28 October 2008

Just Dance

Prepare for randomness.

I am so in love with Booger. I don't know how I am going to give her cute self back to the shelter when they call me. I seriously can't get enough of her. And it's weird because I am actually ok with all her nonsense. I am ok with taking her out at 2 in the morning and I'm ok with her peeing in my bed. Gross, I know..but don't worry, I change and wash the sheets asap. But how crazy is that?! I guess I just have a huge soft spot for incredibly cute things. Also, I get so happy because she totally recgoninzes that I'm her mom. She was whining in the car when someone else was holding her but she shut right up when I got her. And she gives me good morning kisses and snuggles with me at bedtime. SO PRECIOUS! I can't STAND it! She seriously is the sunshine of my life. Maybe I should have named her Sunshine. Hm. A woman came in for a drug test today named Sunshine. She wasn't all that sunny though. Her case worker definitely wasn't..she was a total bitch. Moving on. This love kind of scares me because it makes me realize that IF I ever have kids (which I don't want to do) then I will be one of those crazy moms that takes a million pictures of her kids, thinks they are the greatest kids ever in life and makes them dress up in dumb outfits just for a cute photo op. And that is exactly why I don't want to have babies...I do NOT want to be that crazy mom! But I am! And now I'm posting videos. Oh goodness..what have I become?

This video doesn't showcase her full cuteness...kind of when she falls. So imagine this cuteness times 100.

Ok, some work ridiculousness...you have to have a picture ID to get a test done. Duh. You can't waltz in here, claiming to be whoever and expect to take a drug test without proving it. For some reason, this causes problems for lots of people and we have issues with it all the time. People come up with creative solutions and sometimes ask if a social security card or birth certificate will work. Good try, but those don't have pictures, so no. One lady called last week and said she didn't have a photo ID, but she did have her marriage license and wanted to know if that would work instead. WHAT???!!!! People are so crazy! And ridiculous! I mean really. I love it. Some people.

I got a new car! Yay! Oh, wait, back up. Ralph was fixed...he got a new radiator and has been up and running since last week. But, long story short, he might not make it much longer and so I got a new one. And it's an AUDI! Ooooooo, fancy! I know, I feel so special! I start driving it sometime soon..it still needs plates and insurance. And a name of course, so send some suggestions my way. I think it's a she.

Soccer update: U13 is over. We were number 8 and lost to the number 9 time tonight and are therefore out of the playoffs. I will not lie and say I'm not sad. I am ready for soccer to be over. For one thing, it's freezing. Also, I'm tired of running all over the place trying to coach both games by myself. It's exhausting. U18 starts in the playoffs next week and we're tied for first right now, so things could get exciting. We'll see.

Yay Halloween this weekend! Still haven't figured out what I'm going to be. We'll see I guess.

Boo cold weather. Yay fair next week!

The title is my new song for the day. It's by Lady Gaga. She's awesome. It's also what I want to do with my life.

Peace out homeslice.

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