17 September 2008

You Got Tagged

By you, I mean me. So here ya go, enjoy....

A - Attached or Single? Single. Unrequited love is such a bitch
B - Best friend(s): I have a lot. The real ones are who read this thing.
C - Cake or pie? Hm, depends on what kind. But once I had this dessert in Italy that was one of the best things I've ever had and I'm pretty sure it was pie...so I would have to go with that.
D - Drink of choice? Water...cream soda if I'm feeling special
E - Essential item: the internet, my car
F - Favorite color: Big fan of red
G - Gummi bears or worms? They taste the same.
H - Hometown: Charleston, SC (even though I was born in Jacksonville, FL)
I - Indulgence: TV and food
J - January or February? January. Valentine's Day is stupid
K - Kids: ...are dumb
L - Life, for me, is incomplete without: Dancing, laughing, and randomness....I agree with Sarah. Add sleeping
M - Marriage date: Sept. 21st. But not this coming up one. Or any one in the near future...that is just the day so I can play the song at my wedding and then celebrate with it every year.
N - Number of siblings: 1 brother, 1 sister, 1 step-brother and 2 step-sisters.
O - Oranges or Apples? Apples, red delicious...the crispy ones. Mushy apples are gross.
P - Phobia/Fears: becoming extremely fat...like to the point of not being able move around. Also getting sad and never being able to get happy again.
Q - Favorite quote: "Keep laughing, even when you are under stress." Jerman Disasa
R - Reasons to smile: Going to the beach after work, my friends, new shoes
S - Season: spring and fall.
T - Tag Ten: hahaha. like 10 people read this blog. I'm tagging anyone that does...get back to me.
U - Unknown fact about me: I really want to be famous
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? HAHAHA. Is that the best you could come up with for V? Who made this? Biased much? Opressor of animals and I'm not ashamed.
W - Worst habit: overthinking everything, crying, and being super critical
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds: I had an ultrasound once and it was not fun, so probably X-rays
Y - Your favorite foods: Oh my. Sushi, crepes, french fries, the list goes on forever.
Z - Zodiac: Leo. And sometimes I think that stuff is really on point. Scary.

Also, people, just a heads up. This girl is down in the dumps. Feel free to send some love my way. More later.

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