13 November 2009

Beat It

That is what I wanted to say to the stupid ass drunk girls at The Elbow Room while watching Who's Bad. They were freakin ridiculous! I don't normally like getting into altercations with complete strangers, but I was ready to rumble with these bitches. Their concert etiquette was nonexistent and it was really annoying. In my opinion, shoving your way to the front and then just standing there is not acceptable. Also, if you leave your spot and someone else moves into it, I'm sorry, it's lost forever. Especially if you had a prime one right at the front. We paid the same price to stand and you don't get to reclaim your spot if you leave. If you leave, don't look back. That's what I always say. And before I move to something positive, if you do happen to get a good spot at the front, don't just stand there! JUST DANCE. If you're not going to, make way for someone that knows how to behave at a concert. Thank you.

On the other hand, the concert was AMAZING. So so sooo SO good! Other than the idiot girls, I loved every minute of it. Who's Bad is a Michael Jackson cover band and they do such a good job. Oh, and I forgot my MJ hat and that was sad. I didn't even remember that until just now, so really, not that big of a deal. Last night, I was so happy and dancing like a complete fool and life was really good. Sigh. I really just can't even describe it. It was so fabulous. And the whole experience was made even better because I got to go with my friend Sarah who is one of the only people I know that can appreciate a Michael Jackson cover band like I can...and like it needs to be. I'm only sad because they are not playing anywhere near me anytime soon. I'm also sad because the super cute trumpet player from the band was standing around after the show and I really wanted to talk to him. I wanted to ask his favorite MJ song and then we would talk and he'd be so impressed with me, he would ask if I wanted a job hanging out with the band and upping their cool factor and I would get to travel around jamming out to MJ every night and it would be so unbelievably awesome. Instead, I just said excuse me and gave him a high-five and left. SO LAME. That sucked. Damn, he was so cute too.

In other news, I got a part-time job. I am....wait for it.....here it comes....Santa's helper! Seriously. I will be helping take pictures with Santa Clause. I think it's going to be awesome. I also think it's going to be completly ridiculous. But my whole life is ridiculous, so it'll fit right in. I kind of want to get another part time job because I'll have time, but not having a car is kind of problem. We'll see.

Also, no one comments anymore and it's making me depressed. I need some feedback people! Make it happen.

K, bye. (said in the pothole voice from the Geico commercial)

PS-this video does not even begin to do them justice. I think they should consider re-doing it.

1 comment:

  1. that trumpet player was cute...but my eyes are only for MJ. Haven't decided if I like big MJ or little MJ better.

    loved wednesday! thanks for making the bed!
