my ipod or phone so I can't play them in the car which is my favorite but I rock out at home. But it's ok, the radio in Charleston is really good! I am just constantly switching back and forth between stations because I can't handle boring music or commercials. Other than that, no complaints about the new car...it's super cute!

In other less interesting news, I have somehow been both productive and unbelievably lazy these last few days. I haven't really left the house or done anything fun but I am kind of getting things done. Very small things. Car tags, got insurance, fixed my resume, downloaded some music, other stupid shit. And these next few weeks I'll be making some money helping my dad out and moonlighting at the ham store. Actually, the opposite of moonlighting because it's in the morning, but I think moonlighting is a cool word.

Now for some personal news. Nothing exciting, I just wanted to say I am very happy I decided to come home. Every day I'm a little more at peace with my decision. I miss my great LA friends and other random things sometimes (like Twist and In-N-Out and the PCH) but nothing beats the holidays at home. I've been sleeping better, I got some super cute new clothes (thanks Mom!), I've been reunited with my favorite sleep shirt, I discovered my talent as a baker and I am also excited about the possibilities next year holds. The only problem is the diet. I have gone completly off the rails and it is damn near impossible to get back on track with all the Christmas goodies. However, I'm very happy about a certain someone and a possible trip to SC. Nothing is set in stone but it's knowing it's a possibility has soothed my crazy runaway thoughts.

That's it. I'm boring and I'm ok with it for now. Christmas is exciting enough, I don't need to get crazy too.

Dream big people!

29 November 2011

I can't think of fun titles anymore

What a fantastic Thanksgiving I had! I had my doubts at how things were going to go, but all turned out well, as it always does.

Last Monday I was so sick, I couldn't do anything. I got a stomach bug or something and couldn't even get myself out of bed. I was quite pathetic. I also tried to make round two of the Swiss bread and failed miserably. Beginners luck I guess. I accidentally killed the yeast, so it didn't rise at all. It was also quite pathetic and I was very sad about the whole thing. Thankfully, Tuesday I was able to pull it together, saw some old deli friends and made it up to North Carolina without any problems.

And in North Carolina is where the Thanksgiving insanity began. My family is always insane and this year was no different. It's always a blast, of course and there is always something ridiculous going on with 25 people running around in one house. And, of course, SO much food. We had two turkeys, one of which was 25 pounds and I never even saw the second one, it was gone before I had finished my mashed potatoes. There were about 35 people at actual Thanksgiving lunch, so it's no wonder everything disappeared so quickly.

Friday I tried again with the Swiss bread and was successful this time! There was only one teeny tiny little hiccup. Instead of three cups of milk, I added six because I thought the measuring cup I was using was for one cup when it was really for two. That's what I get for not actually looking at the writing. But it turned out for the best because I just doubled everything and made four loaves and they were all gone within an hour. Thank goodness for my fatty family!

I am so tired and this post is so poorly written, it's getting embarrassing. But, just because it was completely insane, I have to mention my ride home from NC. To make things quick and easy, the carriage top of my uncles car flew off while I was driving down the interstate, then the windshield wipers broke and then we got pulled over by the police. Quite the eventful ride home. Luckily, no one was hurt, the car got us home safely and no tickets or citations were issued by the police. Definitely thankful for that!

Today I got myself some car insurance and had a lovely conversation with a very cute boy. Things are good. Excited that I can finally start listening to Christmas music, baking Christmas goodies and putting up decorations! It's the most wonderful time of the year! Yay!

Dream big people!

21 November 2011


I'm all over the place right now, but first things first. I got a car today! Wooo hooo! It's just a little younger than me, but it has wheels and can get me out of my house and into the world, so mission accomplished. Why I did not take a picture of it yet, I have no idea, but I'll do that tomorrow. It's cute and I like it so no complaints here. I am so thrilled to be mobile again...feels good. I was a little hungover today from an impromptu marathon Juanita Greenburg's Saturday drink fest so maybe that is why I wasn't in picture taking mode. But, that was totally worth it. Started drinking at 2, and literally, 5 hours, 5-8 beers, 4 shots, and two plates of nachos later, I had spent $8. All thanks to my new "Gay Squad" (their words, not mine) and their Saturday generoristy. It was awesome.

In other news, the AMAs are on TV (I was not the person that turned them on, just so everyone knows) and I would just like to say Jennifer Lopez is ridiculous. I don't know if I've discussed my dislike for her before, but yeah, I'm not a huge fan. I'm just watching her perform in her like, sparkly spandex suit singing about drinking and dancing all night at the club and I'm just like, you are some one's mom, you know? I always think it's a little strange when people who have kids are performing/acting/posing or whatever else and looking all super sexy and whatnot. I mean, flaunt it if you got it I guess but how weird would it be if your mom was half-naked in front of the whole world. Happens all the time, I know, but I still think it's weird. It's obviously not just JLo, but something about her just irks me. Not that she gives a shit, she's rolling in money and I'm cruising around in a 1989 BMW sedan. So who's the winner here?

Anyway, I've also noticed from the stats that I got an influx of readers from Latvia. No idea how or why that happened but what up Latvia?!

OMG-I just saw a commercial for the new Bachelor. I mean, go Ben, but that old woman? Seriously?! Can't handle it. Sometimes I literally just can't deal with TV and it's ridiculousness. I will have to leave the room should that show ever be on in the background.

Last but not least, this girl I know started a website kind of about traveling and stuff and here's the link so check me out : http://llyov.org/647

A true reader and friend already knows this story but there it is in slightly shorter form and on a different website. Does this mean I'm a published author now? Probably.

Making more Swiss bread tonight. Seemed like a good idea a few hours ago but with another two hours of work to go, I'm not so sure anymore. We'll see.

Dream big people!

19 November 2011


So. Haven't really been doing much with myself lately. I've come down off my bread making high (I'm still really proud) and then I had a really good Wednesday and now here I am doing nothing at all really. Wednesday I had a massage (thanks Mom for the gift certificate!), ran a bunch of errands and took like, the best nap ever. I don't think I got more accomplished after that but that nap was really fantastic.
Between half-ass looking for jobs/cars online, baking and an occasional outing, I have been watching a lot of daytime TV. And wow, it is SO bad. There really is no point in turning it on until like, 4 in the afternoon (when Ellen comes on) because there is NOTHING on during the day. It's awful. I try to record decent evening TV to watch during the day but I've learned my step dad gets a little stingy with the recording space. I have to delete before he finds out I took up some of his space. Man, living at home is the best. Only joking, it's really not bad but he does like to comment on everything I choose to watch. I'm not surprised, though. He likes to comment on anything and everything there is to comment on, even when no one wants to hear it. I am so appreciative of my mom and step dad but they talk A LOT during TV viewing. He also likes to watch TV at an insanely high volume which gets uncomfortable. However, we both like to watch Big Bang reruns so we get along pretty well.

Speaking of being appreciative, my mom is awesome. She bought me all these super cute winter clothes and I really wish I had more of a life so I could wear them all out. I seriously got the cutest jacket ever. I put it on in the store and literally shocked myself. For the most part, I am not a big fan of trying on clothes, or jackets for that matter because I rarely find things that are both cute and fit me well. But I have found jackets that are just that and my mom bought them all for me because she's awesome.

And speaking of cute clothes, I have been watching a What Not to Wear marathon and I have to say, I just LOVE it when the people are grateful and eager for the change.

Oh man, sorry these posts lately have been so terrible. I just don't really have anything interesting to say. Most of my thoughts lately are a little on the pathetic side and I've decided to keep them to myself. You're welcome!

Dream big people!

Oh, and this is my new obsession:


17 November 2011


Stuff's been going on. Nothing interesting. Mainly just sleeping and eating. Still no job in case you were wondering.

11.11.11 came and went and nothing exciting happened. I didn't really have high hopes for it, but there was a tiny part of me that just maybe something crazy would happen. Nothing did. I don't even remember what I did that day. I'm that way about full moons too. I don't really think something will happen, but I'm always slightly hopeful something fun and interesting will happen and I'll be all, oh man, it's a full moon! Because that will explain the craziness. I don't know exactly what would constitute a crazy full moon time, but I'll let yall know if it ever happens.

Most of my days have been spent lounging around but today was special. I am just so excited about my day today and it is not even over yet! I know it's not really anything special but today was the first day I actually felt like getting up and doing something with myself. I didn't do anything too impressive, but I was a baking machine and things turned out much better than expected!

I decided I was going to attempt making bread. I'm not sure what exactly came over me, but someone sent me a recipe for a particular kind of Swiss bread and I thought, I can make that. I think that about lots of things and usuall things turn out on the diastrous side. I tend to skim things (like recipes) over and don't research and/or prep enough. It happened with this recipe, as per usual, so ended up with two loaves since I missed that first line that said "enough for two servings." I really don't even need one serving so I don't know what I'm going to do with the two of them, but I have to say, they turned out pretty damn tasty. I was pretty concerned about the final product after the yeast didn't really do what it was supposed to and the dough was being extremely difficult and sticky. The second batch I wrangled in with some flour and it turned out quite nice. I'm not going to lie, I am pretty impressed with myself. I did not think it would turn out well at all and oh la la, it's fantastic! Go me.

