06 January 2011

A Recommendation

I just read "The Help," and it was one of the best books I have read in a long time. I have always been a huge fan of anything having to do with the 50s and 60s. Well, the idea of the era I guess, not really everything that was going on during that time (segregation, the housewife idea, etc, etc) but the history nerd in me loves the greatest generation. Can't explain it, but WWII has always been my favorite era of history.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Back to the book. It was fantastic. It made me both proud and appalled to be a Southerner and slightly embarrassed to be a white person. It really took me through a range of emotions, like good books are supposed to do.

I just saw a commercial for Police Women of Cincinnati, which I will most likely never ever watch, but it reminds me how far we've come since the days of the book and that is awesome.

I had other stuff to say as well, but now it's Wednesday and I am unbelievably grouchy for some reason. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I think a nap would solve most of my problems. Maybe some popcorn too. My brain has also shut down and I'm having problems making intelligent sentences.

Also, show yourself readers! I know people are reading this, the stats tell me. And from super random places too...Slovenia? Who out there is from Slovenia? Follow me! Or leave a comment. I want to know your thoughts. Unless they're mean. Then keep them to yourself, thank you.

Almost time to go home. I need to go to the gym, but holy crap, I hate walking there. Even when it's really nice outside, like today. WHAT is wrong with me??

Dream big people!

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