07 November 2008

True Life

My life is ridiculous.

Right now Liz is making me watching True Life: I'm a compulsive shopper. It's killing me. These people are retarded and I don't feel sorry for them. Especially the retard that is trying to save money so she can get a boob job. Dumb ass. Moving on.

Look how much Booger loves me. And I love her back. However, she has been a crazy mutt lately and has got some serious biting issues. We're working on it. I'll keep you updated. In the meantime, let's look at happier times when Booger was being cute. There are more videos of this and I'll get around to posting them later. I know, I'm out of control with the videos. I can't stop myself. True Life: I'm addicted to my puppy.

Woo hoo! Go Chic-Fil-A. Sadly, we did not win the Championship (we lost in the tournament by ONE goal..I don't even want to discuss it, it should not have been scored), but we did get this awesome runner-up trophy. Not really sure what I'm going to do with this huge ass trophy, but I'll figure something out. Maybe take it by Chic-Fil-A and see if I can trade it in for some free fries or something. Right, so anyways, since my team finished second, I was made the head coach for the All-Stars team. I was under the impression I was going to just be helping out as an assistant coach..but no, I'm the head coach. This should be interesting. I hope they give me a coaches jersey so everyone knows I am the coach and not a player. Don't laugh. It's happened. True Life: I'm a 23 year old trapped in a 15 year olds body.

I saw Role Models this weekend...SO FUNNY. Go see it. But miss the previews. Normally I love the previews, but they had two for some really scary movies. And I hate scary movies, as well as scary previews. It was some freaky shit. True Life: Scary movie previews give me nightmares.

I think MTV needs to contact me about these True Life ideas. I really think I could provide them with some good material. I mean, they could either actually do a story on me and my super awesome life. Or, I could just give them ideas and they could pay me lots of money. Sounds good to me. Holla, MTV!

By the way, we moved on to True Life: I'm an alcoholic. Seriously? Who cares. Coaching youth soccer, puppies and drug testing is way more interesting. Please.

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