The first picture was attempt number one. Looks messy and unappealing, but it was actually pretty yummy. Flour helped get attempt two under control and made everything nicer looking. Also quite tasty. :) Bakery owner? New career path? Probably not.

I also made Nutella brownies that were a little on sad looking side, but they were also pretty delicious. Additionally, I made some cute cards to send off, cleaned the kitchen, took a shower and went the entire day without crying. A successful day if I do say so myself! Like I said, it's not even over yet! Plans to go out tonight.

Dream big people!

07 November 2011


Well. I'm here. I haven't really been up to writing. One, there hasn't been anything too exciting happening and also I have been super exhausted. I still haven't been sleeping all that well and I don't have a lot of energy or motivation to type. Still applies now, so sorry if this is lame.

Most of my days have been spent sleeping and/or eating. I have been trying to get back into the Jenny habits of dieting and exercising but it's not working out that well for me. For starters, sleeping is not exercise. I realllly wish it was, but I think I'm going to have to put in a little more effort than that. And, with my limited supply of funds, I don't think a gym membership is a good investment for me right now. Which means, running/walking is really my only option. Yes, I know I could do some sort of work out regime at home but I really just don't have the will power for that. I did get out there for a run/walk the other day. So boring. I try to go different ways so I don't get bored of the scenery, but it doesn't usually work for me.

Blah blah blah. Let's talk about positive things about being home. The previous paragraph is boring me. Since I've been home, the weather has been pretty nice. I've eaten a lot of really good food and I've gotten to see some lovely family and friends. Let's talk food. I went to a shrimp festival that had a bunch of different restaurants each with a different dish. There were some of the best shrimp dishes I have ever had, and never thought I would have. For example, shrimp and waffles. I thought I was being crazy eating chicken and waffles, and I had my doubts about this dish, but it was really really tasty. A Gullah restaurant had seafood casserole and some amazing brown rice. Sadly most of the restaurants ran out of food before I got to sample all of them, but everything I had was delicious. I've also eaten some homemade salmon and mussels (delicious) and had crab cake benedict for brunch today and put myself into a food coma. You just cannot beat the seafood here. I was trying to explain how fantastic the seafood is here to some goober foreigner I know but he doesn't think things get any better than Bubba Gump Shrimp Company in Santa Monica. He is obviously a crazy fool. I'm trying to get him to come here and see for himself. He's also under the impression he can go turkey hunting here so I'm trying to figure out how to make that happen as well.

Oh my, this is so lame. To conclude, I was having serious doubts about my decision to leave as I was leaving LA, but I think now I've done the right thing.  I'm trying to relax and get some rest so I have the energy to figure out what to do with myself next. Everyone wants to know and as soon as I know, I'll let everyone else know. I promise.Sorry this was the worst post ever.

Dream big people!

01 November 2011


I have one full day left in LA. This is crazy and I can't really wrap my mind around it. I am excited and I am ready for the next chapter of my life but it still is just surreal to me. Especially since I have, literally, no idea what I'm going to do with myself over the next few weeks. Or ever, really. Keep checking in, I guess.

To celebrate my amazing time in LA, I got a small little tattoo. Sorry family, I'm sure you're disappointed in me, but when you start getting angry...just think about my ridiculous brother and his tats, that are significantly larger and more obvious than mine. You can also just remember how fantastic I am and stop being mad, and start being awesome instead. So simple.

Anyway, been having a food fest here in LA lately. Went to "House of Pies" tonight and it was pretty damn delicious. I think my last meal is going to be In-N-Out. There is so much goodness to choose from, but I'm going to keep it simple.

I have almost everything packed and ready to go. Fingers crossed so hard my luggage is not overweight. You can cross yours as well, thanks.

Still not really able to process all this. I'm going to read my new book, "Little-Known Facts About Disneyland" and get some sleep.

Dream big people!

27 October 2011


Whoa. This is really happening, I am really moving out of LA. Not just for a vacation. For good. For now, anyway. In one week I will be at home. Crazy.

But, oh boy, what a long strange trip it has been. LA is seriously nuts. I mean, I don't think you can truly understand it's insanity unless you've been here. And, besides that, you don't even really understand unless you live here. AND-just to keep going...I think you don't even realize how crazy it is unless you  are not from here and/or have also spent a significant amount of time somewhere outside of LA. But then again, maybe it's just me.

It really is kind of hard to pin point just what is so strange about LA. I found a quote by David Bowie that comes close: "Being in LA is like being in the set of a movie you didn't want to see in the first place." That kind makes sense. And it's not necessarily all in a bad way either because I've had A LOT of fun here. I moved here to have an adventure and man, what an adventure it has been. I was extremely lucky for so many reasons out here and I have pretty much done and seen everything I wanted to see. The only thing I feel I truly missed out on is California Adventure. And maybe the Hollywood Bowl. But,I was lucky to find a job right away, to find such good friends, to have a job that lets me do all the fun things for free, to manage to get around ok carless, the list goes on and on. I can't even really begin to list all the good times, but I'll hit some highlights.

First off, I got to FREAKING MEET ELLEN. TWICE. I mean, how often do people actually get to meet their favorite celebrity/hero? Twice! And just meet them, but also get to make an appearance on national television (and YouTube) AND win cool shit! I don't think it happens that often. On top of that, the experience was taped and documented so generations to come will be able to the enjoy the amazingness that was "Who Dat." Surreal. Just surreal. And fantastic. Really. The book signing was not quite as exciting, but it was still pretty cool.

I also got to see my favorite singer in concert! As well as the person that sings my favorite song! Which I think is really cool because, one, he's old as the hills and two, I don't really have too many absolute favorites where I'm like, it would make me SO happy to see these people, but the two that are at the top of the list, I got to see. LUCKY. AMAZING. FANTASTIC!

Whew, I'm getting excited just thinking about all the good times. But it doesn't end there.

I went to Disneyland three times! I got to go to the happiest place on Earth three times! All for free! I mean, can't beat that! I also went to all the major amusement parks for free, which is pretty cool as well. Six Flags is a little intense for me, but Hurricane Harbor was nice and fun and Universal Studios was pretty entertaining as well.

Dodger's games were also great fun and freeee! I never knew I was such a fan of baseball, but I've got a shirt and a hat now so I'm pretty much die hard. The Lakers game was not quite as exciting, but still a good time. I hit up pretty much all of the major LA sports games, being the avid sports fan that I am. The Galaxy game was surprisingly a lot of fun and the Kings was surprisingly cold. Though it shouldn't have been because if I had any sense I would have known that being in a stadium filled with ice would be chilly and I should have taken a jacket.

And as much beef as I have with Santa Monica, it is, for the most part, gorgeous. If anything, LA is ascetically pleasing. The PCH is by far my favorite part of LA and driving onto it from the California incline is probably my top activity. Driving on the PCH in general is one of my favorite things to do and is something I'll miss for sure. The sunsets are some of the best I've seen and though the Pacific is freezing and dirty, it's pretty and combined with the ridiculously (almost scary) tall palm trees here, it makes for fantastic pictures.

I've done so much here that I can't really think of anything there is left. A few other things I didn't really get to do that I wanted was go to Mexico and Alcatraz. But I can live with that. Things in LA proper, I think I got it covered. Now all I have left to do really is eat a bunch of fantastic food I can't get back East. Shouldn't be that hard. I've got tons of friends that like to eat. There is a reason we're friends. :) And the friends are definitely the best part of my LA experience. I have met such great people from literally, all over the world and have made some great friends...best friends even. I am very very thankful.

One week. See you soon Charleston. Enjoy me while you can LA.

Dream big people.

25 October 2011

I See the Light

ONE WEEK left at school. Insanity. I can't really wrap my head around it. I think it's going to be a good week though...Universal Studios tomorrow, Halloween party on Thursday and Six Flags on Friday. I am actually not that excited about Six Flags because 1. I have to be there until like, 11 on a Friday night and 2. It turns into scary Six Flags at night and I don't really like scary things. I seriously might not go in. Unless I have some cute boy to hang onto, I don't like being scared on purpose. My cute boy is much too far away to hang onto and I think it's all girls going. Boo.

Anyway, such a good weekend! Just hung out with friends Friday and Saturday nights and had some super fun adventures in Hollywood and the Fashion District of LA. First, I found the remaining components for my Minnie Mouse costume and I am super pumped to wear it Thursday. Second, the fashion district is literally the most insane shit ever. It is jam packed with people selling any and everything you could possibly need or want. A lot of things you didn't even realize you needed until you were walking along and it got shoved in your face or pointed out by an extremely pushy non-English speaking salesperson. It's fantastic. There are also lots of things I can't possibly imagining anyone buying on the streets. Like mini rabbits. And turtles. So strange. It is a bit of a sensory overload though, especially if you're tired. You need to have a lot of stamina for Fashion District. And cash. They are not credit card friendly. You also have to be careful because there is a good chance you'll get run over by a stroller/churro cart/portable clothing stand if you are not paying attention.

