24 April 2009


First off, I GOT THE JOB IN GREECE!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! So that's awesome. I'll be working at the camp in ITALY from June 1-July 4, then going to GREECE to be a nanny for one (1) child from July until September. That freaking rocks my face off! Feel free to come visit me. I'll be at the beach, with some ouzo or something. I'll be waiting. Ok, thanks. This is where I will be, in case you get lost:
See you there!

In other news, I just downloaded the most random, ridiculous smattering of music. And I want to share because I'm in love with it all. Well, except one song because I got the wrong version. It's that new Jesse McCartney song, but I got the one without Ludacris :( SO sad! Because my favorite part is when he's like, I miss you 23/7 and that deep voice is like 3.6.5. Makes me smile every time. Anyways, here are the songs I got:
1. I Know You Want Me-Pitbull (This song is kind of annoying after about 2 minutes)
2. True Colors-Anoop Desai ( I never watch American Idol, but I love this version. And his name is super fun to say. And he's cute. Even with his out of control eyebrows)
3. How Do You Sleep-Jesse McCartney (no Luda. tear.)
4. Free Fallin'-Live by John Mayer (I love John. Shut up haters)
5. Did You Get My Message?-Jason Mraz (there is a girl that sings with him and I'm upset she is not credited)
6. We Are Okay-Joshua Radin (Yes, we are)
7. You Are the Best Thing-Ray LaMontage (HOLY SHIT-this song is amazing)
8. I'd Rather Be With You-Joshua Radin
9. After Tonight-Justin Nozuka
(His CD cover is cool looking)
10. Perfect Picture-Carlos Bertonatti (his name is awesome)
11. The Little Things-Carlos Bertonatti (This song is ALWAYS stuck in my head)
12. I Do Not Hook Up-Kelly Clarkson (Why not Kelly? It's fun!)
13. Waking Up in Vegas-Katy Perry (God, I hate this woman, but this song is fun)
14. Sugar-Flo Rida (feat Wynter) (Flo Rida is ridic. But I still enjoy him) 15. Something Happened on the Way to Heaven-Phil Collins (an oldie, but goodie)

So there you have it. I really need a new iPod. But for now, I think I'll just make a CD for my road trip tomorrow. Going to Jacksonville to see WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!!!! And, for the person that was supposed to take me, you can SUCK IT! I'm taking myself!

Oh yes, and if anyone would like to come move me out of my house, I'll be here with some boxes. We will jam out to my awesome music and pack. It will be fun!

Later dudes!

Oh, if you can't find me in Greece...stop and ask this guy for directions.

He should be able to get you to where you need to be going.

21 April 2009

Did You Get My Message?

"Uh oh, where did it go, must have by-passed your phone and flown right out of the window"

Thank you Jason Mraz...that is probably what happened to both messages I've sent and the ones I was supposd to recieve. Love that song! And these lines:

"Do you ever wonder what happens to the words that we send Do they bend, do they break from the flight that they take and come back together again with a whole new meaning to the matter of our loves defense at least be sympathetic to the time I spent"

Yes, at least be sympathetic to the time I spent. And call me. Ass. I wish I wasn't so lazy and could figure out how to put music on here. But I am lazy and that's just how it is. So you should download the song by Jason Mraz and hear it's lyrical goodness for yourself.

So I have some other random thoughts that I've decided to use this blog as an outlet for.

1. Lady Gaga is extremely annoying. I heard her live on something and it has made it worse. She sounded horrible. So not only is she not a great singer, but she is completly ridiculous with her stupid outfits, pantslessness and electric tape nipple guards. I am all for being orginal and cool and hip, but seriously. The thing that bothers me is that one, she is getting tons of attention for being a complete goober. Attention needs to go to people that are doing awesome things and making the world a better place. And two, her ridiculousness probably costs a shit-ton of money and again, that money could be going to people and causes that are awesome and make the world a better place. The cost of her nipple guards could probably feed a family of 4 for a month. Or something. I realize things are this way because being ridiculous is what sells...but that is just sad. And disheartening. People are so stupid. I can't lie, I love her songs...but I think they can be performed without all her expensive, extravagent ridiculousness. And what is up with the tea cup? Ugh, I want to slap her to the floor.

2. Miss California is a complete dodo. Whatever, have your dumb beliefs about marriage being between a man and a woman...but woman! Realize what the hell you are doing and who you are talking to! You are at a freaking Miss USA pageant trying to WIN and the judge that is asking you the question is GAY. And the audience is full of GAY people. Stupid, stupid girl. Have your beliefs, but figure out how to word them so you don't offend 80% of your audience. Saying "no offense" doesn't count. Also, you were raised to belief that marriage is between a man and a woman. What moral parents you have. Did they also raise you to believe that parading around on stage in front of thousands of people in a bikini was a productive thing to do with your life? Because it's not. Don't worry if you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm kind of embarassed I do.

