15 May 2011


Wooohooo, feeling much better these days! Lots of reasons why.

First off, boys are dumb. This is a fact. Crying over them every now and again is acceptable, but not too much. So I've stopped being upset over the Italian and if he wants to be with ugly Russians, that is his business. Have fun living in Moscow, where it's cold as shit most of the time (not sure how true this is).

Second, I downloaded the Glee version of Friday and it never ceases to make me smile. It's almost as good as the Stephen Colbert version. Almost. I also downloaded some more Bieber and that is making me happy as well. I need some cool underground rock now to make me cool again. Actually, I was never cool in the first place so fuck it.

Third, Ben and Leslie FINALLY kissed on Parks and Recreation. That made me extremely happy. It's about damn time. Best show on TV right now, so hilarious. Thursday night on NBC is amazing.

Fourth, Universal Studios was SUPER fun. Surprisingly so, actually. Turns out, the less I am looking forward to something, the more fun it turns out to be. I was really excited about Six Flags and it turned out pretty sucky. And I was kind of dreading Universal and it was fantastic! Lesson: Don't look forward to anything and be super pessimistic all the time. Just kidding. Neutral is the way to go. Have no feelings and when things turn out good, woo hoo! I was mainly not looking forward to driving a 15 passenger van around LA, but I rocked it. I'm not sure why I was worried, I am awesome at everything, so I should have known I would rule the 15 P. It was pretty stressful and I was sweating the whole time, but I didn't hit anything so it was a success. Also, going to parks during the week is the way to go, we never waited in line for more than 15 minutes. The weather was great and the girls I wandered around with were super excited about everything, so that made it fun. I love when people are excited. I am usually excited about stupid stuff but no one else is and then I get mad. But, these girls were pumped about EVERYTHING so it made it really fun. The only downside was they want to take pictures of literally, everything we passed so it was a little slow going getting around the park. Minor details.

Fifth, I went with some of the same girls to an LA Galaxy game tonight and they were also super pumped about that, well David Beckham really, and it was really really fun. One of my favorite sporting events I've been to so far. Sadly, I am not a true fan and don't follow the team (or any sports really) so I had zero answers to the million questions people were asking me. I've found Europeans are always very interested in numbers. I am not a fan of them (numbers, not Europeans), really so I never know the answer when they ask how many people can the stadium hold? How many teams are in the league? How many kilometers is it to the stadium? How many people attend games? How many goals has David Beckham scored this season? Sorry people, I have no idea. And honestly, who gives a shit how many people a stadium can hold? Wikipedia that shit and leave me alone. No, just kidding, but I started feeling pretty stupid after I had no answers for them. Oh well, most Swiss already think Americans are retards so whatever. They were impressed, however, with my artistry skills. I'm pretty much a professional poster maker. (see below). OH! And we got on the Jumbo-Tron. So awesome! It was, obviously, because of the amazing sign.

Last but not least, I cleaned my room and organized my closet today, and I feel like a new person. I Swiffered and everything. I just love a good cleaning. And my closet looks awesome. It just needs a clothes/shoes update. Donations welcome.
Anyway, now it's not even midnight on a Saturday and I'm ready for bed. I know I'm a total loser, but I need to catch up on my sleep lost on vacation. I'll be cool again...soon.

Oh yeah, and sixth: I got paid Friday (Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday) so my bank account is no longer giving me heart palpitations. It still stresses me out, but now I'm more looking forward to going home than regretting buying the ticket. I think I might throw myself an early birthday party. You're all invited, of course. Presents are encouraged.

Dream big people!

1 comment:

  1. "Wikipedia that shit and leave me alone" made me laugh pretty hard. I miss you, friend!