Anyway, after FD, I had my goodbye Korean BBQ dinner and it was everything I dreamed it would be. A celebratory meat festival. You basically order a shit ton of meat and cook it yourself, dip it in delicious sauces and good times are had by all. We had tongue, pork shoulder butts, chicken, beef, beef and then some more beef. We stayed away from the stomach, even though I was all for trying it. To do it good friends makes it that much better. Good friends plus two random girls that randomly showed up as well. Plus, I got presents! And we had Yogurtland afterwards! Such a great night. And to make things EVEN better, I didn't make myself sick full, for once, even though I probably ate my weight in meat. Lately (like right now) I have been eating way to much than I can handle and I end up feeling so terrible. It was a KBBQ miracle that I was able to enjoy my meat without wanting to throw up and die afterwards like normally. Tonight I ate probably half of what I ate last night and that is how I feel. Very strange. Body, I would appreciate some consistency.

So. I'm going to miss my friends here a lot. Still can't believe I only have a week. I know I did it to myself and I know it's for the best, but it's going to be a tough goodbye. Let's worry about that later. Universal Studios tomorrow! Even though I'm not actually going inside, I'm looking forward to not being in the office.

Dream big people!

21 October 2011


I know I am going straight to hell and will piss off some people, but attention everyone: I do NOT want to see your ultrasound pictures on fb. Don't want to. Sorry, just don't. Ultrasound pictures are ugly and creepy and only a very specific demographic of people care about seeing your unborn child. That does not include me, random person you went to high school with and haven't actually spoken to in 5+ years. Email that mess to your loved ones, the people that think your fetus is precious. I, your random facebook friend, doesn't even really want to see your child after it's born and I definitely don't want to see it when it's still in alien form.

Whew. That felt good. Go ahead, feel free to judge me and my cold heartedness but seriously, I don't want to have to start de-friending people just because you or your significant other gets pregnant. That in itself kind of weirds me out but to involve me in all the creepy details that comes before it's actually a person. No thank you. I can deal with baby pictures. Babies can be cute and sometimes they do cute or funny things that are worthy of taking pictures of and putting them on fb. My wall is currently overrun with babies and I can deal with that. Unborn babies I cannot take.

That is all. I'm a horrible person. But I'm feeling bitter right now and I really do not care. I also know I'm not the only person that feels this way.

Dream big people.

18 October 2011


I don't want to mess this thing up

Two Down

It's official! I sent in my two weeks resignation today and I am officially quitting in two weeks! So exciting! Oh boy oh boy oh boy. It really is just such a relief to have that over and done with! There are still very minor things to be worried about with it, but I think I am just going to ignore them because they might not actually happen. I was seriously giddy today when I sent it off...I couldn't stop smiling. It's too bad I was actually at work when I did it and couldn't really celebrate properly (with a drink, of course) but that will be soon enough.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can actually start to enjoy my last two weeks and not worry about every stupid thing. Now all that's left really is figuring out how I'm going to get everything home. But there is time for that. Don't worry, be happy. That is my new mantra. That, and, every little thing is gonna be ok. Because it will. Eventually.

Dream big people!

17 October 2011

One Down

Finally I can cross something off my list of things to worry about. Kinda. But, for now, I am completely finished with my stupid apartment. It has been a big dramatic pain in my ass, but I left my key there today and I do not plan on going back anytime soon. I'm almost positive I'm going to keep getting phone calls from my landlord, but I haven't decided yet if I'm going to continue to answer them. Not sure of the point anymore but I also feel that is a little rude. But seriously, I literally just have no idea what to do anymore. I did everything I could and I can't make my former roommates help or do what they are supposed to do, so I really just don't want to have anything to do with it anymore. I feel the same about my job. It's annoying and I am actually just kind of insulted about how my exit is being handled, but what can you do? I don't have control over assholes and their asshole behavior so I should probably just move on with my life. Now all I have to worry about is work and how I'm going to get all my shit packed and back home. Sigh.

For a teensy bit more negative news, some people suck so bad it literally blows my mind. I mean, I guess I'm not surprised anymore at how rude people can be, but it really just still stuns me that people can be so awful to other people. I got stood up 5 times this week. FIVE. Unreal. I'm not saying all French people suck...but wow. This kid sucks more than most people I know. He reminds me, actually, a lot of certain someone I used to associate myself with. Thankfully, I'm starting to, slowly but surely, learn from some of my past mistakes. So instead of getting the runaround for a couple years, it only took a few days for me to cut this bastard out of my life. Not even in the romantic sense, but as friend.

Anyway, on to the positive. Some people are so awesome. And I am so thankful I have them to cancel out the asshats that try to ruin everything. Just as the rudeness of people stuns me, the kindness does as well sometimes. I dont' know what I did to deserve people being so nice to me, but I really appreciate it and I hope they know that. That is really my only concern, that people know how much I appreciate them and their kindness.

I also appreciate good food. Which I stuffed myself with this weekend. I went a little insane, actually. I was kind of surprised/embarrassed for myself. I'm not really sure what was my deal, but I acted like I hadn't eaten a good meal in months. Maybe it was just the sheer joy of being out in the social world, surrounded by people and fun, rather than being at my lonely depressing apartment. But I really do need to remember to slow down and not eat more than I can handle because I made myself sick from being full every day this weekend. So I guess that stuff earlier about learning my lessons doesn't really apply here. We went to a BBQ place for my friends birthday Saturday night and the second the food got set down, I like, lost my mind. I literally started shoveling food in. I have no idea where the mentality of eat as much and as fast as you can comes from because I've never been in a setting where me going hungry is a possibility but that is how I reacted. Which was especially stupid because there was more than enough food to go around. But it was sooo delicious. I probably should have savored it but I thought inhaling it was a better idea. My Jenny Craig lady is not going to be happy with me.

I also put myself into a food coma today via mediocre Chinese food. This time it was because it was my first meal of the day at 5:00 but still, eating slowly wouldn't have hurt anybody. So now here I am with a tummy ache. And, at that Chinese restaurant I got the worst fortune cookie of all time! "As long as you don't sign up for anything new, you'll be fine." Like, what the hell?! Don't sign up for anything new? Never take a new class, make a change for a new job, house, car, etc? I am so confused. Made me a little uncomfortable since I'm about to make a whole bunch of new changes. But then I remembered fortune cookies are not real and stupid, so I'm good. My Japanese friend got "As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters not point in your direction." Also stupid and also spent a good 20 minutes trying to explain it to him. Staying away from fortune cookies for a while, thank you very much.

Having internet is awesome. Time to catch up on a shit ton of TV I've been missing out on.

Dream big people!

12 October 2011

Insane with anger

I'm trying REALLY hard not to be a huge ball of anger, walking around, lashing out at anyone and anything but my patience is being tested. So, I'll just let it all out here, for all my fantastic readers to suffer through. If you are not interested in my venting, please, go over to the archives and select a happier themed post. Don't say I didn't warn you.

But for real. Everything fucking SUCKS right now. I am getting screwed over left and right by people and it is sooooo irritating. My landlord is being an ass, my old roommates are not helping things, my apartment is just a shitshow of nonsense in general and people in general are not making me happy. Oh, and of course there's work and all the stupid mess that is, as well as just people in general who are pissing me off. People that don't do what they say they're going to do are the lowest of the low, in my opinion and I actually went for a RUN the other day because I was so enraged, I just didn't know what to do with myself. That's right people, a run. I do not run, I loathe running but I literally didn't know what else to do with myself. It helped a little, but I don't think it's going to be habit forming. Running sucks.

Anyway, right now, my apartment is a sad, sad place to be. I have no internet, no TV, no roommates and hardly any furniture. There is nothing on the walls, only peeling paint and holes that serve as a reminder that I will be paying for those repairs with my deposit. All that's left really is shit that I have no idea how I'm going get rid of.

Whatever. Because Friday, all this crap will be over and done with and I won't have to think about it anymore. COME THE FUCK ON FRIDAY!

Also, not sure how many people know, or care, but I'm moving back to the East Coast in November. More on my thoughts on that change later (they're vast and confusing...currently trying to sort through them all) but yeah. I'm going home. Temporarily, I hope.

Anyway. I know, I know, I KNOW things could be a lot worse so I'm hoping to leave all my frustrations here on this page and be done. Check back later and see how that went.

Dream big people!

11 October 2011


So, chilling at Long Beach and I am surrounded by crazies. For some reason I was under the impression that Long Beach had less crazy people than Santa Monica but I am wrong. And I am not sure why I had that impression in the first place. There are lots of them here and it's equally as annoying. Oh well, I'm not sure that I will ever escape the crazies.

Anyway, it's really nice out today! I'm happy because yesterday it was pouring down rain. Actually, it didn't really matter because I stayed in bed for most of the day. I was "sick" and just couldn't get out of bed. It was tragic, really. Then I ate Chick-Fil-A and I was magically cured! It was truly a miracle people.

I don't really have anything else exciting going on. And that was last week, here we are now on Monday morning and I still don't have anything exciting going on.