3. This is the funniest post from Go Fug Yourself that I've seen in a while. I was seriously, lol-ing. http://gofugyourself.celebuzz.com/go_fug_yourself/2009/04/fugvate_fugtice.html
My favorite is when she says "And I'm HELLA WICKED GLAAAAAD...." Because that is just funny. Hella wicked. In caps. Brilliant.

4. I am trying to decide whether or not blowing all my money on traveling is a very good idea. Thoughts? I'll be making some of it back...and it won't necessarily be all of it..just a lot. It will mainly be on transportation because I'll be staying places for free. And I really want to go.

5. I recently re-discovered my love of beer pong. I miss it. I miss college. I wish I had more friends to play beer pong with. I also wish I liked beer. It would make it even more fun!

That's all. I'm having a great day and I hope you are too!

20 April 2009

If I Could Turn Back Time...

....If I could FIND A WAY. Oh my, I love that song. So much. And I love the video even more.

The outfit! The manly voice! Love it! Only, this isn't the real video, which makes me sad, but the outfit is still pretty awesome.

Anyways, turning back time. Good thing? I think I would like to every now and then. I don't really believe those people that say "I live my life with no regrets." Because I regret things all the time. But, I don't let them rule my life or anything. I don't agonize over them or think that they make me any less fabulous. But, there are things I wish I had done differently and there DEFINITELY things I wish I did or didn't say. But, such is life and life goes on. Mainly I can't get over my stupid date that went awry. Like I said, life goes on.

Anyways, along with turning back time, there were some things I didn't blog about the last week or so because I was too grouchy. Nothing too exciting, but just wanted to share my ridiculous nights out. Last weekend involved a strip club and this weekend involved dancing on the bar. Guess which one I was drunk for. Because one of these adventures was had with me being completely sober. That is how I roll people. I am all for sober fun.

Oh yeah, and Easter! The weather was beautiful and I had some good times with the fam. We had a mini photo shoot.
So festive in pastels. There's more..but who really cares?

Ok, well I thought I had more to say about the past couple of weeks, but I guess I don't. Which is fine because things are going REALLY well right now. I got my job in Italy and things are looking pretty good with the family in Greece. So another European adventure is in my near future adn I am so SO excited!

And I am so so lazy today, people. This post has taken me, like three hours to write. And it's a terrible post. I'm sorry. But I really am SUPER pumped about the future. I swear! More when I am less distracted.

Ciao ciao!

17 April 2009

A Medley


Sorry it has been so long. I didn't want to ruin my ONE HUNDREDTH POST with bad news, so that is why I have been putting off writing anything. Because I was grouchy and full of bad news. But...NOT TODAY!!! NOT only is it my ONE HUNDREDTH POST, but it is also a day of very fabulous news and things to look forward too.

First off, let us celebrate the ONE HUNDREDTH POST. I'm excited, and I hope you are too! Here is a lovely medley of songs with which to celebrate. Enjoy and have a little dance party at your computer. Please. For me.

[Um, right. So I was totally going to put songs here. But then I got lazy and tired and I really just want to post this...so that will have to come later. For now, there is just one. But it's fun. More later. Maybe.]


Ok. Next order of business: POSITIVE news! And I am just full of it! It has been quite the roller coaster ride these last couple of weeks. Here's why: I found out I got the job in Italy! Hooray! Celebrate...tell everyone I know and some random strangers. Next day, find out that instead of a three month contract (as agreed upon), they could only offer me a job for two weeks. AHH. WHAT?!?! NOOOOOOO. Retreat into bedroom, refuse phone calls and dream of breaking things. I won't even get into all the reasons why two weeks of work is ridiculous, I'll just say I was super SUPER frustrated. Then, there's hope that I could possibly work more, but I have to wait for.ev.er. for the woman in Italy to email me back. And between Easter (Italians are serious about Easter, I know this first hand) and the earthquakes over there (so sad), the office was closed for quite some time and I had to wait a long time to hear back. Oh yeah, and here's the best part-she tried to email me waaaay back in March and it didn't go through, for whatever reason. Oh, it could have saved so much heartache! Moving on, I finally heard from her again. First it was bad news, sorry, I can't give you more time. Then the good: someone canceled and you can now have five weeks! YAY YAY YAY YAY! No, this still means I will not be making a ton of money, but I don't really care because I will at least be making enough to break even. And I'll be in ITALY so who really gives a shit? Not me! AND-I have found a family in Greece that I can Au Pair for from July-September, which just fits into my new life plan so perfectly because the camp will be over July 4. Those plans are still in the works, so we'll see..but things are looking good! Hip Hip HOORAY! Seriously, I am so pumped! Now, I just have to move out of my house and get all my shit together before June 1 when I leave. For Italy. :) :) :) :)

Also, I'm going to New Jersey to visit my lovely sister in May, as well as attending a study abroad reunion in New York that weekend. So I just have all kinds of things to look forward too and I really could not be more pleased.

I'm so happy I got to share all of this with you. (That was said in the flattest voice possible...if you've seen Dirty Dancing Havana Nights, you know what I'm talking about. So funny)

So yeah, I've got my fingers crossed and want you to cross them for me as well. And if you pray, say a little prayer for me.

