21 September 2012

I am happy

Sometimes, I ask the kids, "How are you doing today,?" they say, "I am happy." And it cracks me up. For one, that is not technically not a proper response. But it's amazing. And two, half the time they don't look the least bit happy. They don't really look sad, but happy is not really how I would describe them either. Sometimes, though, they say "I am angry!" and I don't know why. Usually because someone said something mean to them on the bus. Preschool drama. Anyway, I am happy works for this post because I am happy!

First off, it's Friday. Second, we had a birthday party today AND made some amazing Venetian masks in class. They weren't my idea, but I am pretty proud of how they turned out. The kids really liked them and they were SO easy to make.

Two masks...one face. Love it. 

Not sure what's going on with the numbers, but apparently Jun can add and subtract. Amazing, since some of the kids still can't count to 20. 
Plus, birthday party day is always super easy. It's weird, because the moms are there and it can be realllly awkward, but this one wasn't bad PLUS we got ice cream sandwiches. The moms always bring a ton of food and always give us something special. Which is awesome, but sometimes the food is...not my thing so I feel bad not eating it. Especially when I really just want the candy bag, like the kids get. Last time we got this huge box of rice cakes. Seriously, it weighed like 10 pounds (5 kilos?) and they were all these different colors and sizes. Unfortunately, they all taste the same..which is this weird bland, not tasty at all taste. I always feel terrible because the moms bring us free food and I usually don't want to eat any of it. A few weeks ago we got a huge case of tomato juice. I really wished I liked Bloody Marys, but I just can't stomach them.

Anywho, birthday party was easy, my after club was super easy, I actually went to the gym. Quite proud of that one, actually. I was sick this week, and I told myself I needed less gym and more rest as my body "fought off infection." I don't know if this is legit, but I do know it's not helping me lose weight OR utilize the money spent on a gym membership. So, while the naps where lovely, I really should probably go to the gym and not to bed. Plus, I then had a wine and pizza party with friends, so at maybe it balanced out. And maybe it was the wine, but then I bought tickets to a Formula 1 race. Random, yes, but the main event is the PSY concert after!!!!! YESSSSSS, soooo pumped! Gangnam Style LIVE AND IN PERSON. Can't freakin wait. I am so in love with that song, the video, and the singer. And I feel totally cool because I totally knew about it before it got all huge and crazy in the US. I AM SO HIP.

Yeah, so pretty jazzed about that. It is amazing what some energy will do for your mood. I was grumpy monster early in the week but things have improved 10 fold. Thanks antibiotics (That cost me a total of $7...doctors visit included)! Or wine, I don't know. Either way, ended this week on a good note. Still sad about Ray, but I've now decided to track him down, and I don't care if his mom thinks I'm weird. As long as I get to see him....hopefully she doesn't think I'm crazy person weird and won't let me see him. We'll see.

Dream big people!

Oh, and I went to the beach last weekend and it was SO LOVELY.

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