For the weekend, I finally watched "Tangled" and it was fantastic. I highly recommend it to anyone that likes Disney movies and feels like being taken on a roller coaster of emotions via cartoon animation. I also watched "Megamind," and it was good. I had to give back the school car on Saturday, which was really quite depressing. For one last hurrah, I drove up the PCH and hung out on the Malibu beaches, enjoying the lovely Cali weather. Sunday I cleaned my entire apartment and separated all the shit I have into piles, as well as threw away a substantial amount of shit. I am pretty angry about the whole apartment nonsense. Not only am I cleaning a whole bunch of shit that is not mine, but I will also be paying for repairs that were not my fault and I have to figure out what to do with a bunch of heavy shit that I can't move on my own. I am not a happy camper right now. Trying not to dwell but I CANNOT freaking wait for this week to be OVER.

Big something happening tomorrow. Ready for that day to be over as well. Everything sucks a lot right now and I kind of don't know what to do with myself. This too shall pass. The sooner the better.

Dream big people.

01 October 2011

Champagne Problems

Oh my goodness. Once again, no internet is the least cool thing ever. So much stuff to look up and comment on, not enough time/internet to do it. Right now, I'm at the Panera Bread in the Camarillo Outlet Mall. I'm pretty sure the people that work here are a little leery of me, as I have been here for a good 3 hours now. The girls I brought here for shopping wanted to get in a good 5 hours of shopping, so here I sit. No complaints, just saying.

Anyway, I've decided I really like this phrase "Champagne Problems" because it is pretty much how I feel when I complain about my life. Because I know my life is pretty awesome and comparatively, I have it really good. For instance, waa, my new Blackberry is giving me so problems. My nice new expensive phone I could afford to buy isn't working how I want it to. Right? Champagne Problems. See how this works? So I go through this vicious cycle where I get whiny and complain, but then I get angry with myself because I feel like I shouldn't be whiny, I should be grateful that I don't have real problems like not enough food to eat, clothes to wear, etc. But then, if I don't talk about it or acknowledge that I have problems, things build up and I have a minor meltdown. Like I said, a vicious circle.

But enough about that. Let's talk about how I went to Disneyland on Tuesday and it was fantastic. Anyone that knows me or is a true fan of this blog knows how much I love Disney. There's really no need to go into all the details but to sum it up: Disneyland makes me really happy and I love going there. The parade is quite possibly the best thing in life. And in conclusion, if you don't like Disneyland, I don't want to hear and I also think you are a stupid person (co-worker). So that's that.

We also went to Six Flags and it was fun, although obviously not as fantastic as Disney. I think I'm getting old too because some of the rollercoasters beat me up! I got banged around on one and was like, ok, I can't ride anymore. It was really hot as well, so I think I was just overall exhausted but I got in bed last night at 9:00. I didn't go to sleep then, but I was out not too long after that.

I think not writing as often is making me rusty because I don't really have the patience or motivation to continue on with this post. So much to say, not enough brain power to get it all out. Next time. Going to a college football game tomorrow (University of Southern California...the fake USC)...another place to make me feel old. But I think it will be fun.

Dream big people!

27 September 2011


Not having internet at home SUCKS. A lot. As someone that has a lot to say and no one around to listen to everything I have to say, this is my place to get it all out. And with no internet at home to let it all out, I'm keeping it all in and this is no good.

Annnnd, oh my goodness. I was just looking through some of the evaluations from the students and for some bad/hilarious news:
What did you dislike about CSL: "JACKY"

Literally, that is what was written.

For some good news:
Activities comments: "Activities with Jacky were absolute gorgeous. :)"

So, hooray for nice, gorgeous people.

Anyway, I have to go. Life is so strange these days. And for even more good news: DISNEYLAND tomorrow! 6 Flags on Thursday! Football on Saturday! Looking forward to this week.

Dream big people!

24 September 2011

SoCal Hospitality

Or lack thereof, rather.

Now, I have met very nice people in LA. I've also met very rude people in SC. However, over the last few days it seems to me that LA wins on rude, ridiculous people that choose to be assholes to you and or just display a total lack of character in public. I don't think this is really all LA's fault since it is pretty much the tourist capital of the world and it can't really be held responsible for every asshole that comes through but I've been encountering some really sucky people lately. I don't have stats, I'm just guessing about the tourists but it's pretty common for me to surrounded by a million people, none of which that are speaking English. Because of work, I find myself at the top tourist destinations so this is probably why, but I think it's a little strange sometimes. Currently, I'm at the Citadel Outlet malls, trying to talk myself out of going on a shopping spree. It's proving to be difficult.

ANYWAY. Lots has been happening the past couple of days. Biggest and most dramatic, a car accident on the 405. Anyone that has driven in LA knows the 405 is the worst roadway that ever existed as it was paved by the devil himself. No worries though, it was very minor, no one was hurt, it wasn't my fault and most importantly, everyone in my car (me and six passengers) was ok. The other driver is claiming I rear-ended him which seems strange to me because one, that is totally false and two, the dent on my car (from where he hit me) is on the side and there's no damage to the front of my car. So seems like a stretch for him to be claiming I hit from behind. But, whatever, we just have to wait and see what the police and insurance reports say. Should be a lot of fun.

Then, I went to Universal Studios and someone thought while waiting in line to get tickets was an appropriate place to to clip their nails. Like, WHAT? What the WHAT? So ridiculous. I am pretty opposed to preforming most personal grooming habits in public, including, but not limited to, brushing your hair, picking your teeth, putting on deodorant and above all else, clipping your fucking nails! JEEZ. Mainly because of the horrible noise the clippers make.

Side note: also while at Universal, I saw the movie "I Don't Know How She Does It," and I Don't Know How or Why That Movie Got Made. It was so soo SO bad. It was boring and terrible and sent a terrible message and I am glad I only had to spend $2 to see it.

Last night I dropped something into a mailbox on the sidewalk and was walking back to my car and this creepster behind me was all, "I don't even know you." I looked back at him because I was like, um, is he talking to me? I don't know you either, nor did I say or do anything to you. Then he goes, "why don't you eat shit and die?" Again, WHAT? What the fuck is your deal dude? It took me by surprise and kind of made me laugh, but I thought it was best to keep walking (a little more quickly) and not respond with a "fuck you" like I wanted.

Annnd, last but certainly most fun, our landlord is being a total dick. Yay!!! So super fun the process of leaving my apartment has been. Turns out, we probably won't get any of our security deposit back since the walls are painted, there are holes in the wall and broken screens. Most fun of all, NONE of it is my fault, my decision or my doing. Hooray for other people being assholes and costing me a whole bunch of money. Yay yay yay.

People, I am so tired. I don't know what the problem is. I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in like, two weeks. I'm not unhappy, I'm just tired ALL the time. All I want to do is lay around and watch TV which I can't do because I don't have a TV. Booo, feel sorry for me.

No, just kidding, don't. I'm fine. I just need some sleep I guess. Still trying to figure out my future plans, but just thinking about them makes me tired. It's a vicious cycle.

Dream big people!

16 September 2011

Three Little Birds

Every time I freak out about something, I tend to forget that in (usually) just a few short days, everything will be ok. Yeah. I should try to remember that. I mean, I kind of do, but it's hard to focus on that and stop crying. Also, having sad things happen around the your "monthly" (sorry boys) time is really just unfortunate. I'm a cryer, in general, but around that time, it's amplified and uncontrollable sobbing starts when really just a few tears would suffice. I mean, crying in your room is one thing, but at work, while driving, at the gym, buying groceries, etc, etc i s a little much. Really, your room is the best place for crying. There, you can also make the pathetic wailing noises that make everything more dramatic but somehow also makes things a little better. I think it's just one more step in the release process. I don't know, maybe that's just me.

Anyway, this week, things are MUCH better. It's funny because, really, things have kind of started to come apart even more so than before, but I'm ok with it. I've got a new plan, I've started putting the gears into motion and I'm actually quite excited about the whole thing. It's a whole long story and I don't want to explain it all/say anything until I know a few things for sure, but I'm taking steps in the right direction and it feels good. Also, while some things are falling apart, other things are falling perfectly into place. Life is so weird.

Also, I've had some really good activities lately with really nice students and it has lifted my spirits. Having people write "Jacky is not friendly," is a little bit soul crushing at times, but can be canceled out when someone tells you otherwise. There is one student, though, that I kind of want to punch in the face. This one girl I tried SO hard with because she went on a lot of activities, but she would NEVER talk. She answered all my questions with one word and never seemed happy. Normally I'm like, whatever, when they complain, but this girl in particular really irked me because she went with me on the trip to Disneyland on my birthday. And I'm sorry, but I have never been friendlier or nicer than I was on that day. I was bursting with happiness, friendliness, and overall joy on that day. So, I just don't really understand why or how she could possibly say I was not friendly after the almost excessive amount of enthusiasm I had on that day. She's gone now, but seriously? Fuck you. Also, you have ugly stupid bangs and you, Miss one word answers, are not friendly. So there.

