08 April 2008

Burning questions

Here's what I want to know: why do middle aged men think wearing push-up socks with shorts is acceptable? At what point in a man's life do they make the change from ankle socks to push-up socks? Or, are there two different kinds of men, those who wear ankle socks and those who wear push-up socks? If that's the way it is, then I definitely need an ankle sock wearing kind of guy. This burning question came about after I went to my first softball "practice" on Sunday. I don't know if it counted as a real practice since it was me, five middle aged men, a muddy, unusable field and one extremely heavy wooden bat. I think you need a little more than that to constitute a real practice. I could be wrong though. I hope the team works out though, because I really want to play softball. I was hoping to meet some cute guys that are my age, but it's looking like everyone is going to be at least 15 years older. Maybe they can get me a job or something...or maybe they have kids. We'll see.

So I did the Cooper River Bridge Run on Saturday. And by run, I mean I walked it. And even though it took me an hour and a half, I still beat about 20,000 people. So yeah, I'm pretty awesome. Not quite as awesome as the Kenyans that won the whole thing. They were finished, showered and receiving medals before the last people had even crossed the finish line. Isn't that insane?! That nonsense just blows my mind. And they fact that they ran 6.2 miles (nearly 2 of them uphill) in 28 minutes. TWENTY-EIGHT MINUTES. Complete insanity. I can't even imagine being able to do such a thing. And just in case I ever think that I could ever be capable of doing such a thing, I'll hopefully remember how sore I was in the days after walking 6.2 miles. It's really quite sad and I am working on forcing myself to change that. I'm counting softball practice as a step in the right direction.

The housewarming party was fun. Nothing too crazy happened. I apparently made some bomb ass hunch punch. I don't actually know, since I stuck to wine all night. Don't really have anything else to say..what happens on Fairmont, stays on Fairmont. Ok, I'm just being dramatic...it's just that nothing much really happened.

So here's what else I really want to know: what is Chris Brown talking about when he says "You're like Jordans on Saturday?!?!??!" I know I've asked this before, but I would really like to know. I would also like to know why a company would send me an email with the subject line, "Open Position at Blackbaud," make me all excited thinking there's an open position they'd like me to fill and then have the actual email tell me they decided to go with someone more qualified. That is just asshole right there. Someone at Blackbaud is mean.

That's all I got for now. No more questions your honor.



  1. My dad used "you're like Jordan's on Saturday" the other weekend, i forget the context. I was like, "do you even know what that means?" He said that obviously it represents something Chris Brown really wants, has to have, looks forward to getting. I'm just taking his word for it...who better to believe than a 50 yr. old white male who listens to top 40 music?

  2. Also, i think there are 2 kinds of men with the socks. Because surely nobody would wake up and just decide to switch from ankle socks to push up socks because they know how incredibly uncool that would make them.

    Ok, that's all.