Also, this Au Pair website is cracking me up! Here is my favorite line so far:
I don´t want someone who doesn´t know how to be in every place, and doesn´t know how to eat (without noise).
I think that means she needs someone that can adapt to different situations and has some manners. I could be wrong.

Alright, well I have more good things to say, but I'm going to wait until later when I'm not so tired. And when I can think of another good Rolling Stones song. I feel like a traitor. Sorry Mick. I'll send you a postcard from Italy.


07 April 2009

You can't always get what you want....

...but if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need!

Only I'm not getting anything I want nor what I need. I don't really know what I need, other than a job, but it seems like nothing is going the way I want it. And by nothing I mean that I am super pissed that this boy has not called me. Stupid stupid boy. I guess this is why people hate dating so much. Because just when you think everything is going all great, it all goes to hell instead. Maybe I should just try. But what should I try? Mick Jagger, HELP ME!!!!

Whatever, moving on, who likes my Rolling Stones theme for April?! I do! I don't know how much longer it's going to last, though, because I don't know many other Stones songs. Maybe I'll mosey on over to iTunes later and educate myself.

Oh yeah, and I put in my two weeks notice today. Do I have a new job lined up? Nope. Good job me. I think I might sign up for the adsense thing you can put on your blog and start making money that way. I don't really know the logistics of it, but I guess it can't really hurt anything. Or maybe I'll find some other body parts to donate. You don't need both kidney's, right? I wonder how much one would go for. JUST KIDDING. Where would I even find a market for that? Or maybe I'll actually do what I've been saying I want to do and go abroad. Just maybe.

I'm in a snarky mood right now. I don't really know what that means, but I think that is how I can best describe myself at this moment. So I'm going to shut my mouth, find some Stones to listen too and not blog again until I have something positive to say.

Thank you and goodnight.

**UPDATE: I slept in my awesome flannel pajamas last night (because it's freaking cold again!) and plucked my eyebrows...and am feeling a lot better now :)**

03 April 2009

I Can't Get No....Satisfaction

Cause I try and I try and I try and I TRY!

Gah, and I was doing so great too! And don't you worry, I still am doing great. But I'm just frustrated!!! With everything it seems!

The weather is sucking at the moment...maybe that is some of the problem. It's been raining for like, two days now. I like the rain..when I'm home...in my bed. Not when I'm driving to work and/or sitting at work. No good. But I think it's going to be nice this weekend, so I'm sure I'll be better.

Also, I committed some serious dating no-nos this weekend and now I am so mad at myself! Stupid jacky! I thought I was above simple dating rules and sadly, I am not. I am a mere mortal. In fact, why would I even think such things when I have so little experience?! I'm still having a great time, but I feel like I messed things up with someone and I didn't want to do that!!! I wanted things to work! Or for us to at least make it past date one. Shoot. But it was a super great one date...so at least I have that. Also, I may be jumping the gun a little since not even a week has passed yet. We'll see. I'm just impatient.

I really want some puppies! I miss those little things and could use some serious puppy love right about...now.

But here is the real problem: I miss Rome. Oh goodness gracious, I miss it so bad. Mainly because I looked at this:

And it made my heart hurt. Literally, I could feel it aching. I have been to most of the places pictured and I want to go back. To be complety cheestastic, I left a little piece of my heart there and I have to go back to make things better. In general, I am just so ready for some traveling. I want to get out of Charleston SO SO bad. I want to finally do what I've been saying I was always going to do and leave to see the world. I just feel so stuck sometimes. I am waiting patiently to hear back from the job I applied for in Italy and it is KILLING me! I want to know NOW!


But, for some good news: I started my improv class! I think it's going to be fun! There are some doodoos in my class, but hopefully they will make things interesting instead of annoying. Also, a friend is coming to visit this weekend and I'm super excited about that. It's almost the weekend. Oh yeah! All the signs at Curves have been looking really sad lately because they are just ugly print outs of things. We had a food drive and we were competeing with the other Curves and we WON (hooray!) and there was this pathetic looking piece of paper that was like, we beat Belle Hall. It was so sad looking and no one even really noticed it. So, I offered to make some new ones (because a victory is worth celebrating!), but I was kind of nervous the owner would be offended. But I took them to her this morning and she was really really happy! So yay, I'm happy too. I haven't seen them up yet because I couldn't go this afternoon, but I'm sure everyone there is just so impressed with my poster making ablitities. It's kind of my thing. I was the banner makign queen in high school..and college a little. Not to brag or anything. So that was a good story.

Here's to thinking positive for the rest of the week! Cin cin! Also, here are some of my favorite pictures of Rome I wanted to share. Tear.

The view from my apartment. Many good times on our teeny tiny porch.

Castle Saint Angelo and the Bridge of Angels. It has a secret passage to the Vatican! So cool!

Just thought this was funny.

That is my heart that I left there. I need to go retrieve it. Andiamo!