Moving right along, I just finished this hilarious book and I highly recommend it. I laughed out loud at multiple parts and was sad when I got to the last page. It's "A Year of Living Biblically" by AJ Jacobs and it was one of the best books I've read in a long time. The title pretty much explains it, but it's basically this guy trying to live by the Bible's rules for a year. It's so funny and some parts are touching and insightful and I really really enjoyed it. He has another about reading the entire encyclopedia, and I'm going to read that next I think. (Also, thanks Dad and Kellie for the Barnes and Noble giftcard with which I bought it!)

So that's my life now. I'm excited about the next phase, trying to enjoy the end of this one and so thankful that I have really fantastic friends here in LA. Everywhere, really, but some really great ones here. I will definitely be sad to say goodbye to them. I'll dwell on that later though.

Dream big people!

13 September 2011


Motivation is kind of difficult to come by these days. I tend to get motivated late at night, when I can't actually do any of the things I'm motivated to do. For an assortment of reasons. It usually involves looking up things on the internet, which is no longer possible at my house. Or, it involves doing things at places that are already closed for the day. This is often the gym, the bank, work, or a library. Also, a lot of the time, I'm like, oh, I can't study for the GRE now, I have to go to bed. Then, I go to bed, and when I wake up in the morning, all my motivation is gone.

Anyone that knows me pretty much knows I am not a morning person in any way, shape or form. There are few things I hate more in this life than waking up early. I know it's stupid and I should be grateful for each day, blah blah blah. But if I have to wake up to an alarm, watch out. Seriously. Just don't talk to me. I eventually get my shit together and can act like a normal human being, but for the most part, I hate life for the first hour or so of my day.

Point is, I get really grumpy in the morning and have no motivation to do anything. Then, I do the things I have to do and then it's not until much later in the evening that I feel inclined to do anything productive. Sometimes I clean my room, do laundry or cook dinner and I feel quite accomplished for the day. Then, I start thinking about the million other things I should be doing, get motivated enough to write them all down somewhere and then I get overwhelmed/tired and go to bed. It's a vicious cycle and sometimes I truly wonder how I managed to do a million plus things in high school and college. Tis a mystery.

But, for now, I'm counting not crying today (at ALL) as a huge victory on my part. I figure another couple cry-less days and I will be well on my way accomplishing all sorts of major goals.

I still don't know if my big possibility is happening, but I'm still hopeful and if things haven't really been made final by the end of the week, I think I am going to move into phase two. So we'll see how that goes.

In other news, I feel good about orientation today. I was extra friendly and one of the students told me he reminded me of a "very beautiful Australian actress." So, that is always nice to hear. I also came to work at 11:15 and no one said anything, so I think I'm just going to keep coming later and later until someone tells me not too.

Dream big people!

PS-Also, someone please come visit me. I need some East Coast love for real.

10 September 2011


I am the biggest loser of all time. I don't really care anymore, but I'm pretty positive it's true. Instead of being out in Vegas, getting drunk and doing crazy Vegas things, I am sitting in my hotel, watching Jimmy Kimmel live (a filler until Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, duh), alone and really looking forward to bed.

So that's my life now.

But seriously. Whatever. I'm tired and I'm getting old and I don't have anyone here to go out with, so here I am. Also, my hotel is really nice and once again, I'm taking full advantage of the internet and TV, which I still do not have at home. And I spent the day at the pool and I really just can't complain about that, ever.

Thanks to everyone that has been concerned about my well-being as of late. Things have improved a great deal. Which means I got through today without crying my eyes out for embarrassingly extended amounts of time. I'm counting this as a plus on my part. I am still sad as shit but I remembered that life goes on, time heals all wounds and all that other bullshit. Basically, life sucks and is super unfair but I also got to spend my workday at the pool so I should probably shut the fuck up and stop whining.

In other news, I think I am developing a new life plan and I'm pretty excited about it. I need a change. I've found change is almost always a positive thing for me, even if it is a big pain in the ass to get going and can be super scary. For example, I just changed to a new phone and it was a huge pain in the ass, as well as expensive. Not really scary, but the point is it has been awesome. I'm in love with my new Blackberry and apologize in advance for the excessive amount of facebook posts that will be coming your way.

Anyway, it's pretty undeveloped right now and the beginning stage is hinging on a very uncertain possibility, but I think it could be good. Don't want to talk too much about it and jinx it, but I'm hoping to get some things nailed down in the next few weeks and move forward with my life.

Last but not least, I just realized my hair is getting really long. I haven't decided just how I feel about it yet. I think I like it but I'm all, should I cut it short again? I think I'm going to focus on finishing my weight loss goals for now and then worry about hair. Oh, and getting my life straightened out. That is important as well.

Ok. Time for the real Jimmy. Gotta focus.

Dream big people!

07 September 2011

Keep Your Head Up

So, I'm trying really hard not to be melodramatic these days. I realize it's annoying and unnecessary, but right now, I kind of just feel like nothing is going how I want it. Is this a quarter life crisis? Am I just being whiny? Is it just that time of the month making me all pathetic? I guess we'll see next week.

However, for the moment, I really just want to lay around in my bed and cry. Or watch movies. But I can't because I have to go to work and I don't have tv or internet or a computer with a DVD player to watch movies. This is probably for the best because I am forced to get out into the world and do something with myself rather than waste away in my bed, even though it is super comfy and totally not a waste of time.

You know how sometimes you get into a funk and you're just like, uhhhh. Anyone? Well that is to how I am now and dammit, this funk needs to GO. Since this is my place to whine, I'm going to unload everything real quick. Maybe it will act like a release and I can get on with things. Feel free to stop reading because everyone hates a whiner, I know.

My job is, as always, not the greatest. I've now done most of the activities I wanted to do and don't really feel like doing most of them again. And, everything that has always been wrong with it is still wrong and I just don't really know what to do with myself anymore. That is the real problem here. I don't have any idea what to do. About anything. And right now, I don't even have the energy to make anything happen even if I did. My apartment is stressing me out, because again, I don't know what to do with it. I don't know if I should stay, get on the lease, repaint it, buy a TV, I just don't know. My weight loss goals have taken a severe detour and I can't seem to get it back on track. Last but not least, someone that was making me very happy is now gone forever. I know that sounds ridiculously dramatic, but it's true. I mean, forever might be extreme but there is a good chance I'm may not see this person ever again. At least not anytime in the near future, which is just depressing. As I've discussed before, I absolutely hate saying having to say goodbye and this was a big, extremely unpleasant goodbye. I had what I wanted, finally, and now it's gone after such a short period of time. WAAAA. Someone please call me a waaambulance.

I know things will get better, because they always do. I just really hate going through this stupid time where everything sucks and you feel like you have nothing to look forward to. And you cry at really inappropriate times and make everything awkward. That's where I am now and I would like to fast forward to happier times. Or rewind this weekend and do it over again.

Sorry for this pathetic, whiny post. I'm keeping my head up (most of the time) and am aware that, this too, shall pass. Also, even though the big dramatic goodbye was yesterday, I also got to spend a lot of time with  my aunt which was so lovely. We drove around and admired all the beautiful views LA has to offer.

Dream big people!

02 September 2011

Doesn't Matter

People! I am still without internet at home. And I'm currently pressed for time. But here is an update, real quick:

Work: everyone hates me and thinks I'm not fun. Not true, obviously. I am the most fun person ever.
Home: I need two new roommates. People are flaky and don't know how to clean. Awesome. For some good news, I bought a new trashcan and a lovely new air freshener for my room.
Miscellaneous: Not all boys are horrible. This is good and bad. Long story, but next week I'm going to be one sad lady.

Ok, well I have to run for now. Today I'm off to Long Beach. I have no idea what I'll be doing there but we'll see! Trying to minimize complaints but it seems impossible. But, what can you do? La la la, doesn't matter.

Dream big people!

24 August 2011

The San Franciso Treat

Guess what everyone. Rice-A-Roni is not made in San Francisco, even though it's the San Francisco treat. It's made in Chicago. This is just one of the many fascinating tidbits I learned on my big touristy bus tour while in San Francisco last weekend. I actually really enjoyed a big touristy goober while in San Francisco. I'm pretty sure half the people there are tourists, so I fit right in. Plus, it meant I didn't have to drive or walk everywhere. I got to sit on the the top of a lovely open top bus and take in all the sights San Fran has to offer...which is quite a lot.

The open top part would have been more fun if it wasn't FREEZING cold while we were there. I knew it was going to be chilly there, but I was not prepared for just how cold it was. I hardly ever use my scarf, hat and gloves in LA, even in the winter, but they definitely would have been helpful in SF. I had to buy a winter hat to wear while we were on the bus it was so cold! It is very stylish, don't worry, you know I always have to look good. We got to  see pretty much everything there is to see in San Fran. I highly recommend doing touristy bus tours when you only have a few days in a city because it shows you everything you need to see, you don't have to deal with traffic, you learn all kinds of random things from the tour guide AND you get to look super awesome sitting on the top floor of a bus. The locals don't make fun of you at all.

