23 March 2011

Bitches, Spring Break!

I don't get a spring break. But Tosh.0 just said that and it was pretty hilarious. I realize now it doesn't have the same impact as a blog post title.

But whatever, today was weird. For a lot of reasons. So this post is going to be weird and I'm sorry, but since everyone REFUSES to follow me (except those 7 awesome people), I don't feel like I have to pander to normalcy. It's going to be a bit discombobulated but until you follow me, complaining is not allowed!

First up, I really want to go on a vacation. Like, a legit, not stay at someone's house vacation. After my Sunday, I would love to go to Universal Studios so I can go to Harry Potter world. How fun would that be? Who wants to go with me?

Secondly, I took a 2 hour nap today. WHHHYYYYY? I am NEVER going to be able to sleep tonight! :( I don't even know why I was so tired! I always feel like I should have a reason for being tired but I got nothing.

Thirdly, Jimmy Fallon was on Ellen and it made me super duper happy. I love how much he amuses himself. Right now, on Jimmy Fallon, people are throwing hot dogs through a hole. Like, what the hell? So hilarious and ridiculous. My only concern is that it seems like a waste of hot dogs. They should cook them, wrap them in bacon and sell them to drunk people. They wouldn't notice. I know I wouldn't.

Which brings me to my fourth random thought. Apparently I've become an awkward drunk that has a tendency to make people uncomfortable. Like I said, I'm getting reckless. So I'm going to work on that. And I apologize to anyone I've recently made drunk, unwelcome, advances on. I probably don't mean them.

Last but not least, I realized today I have really minor, stupid problems. People, including my friends, have much bigger, important, grown up issues to deal with and I need to stop whining. I have a really fantastic life and am a lucky lady with lots to be happy about. So I'm going to focus on that. And I think you should FOLLOW me while I'm doing it. Come on friends, I know you're out there! I'm getting desperate but let's at least get to 10!

You know what else I think might be interesting? If people sent me topics to write about it. Like blog assignments. Send me something if you think that's interesting too. If not, I will continue to write about stupid nonsense.

Dream big people!

1 comment:

  1. i definitely want to go to universal studios. the whole not having money thing just puts a damper on all the fun i could having. boo. oh well, maybe in three years i'll finally get my "legit" vacation!
