23 February 2011

The Wet Devil

Cue the trumpets! Glleeee time!

Alcohol! Finally. Something I can relate to. Only not in high school, didn't touch the stuff. Didn't know what I was missing out on, obvi. JUST KIDDING. Underage drinking is wrong.

Ok, so I did live blog it, but I re-read it and it was all pretty much crap so I'm just going to do a quick summary of my Glee thoughts.

Never mind, I don't know how to do quick so here are some long ass thoughts and random quips from the live stuff I wrote when watching it, in bold. I put it all on here because I feel like I shouldn't waste my real life and breathe having an actual conversation with someone about it. Makes me feel super lame, even though I obviously am lame.

1. I thought the whole thing was pretty poorly done. I was not a fan of this episode. I have conflicting feelings about it. I spent a lot of the episode cringing, with my mouth gaping opening or exclaiming: WHAT?? Seriously?!!!! And yes, I said it out loud to my TV. Some of it was painfully familiar and some of it was just painful. And ridiculous. All the drunk pining was making my heart hurt.

2. I like that they tried to have a lesson learned at the end, but the whole thing just seemed forced and awkward. Also, the puke looked totally fake and they still managed to have a kick ass show AND win praise from the principal. And anyone that has ever thrown up from drinking knows good and well that is not going to stop you from drinking again. It'll stop you from drinking the rest of the night, but you'll actually feel better in the morning. I don't know anyone that has ever sworn off drinking on account of public vomiting. And I know a lot of people that have participated in public vomiting. I think if they really wanted to step it up a notch, they should have had more severe consequences to them drinking. Maybe not someone dying, but something more substantial. They are pretty quick to turn everything into a gay issue, they could do the same with other issues. Oh, and Rachel totally would have vomed from all that jumping around. I hate that song too, because of a Chips Ahoy commercial from a while ago.

3. I love Artie. I know he's not real, but he is my favorite and I want us to hang out. I ain't no pony express.

4. Finn is the reason Rachel was drinking in the first place and it made me angry he was such an ass about her being drunk. And the headband song was awesome. Terrible, but awesome. And unexpected.

Oh hey, we're all hungover. Let's sing about it. I don't know how I feel about this episode. It's a little much for high school.

5. I feel so bad for Kurt. All the time. Not because he's gay but because unrequited love is such a bitch and I am all too familiar. And his party dancing was painful.

6. I don't think Mr. Shue should have given up drinking just because his high school kids are idiots. He is an adult and if he wants to drink, then he is allowed to do that. Drunk dialing is another story, but why did he have Sue's number in his phone in the first place. Why is she allowed to make announcements over the intercom? I appreciate the throw back to Grease, but it's all a little too much.

7. I think I have issues because I didn't drink in high school and was perfectly fine and don't think it should be portrayed as something as acceptable or normal for high school kids to do. I drink as a responsible adult and I think it's fine and don't think adults shouldn't drink just so they set a good example for students. Do as I say, not as I do. How's THAT for a double standard?

What time is it supposed to be? I didn't drink any coffee in high school either. I was obviously a total loser.

And now, drunk adults. I'm sure they are going to make this somehow seem like responsible adults should not drink, even they're legal and that is what they feel like doing.

Drunk grading papers, hahaha. I'm sure this is pretty true to life. And now drunk dialing. Never ever a good idea. Never ever EVER.

Ke$ha is awesome and Tik Tok is a great song and I don't care what anyone says.

Confused about how this is allowed to happen at ANY school assembly, much less an alcohol awareness assembly.

She's gonna vom. They are all gonna vom. That'll teach everyone!

How are they so uncool if everyone loves them and is cheering for them.

I have so much hate for Sue. YES, I know she's not real either but I might have to stop watching this show.

WHAT? He's going to stop drinking because a bunch of idiot high school kids threw up at an assembly? FUCKING LAME.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Do not kiss that boy.


Oh, well it turned out ok I guess.

Oooh, my god, this post sucks. I"m sorry, I'm just going to end it now.

Dream big people!

1 comment:

  1. i thought this episode was off, too. but i loved the headband song. songs about inanimate objects? - yes please.