We hiked up Lombard street, to the crookedest street in the world...buses are not allowed to drive up there, and neither are stretch limos. Thanks to our lovely guide Betsy, we learned a stretch limo once got stuck there for 3 days and had to be airlifted out, haha. I also learned the San Francisco Bay is not actually a bay, it's really an estuary. So, just like LA, SF is not all that it appears to be. We also ate some REALLY good food. I got some amazing noodles in Chinatown and had some fantastic lobster ravioli at Scoma's, which is supposed to be the best seafood restaurant there. I also tried to go to IHOP and get a kids Rooty Tooty meal and they refused to let me have it! F you IHOP! You are delicious and all, but I wanted less food than a real Rooty Tooty and I just don't understand why you wouldn't let me have it! Ugh, whatever.

My favorite part of SF had to be the Sea Lions at Pier 39. I know that is completely ridiculous of me to say, but they are seriously SO entertaining. They smell terrible, but watching them is totally hilarious. They are all piled up on top of each other, barking and crawling all over the place. It took some convincing to make me walk away from them. I know, I'm a goober.

Anyway, other than the weather, the trip was fantastic. All the students I went with were great, everyone got along, minimal complaining and overall we had a really great time. We drove up the PCH on the way there, which was a beautiful drive. It took fooorrreeevvver, but it was so gorgeous. I just wish had gotten started sooner because by the time we got to the SF part of it, it was dark and we could no longer see the beach. We took the freeway on the drive home and it took almost as long with traffic. Oh well. I was completely exhausted yesterday when I got back, but I took a fantastic nap and life was better. We still don't have any internet at my house, so blogging is kind of difficult. Right now I'm at a coffee shop in Hollywood, while the students are wandering around, looking for stars. We also still don't have a trashcan, a TV or any lights in the living room at the apartment. I was hoping my new roommates would kind of get some shit together while I was gone, but apparently they are not interested in having a house that looks lived in, so I'm going to work on that this weekend. We also found out from the landlord that he wants to increase the rent on  us. Trying to figure out that whole mess has been such a pain in the ass and I kind of hate being a grown up.

Ok, well tomorrow it's Catalina and then I will actually be home this weekend for the first time this month. Kind of excited about waking up in my own bed AND not having to wake up to an alarm.

Dream big people!

14 August 2011

You showed your ass

I am really feeling that new Beyonce song, Best Thing I Never Had. She's such a bad ass. I'm not a HUGE fan, I like most of her stuff, but she is a BAMF for sure and I just love how much attitude she has in that song. I also enjoy how it describes every person I've ever dated. Well, that one anyway. Hahaha...I also really love how she's like, sucks to be you right now. I'm pretty sure any girl that has been screwed over by some stupid boy has also taken it on as their personal anthem. Woo hoo, girl power! Sorry boys, but as Mrs. Banks says, "though we adore men individually we agree that as a group they're rather stupid." Amen. Also, they are individually stupid. But some are cute and nice and Swiss and can be ok.

Anyway. Getting carried away. Had a Mary Poppins filled day and it's a pretty good way to spend the day. After a somewhat unsuccessful attempt to sleep in, I decided to treat myself to the musical May Poppins that is playing here in San Diego. I even bought myself a good seat. Normally I cheap seat it, but I went for floor seats this time. Worth it! The play was so fantastic! I loved it all, even the scary toys coming alive scene. I never read the book, but that is next on my list. Everything was great, including the two older ladies I sat next to and chatted it up with, but discluding the two goober kids sitting next to me talking and moving all over the place. I loved it all, even if I did have to go by myself. The chimney sweep song was SO good! I have a special place in my heart for them, now that I got birthday shout outs from them at Disneyland. Then she flies out over the audience, it was so great. I loved it so much, I came back to the hotel and watched the movie online. This is after I went to dinner by myself. I'm sure doing things alone builds character, but it's kind of lame. I like to talk to people...people I already know. Though I am trying this new friendly thing, I am not great at chatting it up with strangers unless they talk to me first. Anyway, Mary Poppins is just such a great movie. I loved it as a kid and I might love it even more now. Julie Andrews is the greatest, Dick Van Dyke is also great and the I love to laugh song is one of the best. I just can't say enough good things about it. And since I'm beginning to sound a bit like a Disney fanatic these last couple of posts, I'll stop with that.

So, now I'm once again just chilling in the hotel room. The girls all left me for Sea World and Coronado Island...my other plans fell through, so here I am. But I'm ok with it. It's been nice to just chill since I haven't had a lot of time to do that lately. Also, I have internet and TV which I no longer have at home so it's like a real vacation! Plus the weather sucks here too so I didn't feel like going to the beach. The hotel we are in rocks though, and I feel like a total grown up staying in a room by myself with it's mini coffee machine and fridge. Love it! I normally am all for going out and seeing things, but my desire for putting a lot of effort into sightseeing has gone down significantly. Especially when I have to coordinate everything and answer a million questions with "I don't know." No, I'm sorry, I don't know if the restaurant we're going to has pink lemonade. I don't know how many whales are at Sea World and I don't know which tour is better to take, I've never been on either. Sometimes I don't even know why they ask me things. This morning, they were like, how long does it take to drive to Sea World? I said, I don't know maybe 20 minutes? They said, oh, the man downstairs (the hotel desk person) said 10-15. Like, why are you asking me then? The desk person probably knows much better than me. They also asked which tour I thought they should take. I said the one where the car turns into a boat and goes into the water because that seemed cool. They said, oh, well it's probably cold on the water so we'll do the other one. Alright then, glad you got my opinion on it anyway.

They so crazy. But they make me laugh when I'm not in a bad mood and I'm trying really hard to remember how lucky I am. Getting better.

Really looking forward to going home tomorrow so I think I'll call it a night.

Dream big people! And feed the birds.

13 August 2011

I know you're not touching my mannequin!


1. That is a stupid thing to say.
2. I have not blogged in so long! And I am so very sorry. I'm sure you guys have just been dying. I'm here to ease your pain. You're welcome.

Anyway, I am currently at the Days Inn in San Diego and my computer is connected to the internet for the first time in two weeks. Hooray! I got new roommates (what a mess) and we still haven't gotten around to setting up the new internet account. I've tried dropping hints to my extremely positive new roommate, but she doesn't seem to be getting it. That's ok. But it would be helpful. Just saying.

Ok, as a little side note. I'm watching "Family Guy" in the hotel and I would like to know if I am the only person that just doesn't really get this show. I have some friends out here that are really into this show, as well as a few other shows that are generally regarded as fantastic and hilarious, but I"m just not on board. Things like Seinfield, Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Simpson's. Just me? That's ok, I guess. I've noticed lately that I am getting quite stupid and uninteresting in comparison to the rest of the world. I find the simple things funny. Like Jimmy Fallon and that Axe commercial where she's all, I know you're not touching my mannequin! Play on words. Love it.

Back to life. So last weekend I was in Vegas. It so fantastically hot, I didn't want to leave the poolside. Then it was back to LA where it's depressingly chilly for August. Don't want to beat a dead horse, but uughh, WHY? Anyway, this week I went to Universal Studios and after driving around in a 15 passenger van on the 405 and through town, I decided I was officially over LA. I have since calmed down but yeah, LA traffic is really really stupid and annoying. I also got mad because I held the door open for like, 5 people and fucking NO ONE said thank you. Come on, assholes! Where are your manners? Oh, and I saw 'Friends with Benefits' and it was SO terrible. So so so terrible. Unbelievably cliche, forced and predictable. Very angry I spent money to see it. Oh oh, AND, I got carded to see it! I know I look young, but not even 18? Jeeeeez.

Moving along, Wednesday we went to the Getty Center and it was so lovely. My hatred for LA subsided a little because it was so pretty and calm. The calm is what I loved the most. There are very few places in LA that are chill and don't have a bazillion people wandering around. There were a lot of people, but not Santa Monica Pier a lot of people and for that, I was grateful. I have been noticing, however, that everywhere I go, there is pretty much no one speaking English. It's probably because I'm going to the most touristy places possible but I feel like I never hear people speaking English. And, because I'm around non native speakers literally, every day, I find myself now talking to everyone like they don't really understand what I'm saying. Anyone who's ever spent a significant amount of time talking to someone that doesn't speak English that well knows what I'm talking about and will hopefully understand that I'm not being mean, it's actually a thing. Whatever, I'm going to stop with this train of thought because I sound bitchy.

Speaking of being bitchy, I have been super bitchy lately. This is not completely unjustified since some people suck REALLY BAD but I've decided I'm going to try really hard to be more friendly. I remember, once upon a time, I was a nice, funny person. Not necessarily super happy, positive or friendly but definitely better than this current version of myself. Trying to improve.

Thursday, I was shocked to discover that NO ONE wanted to go to the fair and see a Michael Jackson tribute concert!! I didn't understand that at all! I was pretty sad I didn't get to go, but my alternate Thursday night plans turned out to be pretty fantastic.

Annnd, now I'm super tired. Pretty pumped about sleeping in my hotel room bed. I LOVE staying in hotels! Thanks for sticking with me through this ridiculous post.

Dream big people!

11 August 2011

Negative Nancy

Hi friends! So sorry I've been MIA but I am currently without internet at home and have 0 time at the office for blogging. Lots has been going on lately and Ihave tons to say but right now I am typing this on a phone and it's making me crazy as well as hurting my thumbs, so more later when I have time, internet and a real keyboard.

Oh, and the title? Lately I have been major grumpy pants. Any suggestions on how to stay positive? Not annoyingly positive but enough to keep smiling when I'm supposed to be smiling? Seriously. Chime in.

Dream big people!

02 August 2011

Everybody Everybody

Soooo, there was this SNL skit back in the day with Chris Kattan and he was this ridiculous Hollywood reporter of some sort that gives ridiculous shout outs all the time. Anyway, I quote it every now and then and no one ever knows what I'm talking about. Also, I could never find it on YouTube or anything and I just got really excited because he resurrected it on Jimmy Fallon. Which means still no one will no want I'm talking about since I am apparently the only person that thinks Jimmy Fallon is funny. Makes sense because nobody's smart but meeeee!

Anyway. That was my Monday night. Considerably better than my Monday afternoon, which consisted of me losing my mind for about an hour or so. Stupid work nonsense, as always. This time it was because of a new co-worker, power struggles and what not. I'm better now thanks to some chocolate cake and some AMAZING packages I received in the mail. I have some really annoying people in my life, but man, I also have some SUPER DUPER AWESOME FANTASTIC people in there as well. I just need to remember that when I start freaking out.

And wow, I have no excuses now because my roommate isn't even here, I just got hooked, but I just tuned into the Bachelorette season finale and DAMMIIITTTT. This show is SO TERRIBLE. SO SO SO TERRIBLE. God, I feel so awful for this Ben dude. I mean, there is a tiny part of me that kind likes to see the guy be on the other side of it but it's pretty heart breaking. I kinda feel bad for the girl too because I'm sure it sucks to send him off but what did she think was going to happen? Surely she knew one of them was going to be pissed at the ending. The worst part is that it is ALL just for TV and ratings. Such a cruel world. But, she knew what she was getting into! Boys suck, but girls are so dumb sometimes. Myself definitely not excluded. Also, I think it's strange that even though she's The Bachelorette, they still make the guy propose. Ok, whatever, it's traditional but come on. It's 2011. I don't understand why the guy has to propose if it's the girl that is doing the choosing. So, in the end, it's still kind of the guy's choice, really, right? Because even if she picks him, he still has to propose to her. And why is he giving a speech? Doesn't the guy do that on The Bachelor?? Ugh, sexist bullshit. Last but not least, her dress is ugly. Wait wait...do you think they have sex on the show? I don't really watch all the episodes so I don't know if they get alone time to do such shenanigans. Annnnd, oh goodness, this music. Do they always play this? Shutting up NOW.

Anyway, as stupid as work gets, it gets pretty awesome as well. I got a car to cruise around in, Wednesday I'm touring around Hollywood and Thursday it's back to Vegasssss. Not quite as much fun as you probably think but still. Life could be worse.

Dream big people!

30 July 2011

Disney Hangover

Whoa. So much to be said right now, I don't even know where to start. So many good things to talk about, and a few minor complaints. Let's get started.

First off, THANK YOU to everyone that said Happy Birthday via fb, text, calling, and especially those that sent things in the mail. I appreciate it so much and am so so happy you are in my life. Birthdays make me feel so very special and happy I have such good people in my life. I am a very lucky girl. Love you all!

Since I am now in charge of the activities schedule, I decided a trip to Disneyland was in order on my birthday. A trip would have been planned anyway, but since I just happened to have a birthday coming up, I figured why not? Wednesday we had a beach day and I was kinda like, aw man, I wish I had switched the two so I could chill on the beach for my bday instead, blah blah blah. I basically regret every decision I ever make and second guess everything I plan, so I was thinking a day at Disney wasn't the best idea. I have never been so wrong in my life. A birthday at Disney was the BEST idea ever. SUCH a good birthday. I don't even have the vocabulary to describe the fantasticness that was my birthday.

It got off to a rough start since the stupid woman at Starbucks refused to give me my free birthday drink (I have major beef with this woman, she sucks and is always working in the morning at the Starbucks near my work), and then there was mad traffic on the way to the Land, but once I got there, things just kept getting more and more amazing.

First off, they give you this button that says it's your birthday and they (the parking attendant) writes your name on it. So then, every time you interact with a Disney "cast member" they say, "Happy Birthday Jacky!" And it fucking rocks. I think they are kind of like Chick-Fil-A employees where they are required to be nice to you and say certain things so everyone is super happy and friendly and it's lovely and refreshing. Very few fellow park goers said anything, but a few did and I got a high 5 from a fellow birthday boy.

Anyway, it was really nice weather and I just love all things Disney so the rest of the day was fantastic. I was reminded of how ridiculous I am and am really a five year old. I have so many good memories of going to Disney World when I was younger, I think it subconsciously just makes me really happy to be there. My dad would take my cousin and I every year and it was the best! I decided not to go to California Adventure this time. One, because I really wanted to see the parade (I didn't get to last time) and two, no one else wanted to and I didn't want to go by myself. There were soooo many people there but I loved it. I got to ride my favorite, It's a Small World, right off the bat. It looks a lot different when it's not decorated for Christmas, so it was a whole new experience. I also didn't make it to Toontown last time, so I went there, saw Mickey's house and got to meet him in his production barn. A picture with Mickey is the best kind of picture.

The rest of the day was spent wandering around, and waiting in lots of lines. Things got really good around 6:30, when I got to see the parraaddeeee! We got good seats along the route (in front of some trashcans..apparently no one wants to sit there) and I literally, lost my shit when the parade started. I was soooo happy. It's almost embarrassing how excited I got. BUT-to be fair, they did start off with a drum line and I fucking love drum lines so that, plus really loud music AND people dancing AND Mickey Mouse rocking on the drums, it was just things-I-really-love overload. Just when I thought things could not possibly be any better, the chimney sweeps from Mary Poppins (my fave Disney movie, tied with Lady and the Tramp....Lily e Vagabondo in Italian) came by and they all stopped in front me and said HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKY. And it was amazing. I was completely overcome with joy. Just thinking about it makes me smile. I even got a handshake from one. And a blown kiss from Mary Poppins. AMAZING! I have never felt so special in my life.

I know I sound like a TOTAL goober re-hashing all of it, but it was just so great. There are not words. After the parade, there was another lights show, fireworks, and FANTASMIC which was this crazy lights, water, fire and fireworks extravaganza hosted by Mickey. All great, I loved them all. I don't think I will ever get tired of going to Disneyland. I really don't care if people think I'm weird and/or immature. Maybe California Adventure next time. Now I can go to both parks FOR FREE because I'm a season pass holder. Woo! So come visit, I'll take you. It almost makes me want to have kids just so I can take them and watch them lose their minds when they meet a character. It's the greatest watching the little kids. How awesome would it be to play a Disney princess in the parade? One, you get to be in parades which is super fun. Two, you get to wear a princess dress...what girl doesn't want to do that? Three, you get a prince..so what if he's not real. And four, and best of all, you get to make people REALLY happy just by waving at them. And you pretty much make their life if you give them a hug. I think that would be the best job ever.

The only downfall was the struggles today. I got home around 1:30 am (left the house at 6:30 am) and it was rough getting out of bed and everything hurt today. Maybe I'm getting old but I was so sore! Too much walking and getting thrown around on rides, I guess. Also, when you spend a day at Disney and then have to go back into the real world, it's a harsh transition. Nothing is magical, no one says Happy Birthday to you and there are no parades in the afternoon. Boo. On top of that, I was greeted with lots of complaints about activities at school. I am at a loss over what to do to make people happy but I think I just have to accept that is never going to happen. Someone out there always has something negative to say, even when I bust my ass trying to plan fun activities. But I was pretty angry because apparently one girl was complaining to a co-worker that she didn't like Disney. There weren't enough rides for her and it was too childish. Bitch, you were at DISNEYLAND. What the hell did you expect? Whiny people make me SO angry and I'm sorry, but if Disneyland can't make you happy, nothing can. Also, people who don't like Disneyland are NO friends of mine. Screw you.

Whatever. My day at Disney was so wonderful and it was the BEST way to spend a birthday. I was genuinely excited and happy and I haven't been like that in a long, long time. Thanks Mickey!!!

Dream big people! ...a dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep....

27 July 2011

There It Is

Has anyone seen that commercial for the iPhone (or something) that has the guy at a restaurant looking up a Whoop! There It Is? Anyone? Well, I hate that commercial. You want to know why? Because that guy is being super rude. The waitress is there to take his order and he is being really rude and just ignoring her and continuing to talk on the phone. So rude.

Anyway, it was just on TV so I thought I would comment. I am currently chilling, at home, in the middle of the day and it is so awesome. I am on my way to get my California driver's license. I have mixed emotions about this. I don't really want it and I feel like it's going to be a pain in the ass, but it seems necessary. I don't know, I can't decide. But whatever, because I got to leave work and I don't have to go back until afterwards. I came home to get my passport and such and decided I'd have lunch..since I was here and all. My roommates have been gone and it is SO fantastic to have the apartment to myself. I'm loving it.

I'll be loving the rest of this week as well. Tonight, Dodger's game. Tomorrow, Beach Fun Day and Thursday (MY BIRTHDAY), Disneyland!!!!!!!! I mean, how awesome is that? Pretty fucking awesome if you ask me. I actually think I'll go to California Adventure because I've already been to Disneyland. My co worker has been giving me negative reviews about California Adventure, but she's pretty stupid, so I'll probably just ignore her.

Anyway, time to study. California makes you take a test to get your license here. Which really surprises me because there are the absolute WORST drivers here in LA. The worst. Off I go. Looking forward to the next few days. Getting less and less stressed about life, so things are good.

Dream big people!

22 July 2011

I don't know

Whew. Crisis averted with the Six Flags credit card situation. I remembered I had an actual credit card and didn't have to put everything on my debit card. I also got to the bank today so there was really no need to freak out. Which is usually the case with whatever I'm freaking out about, so I should probably keep that in mind.

Anyway, Six Flags was a lot of fun. The rides didn't give me a raging headache until the end of the day, so I got to ride a lot more than last time where I thought I was going to die after 3. Also, the entire group stuck together this time, which was nice. It was me, one French girl, two Swiss kids and 12 Spanish kids. Lots of Spanish going on, but they actually did a pretty good job of speaking in English a lot of the time. They are so hilarious too, it made the day worth the headache. The Swiss kids..not so much. One guy decided he was leader of the pack and spent most of the day complaining about waiting in the lines and then would assess each line and decide (for everyone) if it was worth waiting or not. Then we would wait and he was spend the whole time talking about how we should have done something else. UGH, it's hard to explain but dammit, he was so annoying! There were lines for EVERY ride and that is just how it works, so shut the fuck up! He was just super annoying in so many ways, I was not pleased when he called shotgun. The girl wasn't as bad, but she had a little mini heat stroke and didn't say thank you when I ran around getting things to cool her off and spent $3.50 on bottled water for her. Whatever. Not all Swiss people are this way, I'm just saying. They also both acted like I was a complete idiot for not knowing the population of South Carolina and California. Listen up, Europeans: Most American people do NOT know the populations of their towns. For whatever reasons, Europeans do and they are always asking me. I don't know, I don't care and I don't understand why you do. That is what the internet is for, answering your stupid ass questions. Furthermore, just because I dont' know, doesn't mean I'm stupid. It means I'm using my braincells for other, more important, information. Like being really good at speaking English. Ooooh, snap, no she didn't! Yes I did.

I actually feel like an idiot a lot, though, because the students are CONSTANTLY asking me questions and usually my answer is, "I don't know." But they are completely ridiculous questions that most people wouldn't know! I'm expected to be an expert on everywhere we go and everything we do. No, I don't know how many people come to Six Flags every day. I don't know how the roller coasters are built, how fast they go, how often people fall off them or why the food is so expensive. I don't know how the routes and times for every bus, what concerts are playing at the Staples Center on any given day and sorry, but I don't know why there was no zucchini for purchase at the market you went to. I also got asked how long it would take to go up a very tall building in an elevator. OH MY GOD, what the hell kind of question is that??

In addition to a million questions, we've had some crazy ass students lately. Another girl (Swiss...again) is super nice and fun, but a TOTAL crazy person. Seriously. It's getting old. And lots of whiny girls lately. Can't make everyone happy. But on the plus side, we have some really cute and hilarious students that make my job so much fun. There are two Spanish boys now that are the cutest things ever and make me laugh so hard, especially when they are trying to figure out how to properly use English curse words. One said he if they missed the bus they were "fucked up," which is wrong so I explained why he had to say he was "fucked" instead. And to explain to himself, he says, "ahh, ok, so that is what you say when the situation has fucked you." Yes. Exactly. He also told me he liked my swag today.

I feel like this job is finally paying off a little bit. After sucking for so long, it is finally really fun. Most of the time. I still get super stressed but I'm learning to let things go and just have fun with it. Especially when they are cute Spanish boys around. I'm actually quite proud of myself and my new job. I made a bad ass calendar and the activities have been pretty successful. I'll take a picture of the wall calendar I made. It's pretty fancy.
I'm kind of a big deal.

In other news, my awesome roommate installed my air conditioner for me! And now, it's 60 degrees outside. So pissed. I know I complain about the weather a lot, but I really do not like needing a fleece jacket in July. I also don't like spending money on an air conditioner and all the necessary equipment for installing it and then not being able to use it. I'm just hoping it warms up in August. I think it got pretty hot last year in August and September so hopefully the AC won't be a total waste of money. I also have the apartment to myself for the next 10 days and that is very exciting. Now I just have to clean it up for my party next weekend! Yay, so pumped about my birthday!!!
And now, I'm going to bed at 10:00. So exhausted from all the fun. San Francisco has been postponed for now and instead we're going to the LA Zoo tomorrow and outlet shopping on Saturday. Neither of which I'm super interested in, but it sure as hell beats being at the office!

Dream big people :)

20 July 2011

That's cows, dumbass

Everyone that says Jimmy Fallon is not funny is a stupid idiot. For real.

So hilarious. Just made my night better.

Currently freaking out for a number of reasons. One. I forgot to call my dad on his birthday. I suck! Sorry Dad!!! I actually thought about it multiple times during the day but never had the opportunity to call since my boss was at work and I didn't get a lunch break. Then, I had a mini crisis at the end of work and once that was over, I had to go out to dinner with the students as an activity. Which was fun, but that wasn't over until 8:30, which is 11:30 on the east coast and is too late to call. So, dammit. I was also a moron and sent a package but put the wrong zip code on it. Like, who does that? Ughhh, I'm a dumbass.

Two. I just had to pay for Six Flags tickets with my personal credit card because the stupid website won't take the business credit card and blah blah blah, everything is stupid. Now freaking out a bit because that was a HUGE chunk of change that I don't really have. I also have to figure out my plan for tomorrow because I have to print the tickets, put cash in the bank, rent the car, AHHHH SO MUCH SHIT. I have major problems with planning out my route and trying to utilize my time most efficiently without doing any back tracking. I stress myself out big time. However, on the plus side, I think the trip to San Francisco is going to be postponed, which I think will be a good thing because I'll have some time to breathe and chill out a little. This activities planning is exhausting!

Oh yes. And I saw the last Harry Potter last night. Cried my eyes out. Am still trying to process the fact that it all ended. Snape. Oh god, Snape. Couldn't even handle it. The kiss. The kids. The creepy baby. Neville being a fucking badass. Too much to process, I can't deal. I need to go to bed. All was well. Tear.

Dream big people! Happy Birthday Dad!!! :)

18 July 2011

You guys are so cute. What the fuck?

This line was said to my group this weekend in Vegas. I LOVE VEGAS. I cannot emphasis this enough. It is a total mess and is seriously just the most fantastic place ever. Ok, that is a little extreme, but it is fantastically entertaining. It has some drawbacks, and I think I've gone over this before, but here are reasons why:

1. There are a hundred million people wandering around at ALL hours of the day. This makes me happy but it's also a little overwhelming. There are literally people EVERYWHERE and it is a little difficult to get around sometimes. It also makes me wonder what people are thinking. I saw people pushing strollers at 1:00 in the morning. WHY are those children not in bed? So confused.

2. It's hot as shit. I love the heat and it is awesome for laying around at the pool all day but you spend too much time wandering outside and it gets a little intense. It's a dry heat, but you are still sweating your ass off.

3. It is sensory overload, but it's awesome. There is something to see, hear, touch, taste, whatever, all day, everyday, everywhere. There is almost too much to choose from and if you don't plan what you're going to do, you can get a a little crazy.

4. So many awesome clubs with free entry and free drinks. HELL YES. However, if you are with a group of girls and you stop walking for 2 seconds, you are bombarded with promoters. I couldn't possibly go to all the clubs I was offered free entry to.

5. Free parking! OH man, the best. Love it.

Anyway, if you haven't been to Vegas, you need to go. I forgot how awesome it was and I can't wait to go back in August! It is a teeny tiny bit on the stressful side to go with the students, but only because they have a MILLION questions I don't have answers too. I also get tired of listening to people speak in another language and then crack up.

My life has been and will be a whirlwind for the next month or so. It's cool but I get a little overwhelmed thinking about what I have to do and how I don't really have enough time to do it all.

Oh yeah, I did go to the Grand Canyon on the Vegas trip as well! It was super awesome. It is load of crap how they make you pay for EVERYTHING but it is quite a sight to see in person. Worth the trip for sure. We went to the South Rim and also stopped off at the Hoover Dam. The Dam was pretty cool and I would love to go on a tour sometime if I have more time and am less exhausted from driving 6 hours and wandering around in 100 degree heat for 3 hours. Also, when I have more money. The Dam people make you pay for everything too! Just to enter the visitor center! After you pay for parking! Nonsense!

Ok, so tired. Gotta get my beauty rest for next week, which will also be a frenzy of activity. Bowling, Six Flags, San Francisco! Then next week is birthday week! SO excited! Just gotta learn to chill out a little.
And oh my goodness, if I don't get to go see the last Harry Potter movie soon, I AM GOING TO BE VERY UPSET. That is all.

Dream big people!